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Iranian Chill Thread

The Iranian section on this forum is pretty much dead. Members argue with each other and then stop posting. We are one of the most egoistic and stubborn nation on earth.
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meanwhile in Iran...

how is your stomach in Iroon?? motherakers???

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meanwhile in Iran...

i hope they eat best food and stay healthy, problem is you people have to much troll. Posting about inflation and laughing but own country is going to the edge of break. I have no problem with Persians...
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implying you have problems with us azeris, kurds, lurs etc ?
leave him (some say her!) alone..I have looked at some Turkish media outlets for a while..they generally follow the Western news media reportings on Iran which of course is supper negative on Iran ...few years back Jews were buying up most of their news organizations and since then only negative news of Iran (divide and rule of the Jew strategy) ...In contrast I look at Iranian main media and generally they are positive on their Turkish reportings..It is unfortunate because Turks are our closest population "culturally" and "economically" and even Your genetics comparison of genes that you presented a while back demonstrated that they are closest match to Iranic people.

We are competitors in every field but we are not enemies..We should be more friendly to each other but because of What I said about media we are not which is unfortunate..so best is to not engage them as much as possible ..They have their problems and we have ours....just few thought with my morning coffee..lol:coffee::coffee::coffee:
Caught with their pants down
amazing!...never imagined they needed soil samples from Iranian military sites...IRGC Drone following their every move..:azn::azn:
Brits..taking soil samples in Iranian desert..some are embassy staff!.



IRNA: UK’s top diplomat in Iran caught on camera spying​

ByIFP Editorial Staff
July 7, 2022
UK Embassy in Iran

IRNA reported Britain’s deputy head of mission in Iran has been caught on camera spying in the southeast of the country.
The official news agency reported, Giles Whitaker was caught on camera taking earth samples in an off-limits region in Shahdad Desert in south-central Iran while Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) was conducting military exercises in the area.
Whitaker was visiting the area with his family as tourists, but he was in fact carrying out acts of espionage, IRNA said, adding he will be expelled from the country later on after apologizing.
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leave him (some say her!) alone..I have looked at some Turkish media outlets for a while..they generally follow the Western news media reportings on Iran which of course is supper negative on Iran ...few years back Jews were buying up most of their news organizations and since then only negative news of Iran (divide and rule of the Jew strategy) ...In contrast I look at Iranian main media and generally they are positive on their Turkish reportings..It is unfortunate because Turks are our closest population "culturally" and "economically" and even Your genetics comparison of genes that you presented a while back demonstrated that they are closest match to Iranic people.

We are competitors in every field but we are not enemies..We should be more friendly to each other but because of What I said about media we are not which is unfortunate..so best is to not engage them as much as possible ..They have their problems and we have ours....just few thought with my morning coffee..lol:coffee::coffee::coffee:
I agree. Genetics notwithstanding, let's not react to stones thrown by others.
leave him (some say her!) alone..I have looked at some Turkish media outlets for a while..they generally follow the Western news media reportings on Iran which of course is supper negative on Iran ...few years back Jews were buying up most of their news organizations and since then only negative news of Iran (divide and rule of the Jew strategy) ...In contrast I look at Iranian main media and generally they are positive on their Turkish reportings..It is unfortunate because Turks are our closest population "culturally" and "economically" and even Your genetics comparison of genes that you presented a while back demonstrated that they are closest match to Iranic people.

We are competitors in every field but we are not enemies..We should be more friendly to each other but because of What I said about media we are not which is unfortunate..so best is to not engage them as much as possible ..They have their problems and we have ours....just few thought with my morning coffee..lol:coffee::coffee::coffee:

Us Iranians because of our Islamic and noble civil upbringing have become too friendly types. We failed to see in 90s the poison Turkey was spreading against Iran. I believe there are some elements in Turkey, not all, that have this mass delusion that they can hurt Iran. So these people open propoganda news agencies and channels to cater anti Iranian deluded minority. I literally laugh my rear bottom off when I heard Turkish stupids calling Azeris their brothers. Let alone us Azeris in Iran, the republic of Azerbaijan has not designated PKK as a terrorist organization and fully supports PKK. Surprise Surprise ... If you go to the republic you will literally find Kurds everywhere including the ones who ran away from Turkey. Many are in police and civil institutions. PKK was the brainchild of Heydar Aliyev when he was a KGB officer. USSR wanted to take a chunk out of Turkey so Mr. Turk nationalist Bozkurtlar "Aliyev" came up with the idea that why not split Turkey ? and threw republic's weight behind PKK so that when Kurdish becomes the majority in Turkey (late 2030s) they would will play the divide card. You know who opposed those activities against Turkey? IRAN. Reza Shah, Khomeini, Khamenei, IRGC none supported PKK despite us having the power to do so. Why? because we have zero problems with Turkey. Other than few internet trolls, no one in Turkey dislikes Iran and no Iranian hates Turkey. We are people who are connected by culture, history and yes GENETICS.

Btw I never shit on someone's nationalistic delusions but if they attack the country of Iran that my ancestors re-built with their blood, I don't spare them. I have a nasty reputation when it comes to smashing the delusions around the self-proclaimed identities of people. I would have never posted those genetic plots but some turkish called us azeris "irano-mongol" and then it was open season on turkish genetics which are native, not Turkic. Sorry good turkish friends, I was forced to do so. Few days ago someone was claiming that Iranians are just indo Europeans who migrated into Middle east and thus are invaders in "arab lands" of the middle east. I posted some western published papers and geno-plots and the guy never showed up on the thread again.

Caught with their pants down
amazing!...never imagined they needed soil samples from Iranian military sites...IRGC Drone following their every move..:azn::azn:
Brits..taking soil samples in Iranian desert..some are embassy staff!.
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IRNA: UK’s top diplomat in Iran caught on camera spying​

ByIFP Editorial Staff
July 7, 2022
UK Embassy in Iran

IRNA reported Britain’s deputy head of mission in Iran has been caught on camera spying in the southeast of the country.
The official news agency reported, Giles Whitaker was caught on camera taking earth samples in an off-limits region in Shahdad Desert in south-central Iran while Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) was conducting military exercises in the area.
Whitaker was visiting the area with his family as tourists, but he was in fact carrying out acts of espionage, IRNA said, adding he will be expelled from the country later on after apologizing.

IRGC knows stuff about these spies that they themselves or their handlers do not know.
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