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Iranian Chill Thread

I’m flabbergasted and saddened with ‘the direction of the wind’ strategy the Kurds have been undertaking. In my lifetime alone these shifts have been frequent and enormous. It’s unfortunate being they are Iranian kin.

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Sit on a chair, and Google "Church pedophilia", " Church child abuse" and "Église Pédocriminalité"

I insist on sitting first on a chair, the results will blow your mind .....

And it's probably only 10% of the reality.
This Tousi?

Why I should care of this brown complexed man ?

The user means an Islamic preacher by that name who was charged with molesting children. Evocation of isolated cases however obfuscates the fact that these sorts of abuses take place on a wholly different scale in the west.

Among the church it's incredible indeed. This said, my focus is not on them for a particular reason: our enemies, masonic and bankster oligarchs, have taken aim at every established, historically rooted religious tradition (arguably with the exception of one). This includes Christian churches and especially the Catholic one.

So if we evoke examples from the church, local liberals promoting the globalist agenda (joined on the occasion by other secularists e.g. nationalists or leftists, who otherwise have little in common with the liberals) will try to suggest that this is an issue inherent to every clerical establishment. Even though proportions of course are incomparable between the west and other regions of the world, they will produce these sorts of counter-argument.

Hence why two other types of paedocriminality prevalent in the west need to be highlighted by our camp. For our adversaries lack counter-points to these. And also, they expose the enemy's true agenda, that is it destroy the nuclear family structure and uproot every national and religious community in order to impose a totalitarian one-world regime on mankind, enslave everyone to the bone and also put an end to the human species as we know it (transhumanism, plus animal-human hybridism or chimerism fostered by stem cell research etc).

In this battle, elements from other religions especially Christianity are our objective allies. When it comes to the Catholics, we could cite traditionalists like the Sedevacantist current, which considers the Pope as an illegitimate impostor and entirely rejects the liberal modernist aggorniamiento of the 1965 Vatican II Council, when under the influence of infiltrators the Catholic Church basically capitulated to the masonic enemy, reneged on many of its principles and began legitimizing the dominant powers-to-be who are in control of the west today. Traditionalist dissident Catholics however oppose the political and social-cultural order implemented by western regimes and therefore have much more in common with us. Another potential ally is the Orthodox Church, where traditionalists are not a marginalized minority.

Now the two other types of paedocriminality mentioned above are the following:

* Over the top phenomena such as recurrent sexual assaults against newborns, infants, toddlers and other babies. Something western society pretty much has a monopoly of, since it's a direct consequence of its anomalies and perversions, a result of it being founded upon the violation of natural law.

* Networked elite paedocriminality. Which happens quite often to be linked to satanist or similar rituals. The child embodies innocence. By violating its sanctity and then murdering it, power hungry megalomaniac elites among the western oligarchy ritually seek confirmation of their delusional belief that they are above morals, above any sort of law, that their power knows no limits. Which is akin to an affront against God.

Notice that the Bohemian Grove ceremony held by members of an elite US secret society, which radio host Alex Jones leaked footage of, bears the name "Cremation of Care". Ponder the choice of terms: cremation of care i.e. doing away with conscience, with empathy.

Of course Jones is controlled opposition, and so is Trump, but the thing with these individuals is that partial revelation of the true nature of the west's ruling oligarchy is part of their task. Of course the oligarchy will then use their contradictions and blunders to entirely delegitimize these same truths, and to be able to say "see, only tinfoil hat types and morons like Trump claim such things". It's an astute defence mechanism, designed to blur reality and to blind audiences (especially the more intelligent and cultured).

It's nowhere an accident that the two forms of paedocriminality most talked about in the mainstream media are that which clerics and religious preachers are guilty of, and that committed by your standard (alcoholic) male working class person raping his daughter, or the 50-year old Roma abusing his niece in their caravan or something.

But networked, systematic elite paedocriminality and networked elite paedo-satanism almost never make the headlines, when in fact they ought to be the most often denounced types of child abuse. The rare cases in which we hear about these, the entire extent and ramifications of the concerned networks are methodically covered up.

