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Iranian Chill Thread

Badkube with help of Zionists, Eran Dog an , and Wahhabis from North of Syria is heating up things:

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Translated and made Kheibar Shekan in French (for our French fellow or Algerians, Morocco, French speaking Africa)

Translated and edited Karrar in French
This is Phenomenal work !

For context, an MP (Fazil Mustafa) in Azerbaijan was shot outside his home and is in hospital (likely to survive). Media in the former Iranian province is claiming "Yesterday, Azerbaijan conducted an operation against Iranian spies" and that Mustafa is "known for his harsh anti-Iranian rhetoric" and that their MoFA will open their Embassy in Occupied Palestine. In sum, immediately attempting to blame Iran for this assassination attempt.
I can't say I don't enjoy alittle increased tension.
The 3 Stooges;

Does someone know the meanings of "Barandaz"? I've asked to an Iranian friend and he told me that a Barandaz is a move used in wrestling to score points, like a wrestling throw

I've seen a lot of people using the "barandaz" term to describe the opposition or the "traitors". Are there two meanings?

برانداز /bar[']andāz/barandaz​

معنی۱. = برانداختن​

Barandaz came from Barandakhtan




۱. برافکندن؛ از میان بردن؛ نابود کردن.
۲. رسم و عادت یا قانونی را از بین بردن.


bar[']andāxtan/barandakhtan means​

1. Destroy , throw (it would be close to uprooting in English )
2. To destroy custom or law

Does someone know the meanings of "Barandaz"? I've asked to an Iranian friend and he told me that a Barandaz is a move used in wrestling to score points, like a wrestling throw

I've seen a lot of people using the "barandaz" term to describe the opposition or the "traitors". Are there two meanings?
If you see a lot of these people it's because of immigration and
visa policy of your government
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Does someone know the meanings of "Barandaz"? I've asked to an Iranian friend and he told me that a Barandaz is a move used in wrestling to score points, like a wrestling throw

I've seen a lot of people using the "barandaz" term to describe the opposition or the "traitors". Are there two meanings?
The oppositions who try to "fall" a government are "barandaz"

barandazi: trying to fall/overthrow a system or government

برانداز /bar[']andāz/barandaz​

معنی۱. = برانداختن​

Barandaz came from Barandakhtan




۱. برافکندن؛ از میان بردن؛ نابود کردن.
۲. رسم و عادت یا قانونی را از بین بردن.


bar[']andāxtan/barandakhtan means​

1. Destroy , throw (it would be close to uprooting in English )
2. To destroy custom or law

If you see a lot of these people it's because of immigration and
visa policy of your government
Iranians are pretty rare there, stats says there are between 10000-20000, for a +65million people country, I've only met this guy, there are way more turks and arabs though
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