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Iranian Chill Thread

Iranians are a security-centric people who in a volatile region understand that their government must be strong in order for them to prosper. Add to that, as you say, centuries of western wrongdoing against Iran and you have a regime that has gained legitimacy by confronting the very same powers that still have their imperialistic mindset.

But the value of confronting immoral countries like Israel and the US diminishes if our people don't prosper and their overall well-being is neglected and undermined by an arrogant regime that tramples on their human rights.

Why are we fighting if not for the fortune and happiness of our people?
Indeed. One should not take our support for the regime's stance against the West as unconditional support.
There are very upsetting videos of a 10 year old girl injured in a Kurdish city today. If true, I do not see why we should treat the incident any differently than Israeli brutality against Palestinians, particularly when it concerns our own people.

It reminds you of the Battle of Siffin where Amr ibn Al-As ordered Syrians to raise copies of the Quran on their lances.
I personally will not overlook our internal problems anymore if I see that the regime is against unity of Iranians.

بارزانی با خانواده ژینا تماس گرفته

به این حرامزاده بی‌همه چیز بی‌غیرت شپش مسعود بارزانی بگویید وقتی که تروریست‌های داعشی داشتند زنان و دختران کرد در سنجار را به کنیزی می‌بردند و با آن‌ها حرمسرا تشکیل می‌دادند تو کدام گوری بودی؟ وقتی آقایان در وزارت خارجه با هم گرفتار دعوا هستند و کشمکش قدرت و جایگاه دارند امثال این شپشوی بوگندو دم در می‌آورند و اینگونه غلط اضافه می‌کنند.

وقتی پدرش آواره کوه‌ها و بیابان‌ها شد و درس نگرفت، وقتی هم خودش هزاران هزار نفر از مردم سنجار و مناطق اطراف آن را دو دستی تقدیم تروریست‌های داعشی چند ملیتی کرد، تنها داداش بلند شد روسری زن و دخترش را به تهران فرستاد شاید کمکش کنند... اگر در جمهوری اسلامی یک جو غیرت و شرف مانده است درسی به این حرامزاده صهیونیست بی‌پدر می‌دهند که تا عمر دارد از این غلط‌های اضافه و شکرخوری‌هایی که هیچ‌ ارتباطی به او ندارد نکند و حد و مرز خودش را بداند و برود دنبال زنان و دخترانی که همچنان در مناطق تحت اشغال او و شبه‌نظامیانش مفقود هستند، بگردد.


گذر پان کورد ها هم به نیزارهای ماهشهر می‌رسد
قاتلان فخری زاده بالاخص پان کرد های بانه​
تقصیر از کسانی هست که این بهانه رو دست مسعود بارزانی دادن
این گروهک‌های دو قرونی رو خود ما گنده کردیم. کل خانواده بارزانی تو ایران بودن و بزرگ شدن بعد برای ما شاخ شدن
در مورد برخورد هم که دل خوشی داری، این همه سال تا حالا کی دیدی جمهوری اسلامی واکنش مناسبی نشون بده؟
مگه جمهوری اسلامی برای اون ۲ بچه خردسالی که تو فرودگاه عربستان بهشون تجاوز شد کاری کرد؟
مگه جمهوری اسلامی برای اون همه حاجی که عربستان دهه ۸۰ میلادی کشت و بعد هم دوباره تو ماجرای جرثقیل کشت کاری کرد؟
مگه جمهوری اسلامی برای ترور شهید سلیمانی یا فخری زاده کاری کرد؟
مگه جمهوری اسلامی برای گوه خوری‌های باکو یا طالبان کاری کرده؟
مگه جمهوری اسلامی برای گوه خوری‌های اضافی امارات راجع به جزایر ما کاری کرده؟
مگه جمهوری اسلامی برای حملات پشت سر هم اسرائیل به درون خاک ایران و نقاط حساس و استراتژیک ما کاری کرده؟
حالا تا فردا صبح بیایم بگیم عین الاسد رو با موشک زدیم یا اربیل رو با موشک زدیم. واقعیت رو که خودمون می‌دونیم که تلفات ما خیلی نامتقارن و علیه ما بوده تا الان

