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Iranian Chill Thread

There are multiple Iranian drone sites. Israel was not trying to cripple Iranian drone capability in Syria that is very difficult.

Likely just trying to send a message or just mow the lawn. Who knows.
I'm not sure. We saw Shahed-129s in Syria for a while until Israel destroyed them now they appear to have left Syria entirely (if any survived). Presumably the number of Iranian drone bases in Syria is in single digits, so the major ones can all be neutralised. But others that just require a pick-up truck for launch and can be stored anywhere will indeed not be feasible to destroy entirely.
Thank you for the hit piece! You got all of that from a like? Just because I didn't agree with you that Iranian life is cheap. Caution is required with proven liars like you, your post is a cheap projection.

Says the subject who's dedicated a good amount of their contributions to whitewashing zionist disinformation outlets, speaking ill of Iranian war heroes and contradicting themselves in rather brazen ways, as documented above.

What's more, desperately attempting to sugarcoat their questionable narratives under the garb of feigned concern for "Iranian life". There's only so much sustained exposure to Janus-faced British discursive culture may explain.

Nah, it's obvious who the shady character in here is. Some of the respected long time users had a hunch before, seems their skepticism is being vindicated after all.
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Says the subject who's dedicated a good amount of their contributions to whitewashing zionist disinformation outlets, speaking ill of Iranian war heroes and contradicting themselves in rather brazen ways.

What's more, desperately attempting to sugarcoat their questionable narratives under the garb of feigned concern for "Iranian life".

Nah, it's obvious who's the shady character in here is.
Since you are apparently a paranoid schizophrenic clearly unfamiliar with social norms, allow me to clarify my stance to respond to your weird and pathetic hit piece. I will always support Iran in front of foreigners and in other threads when Iran is being attacked. But this is the Iran section and, unless attacked by outsiders, I will always keep it real and not believe everything the corrupt IRI officials tell us for idiots like you to propagate online.

I know you think anyone who doesn't think Khamenei is an enlightened genius with a special link to God himself is shady, but most people can see that your constant attempts to push a delusional and unwavering pro-IRI viewpoint is hilarious and everyone knows about your credibility.
There are multiple Iranian drone sites. Israel was not trying to cripple Iranian drone capability in Syria that is very difficult.

Likely just trying to send a message or just mow the lawn. Who knows.

Idk about "just sending a message". Israel has sent many of these messages (too many to count) but this most recent round was meant to draw blood and destroy infrastructure. My gut feeling is telling me that they want a stronger reaction from Iran in response to these attacks: attacks that can vary in intensity however IDF seeks fit, ultimately to iniatate a larger regional conflict. Possibly taking away the pressure at home with an existential conflict will help Netanyahu domestically but it might open up a can of worms not even him and the IDF can control what the outcome will be. --Clearly a shooting-war is just around the corner. It's the when, where and who will start it first, that's the million dollar question.

The ball has been in Iran's court for quite some time now regarding these strikes. IRGC has the capacity to increase the level of hurt against Israeli assets. Either they put up or shut up...:coffee:
Idk about "just sending a message". Israel has sent many of these messages (too many to count) but this most recent round was meant to draw blood and destroy infrastructure. My gut feeling is telling me that they want a stronger reaction from Iran in response to these attacks: attacks that can vary in intensity however IDF seeks fit, ultimately to iniatate a larger regional conflict. Possibly taking away the pressure at home with an existential conflict will help Netanyahu domestically but it might open up a can of worms not even him and the IDF can control what the outcome will be. --Clearly a shooting-war is just around the corner. It's the when, where and who will start it first, that's the million dollar question.

The ball has been in Iran's court for quite some time now regarding these strikes. IRGC has the capacity to increase the level of hurt against Israeli assets. Either they put up or shut up...:coffee:
Objectively speaking, the issue is that Israel (and the US) controls the escalation ladder; Iran does not have good options for responding in kind without triggering a full-blown war with Israel, which it does not want to do.
I'm not sure. We saw Shahed-129s in Syria for a while until Israel destroyed them now they appear to have left Syria entirely (if any survived). Presumably the number of Iranian drone bases in Syria is in single digits, so the major ones can all be neutralised. But others that just require a pick-up truck for launch and can be stored anywhere will indeed not be feasible to destroy entirely.

Iran has no plan to tackle IDF attacks against their forces in Syria in any meaningful way since it would require drastic decisions that I'm not sure they're ready/willing to take at the moment.

The kinetic strike capability to hit Israel back exists currently and can be implemented at a moments notice with extreme effect, but given that Israel has successfully radicalized Azerbaijan against Iran to North. Something that will take resources away from any would-be campaign against Israeli assets (if it were to escalate). Iran seems to be playing the long-game as it always has. Choosing to "respond" to Israeli killings with meager tanker explosions or border guard kills as starting a shooting war with Israel or respond in kind might expose Iran too much.

Objectively speaking, the issue is that Israel (and the US) controls the escalation ladder; Iran does not have good options for responding in kind without triggering a full-blown war with Israel, which it does not want to do.

Then Iranian assets will be destroyed and pushed out of Syria no matter what IRGC officials like to say on the matter. It's impossible to keep on replenishing assets like this ad nauseam...

I don't think the escalation ladder is that much in Israel and America's favor btw. The U.S. can't even win against the Russian Federation in Ukraine, a conflict that has drawn massive amounts of arms and treasure from America alone, as well as the rest of Europe. Starting a possibly short but intensive shooting-war with Israel in order to establish some deterrence might be in Iran's favor as, up until now. No such significant attack on IRGC's part has ever taken place.

