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Iranian Chill Thread

These below are true hits, footage from "democratic" USA:


Everyone can compare.
Yes American security forces consist mostly of sociopaths with low levels of education, what a standard to hold Iranian police to.

This type of repression benefits no one and actively harms the nation by causing brain drain and breeding internal dissidents foreign intelligence can then exploit. Even looking at the issue purely from a sense of state self-preservation it's stupid. Regardless there is no world where such a thing as morality police need to exist.
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وقتی تربیت مدرسی که یکی از دانشگاه‌های حکومتی هست و خیلی از افراد تو وزارتخونه‌ها و بدنه حاکمیت تو تربیت مدرس استاد هستند یا از اونجا فارغ التحصیل شدند و معمولاً همیشه دانشگاه ساکتی هست که هیچ وقت تو جریان‌های سیاسی وارد نمی‌شن اینطوری صداش در بیاد یعنی اکثریت مردم حرفشون رو به رژیم زدند. دیگه توپ تو زمین رژیم هست که انتخاب کنه. یا صدای مردم رو بشنوه یا به سرنوشت رژیم شاه دچار بشه که آخر سرش با اون بیانیه من صدای انقلاب شما رو شنیدم به گوه خوردن افتاد اما دیر شده بود​
Yes American security forces consist mostly of sociopaths with low levels of education, what a standard to hold Iranian police to.

This type of repression benefits no one and actively harms the nation by causing brain drain and breeding internal dissidents foreign intelligence can then exploit. Even looking at the issue purely from a sense of state self-preservation it's stupid. Regardless there is no world where such a thing as morality police need to exist.
The deflection serves zero purpose and frankly no one cares what US police do. They care what our police do.
Why are people inferring that this girl was beaten to death? Didn't she collapse on camera?

Heart condition or aneurysm, If this happened in McDonalds would people causally infer it was Ronald McDonald?

Reminds me of George Floyd, junkie criminal detained by police and dies of probable overdose combined with stress, leading to nationwide riots.
. .
Why are people inferring that this girl was beaten to death? Didn't she collapse on camera?

Heart condition or aneurysm, If this happened in McDonalds would people causally infer it was Ronald McDonald?

Reminds me of George Floyd, junkie criminal detained by police and dies of probable overdose combined with stress, leading to nationwide riots.
First of all, George Floyd did not die because he was a "junkie criminal". He died of asphyxia. That's why the racist officer who killed him was charged with 3rd degree murder.
Secondly, at this point, the issue is not just the death of Mahsa Amini anymore. It's more than just one person now, but even the death of Mahsa Amini has so many unclear and unexplained points that has left the majority of Iranians unconvinced and angered.

1. She was arrested when she was visiting Tehran with his brother from a small Kurdish city. They put her in the van using force even though her brother protested and her hijab wasn't really that bad. Then they took her to the police station and said that she'd be out after a 1-hour class. When her brother returned, nobody told him what had happened to his sister. He had to find out about it from the arrested people there and even then he had to find his sister in the hospital on his own by asking ordinary people. None of the police informed him of what had happened to his sister.
2. The regime claims that she had a chronic health condition and she had undergone brain surgery for that in her childhood. Her father denies this and claims that she was completely healthy.
3. The video that the regime showed is too short to prove anything. A 2 minute video does not prove anything about what had happened to her previously and how long it took for the ambulance to get there after she passed out. The police in Iran have body cameras. None of the officers that arrested her had body cameras apparently. So, we are completely clueless if she had been hit in the head when she was in the van.
4. An overwhelming majority of young Iranians do not agree with compulsory hijab. The regime knows this and continues to go against the demand of young Iranians, leading to more public dissatisfaction that has resulted in these protests.

Just a question for the Iranians here; do you support the current Iranian government?
That's a broad question. I support the regime's international stance against the Western imperialism that has targeted Iran for centuries. Other than that, I strongly oppose the internal policies of the regime.
Thing is, these are such easily solvable social issues. You can tell the opinion of people based on the nature of their clothing and hijab, and some are going to come on here and say that their voices are amplified and it's not the majority. All you have to do is go to Iran, and you will see the vast majority of women do not even wear their hijab properly. That's all the evidence you need to know their stance, in some places in Northern Tehran they don't even wear it, and leave it on their shoulders. Almost every majoirty muslim country does not have mandatory hijab.