فقط زورشون به زن‌ها می‌رسه. زن می‌بینند مثل گاوی که پارچه قرمز جلو چشمش تکون دادی رم می‌کنند وحشی می‌شن
اون دختر بدبختی که کنار خیابون تو پارک نشسته بود مگه چی کار کرده بود که پلیس بی‌شعور اون طوری هلش داد؟ اگه سرش می‌خورد به جایی ضربه مغزی می‌شد باز می‌خواستن بگن این از بچگی مشکل داشته قسمت این بوده الان بمیره​
در بر
Indeed. One should not take our support for the regime's stance against the West as unconditional support.
There are very upsetting videos of a 10 year old girl injured in a Kurdish city today. If true, I do not see why we should treat the incident any differently than Israeli brutality against Palestinians, particularly when it concerns our own people.

It reminds you of the Battle of Siffin where Amr ibn Al-As ordered Syrians to raise copies of the Quran on their lances.
I personally will not overlook our internal problems anymore if I see that the regime is against unity of Iranians.

تقصیر از کسانی هست که این بهانه رو دست مسعود بارزانی دادن
این گروهک‌های دو قرونی رو خود ما گنده کردیم. کل خانواده بارزانی تو ایران بودن و بزرگ شدن بعد برای ما شاخ شدن
در مورد برخورد هم که دل خوشی داری، این همه سال تا حالا کی دیدی جمهوری اسلامی واکنش مناسبی نشون بده؟
مگه جمهوری اسلامی برای اون ۲ بچه خردسالی که تو فرودگاه عربستان بهشون تجاوز شد کاری کرد؟
مگه جمهوری اسلامی برای اون همه حاجی که عربستان دهه ۸۰ میلادی کشت و بعد هم دوباره تو ماجرای جرثقیل کشت کاری کرد؟
مگه جمهوری اسلامی برای ترور شهید سلیمانی یا فخری زاده کاری کرد؟
مگه جمهوری اسلامی برای گوه خوری‌های باکو یا طالبان کاری کرده؟
مگه جمهوری اسلامی برای گوه خوری‌های اضافی امارات راجع به جزایر ما کاری کرده؟
مگه جمهوری اسلامی برای حملات پشت سر هم اسرائیل به درون خاک ایران و نقاط حساس و استراتژیک ما کاری کرده؟
حالا تا فردا صبح بیایم بگیم عین الاسد رو با موشک زدیم یا اربیل رو با موشک زدیم. واقعیت رو که خودمون می‌دونیم که تلفات ما خیلی نامتقارن و علیه ما بوده تا الان

فقط زورشون به زن‌ها می‌رسه. زن می‌بینند مثل گاوی که پارچه قرمز جلو چشمش تکون دادی رم می‌کنند وحشی می‌شن
اون دختر بدبختی که کنار خیابون تو پارک نشسته بود مگه چی کار کرده بود که پلیس بی‌شعور اون طوری هلش داد؟ اگه سرش می‌خورد به جایی ضربه مغزی می‌شد باز می‌خواستن بگن این از بچگی مشکل داشته قسمت این بوده الان بمیره​

مغز پوک امثال علم الهدی رو باید موقتی تحمل کرد و بعد چاره کرد

عقلاشون دارن تذکر میدن

اما همین گروهک زپرتی دو بار به اصفهان حمله کرده همین امروز هم
فخری زاده رو تعقیب کرده
و غیره

پان تورک و پان کورد باید قلع و قمع بشه
Well, counter-revolutionaries assumed the same during the so-called "Green Movement" fitna of 2009... until the epic popular rally of Dey 9 did away with their hopes. The masses showed that they will stand with the Islamic Republic.


In case oppositionists try something funnier, by that I mean to topple Iran's legitimate political order through violence and terrorism, all I will say is: Syria times one thousand, this is the extent to which Iranian security forces will be willing to sacrifice in order to safeguard the Islamic Revolution.

