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Iranian Chill Thread


I want to know what are they smoking

Most of these so called "anti war leftists" claim they are against wars and operations but when the time comes they say "oh this time is different than the last time and we are facing an actual human disaster"

The US army is mainly composed of studs, American studs that will probably not understand for who they are fighting for, neither for which cause and for which reasons, no morale, no determination, this is a classic thing for an attacking force, specially when the whole war is made for the personal interests of a bunch of billionaires in white collars installed comfortably in their palaces while the country is printing trillions of cash. And they still have that image of the invincible American army that never loses and could easily make airstrikes like in Syria and get away with it.

The US army is an army of American studs, studs smoking weed in their aircraft carrier room with their gaming PC playing Minecraft and NFL inside the AC and dating their colleague girls, 20-25 year old studs.

And they want to make people think that just doing airstrike will be okay and there would be 0 damage to US assets, at some point they would be forced to conscript even more studs, but i think any action against Iran will lead to the US nuclear blackmailing Iran, as they did with China in the Korean war since they got a threshold of tolerable casualties since the end of WW2.

And technology or whatever 6th or 100th gen fighter jets and helicopters won't remedy to this problem in a war

WOW!!!! 😆
Reading these tweets has me picturing the posters as angry hippies from an episode of south park.:omghaha:

💩"Oh no they`re executing protestors....!!"💩

Oh,do you mean these guys who were caught on video murdering someone?
Last time I looked,even in the west,murder wasnt considered to be a legitimate act of protest and those caught in the act of committing it certainly werent considered to be "protestors".

It reminds me of that pathetic old "iran executes gays" bullsh!t.
Iran doesn't have a $2 Trillion economy and USDIRR exchange rate is 41000, Right now this exchange rate represents the reality.
Now try to buy a rare commodity "dollar" with a low in demand Currancy "Rial" and you get this ridiculous 40000 exchange rate..
Iran doesn't have a $2 Trillion economy and USDIRR exchange rate is 41000, Right now this exchange rate represents the reality.
if you are legally import and export things the dollar for you is 28500-30000 .
that 41000 toman is not for that role
غمگینم، مثل اون سایبری جاکشی که از پایگاه مقداد داره وانمود میکنه یه خارجیه که خارج از ایران زندگی میکنه خخخخ ببین اینا چقدر ریدن که مردم اینا رو به چپشون هم نمی گیرن که مجبورن از تو غرب زندگی کردن و خارجی بودن مایه بزارن و بیان حرفاشون رو در پوشش غربی بودن بزنن:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
if you are legally import and export things the dollar for you is 28500-30000 .​
that 41000 toman is not for that role

حرف جالب معین الدین اگر ذهنیت تو دلارس محضه:

به نظر من که قاجار از پهلوی بهتر بود!
زمان قاجار با اینکه نفتی نداشتیم یک تومان ایران ۳ دلار بود! ولی پهلوی با اونهمه نفتی که فروخت یک دلار رو کرد ۱۰ تومن!!

قاجار تنها حکومتی بود که برای ۲۰۰ سال تقریبا قیمت دلار ثابت بود​
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غمگینم، مثل اون سایبری جاکشی که از پایگاه مقداد داره وانمود میکنه یه خارجیه که خارج از ایران زندگی میکنه خخخخ ببین اینا چقدر ریدن که مردم اینا رو به چپشون هم نمی گیرن که مجبورن از تو غرب زندگی کردن و خارجی بودن مایه بزارن و بیان حرفاشون رو در پوشش غربی بودن بزنن:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
خب حالا مشکل چیه ؟

این که یکی به این دفتر یا اون دسته وصله دلیل بر این نمی‌شه که از اعتقادات خودش چیزی نگه. مشکلات اصلی که حالا پیش اومده خیلیاش بر میگرد به شوخی گرفتن همون قانون اساسی مثل همون عدم شرکت کردن زمین دارن کلان تو انتخابات و یا عدم دخالت نظامیان تو دولت و ....