As for the girl, in considering what happened, the government should be financially liable to the family of the girl for her death was in their custody. It couldn't get simpler than that to atleast alleviate the troubles the family has.

Now we will likely have a situation of 2019 again, and a whole bunch of violence will occur for what? For a completely self-inflicted problem.
For a stupid cloth/cap on head there are rumors that 4 are already killed , our flag put down, separatists encouraged to make it an ethnic issue, security forces on alert, internet down (damaging economy), foreign enemy media fully working on propanda against Iran and promoting riots. Can you believe this? Will these stupid kharmazhabis wake up? Are they infiltrated by foreign intelligence to intentionally create civil unrest? If it's so easy, intelligence agencies would be stupid not to infiltrate khar-mazhabi thugs.

Gashte ershad bishtareshoon bache-kosan, madarashoon zamane shah kare kharab mikardan.

Goftam mirinan be amniat va asayesh, haminam shod.
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. .
That's a broad question. I support the regime's international stance against the Western imperialism that has targeted Iran for centuries. Other than that, I strongly oppose the internal policies of the regime.

Iranians are a security-centric people who in a volatile region understand that their government must be strong in order for them to prosper. Add to that, as you say, centuries of western wrongdoing against Iran and you have a regime that has gained legitimacy by confronting the very same powers that still have their imperialistic mindset.

But the value of confronting immoral countries like Israel and the US diminishes if our people don't prosper and their overall well-being is neglected and undermined by an arrogant regime that tramples on their human rights.

Why are we fighting if not for the fortune and happiness of our people?
Yes American security forces consist mostly of sociopaths with low levels of education, what a standard to hold Iranian police to.

Alright buddy, will German security forces do?

Here's how they treat harmless bystanders at protests, with the example of the famous "Man in Blue" who was simply passing by a Berlin demonstration with his bicycle in 2009 - they beat him to a pulp for no tangible reason (I had a hard time locating the footage, since most uploads were removed and this one of course is age-restricted, courtesy of "democratic" censorship):

But forget about so-called "democracies", let's go by your own ideal standards (which I guess aren't practiced anywhere, are they?): pray tell, what outrageous fault do you find with the action of Iranian police forces shown in that clip?

Interestingly, when I share evidence of hair-raising violence in the USA - by cops or otherwise, there's almost systematically a liberal or shahi popping up to try and push the fallacy that "Iran's no better". Regrettably, you didn't put them in their place then, nor did the user who 'liked' your post. Only when the opportunity presents itself to take aim at the Islamic Republic does there seem to be reason enough for general mobilization to some.

This type of repression benefits no one and actively harms the nation by causing brain drain and breeding internal dissients foreign intelligence can then exploit.

I don't know if you watched the video I was actually commenting on.

Here it is:

Again I must ask: where's the monstrous crime in that footage?

Just because some people are emotive, doesn't mean they should slide into utter irrationality. And characterizing the behaviour of the police officer in this video as "animalistic" or "sadistic", is simply irrational and detached from common sense - no ifs and buts. That's all I'm saying here.

Even looking at the issue purely from a sense of state self-preservation it's stupid. Regardless there is no world where such a thing as morality police need to exist.

The brothers shown in that clip are riot police, not Gashte Ershad. The latter is a separate topic, which I previously addressed in depth.

The deflection serves zero purpose and frankly no one cares what US police do. They care what our police do.

Deflection my foot. I challenge you to explain what horrible wrong Iranian riot police did in that specific video I was addressing.

As for no one caring about global standards and universal constraints of police work, well, they're free to cling to some utopian parameters but that won't produce any meaningful insight.
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بارزانی با خانواده ژینا تماس گرفته

به این حرامزاده بی‌همه چیز بی‌غیرت شپش مسعود بارزانی بگویید وقتی که تروریست‌های داعشی داشتند زنان و دختران کرد در سنجار را به کنیزی می‌بردند و با آن‌ها حرمسرا تشکیل می‌دادند تو کدام گوری بودی؟ وقتی آقایان در وزارت خارجه با هم گرفتار دعوا هستند و کشمکش قدرت و جایگاه دارند امثال این شپشوی بوگندو دم در می‌آورند و اینگونه غلط اضافه می‌کنند.

