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Iranian Chill Thread

Looks like USAF pulled plug on one of their hypersonic air launched missiles. They are now focusing on their hypersonic cruise missile program.

One area of weakness is Iran lacking air breathing hypersonic engines for cruise missiles at this point in time. Ideally, if this Russian relationship develops further, I wonder if Russia would sell Kinzhal to Iran for the eventual SU-35’s. Valuable reverse engineering insight can be made from that CM.
Sounds like something our friend Benny would say.

User Beny is rehashing exactly what I debunked: namely, the bogus claim that zionist airstrikes have supposedly martyred "hundreds" of Iranian personnel in Syria. His standard reaction to each such attack has been, "more Iranians killed", "we kill you with impunity", bla bla bla. Well, I abundantly argued against this supposition didn't I?

Also user Beny appeared to gauge victory and defeat in terms of kill ratios, another contention I took issue with (if it was accurate, then the Soviet Union would've perished several times over against the Third Reich).

This said, if you're going to aim for zero casualties when going face to face with the biggest powers to be (well, for now they're still in that position although their time as global hegemons will be up in not too long and Iran contributed a lot to it), then you might want to revise expectations. Iran cannot afford zero casualties in this legitimate fight, it is what it is.

There's also the matter of social acceptance of wartime fatalities. It just happens to be lowest in the materialist western world. They might pretend it means life is more valued in their latitudes, by which they would only be fooling themselves in my view. When I contemplate post-modern western society, I see 'necrophilia' (in the sense of Erich Fromm) at every corner. To us life is not confined to the material level, it wasn't with Zoroastrianism and it is not with Islam.

Fact is that from a strictly dispassionate, calculating standpoint aversion to war casualties beyond a certain threshold tends to be a constraint on military planners. No commander should send soldiers to their deaths with glee nor display complete disregard for their safety. This said, did someone like shahid Soleimani not long for martyrdom? Who are we to stop greats like these in their quest?

Lloyd Austin (US defense minister) calls them "Shia-backed militias", cracks me up everytime, this is even a bit racist when you look at it, what the heck is a "shia backed militia", like others have Sunni and Christian backed militias? Jesus-backed militias?

Agreed, completely absurd and borderline racist choice of words. So is "Iranian militias" when talking about people of other nationalities, it's a way of saying "you're not Iraqi / Syrian / Lebanese / Yemeni / Afghan / Pakistani etc, you're Iranian ie traitor to your country".
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Looks like USAF pulled plug on one of their hypersonic air launched missiles. They are now focusing on their hypersonic cruise missile program.

One area of weakness is Iran lacking air breathing hypersonic engines for cruise missiles at this point in time. Ideally, if this Russian relationship develops further, I wonder if Russia would sell Kinzhal to Iran for the eventual SU-35’s. Valuable reverse engineering insight can be made from that CM.
Kinzhal is not a CM but an ALBM derived from Iskander. Iran could delevop a similar hypersonic ALBM based on Raad-500 with a range of ~1500 km for its Su-24/35s.
That Benny Kharashum 💩 is only "your" friend
Yeah I have to disagree on that as well he posted something how Benny had guns with a picture and was complaining how the mods weren’t doing their job, mod came in said done he’s banned l. I told @HGV why’s he putting so much in credence into a person whose obviously a teenager, either way point is he did get the scum bag banned.
This is not related to other arenas, these strikes have a clear purpose from the Israeli side and have been ongoing consistently for years.

Agreed, but that's mostly a function of the sheer number of strikes.

Not always, but mostly true.


Not agreed. By the way the Iranian government itself denied it was responsible for those pathetic rockets to the Golan Heights which did not damage anything and to which Israel responded with huge strikes in Syria (which Iran, of course, did not respond to). So there was no meaningful direct Iranian response.

In the 2015 attack the Zionists killed 6 Hezbollah fighters, including 2 commanders. Hezbollah responded by killing 2 random IDF soldiers on the border. OK, blood for blood, understandable. But that attack also killed an Iranian General. What was Iran's direct response? Nothing.

In November 2022 when the IRGC said its Colonel had been martyred by Israel in Syria, what was Iran's direct response? Nothing again.

We don't need to talk about the multiple assassinations of IRGC officials inside Iran and Fakhrizadeh and Iran not even daring to directly respond to those hugely significant and daring acts of aggression.

Which incident of murdering IRGC soldiers and colonels and generals inside and outside of Iran is low profile to you? Which one led to an appropriate retaliation of equal visibility and scale? None. Not even one.

