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Iranian Chill Thread

1) During these riots, government forces have not been seen filming themselves while committing illegal violent acts and then publishing the footage online. Oppositionists on the other hand have done this countless times.
there are videos of oppositionist that people with police force clothes damage private property
2) Government forces do not usually resort to such foul language, oppositionists and rioters. In fact, the shameless use of (sexual) invective has been a hallmark an defining characteristic of this violent movement, whose participant proudly and openly resort to such language.
again there is a video of a special force police that an elderly woman about 60-70 tell him I'm like your mother and he answer you are not sox of my mother.
well for some people talking like that with elderlies is acceptable , how I raised that's very impolite and the definition of foul mouth .
about one week ago there was an unrest in Hasan-Abad square of Tehran . that was ended i came out of metro and saw that a shop owner was talking with officer and was asking why he attacked him while he was in his shop and not part of the unrest and let just say the police member was completely rude and impolite anon of the senior officer even tried to diffuse the situation there and at the end that argument resulted in another round of unrest that resulted in firing tear gases and and later I heard some bullet (well probably that was not live bullets ) but the point is its not like police always act politely . sure when they themselves film their behavior's they act normal , but when they don't do that they are somehow aggressive . in this case a simple apology could end it but the behavior of one person there resulted in all street get closed for several more hours and that area is te center to provide tools for all of Iran just think how much damage that evening shop being closed there made
Looks like Iranian soccer team not giving much effort.... seems something is wrong with their performance. Defense was almost standing still during some of the England goals.
@sha ah ...I think some of the video clips you put here are actually made in California or in Israel..I know you are patriotic Iranian but also be aware that a massive propaganda video/misinformation campaign is going on against Iran by the enemies ...enemy see this as last chance for regime change in Iran .No effort is spared ..YOU know all this I am sure.. re-broadcasting these videos in any media or social platform is simply assisting the enemy propaganda ..Yes there are many problems with mullah rule of Iran but, Iranians can solve the problems internally ..so please keep that in mind every time you upload a video in here .
The Syrian government did acquiesce to a UN supervised election. The opposition rejected it. So no, you're wrong here.
let be honest , they agree to that a little late in the war .
There's no morality police in Iran. Infringements to the dress code are dealt with by Law Enforcement.

Moreover, the counter-revolutionary lot brainwashed by decades of enemy propaganda won't be content with a liberalization of the dress code.

Also, many are supportive of the current dress code and most importantly, a government should not yield to mob violence as it would set a dangerous precedent.
the only thing گشت امنیت اجتماعی is doing harassing women for their hijab and arrest the girls and boys who are with each other. yes they also have other duties but Gods know when was the last time i saw them do those duties
So laws should stop being enforced on grounds that this or that HQ is packed with people? Also the density in that building was nothing out of the ordinary for a public administration in Iran. Go to any public office and see.
the duty of police is not what they did , their duty was to arrest them and hand them to judiciary system , but as the number are so high that judiciary system can't deal with them the police themselves come up with the idea to gather them there and tell them about the law . but as always we do something that we are not prepared for and will say the preparation will be made later and later we simply forget to do the preparation , here also they forget between those several hundred people they send there on daily bases there may be some people with medical condition and not being ready for that possibility resulted in what you see right now .
You're repeating a piece of disinformation, why? Once again, the poverty rate in Iran stands at around 18%. Majority of Iranians aren't poor. Please refrain from rehashing inaccurate data
well the data is different here there is data from social security research center that the percentage of people who live under total poverty line is 25% and certainly the number who live under poverty line is a little more

Looks like Iranian soccer team not giving much effort.... seems something is wrong with their performance. Defense was almost standing still during some of the England goals.
they have no right to win , when they sacked the coach that took them to world cup and gave the post to a guy who previously two time failed to get satisfactory result in the world cup then its divine punishment for them
there are videos of oppositionist that people with police force clothes damage private property

The clip under discussion was filmed and uploaded by a person involved in the assault, or by a person supportive of the perpetrators, because he is insulting the victim and filming rather than aiding the latter. Hence police are likely not the culprits, rioters are.