Yes they have nukes, yes they have America but Iran has Gaza, Hezbollah, and the worlds largest missile/drone offensive strike force. It's a conflict they can win, they just might not be ready for it or want it bad enough. -- Clearly they're "okay" with tanking the hits and moving on with regional goals but that can only go so far.
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Iran has no plan to tackle IDF attacks against their forces in Syria in any meaningful way since it would require drastic decisions that I'm not sure they're ready/willing to take at the moment.

The kinetic strike capability to hit Israel back exists currently and can be implemented at a moments notice with extreme effect, but given that Israel has successfully radicalized Azerbaijan against Iran to North. Something that will take resources away from any would-be campaign against Israeli assets (if it were to escalate). Iran seems to be playing the long-game as it always has. Choosing to "respond" to Israeli killings with meager tanker explosions or border guard kills as starting a shooting war with Israel or respond in kind might expose Iran too much.
In other words, Iran cannot respond to Israeli attacks in kind without triggering a full-on war because it prefers to play the "long game". The question of whether any kind of Israeli escalation would interrupt this approach aside, I largely agree. My point is just that the ruling elite make themselves look stupid when they defy reality and claim that they do respond to these attacks, lies intended for domestic purposes to save face.
In other words, Iran cannot respond to Israeli attacks in kind without triggering a full-on war because it prefers to play the "long game". The question of whether any kind of Israeli escalation would interrupt this approach aside, I largely agree. My point is just that the ruling elite make themselves look stupid when they defy reality and claim that they do respond to these attacks, lied intended for domestic purposes to save face.

This has been my sentiment as well. Tone down the embarrassing rhetoric meant for domestic purposes because clearly those of us who see the forest for the trees can see Iran's glaring short-comings in their struggle against Zionist forces.

It is what it is... Until someone in Iran says "enough is enough": Men, equipment, face and much more will continue to degrade.
This has been my sentiment as well. Tone down the embarrassing rhetoric meant for domestic purposes because clearly those of us who see the forest for the trees can see Iran's glaring short-comings in their struggle against Zionist forces.

It is what it is... Until someone in Iran says "enough is enough": Men, equipment, face and much more will continue to degrade.
Agreed. That said, Iran *has* made certain strategic gains, notably in arming the resistance in south Lebanon, Gaza and (to a more limited extent) the West Bank.

It is not contradictory to also note Iran's obvious limitations.
Since you are apparently a paranoid schizophrenic clearly unfamiliar with social norms, allow me to clarify my stance to respond to your weird and pathetic hit piece. I will always support Iran in front of foreigners and in other threads when Iran is being attacked.

There's a thin line between this sort of take on social norms on the one hand, and duplicity on the other. It'd be deplorable to think that everything you countered resident zionists and other Iran-haters with, was thus mere formality rather than accurate reflection of convictions.

Your crusade against "corrupt IRI officials" is increasingly sounding like a copy-paste of discourse generated by foreign-backed oppositionists in exile, and wasn't initiated before weeks after your first post. Pessimists would tend to interpret this as an attempt to acquire credentials prior to embarking on the actual agenda.

But this is the Iran section and, unless attacked by outsiders, I will always keep it real and not believe everything the corrupt IRI officials tell us for idiots like you to propagate online.

You'll need to accept that not everyone will give precedence to fabrications propagated by Iran's enemies over declarations of credible Iranian analysts and war heroes.

I know you think anyone who doesn't think Khamenei is an enlightened genius with a special link to God himself is shady,

Considering your confidence in being able to read people's minds, perhaps you'd gain in rethinking your view from ground up.

but most people can see that your constant attempts to push a delusional and unwavering pro-IRI viewpoint is hilarious and everyone knows about your credibility.

Ad populum won't achieve to turn hogwash into balanced assessment.

And for the record, I had never addressed you in a disrespectful nor confrontational manner yet you suddenly chose to keep taking aim at my position including by tagging me and by directing ironic insinuations at my person.
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Only cowards kill civilians. How can followers of Imam Ali kill civilians and call themselves religious men of God? Hell awaits those that kill civilians wether they walk with the enemy or not.
Imam Ali killed many civilians, so....👀

Is this account real? They promise revenge. Again, I wish they would act first then talk, instead of talking and talking and doing nothing.

I am pretty sure they actually raised this red flag in Iran after Fakhrizadeh was killed, but they did nothing. Quite pathetic.

Theirs no official account.

If they did create an official account, firstly it may be suspended by Twitter anyways. If not, they should be doing it. In this day an age, you need a public relations account that can disseminate information quickly, and counter mis-information quickly. Like the ridiculous mis-information that spread after the quadcopters hit a building in Isfahan, somehow it was lead to believe attacks were all around Iran to the point where some Ukrainian official made a tweet about it (falsely)
هیچ وقت اساتید فکر کردید حمله زمینی اسراییل به جنوب سوریه و انضمام خاکشرو چطور جواب بدید؟
به جز جنگ فرسایشی و حمله به زیر ساخت

در جنوب غرب سوریه برتری آتش نداریم فعلا
وضعیت در دیرالزور خیلی بهتره
Forget it dude.

After 5 years, if you haven't adjusted to it, then you should. Don't hold your breath on anything. Without direct fire support from Iran itself, all expeditionary forces do NOT have the upperhand against Israel and USA when they can scramble all their aircraft in a clash.
So we replaced the Khar in Baku with another guy. Another khar?
Anyone know anything about the new ambassador? Mojtaba Demirchilou

Basically no information about him. What had he done in his time in Kazakhstan? Clearly the replacement of Mousavi (the bastard) indicates a problem with his "leadership", although I have no idea what this new man brings to the table.

The new ambassador to Armenia on the otherhand.....this is the type of man I want there.

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