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دمای مشهد و تهران منفی ۱۸ و منفی ۵
پر برف

دمای اروپا مثبت ۵
بی برف

بنازم‌ زمستون رو​
Iran doesn't have a $2 Trillion economy and USDIRR exchange rate is 41000, Right now this exchange rate represents the reality.
I am in agreement with you that Iran economy is not $2 trillion dollars and it is not $230 billion either ...my point was that you can not evaluate Iranian economy (GDP) based on an exchange rate that a tourist pays in a street corner.. free market (street corner!) exchange rate of US dollar in Iran is completely detached from Iranian economy because Iranian trade transactions ($200 billion++) do not happen based on that rate..the closest rate is "Nima rate" and the current Iranian budget that was presented yesterday is based on 23000 ..

PS: our fellow PDF member @Cancerous Tumor few months ago did a very detailed (exchange free) calculation of GDP using Brazil economy for comparison..and he came up with a figure of around $ 1 trillion dollars .
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I am in agreement with you that Iran economy is not $2 trillion dollars and it is not $230 billion either ...my point was that you can not evaluate Iranian economy (GDP) based on an exchange rate that a tourist pays in a street corner.. free market (street corner!) exchange rate of US dollar in Iran is completely detached from Iranian economy because Iranian trade transactions ($200 billion++) do not happen based on that rate..the closest rate is "Nima rate" and the current Iranian budget that was presented yesterday is based on 23000 ..
The government is also agrees with you, they stated it few months ago that Iran's GDP for 2020-2021 was $ 1040 billions or $ 1.04 T.(after few years of silence)

Still they did not clarify it. are they talking about PPP or nominal ?
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حرف جالب معین الدین اگر ذهنیت تو دلارس محضه:

به نظر من که قاجار از پهلوی بهتر بود!
زمان قاجار با اینکه نفتی نداشتیم یک تومان ایران ۳ دلار بود! ولی پهلوی با اونهمه نفتی که فروخت یک دلار رو کرد ۱۰ تومن!!

قاجار تنها حکومتی بود که برای ۲۰۰ سال تقریبا قیمت دلار ثابت بود​
not exactly considering all the fact . at the Qajar time USA dollar were weaker than USA dollar of Pahlavi era
The government is also agrees with you, they stated it few months ago that Iran's GDP for 2020-2021 was $ 1040 billions or $ 1.04 T.(after few years of silence)

Still they did not clarify it. are they talking about PPP or nominal ?​

Most of the transact are done by the government and mostly Gov rate.

41000 is only for ordinary people who want to diversify their investment portfolio. Very small volume. Volume matters.
not exactly considering all the fact . at the Qajar time USA dollar were weaker than USA dollar of Pahlavi era​
حدود ۱۷۰ سال پیش، زمان محمد شاه قاجار یک تومان برابر با ۲ دلار و ۵۰ سنت بود. (سفرنامه جاستین پرکینز آمریکایی، چاپ ۱۸۴۳)

۱۲۲۷- محمدشاه قاجار: ۰/۳ توما

۱۲۸۵- مظفرالدین‌شاه: ۱تومان

۱۳۲۰- رضاشاه: ۱.۵ تومان

۱۳۵۷-محمدرضاشاه: ۷تومان

۱۳۶۸-میرحسین موسوی: ۱۲۰تومان

۱۳۷۶-هاشمی رفسنجانی: ۴۴۴تومان

۱۳۸۴- خاتمی: ۹۰۰تومان

۱۳۹۲- احمدی‌نژاد: ۳۲۶۰تومان

۱۴۰۰- روحانی: ۲۵۳۰۰تومان

۱۴۰۱-رئیسی: ۴۰۰۰۰تومان

آقا قاجارها طی ۲۰۰ سال تقریبا قیمت دلار رو ثابت نگه داشتن و چن سال برابر ارتش ابرقدرت دنیا مقاومت کردن
اگر چه زمین دادند

رضا شصت تیرچی سه روز هم نتونست مقاومت کنه و کل کشور رو داد رفت و طی ۲۰ سال دلار سه برابر شد و تازه نفت هم میفروخت
دشمنانش هم درگیر جنگ با بزرگترین ابرقدرت زمان آلمان بودند و مثل روسیه تزاری آزاد نبودند
باز سه روزه داد همه رو رفت

درود بر اعلی حضرت بابک پیتر قاجار شاهنشاه ایران​
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