Israeli government doesn't claim to kill Iranians in those attacks, only that it strikes Iranian targets and assets. By contrast, Iran officially promises revenge and does nothing, or invents phantom retaliations that nobody can know about or detect. Unfortunately for them, anyone can observe that these imaginary responses have no deterrent value so if they do exist (they do not) they may as well not exist. These are obvious and regrettable lies. Unfortunately you are dedicated to defending these lies with creative theories and wider narratives to obfuscate. The wider points of the narratives I often agree with, by the way, but lies are lies.

The reality is that Iran does not have the will or ability to retaliate to these acts of aggression and assassinations in a way that would establish deterrence and not lead to a hot war (something the ruling elite fears desperately, evidently). So instead they have to create propaganda for internal consumption about imaginary retaliations and take credit for a 86 year old former rocket engineer being killed in a fire during riots.

But when the US can assassinate Iran's most important general, the head of the Iraqi resistance forces, and several other IRGC generals, and the best Iran can do is give a few Americans a headache, while Hajizadeh claims Americans definitely died, but also we didn't want to kill any Americans because we want to kill McKenzie etc not random Americans (another incident where he lets himself down with stupid lies), then we obviously cannot expect a response to Israeli assassinations of IRGC generals in Syria/Iran. The only option Iran has is to escalate to using ballistic missiles but that would ignite a war, so nowadays Iran responds to Israeli acts of aggression by attacking a random Israeli billionaire's ships or using the resistance groups to attack US bases in Syria/Iraq.

But now we have a new example of Israel murdering an Iranian IRGC soldier in Syria, and Iran promising retaliation. Maybe you think Israel murdering Iranians is a low profile event, but I think most Iranians would disagree with you. Let's see if the elites can think of a way to establish deterrence or make good on their promise this time. 100th time lucky!
We've also lost several professors and scientist with the latest being Fakhrizadeh, among other sabotage attacks the inadvertently lead to the deaths of a few other employees of facilities. It's already common knowledge the responses have not be proportional which is why it continues to happen. Unsurprisingly.

Fire an BM at a Israeli LNG tanker. then we can show something useful.
If I was Israel, I wouldn’t mention any Iranians killed. That only provokes a response and doesn’t change the facts on the ground.
It appears that IR news agencies released the information about this individual. In my opinion, that means they are looking to retaliate in some form, otherwise they could have kept it hidden.
Fire an BM at an Israeli LNG tanker. then we can show something useful.

A drone swarm could do the same damage and allow plausible deniability.

In my opinion, that means they are looking to retaliate in some form, otherwise they could have kept it hidden.

so Some foot soldier or commercial seaman somewhere?

Supposedly the US base attack in Syria was in retaliation for the earlier Aleppo bombing by Israel. The issue is US and Israel retaliated for that and more.

So it’s not an escalation ladder Iran can win. Especially with Russia bogged down and China with zero risk appetite for conflict in Middle East let alone with US. Iranian economy still suffocating and domestic population still tense from riots.
so Some foot soldier or commercial seaman somewhere?

Supposedly the US base attack in Syria was in retaliation for the earlier Aleppo bombing by Israel. The issue is US and Israel retaliated for that and more.

So it’s not an escalation ladder Iran can win. Especially with Russia bogged down and China with zero risk appetite for conflict in Middle East let alone with US. Iranian economy still suffocating and domestic population still tense from riots.
Pretty much
Mullahs of Iran are back at it again trying to enforce the F*cking hejab rule..They are in a suicide mission to take themselves and the country to hell.:mad::mad:

If such stupid thing happens I be the first to go joint the ranks of traitors of shah supporters..8-)..I will even go visit Israel..lol:woot::woot::woot::woot:

you can have this:

But you should be allowed to have this one too:

I guess I choose the second one..lol:p:
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Pretty much

What's pretty much happening, is that power is pretty much shifting to the east and multipolarism is on the rise like never before.

Russia, China and Iran have very much stepped up their cooperation and taken strides in challenging NATO with determination and efficiency. China has very much departed from its highly reserved approach to regional politics by mediating between Iran and the Saudis, and is very much in the process denting of the hegemony of the US dollar as the global reserve currency, one of the pillars of American imperialism - with enthusiastic support from the global south.

Moreover the zio-American empire is pretty much as incapable and as desperate as before in its vain efforts to destroy Iran. Zionist and American plots, sabotage, strikes on Syria and other destabilization attempts pretty much fail as they always did at changing the strategic picture and undermining Islamic Iran's position. Economic issues notwithstanding, Iran is resisting oppression as brilliantly as usual, and paving the way for Russia and China to step up their counter-moves against the common adversary.

Stressful times for those who're having issues with these welcome developments.

'killing all of our best scientists and generals with impunity is all they can do' can this guy hear himself
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