وقتی پدرش آواره کوه‌ها و بیابان‌ها شد و درس نگرفت، وقتی هم خودش هزاران هزار نفر از مردم سنجار و مناطق اطراف آن را دو دستی تقدیم تروریست‌های داعشی چند ملیتی کرد، تنها داداش بلند شد روسری زن و دخترش را به تهران فرستاد شاید کمکش کنند... اگر در جمهوری اسلامی یک جو غیرت و شرف مانده است درسی به این حرامزاده صهیونیست بی‌پدر می‌دهند که تا عمر دارد از این غلط‌های اضافه و شکرخوری‌هایی که هیچ‌ ارتباطی به او ندارد نکند و حد و مرز خودش را بداند و برود دنبال زنان و دخترانی که همچنان در مناطق تحت اشغال او و شبه‌نظامیانش مفقود هستند، بگردد.


گذر پان کورد ها هم به نیزارهای ماهشهر می‌رسد
قاتلان فخری زاده بالاخص پان کرد های بانه​
The system has lost its touch with the people long time ago. And if the system remains inflexible, a revolution is inevitable.

Well, counter-revolutionaries assumed the same during the so-called "Green Movement" fitna of 2009... until the epic popular rally of Dey 9 did away with their hopes. The masses showed that they will stand with the Islamic Republic.


In case western- and zionist-backed oppositionists try something funnier, by that I mean attempting to topple Iran's legitimate political order through violence and terrorism, all I will say is: Syria times one thousand, this is the extent to which Iranian security and popular mobilization forces will be willing to sacrifice their earthly existence in order to safeguard the Islamic Revolution.

Which will come at a great cost to our nation, all due to an out-of-touch elite that struggles to adapt to modernity.

Should the Islamic Republic fall (which it won't), there will be no more Iran.
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اغلب مردم ناراحتن ولی توی خیابون نمیرن

غالب مردم میفهمند خطر امنیتی رو
بارزانی با خانواده ژینا تماس گرفته

به این حرامزاده بی‌همه چیز بی‌غیرت شپش مسعود بارزانی بگویید وقتی که تروریست‌های داعشی داشتند زنان و دختران کرد در سنجار را به کنیزی می‌بردند و با آن‌ها حرمسرا تشکیل می‌دادند تو کدام گوری بودی؟ وقتی آقایان در وزارت خارجه با هم گرفتار دعوا هستند و کشمکش قدرت و جایگاه دارند امثال این شپشوی بوگندو دم در می‌آورند و اینگونه غلط اضافه می‌کنند.

وقتی پدرش آواره کوه‌ها و بیابان‌ها شد و درس نگرفت، وقتی هم خودش هزاران هزار نفر از مردم سنجار و مناطق اطراف آن را دو دستی تقدیم تروریست‌های داعشی چند ملیتی کرد، تنها داداش بلند شد روسری زن و دخترش را به تهران فرستاد شاید کمکش کنند... اگر در جمهوری اسلامی یک جو غیرت و شرف مانده است درسی به این حرامزاده صهیونیست بی‌پدر می‌دهند که تا عمر دارد از این غلط‌های اضافه و شکرخوری‌هایی که هیچ‌ ارتباطی به او ندارد نکند و حد و مرز خودش را بداند و برود دنبال زنان و دخترانی که همچنان در مناطق تحت اشغال او و شبه‌نظامیانش مفقود هستند، بگردد.


گذر پان کورد ها هم به نیزارهای ماهشهر می‌رسد
قاتلان فخری زاده بالاخص پان کرد های بانه​
hamin kam bood in kharkosdeye barzaniye yahoodi khodesho ezaf kone be in majeraye es-hali. Peshkel khodesho part kart vasate es-hale kharmazhabiya.
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