Should the Islamic Republic fall (which it won't), there will be no more Iran.
It seems you don't even accept government polls about forced hijab. You want civil unrest, riots, deaths, damage to economy (slowing down internet), propaganda against Iran by enemy, encouragement of separatism, people going to georgia, armenia, istanbul, dubai.. spending money there to walk without cloth on their head, cost of gashte ershad and police forces to control people and stop riots... all of these for a piece of veil/cloth on hair? are you ok?
در بر

مغز پوک امثال علم الهدی رو باید موقتی تحمل کرد و بعد چاره کرد

عقلاشون دارن تذکر میدن

اما همین گروهک زپرتی دو بار به اصفهان حمله کرده همین امروز هم
فخری زاده رو تعقیب کرده
و غیره

پان تورک و پان کورد باید قلع و قمع بشه
چطوری پان ترک قلع و قمع بشه وقتی تا بالاترین رده‌های نظام نفوذ کردند؟

پان کرد دیگه آن چنان خطری نیست برای کشور. نیروهای سپاه تجربه بسیار خوبی تو جنگ شهری و چریکی دارند
از اون ور هم کردستان عراق توانایی اینکه کردهای ایران رو مسلح کنه نداره. ترکیه خطر بسیار بزرگتری هست

در مورد آشغال‌هایی مثل احمد خاتمی و علم الهدی هم دیگه نمی‌دونم چند سال باید صبر کنیم تا اینها بمیرن
صبر مردم هم حدی داره به خدا. مگه یه انسان چند بار زندگی می‌کنه؟​
Well, counter-revolutionaries assumed the same during the so-called "Green Movement" fitna of 2009... until the epic popular rally of Dey 9 did away with their hopes. The masses showed that they will stand with the Islamic Republic.


In case oppositionists try something funnier, by that I mean to topple Iran's legitimate political order through violence and terrorism, all I will say is: Syria times one thousand, this is the extent to which Iranian security forces will be willing to sacrifice in order to safeguard the Islamic Revolution.

Should the Islamic Republic fall (which it won't), there will be no more Iran.

You should see the writing on the wall. The regime is highly unpopular, has proven to be unable to change its ideological outlook in line with the changing perceptions of the Iranian people and is creating a perfect storm by antagonizing world powers and its own people at the same time.

History is full with tone-deaf regimes that in all their arrogance and foolishness thought that they would rule indefinitely through the batons of their goons, to eventually wake up and see a disgruntled and fearless people at the gates of their palaces.
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It seems you don't even accept government polls about forced hijab. You want civil unrest, riots, deaths, damage to economy (slowing down internet), propaganda against Iran by enemy, encouragement of separatism, people going to georgia, armenia, istanbul, dubai.. spending money there to walk without cloth on their head, cost of gashte ershad and police forces to control people and stop riots... all of these for a piece of veil/cloth on hair? are you ok?
Dude, the guy is not Iranian per his own words. Why should he care as long as he's on the regime's payroll? He will fight Israel to the last Iranian while he will escape Iran as soon as civil unrest starts.

He has recently decided to pretend that he's Iranian, but I remember it very vividly that previously he claimed he was not Iranian and people tried not to shove it in his face. @aryobarzan and @Dariush the Great remember it too. I'm sure it's not only me that remembers this. This is an issue that concerns Iranians, not the regime's non-Iranian agents.
You should see the writing on the wall. The regime is highly unpopular, has proven to be unable to change its ideological outlook in line with the changing perceptions of the Iranian people and is creating a perfect storm by antagonizing world powers and its own people at the same time.

History is full with tone-deaf regimes that in all their arrogance and foolishness thought that they would rule indefinitely through the batons of their goons, to eventually wake up and see a disgruntled and fearless people at the gates of their palaces.

I would disagree with “highly unpopular”.

Simple example is the most popular figure of Iran in 100 years is Soleimani one of them not Shah, not Mosadegh, not Amir Kabir

The same girl with no head cover worships Soleimani
. .
Dude, the guy is not Iranian per his own words. Why should he care as long as he's on the regime's payroll? He will fight Israel to the last Iranian while he will escape Iran as soon as civil unrest starts.

