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قصه ما و قصه اصلاح طلبی مدل خاتمی گورباچف

اگر نصف امپراطوریت رو دادی جاش پیتزا هات داری


خاتمی رفت ولی خاتمی چی ها تحت عناوین مختلف در جاهای مختلف کشور مشغول کارند

قصه ما و قصه اصلاح طلبی مدل خاتمی گورباچف

اگر نصف امپراطوریت رو دادی جاش پیتزا هات داری


The original KFC will be back to Iran too! No more ashqale Irani, to quote Zibakalam. Hooorrrayy! :lol:
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maybe , but life in south Korea and turkey today's is not comparable with what it was in 70s.
by the way if you think so why not coming here
Of course it’s nothing like it. It’s far far better than the مزدور و مرده شور و‌ جانیshah regime that was dragging our حیثیت in the dirt so an idiot few can buy chicken and kit Cadillacs. You seem to be hooked on chicken. Someone should throw you a wing and pour buffalo sauce on your argumentation.

And, no, my location on The Islands has little to do with your appetite for wings.

Come on, you’re better than this. Please stop projecting your material unhappiness with the greater good. And you are extremely lucky you’re in country. You have no idea so stop being a whining Iranian and (wo)man up.
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So other than the above, there are no components to a car?
in 60s only engine and transmission mattered and the rest was just copied from the american car they were made already .
And they still amounted to a drop in the bucket of a wholly oil-dependent economy.

Governmental management however ensured transition towards vastly more diversified economics.
yeah ensured the profitable ones go bankrupt.
The Supreme Leader has been evoking it over years because it's a colossal and extremely challenging long term endeavour, not something that can be achieved at the flick of a finger.
that didn't happened till Make Iran Great again campaign by Obama and trump
Doesn't affect the user's demonstration.
on that you are very wrong . it affect the numbers and here we discussing the numbers

قصه ما و قصه اصلاح طلبی مدل خاتمی گورباچف

اگر نصف امپراطوریت رو دادی جاش پیتزا هات داری


خاتمی رفت ولی خاتمی چی ها تحت عناوین مختلف در جاهای مختلف کشور مشغول کارند
as far as i'm aware the one who signed a contract that gave Iran rights away was ahmadi-nejad not khatami
wonder how some people burn of khatami , they could not blame him for corruption or anything .and he even work in politic any more but some people are burning
its right that he was only beautiful talk but still burning smell is not something you can hide
Of course it’s nothing like it. It’s far far better than the مزدور و مرده شور و‌ جانیshah regime that was dragging our حیثیت in the dirt so an idiot few can buy chicken and kit Cadillacs. You seem to be hooked on chicken. Someone should throw you a wing and pour buffalo sauce on your argumentation.

And, no, my location on The Islands has little to do with your appetite for wings.

Come on, you’re better than this. Please stop projecting your material unhappiness with the greater good. And you are extremely lucky you’re in country. You have no idea so stop being a whining Iranian and (wo)man up.
instead of being a clown answer the questions
God also awaken you from dream of Russia
in 60s only engine and transmission mattered and the rest was just copied from the american car they were made already .

yeah ensured the profitable ones go bankrupt.

that didn't happened till Make Iran Great again campaign by Obama and trump

on that you are very wrong . it affect the numbers and here we discussing the numbers

as far as i'm aware the one who signed a contract that gave Iran rights away was ahmadi-nejad not khatami
wonder how some people burn of khatami , they could not blame him for corruption or anything .and he even work in politic any more but some people are burning
its right that he was only beautiful talk but still burning smell is not something you can hide
خودشون نمیدزدند میدن اطرافیان براشون بدزدند

مرجان آل آقا که زیر پر و بال مصومه علینژاد رو گرفت از کجا خورد و رفت؟ تشکیلات کماکان زنده خاتمی چی


سه تا پسر خاتمی با کدوم پول آومدن آمریکا؟ پول نوحه خونیش یا منبر رفتنش؟

هیچ وقت این عکس خاتمی برام قابل هضم نبود. امیدوارم روزی خاتمی در کنار اون آخوند نماز جماعت دانشگاهتون امجد گراز رنج این عکس رو بکشند

الاغ اون جمهوری اسلامی که گذاشت پسرهای این خاتمی و امجد و بقیه فرار کنن
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خودشون نمیدزدند میدن اطرافیان براشون بدزدند

