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Iranian Chill Thread

really , you could look at one paragraph lower on that article
مشارکتی و خاتمی چی و سپس بهاری

درکنار داماد نعمت زاده
برو به احمدینژاد جونت اینها را بگو که بهش پستی داد که بتونه این اختلاسها را بکنه زمانی که با اصلاح طلب ها بود از این غلطها که نتونست بکنه از وقتی محافظه کار شد دم در آورد
برو به احمدینژاد جونت اینها را بگو که بهش پستی داد که بتونه این اختلاسها را بکنه زمانی که با اصلاح طلب ها بود از این غلطها که نتونست بکنه از وقتی محافظه کار شد دم در آورد

از روز اول حتی وقتی کلی مرید داشتند حالم از احمدی نژاد و امجد گراز به هم میخورد
از روز اول حتی وقتی کلی مرید داشتند حالم از احمدی نژاد و امجد گراز به هم میخورد
بعد از تمام شدن دوره اش همه طرفدارهاش همین را گفتن ولی تا قبل از اون هر کی بهش میگفت بالای چشمت ابرو هست بی بصیرت و ضد انقلاب و جاسوس اسراییل بود​
بعد از تمام شدن دوره اش همه طرفدارهاش همین را گفتن ولی تا قبل از اون هر کی بهش میگفت بالای چشمت ابرو هست بی بصیرت و ضد انقلاب و جاسوس اسراییل بود​

من به رفسنجانی رای دادم از درد لا علاجی
از اول وصله کج بود
آخرین رایی که دادم

دوره دومش هم در حمایت میرحسین تو خیابون بودم ولی رای ندادم

تا فهمیدم اون همدانی و سلیمانی که سر دیگه خیابون ما رو میزدن از میرحسین برای ایران بهترن
One benefit of this war for Iran is that Western media have finally admitted that the Iranian defense industry is now a force with global significance. Up to a few years ago they kept saying that Iranian military products were either all photoshopped or imported from Russia and repainted. But today, they are the ones who are claiming that Russia needs Iranian made aircraft.

Explosions Rock US Base In Northeastern Syria Days After Israeli Attack On Aleppo & Damascus​

Late on September 3, a series of explosions rocked the US-led coalition Green Village base that is located in al-Omar oil fields in the northeastern Syrian governorate of Deir Ezzor.

Fire and columns of smoke were reportedly seen rising from the base after the explosions, which were allegedly the result of an indirect fire attack. Coalition drones also flew over al-Omar oil fields and other parts of the southeastern countryside of Deir Ezzor.

The US-led coalition is yet to clarify what exactly happened at the Green Village base. Usually, the coalition acknowledges any attacks on its bases in Syria within 24 hours.

The mysterious explosions came just three days after a large-scale Israeli aerial attack on Syria that targeted the airports of Aleppo and Damascus. The attack wounded five service members and caused considerable material losses.

If confirmed, the attack on the Green Village base could be a response by Iranian-backed forces in Syria to the last wave of Israeli strikes.

A recent report by the New York Times said that Damascus and its allies, who are known as the “Axis of Resistance,” have agreed to respond to Israeli strikes by attacking US bases in Syria.

Iranian-backed forces have already responded to a series of Israeli strikes that hit air defense bases in Tartus and Damascus on August 14 by targeting the US-led coalition garrison in the southeastern Syrian area of al-Tanf with a number of suicide drones on the very next day. However, the drone attack led to a confrontation with the coalition, who responded less than ten days later by striking positions of Iranian-backed forces in Deir Ezzor.

A new attack on one of the coalition bases in Syria is guaranteed to provoke a fierce response from the US, who appears to be determined to deter the Axis of Resistance.

Iraqi airstrike wipes out ISIS base in Hamrin mountains

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