again there is a video of a special force police that an elderly woman about 60-70 tell him I'm like your mother and he answer you are not sox of my mother.
well for some people talking like that with elderlies is acceptable , how I raised that's very impolite and the definition of foul mouth .
about one week ago there was an unrest in Hasan-Abad square of Tehran . that was ended i came out of metro and saw that a shop owner was talking with officer and was asking why he attacked him while he was in his shop and not part of the unrest and let just say the police member was completely rude and impolite anon of the senior officer even tried to diffuse the situation there and at the end that argument resulted in another round of unrest that resulted in firing tear gases and and later I heard some bullet (well probably that was not live bullets ) but the point is its not like police always act politely . sure when they themselves film their behavior's they act normal , but when they don't do that they are somehow aggressive . in this case a simple apology could end it but the behavior of one person there resulted in all street get closed for several more hours and that area is te center to provide tools for all of Iran just think how much damage that evening shop being closed there made

Regardless, levels of verbal abuse amongst rioters and anti-IR protesters have been incomparably higher. It's been an absolute hallmark of these riots and something that has been noticed by numerous analysts. Extreme foul language is used = chances are greater that the individual resorting to such is on the side of the rioters.
The clip under discussion was filmed and uploaded by a person involved in the assault, or by a person supportive of the perpetrators, because he is insulting the victim and filming rather than aiding the latter. Hence police are likely not the culprits, rioters are.
the ones I mention was not cell phone but banks and shops security cameras
also we have the experience of the election in 88 that they even filtered this sentence "چه کسانی این شیشه ها را شکستند"
let be honest , they agree to that a little late in the war .

It doesn't matter. There've been numerous cases of lasting mass protests throughout history, not all were accompanied by terrorist attacks on security forces from the very unset, unlike Syria, and not all led to a full fledged conflict, unlike Syria. The shape taken by events there is squarely due to the hostile, deliberately destabilizing meddling of NATO, the zionist regime and their PGCC clients. No ifs and buts.

the only thing گشت امنیت اجتماعی is doing

There's no separate morality police, as stated by the law enforcement official who spoke on the first free televised debate following Amini's demise.

harassing women for their hijab and arrest the girls and boys who are with each other. yes they also have other duties but Gods know when was the last time i saw them do those duties

Applying the law is not "harassing".

the duty of police is not what they did , their duty was to arrest them and hand them to judiciary system , but as the number are so high that judiciary system can't deal with them the police themselves come up with the idea to gather them there and tell them about the law .

Yes, so they are doing their duty. It's a practical arrangement agreed upon by different institutions and law enforcement personnel are instructed accordingly. So they've been doing their duty indeed.

but as always we do something that we are not prepared for and will say the preparation will be made later and later we simply forget to do the preparation , here also they forget between those several hundred people they send there on daily bases there may be some people with medical condition and not being ready for that possibility resulted in what you see right now .

No governmental agency's perfect. Neither in Iran nor elsewhere. And the solution to such issues does not reside in violent riots, nor in "I"SIS terrorist attacks, nor in chants of "Qasemlou, Qasemlou", nor in murdering 50+ securty personnel.

well the data is different here there is data from social security research center that the percentage of people who live under total poverty line is 25% and certainly the number who live under poverty line is a little more



the ones I mention was not cell phone but banks and shops security cameras
also we have the experience of the election in 88 that they even filtered this sentence "چه کسانی این شیشه ها را شکستند"

The clip under discussion was filmed and uploaded by a person involved in the assault, or by a person supportive of the perpetrators, because he is insulting the victim and filming rather than aiding the latter. Hence police unlikely to be responsible for that man's injury or death, rioters are. If it were the work of the police, they would not film the victim while insulting him and then post the clip online. It's a no-brainer, really.
There's no separate morality police, as stated by the law enforcement official who spoke on the first free televised debate following Amini's demise.