He has recently decided to pretend that he's Iranian, but I remember it very vividly that previously he claimed he was not Iranian and people tried not to shove it in his face. @aryobarzan and @Dariush the Great remember it too. I'm sure it's not only me that remembers this. This is an issue that concerns Iranians, not the regime's non-Iranian agents.
The problem is we agree maybe on many things, maybe even for 95% with these kharmazhabi people, but they're ready to destroy everything for the 5% disagreement. It means: ina mantegh aslan halishoon nist.
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I would disagree with “highly unpopular”.

Simple example is the most popular figure of Iran in 100 years is Soleimani one of them not Shah, not Mosadegh, not Amir Kabir
Soleimani was respected for his stance against the US and his involvement in defeating the ISIS.
One should not assume that he is the most popular figure in Iran's history though. That's not based on any factual polls.
I would disagree with “highly unpopular”.

Simple example is the most popular figure of Iran in 100 years is Soleimani one of them not Shah, not Mosadegh, not Amir Kabir

The same girl with no head cover worships Soleimani

Soleimani transcended the Islamic Republic.
The problem is we agree maybe on many things, maybe even for 95% with these mazhabi people, but they're ready to destroy everything for the 5% disagreement. It means: ina mantegh aslan halishoon nist.
پس فکر کردی چرا بهشون می‌گن خرمذهبی؟

البته نباید با همه مذهبی‌ها جمع بست
من همکار دارم چادری مسلمون واقعی و نماز خون که صد برابر از بی‌حجاب‌ها بیشتر علیه حجاب اجباری هست
خود چادری‌ها هم خیلی تحت فشار هستند. جامعه باهاشون اصلاً خوب برخورد نمی‌کنه. به خصوص تو شهری مثل تهران
اتفاقاً چادری‌ها هم خیلی به خاطر حجاب اجباری تحت فشار هستند چون مردم فکر می‌کنند عامل رژیم هستند و علیهشون گارد می‌گیرن
جامعه کاملاً دو قطبی و پولاریزه شده. به خصوص تو شهرهای بزرگ مثل تهران

اگه یک رای گیری جمعی از ایرانی‌ها بشه حتی میون قشر مذهبی‌ هم حجاب اجباری رای نمیاره​
Soleimani was respected for his stance against the US and his involvement in defeating the ISIS.
One should not assume that he is the most popular figure in Iran's history though. That's not based on any factual polls.

That is perception of many. I see no current competitor
I would disagree with “highly unpopular”.

Simple example is the most popular figure of Iran in 100 years is Soleimani one of them not Shah, not Mosadegh, not Amir Kabir

The same girl with no head cover worships Soleimani

They are also ripping his posters because the government used his martyrdom to rally support for popularity. Well that has now faded sadly. Some see him as the external arm of the Republic fighting wars abroad while people at home starved. It’s incorrect analysis, but your average citizen isn’t that bright. He doesn’t understand a country needs to do these things to keeps its independence.

Only when his entire country lies in ruins (Syria, Libya) does he realize the error in his ways. But by then he has sought asylum in [insert western country] while his fellow countrymen suffer in a failed nation state.

Iranian government is not popular. If you held a referendum today to pass voluntary hijab it would pass overwhelming.

In times of economic pain, you need to relax the leash on the people not increase it. This only further causes resentment. People are already choking under the severe inflation and poverty and now you say having a dog is forbidden. Your scarf slipping a little requires being thrown into a van, your Trench coat being too tight means fines.

I mean it’s terrible way to govern. People accepted it when life was good and $1 = 1000 toman. Not when $1 = 35000 toman.

All this does is invite Iran’s enemies to try to implement color revolutions. This is how they got Syria. Started out as ordinary protests then intelligence agencies paid Sunni miltants to start an armed revolt in predominately Sunni territories.
That is perception of many. I see no current competitor
The reason for Soleimani's massive mourning was that he was assassinated by the US.
Iranians took it as a great offense to our nation. I knew people who opposed the regime but yet they posted photos of Soleimani on social networks.
It was a moment that unified Iranians because people were concerned about the security of Iran.

But now a few years after that, I don't think the sentiment is that high anymore. Particularly because the regime failed to revenge his assassination.

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