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Iranian Chill Thread

Fun fact, if you are Iranian and you went to Israel, you are banned from entering Iran for life (it says this on my passport if I remember right).

What it says is the holder of this passport is not entitled to travel to Occupied Palestine.

Exceptions are sometimes made for Jewish Iranians visiting relatives. They're then given some special ad hoc travel document to use instead of their passport.

I have had to go through Ben Gurion airport be interrogated for 12 hours just to be allowed to visit my family.

They proceed in the same way with non-Jewish (and non-Bahai) people of Iranian descent going there on a foreign (e.g. western) passport for business or whatever.
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What it says is the holder of this passport is not entitled to travel to Occupied Palestine.

Exceptions are sometimes made for Jewish Iranians visiting relatives. They're then given some special ad hoc travel document to use instead of their passport.
Why do they need ad hoc travel docs? Israel doesn't stamp passports anyway.
Why do they need ad hoc travel docs? Israel doesn't stamp passports anyway.

Thought I remembered reading something along those lines, maybe it's not the case. Or maybe it's something to do with Iran keeping track of their trips. At any rate those are the only Iranian citizens who may informally be authorized to travel to Occupied Palestine on a special request.

Tehran Times
Ukraine first, Iranian diaspora second and Dutch people maybe the last !

well, it seems some of our guys are concerned about you guys in France , Germany and Netherlands :enjoy:

@Ich @Messerschmitt @tsunset
Apparently Zionists can post photos of their weapons and joke about using them to murder other forum users. This comes after this same user posted graphic photos which according to this forum's rules should lead to an automatic and permanent ban, yet the mods in question simply gave the user a warning.

I report and tag the mods but they do nothing. I repeat: what leverage does this user have on the moderation team here?

View attachment 922411
Who cares it’s Benny lmaooooo the guy is having a meltdown just like his country. Also anyone who posts stuff like this is definitely not military but some teenager.
Who cares it’s Benny lmaooooo the guy is having a meltdown just like his country. Also anyone who posts stuff like this is definitely not military but some teenager.
He's an autistic incel... not worth an utterance of our speech or effort spent writing his name. Plus he's banned in this forum, good riddance and good bye to him.
He's an autistic incel... not worth an utterance of our speech or effort spent writing his name. Plus he's banned in this forum, good riddance and good bye to him.
I put him on ignore I only view his comments in the past to mess with him and disprove his military and in general his knowledge about things to do with Israel/Palestine issues, I can say this with certainty he’s a child from a family with money, his knowledge of basic issues in his part of the territory is laughable, from economics to social issues. Someone who has been in the military and observed military weapons up close and with his supposed knowledge wouldn’t have found this site because he was looking up information about merkava tanks, why does a military man with so much knowledge on idf tactics and has so much experience in the military 12 years as he said who would be in contact with said tanks on a constant basis need to look up information, unless he’s a phony.
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TikTok banned on all mobile devices owned by Canadian government, effective Tuesday​

Published February 27, 2023
Updated March 3, 2023


This truly needs to be fixed. Areas where Iran interfaces with existential enemies by means of technologies, devices and instruments controlled by the latter, call for adequate regulation.

The practice of pricing commodities and services in US dollars must be done away with in the Iranian economy. Media represent another priority, be it the internet with its western-controlled, weaponized platforms or satellite broadcasters which have amply demonstrated that they won't shy away from instigating and openly calling for violence as well as terrorism in Iran, a violation of basic journalistic deontology (if foreign-language Iranian media embarked on a fraction of that, they'd be banned and effectively made inaccessible by western regimes in a matter of minutes).

Note that in both domains (as well as others not mentioned), in-house liberals i.e. reformist / moderate factions as well as their political-economical pressure groups have set out to sabotage about every encouraging initiative destined to alleviate these major threats to Iran's national security and sovereignty. It is necessary to clear this roadblock, an actual fifth column of the west.

Likewise, cultural work must be accomplished in order to eliminate the appeal of the west's technological gadgets and consumerist culture which tends to pervade Iranian society including the political class. As Imam Khomeini (rA.a.) rightly remarked, we managed to expel American imperialists physically from Iran, but we are still to cleanse our minds of their perpetual mischief.
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TikTok banned on all mobile devices owned by Canadian government, effective Tuesday​

Published February 27, 2023
Updated March 3, 2023


This truly needs to be fixed. Areas of activity in which Iran is interfacing with existential enemies by means of technologies, devices and instruments controlled by the latter, call for adequate regulation.

The practice of pricing commodities and services in US dollars must be done away with in the Iranian economy. Media represent another priority, be it the internet with its western-controlled, weaponized platforms or satellite broadcasters which have amply demonstrated that they won't shy away from instigating and openly calling for violence as well as terrorism in Iran, a violation of basic journalistic deontology (if foreign-language Iranian media embarked on a fraction of that, they'd be banned and effectively made inaccessible by western regimes in a matter of minutes).

Note that in both domains (as well as others not mentioned), in-house liberals i.e. reformist / moderate factions as well as their political-economical pressure groups have set out to sabotage about every encouraging initiative destined to alleviate these major threats to Iran's national security and sovereignty. It is necessary to clear this roadblock, an actual fifth column of the west.

Likewise, cultural work must be accomplished in order to eliminate the appeal of the west's technological gadgets and consumerist culture which tends to pervade Iranian society including the political class. As Imam Khomeini (rA.a.) rightly remarked, we managed to expel American imperialists physically from Iran, but we are still to cleanse the minds of our people of their perpetual mischief.
They destroy their rivals this way to keep their half dead empire alive...
The way Iranian allies leveled american bases in Syria for tens of times and their air defense system never worked

Probably A2AD (my guess)

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View attachment 922386

Tehran Times
Ukraine first, Iranian diaspora second and Dutch people maybe the last !

well, it seems some of our guys are concerned about you guys in France , Germany and Netherlands :enjoy:

@Ich @Messerschmitt @tsunset

Well, its standard political sickness in Germany. If ever something is in the media against Iran, there also be shown interviews with ex-shah-people or interviews with the kids (18-25) of iranian origin, what never were in Iran. But all this, include not respecting Irans souvereignity by telling Iran what to do, is all based on US orders to the german gov and media. You know, germany is still occupied.
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