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Iranian Chill Thread

عوض اون 8 میلیاردی که به ما بدهکارن
نه بابا. ارزش این مصدومیت 8 هزار دلار هم نیست
برای اون ۸ میلیارد دلار تنها راهش توقیف چند تا چند تای شناورهای کره‌ای هست
تا آخر سر کار به جایی برسه که تو خاورمیانه شناور کره‌ای باقی نمونه​
*Caucasus (my apologies for the slight pedantism).

Pashinyan is western-friendly (and zionist-friendly, too). For this reason Russia may well have intended to put his feet to the fire by holding back more significant assistance against Azarbaijan (as a form of sanction or to motivate Yerevan to return more firmly into the Russian fold and cease its recent flirtations with NATO).

So Russia's position is understandable, not wanting to get embroiled in the south Caucasus in the midst of the Ukraine campaign is as well.

Biggest potential hazard to Iran in this situation is Pashinyan feigning to be standing against Baku's hypothetical expansionist moves but covertly working to weaken or neutralize Armenian defenses in an upcoming war, and then agreeing to give away the Zangezur corridor as part of a ceasefire agreement.

The possibility of this being part of a 'mission' he was assigned by handlers in Washington and Tel Aviv is definitely not to be dismissed out of hand.

Through a "color revolution" orchestrated by the CIA and NGO's bankrolled by the likes of Soros. The usual protocol.

Iranian intelligence must keep an eye on Pashinyan's every move, I hope Iran has top tier informants in Yerevan (am quite confident in this regard). The Armenian Prime Minister's leanings towards the west and the zionist regime complicate the picture, so Iran must come up with a highly subtle and well thought out strategy here.

Main goal is preventing Zangezur from being occupied by Azarbaijan Republic, in the most cost-effective manner possible.
Zangezur should become free zone trade area for Iran and Armenia and this will be a good reason to make that area an Iranian protectorate, signing security agreement between Iran and Armenia. This is diplomatic wise more realistic and acceptable for Armenians as well (instead of defence agreement with Armenia or whole Armenia becoming protectorate of Iran).
Azerbijian block Ticktok for the moment.

We know what is going down. Their's only one reason to do that. (To conceal movement of troops and equipment)
Both Russia and Iran are apparently engaged in both Syria and Ukraine.

Why do you think that they cannot manage a third front? Armenia is sphere of Russian influence and Azerbaijan is a lost land of Iran. Fair deal
Inha age fekr kon boodan nemizashtan kar be inja berese asan

Motmaen bash aghe Pashayan Khianat karde be zarare Iran, hishki Johurmi Islami ro bakhshesh nemikonan, mardom mesle Qajarha inaro mibinan, chon baraye sadha sal zarar mikonim.

Israelili ha omadan Kheybar ro sakhtan to Baku va ma darim tamasha mikonim. Engadr Pan-turkism nofoz karde to Iran badjori. Lanat beshoon. Miad be Amrika dargiri mikone, vali ba in peshkela nemikone. Ye Abqaiq ro anjam bede, va bego Armanestan kard. Nazar Pashayan khianat kone.
Both Russia and Iran are apparently engaged in both Syria and Ukraine.

Why do you think that they cannot manage a third front? Armenia is sphere of Russian influence and Azerbaijan is a lost land of Iran. Fair deal

Syria is static front. War is relatively over. Iran isn’t involved in Ukraine outside of some possible arms sales.

Azerbaijan would get steam rolled by Iran. They have zero ABM or Air Force. Iran, it’s airforce, it’s drones, it’s missiles, it’s artillery rockets would wreck havoc on Azerbaijan.

Only thing holding Iran back is it’s own Azeri population and it’s economic relationship with Turkey. Bull in China shop isn’t the right strategy here for Iran. Whatever decision it makes, it needs to think about the 2nd and 3rd order actions and reactions.
War between Azerbaijan and Armenia started?
No, Pashayan is probably going to give up to avoid a war.

Both Russia and Iran are apparently engaged in both Syria and Ukraine.

Why do you think that they cannot manage a third front? Armenia is sphere of Russian influence and Azerbaijan is a lost land of Iran. Fair deal
We don't really have any front anymore. Ukraine is Russia's business, Yemen is in truce, and Syria is truce. We are bored now lol. We have to be wise here, but not be pu**y
Motmaen bash aghe Pashayan Khianat karde be zarare Iran, hishki Johurmi Islami ro bakhshesh nemikonan, mardom mesle Qajarha inaro mibinan, chon baraye sadha sal zarar mikonim.

Israelili ha omadan Kheybar ro sakhtan to Baku va ma darim tamasha mikonim. Engadr Pan-turkism nofoz karde to Iran badjori. Lanat beshoon. Miad be Amrika dargiri mikone, vali ba in peshkela nemikone. Ye Abqaiq ro anjam bede, va bego Armanestan kard. Nazar Pashayan khianat kone.
این نفوذ جریان پان ترکیسم در ایران به خاطر سرکوب ملی‌گرایی در ایران هست که از زمان خمینی راه افتاد
وقتی بخش زیادی از ایدئولوژی جمهوری اسلامی این هست که بگه کوروش دروغ هست و وجود نداشته و هر سال تو آبان طرفداران کوروش رو بندازه زندان به جرم اقدام علیه امنیت ملی دیگه چی می‌خوای؟ پان ترکیسم زمانی پا گرفت که کس شعرهای کره خرایی که می‌گفتند کوروش وجود خارجی نداشته و دروغ و زاییده پروپاگاندای پهلوی هست شد جز ایدئولوژی طرفداران نظام

همین که تراکتور تو لیگ هر گوهی دلش خواست خورد و با اون جماعت وحشی مماشات کردن و اسمش رو گذاشتن وحدت این داستان شدیدتر شد. اینی که یه مشت قوم گرا برن تو ورزشگاه شعار جدایی طلبی بدن اقدام علیه امنیت ملی نیست (اون هم تو منطقه مرزی) اما اینی که بری سر قبر کوروش وسط کشور یا حتی روسری برداشتن اقدام علیه امنیت ملی هست

الان هم خیلی راحت جمهوری اسلامی داره اجازه می‌ده که رویای نئوعثمانی به واقعیت بپیونده​
Azerbijian block Ticktok for the moment.