مرجان آل آقا که زیر پر و بال مصومه علینژاد رو گرفت از کجا خورد و رفت؟ تشکیلات کماکان زنده خاتمی چی
زمان خاتمی اون یک روزنامه نگار بود زمان احمدی نژاد اونرا جاهایی گذاشتن که بتونه اختلاس کنه . و توی لیست محافظه کارها برای نمایندگی مجلس بود​
سه تا پسر خاتمی با کدوم پول آومدن آمریکا؟ پول نوحه خونیش یا منبر رفتنش؟
احتمالا به همون پولی که بچه های چند نفر دیگه اومدن اگر واقعا راست میگید فرار که نکرده همینجاست هر روز صبح میره سر کارش . یرید و بگیریدشو همه پولها را از حلقومش در بیارید​
زمان خاتمی اون یک روزنامه نگار بود زمان احمدی نژاد اونرا جاهایی گذاشتن که بتونه اختلاس کنه . و توی لیست محافظه کارها برای نمایندگی مجلس بود

احتمالا به همون پولی که بچه های چند نفر دیگه اومدن اگر واقعا راست میگید فرار که نکرده همینجاست هر روز صبح میره سر کارش . یرید و بگیریدشو همه پولها را از حلقومش در بیارید​

خودشون نمیدزدند و با واسطه است

پولها رو داده امثال مرجان آل آقا که اونجا زیر پر و بال پسر های خاتمی و امجد گراز و پسرش رو بگیره

امثال مرجان آل آقا چند میلیون دلار با رانت آقایون بردند که زیر پر و بال همه اینها رو بگیرند

اینکه میگم امجد گراز هم به خاطر مشاهدات شخصی مستقیم از این گراز چاپلوس استاد اخلاق طی سالهاست
in 60s only engine and transmission mattered and the rest was just copied from the american car they were made already .

South Korea's export-oriented economic strategy started out with goods such as bicycles, produced at internationally competitive rates. Those laughing these initial steps off, are precisely oblivious to the rationale behind Korea's industrialization.

This strategy for a series of reasons wasn't suitable for post-Revolution Iran. However, it doesn't enable us to brush aside actually performing mechanisms appreciated on a case by case basis.

yeah ensured the profitable ones go bankrupt.

that didn't happened till Make Iran Great again campaign by Obama and trump

Look, repeating these statements won't take away from their flaw, namely that they stand in contradiction to economic theory as well as to ground realities and data corroborating the theory.

Because your premise by logical necessity, is founded upon one of two following options:

A : The assumption that the Iranian economy's shift towards non-oil production is simply a consequence of reduced income from crude oil sales, consecutive to illegal USA sanctions enacted under Obama and Trump. Not so: parallel to the drop in oil income (production has never reached pre-Revolution levels after 1979 to start with), Iranian non-oil industrial output has registered a steady rise, which the mentioned hypothesis fails to account for.

B : The notion that Iran over a single decade from the early 2010's until this day, has somehow managed to emancipate herself from the burden of oil dependence.

Not possible again.

Understand this theorem stemming from ample academic research into the topic: you don't get rid of the structural inertia of oil dependence through cursory economic gimmickry (whether state- or private sector-driven, doesn't make a difference in this regard) - even if confronted with an urgency due to some compelling external factor like oil sanctions. If it were remotely otherwise, each and every exporting nation in the developing world by now would have overcome the Dutch Disease and its constricting effects on the non-oil economy. And if exposed to the sort of sanctions Iran's been subjected to, economic collapse would've been the most probable outcome.

Let me stress further that economic diversification in countries grappling with oil dependency is definitely not a matter of seemingly obvious policy choices, such as massive investment of energy windfall into the non-oil economy for instance. The workings of oil dependency are massively more complex as to allow for any such shortcut fixes, be they pluri-dimensional. Numerous failed strategies of import-substitution and "industrializing industries" in the 1960's and 1970's along with their serial generation of white elephants (Algeria, etc) are a testament to this. Please read up on these questions, including the seminal paper on the Dutch Disease I shared in a previous post.

Had the Islamic Republic somehow achieved in less than ten years what a select few others (if at all) spent around or at least three decades arriving at, then the feat would have been even more astounding than it already is, nay, it would qualify as properly miraculous. This however is not quite how it unfolded. Groundwork had been laid at much earlier points in time, and figures such as the significant cut experienced by the share of oil revenues in the government's budget during the early 2000's (along with other indicators) go to illustrate it.

on that you are very wrong . it affect the numbers and here we discussing the numbers

We're discussing production. And the Rial's exchange rate doesn't impact the picture the same way as it would with an ordinary economy not sharing Iran's peculiar characteristics.
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خودشون نمیدزدند و با واسطه است

پولها رو داده امثال مرجان آل آقا که اونجا زیر پر و بال پسر های خاتمی و امجد گراز و پسرش رو بگیره

امثال مرجان آل آقا چند میلیون دلار با رانت آقایون بردند که زیر پر و بال همه اینها رو بگیرند

اینکه میگم امجد گراز هم به خاطر مشاهدات شخصی مستقیم از این گراز چاپلوس استاد اخلاق طی سالهاست
say that to Ahmadi-Nejad who gave her such post , khatami didn't give her any post
he was part of Fundamentalist list for Parliament not Reformist
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