Yes, so they are doing their duty. It's a practical arrangement agreed upon by different institutions and law enforcement personnel are instructed accordingly. So they've been doing their duty indeed.
there was no agreement on that they did it by themselves


if you read my Iranian source , you had seen that in just one year it become twice so both your source from 2018 and my claims are true, mine just a little newer
The clip under discussion was filmed and uploaded by a person involved in the assault, or by a person supportive of the perpetrators, because he is insulting the victim and filming rather than aiding the latter. Hence police unlikely to be responsible for that man's injury or death, rioters are. If it were the work of the police, they would not film the victim while insulting him and then post the clip online. It's a no-brainer, really.
the one i talk about is about destroying some bikes in a parking by people wearing police equipment . guess we are talking about different videos
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Burning of Iran's national flag in Kermanshah province, gleefully relayed by the favorite broadcaster of oppositionists, the Saudi-linked "Iran International":



These are the anti-IR crowd's "heroes": Iran-haters, separatists, criminal rioters, terrorists.
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Article is several years old, and speaks of a project, not a concrete realization.

I cited a law enforcement official joined by phone and speaking less than three months ago on the live debate featuring professor Kushki and Karbaschi.

there was no agreement on that they did it by themselves

The Judiciary did not object. So there's tacit agreement.

if you read my Iranian source ,

I stopped at "Etemad Online" and "Shargh Daily". There are usually conflicting official statistics in Iran, and these liberal outlets are guaranteed to pick whatever will make Iran look worse. And doubling of poverty in a single year is not the most common of developments.

the one i talk about is about destroying some bikes in a parking by people wearing police equipment . guess we are talking about different videos

Yes, I was referring to the clip where a seriously wounded or dead man is lying on the ground, and being insulted by the cameraman (which was the first in the post you quoted).
What is happening in Iran is exactly what is happening in Iraq

But the good news

Their truth will come out and society will bury them for decades

It is true that it is painful and with some losses

But tell you from experience

The profits will be great

The community will be aware and understand the plots

Those who claim to love Iran, its interest and progress will be rejected

In Iraq we needed Couble Years

I hope that it will be quick in Iran and that they learn from what happened in Iraq and how the enemy exploits people's emotions against their interests and for destructive political ends.
Should I send you the messages of top medical telegram channels threatening you doctors if you go to work they will publish your names online and defame you.

Last warning to doctors who still go to work especially laser clinic. We will defame you everywhere

I can copy it here if you deny it.

Please share the link.

We need to document the mischief of these saboteurs.
you are wrong on thew quality of water .
I love being wrong about something and I hope I learn a thing or two from being wrong but still here i am in doubt.
One :
احمد مشیری مدیر دفتر نظارت بر بهداشت آب و فاضلاب تهران در گفتگو با الف گفت: آب سطحی ای که از رودخانه ها برای تامین آب تهران بزرگ تهیه می شود دارای کیفیت بسیار بالایی است و جز بهترین آبهای شرب دنیاست و حتی از 60 الی 70 درصد آبهای بسته بندی هم کیفیت بهتری دارد.

I have read similar phrases in last decade .
Second :

In Iran , usually perfect lands suitable for farming are around north line and west line.and water sources are there too.

Water will reach pullotion sources(factories, big cities and .... ) after farming phase.
the money paid for substance not the value of the substance

all aside the bottled water is expensive not the water or orange

Price of Drinking water in Tehran 2500 Toman / 1000 liter that people pay 700 toman
now its drinking water which is sterilized and filtered that is a very expensive operation the price for agriculture water is different

if the well is legal is 30 Toman for 1000litre if the well illegal then 300 Toman if their product is norm of the area , if its not norm of the area then 600 T / 1000 Liter
Common man !
bottle + 300 cc water = 20,000 - 40,000 rials is okay

A medium orange weighing 131 grams (g). (7.6 oranges per kg, 120,000 rials for 1 kg of oranges or 16,000 rials per orange )

Oranges, 86% water < google

Nutrition in Oranges​

One medium-sized orange has:

  • 60 calories
  • No fat or sodium
  • 3 grams of fiber
  • 12 grams of sugar
  • 1 gram of protein
  • 14 micrograms of vitamin A
  • 70 milligrams of vitamin C
  • 6% of your daily recommended amount of calcium
  • 237 milligrams of potassium
  • 15.4 grams of carbohydrates
bottle of water seems like a scam.
then go and do your calculation according to real price of the water not the price of bottled water. that was a little dishonest
or fruits seems like highly under value product.
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