We know what is going down. Their's only one reason to do that. (To conceal movement of troops and equipment)
Motmaen bash aghe Pashayan Khianat karde be zarare Iran, hishki Johurmi Islami ro bakhshesh nemikonan, mardom mesle Qajarha inaro mibinan, chon baraye sadha sal zarar mikonim.

Israelili ha omadan Kheybar ro sakhtan to Baku va ma darim tamasha mikonim. Engadr Pan-turkism nofoz karde to Iran badjori. Lanat beshoon. Miad be Amrika dargiri mikone, vali ba in peshkela nemikone. Ye Abqaiq ro anjam bede, va bego Armanestan kard. Nazar Pashayan khianat kone.

You think that would work to deter Azerbaijan though?

We’re dealing with an increasingly dangerous and radicalized people that base their beliefs on very exclusive ethnocentric ideals (land, blood, language, history, culture). Can’t even begin to count the number of times I’ve encountered Azerbaijanis and their Turkish enablers, espousing rhetoric that Iran AND Iranians are their “mortal enemy” (some misguided Pan-Turkish BS).

If Azerbaijan/Turkey pushes Iran to act then Iran should act accordingly but if we can get away with a plausible deniability strike on critical Azerbaijani oil installations. It might be worth it, although kicking a potential hornets nest should be treated with the most utmost care.
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Motmaen bash aghe Pashayan Khianat karde be zarare Iran, hishki Johurmi Islami ro bakhshesh nemikonan, mardom mesle Qajarha inaro mibinan, chon baraye sadha sal zarar mikonim.

Israelili ha omadan Kheybar ro sakhtan to Baku va ma darim tamasha mikonim. Engadr Pan-turkism nofoz karde to Iran badjori. Lanat beshoon. Miad be Amrika dargiri mikone, vali ba in peshkela nemikone. Ye Abqaiq ro anjam bede, va bego Armanestan kard. Nazar Pashayan khianat kone.

Is this to say that if Pashinyan conducts some move against Iran, it'll be the Islamic Republic's fault? In that case, what exactly did you expect Iran to do, prevent the CIA's "color revolution" in Yerevan? Or invade both Armenia and Azarbaijan Republic at once, duplicating the sort of mistakes Saddam Tikriti was known for?

It doesn't work that way. Iran has set a red line which is politically legitimate and practically viable, whereas the sort of over-the-top actions some seem to have in mind wouldn't have been. Legitimacy as well as cost-effectiveness are paramount in international politics. Should the announced red line be crossed, adequate action (which doesn't necessarily boil down to offensive military operation but encompasses a broad spectrum of options) will follow suit, this we can be certain of. Until then, Iran can cannot be accused of passivity on this dossier.

As for pan-Turkists influence in Iran, do you think that in the absence of these rather marginal clowns, any rational government in Iran would've launched strikes on Baku by now? I doubt it. The comparison with Iran's policy vis à vis the USA isn't accurate, or could you name an instance in which Iran initiated military action against the Americans, the kind of which you appear to be considering as a yardstick as to whether or not Iran's doing the right thing about Baku? Moreover, don't forget western-absolving liberals weigh "slightly" more than pan-Turkists ever will in domestic Iranian politics. Yet the system is robust and well designed enough to systematically prevent even the liberals from having their way. Last but not least, Iran prioritizing the USA and zionist regimes in her hierarchy of enemies is precisely the way to go, including with regards to possible threats emanating out of Baku, because these do not arise in a vacuum, they are a consequence of and fully stemming from zio-American schemes against Iran.

When it comes to the Qajars, this is rather a no-brainer, to be honest: under the Qajars, Iran lost a large chunk of her territory to imperial powers, under the Islamic Republic she's never conceded a single inch. This is while Islamic Iran's immediate reach today is stretching from the Levant and the Mediterranean to the Red Sea and Horn of Africa, from Afghanistan to every Shia community further East, for the first time in around 500 years. Not to mention entrenched Iranian presence in far away lands such as Venezuela. Qajars are the same dynasty whose weakness attained such depths that 9 out of 20 million Iranians could be subjected to genocide at the hands of the British empire. Drawing analogies between that era and the Iran of today, seriously? Non-existent arms industries under not only the Qajars but the Pahlavis as well, versus the Islamic Republic's vast and self-sufficient defence sector. The level of independence and sovereignty of present day Iran versus a time (again, both applying to the Qajars and Pahlavis) where Iran's general policy orientation not to mention key decisions were directly dictated from London, Moscow, and then Washington D.C. and Tel Aviv. And so on, and so forth.

Let us not lose touch with reality, please. Also, we need to remain consistent. If the Islamic Republic is the reincarnation of the Qajars, what's the point arguing against all the iranophobes on here then, who claim Iranian-made weapons are plastic toys, that Iran is an insignificant powerless nation and so on? Wouldn't you then have to concur with their rhetoric? I don't know, but it can't be both at the same time.
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