This was so with the Marc Dutroux affair in Belgium, where courts denied the fact that an actual network furnishing children to political, economical and cultural elites had been implicated, and that there was much more to it than just a malicious auto mechanic like Dutroux who figured out he could make lots of money by seeking out children and handing them over to the network. Indeed, those in charge of elite paedocriminal networks enjoy protection at the highest levels of power in the west.

Another example is the Epstein affair, which has all the appearance of a controlled leak. A "burnt" operative, Epstein, was sacrificed so that the underlying structure could remain intact and be kept safe from public scrutiny and anger. Indeed the affair was quickly buried, the FBI to this day withheld the identities of those who were invited to Epstein's paedocriminal sessions, as evidenced by the documents the FBI seized. The "Pizzagate" scandal was dismissed as "conspiracy theory", despite the fact that John Podesta, William Clinton's chief of staff, had clearly put up paintings with paedocriminal motives at home. And of course the zionist regime's Mossad intelligence service and the US regime's deep state, which surely use video and sound recordings of politicians and other powerful figures present at Epstein's "parties" as kompromats (i.e. material with which to blackmail them should they refuse to toe the line).

Note also that this topic, networked elite paedocriminality characteristic of western regimes, is one of the most or in fact the single most dangerous subject for an investigative journalist to conduct research on. Anyone going too far will definitely get silenced, and to that effect western regimes will not hesitate to kill.

More to the point, liberals and other mouthpieces of the globalist mafia will happily make a mountain out of mole about any instance of an older man marrying a much younger girl according to religious law. But you never see them protest the creeping sexualization of children in western mass media, consumerist "culture" and in effect in real life (not long ago in France, school authorities were complaining that children as young as 10 or 11 were having sexual relations openly in front of everyone at schoolyards, under the impact of mass pornography that the western-imposed system has made available to everyone via smartphones and the internet). Common denominator between these two proposition, you may ask? Simple: the handlers of these liberal patsies don't care one bit about the well-being of children; it's the traditional institution of marriage they want to eliminate. Hence the described double standard.

So when it comes to paedocriminality, I'd recommend focusing on the said aspects: rape of babies as a mass phenomenon in the secular liberal pseudo-democratic west, and paedocriminal / paedo-satanist networks catering to the western elites and oligarchy.

Let me conclude with an interesting sidenote: connecting the dots based on publicly available reports, I think it's not impossible that Islamic Iran in the 1980's may have been very close to getting her hands on a pile of evidence against high-ranking paedocriminal officials of the French regime, via Protestant pastor Joseph Doucé (read up on him if you're unfamiliar with that name). Before it could happen though, Doucé was murdered under "mysterious" circumstances, most probably by French security forces. But more on this another time, maybe.
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The user means an Islamic preacher charged with molesting children. Evocation of isolated cases however obfuscates the fact that these sorts of abuses take place on a wholly different scale in the west.
Seriously?? Comparing 1 muslim preacher or even 10.000 with the hundreds of thousands of pedophilia cases in the Christian church????

I can understand he's maybe Christian and defending his faith, but logic and commun sens must prevail after all.
Seriously?? Comparing 1 muslim preacher or even 10.000 with the hundreds of thousands of pedophilia cases in the Christian church????

I can understand he's maybe Christian and defending his faith, but logic and commun sens must prevail after all.

No, no brother. More of a secularist in line with the agenda of the globalist oligarchy, who has issues with any traditional religion (whether Islam, Christianity or Buddhism) playing an important role in the organization of public life.

Even though the point you make is entirely valid, and I completely agree with it, confronting them on this terrain will leave them with a theoretical discursive escape route, though made of weak arguments (like saying, "I wonder how many more cases in our countries won't be revealed because the church is subject to scrutiny while our Islamic institutions aren't" and so on).

Whereas if we insist on the serial rapes of babies happening the west, as well as with the networked elite paedocriminality (and paedo-satanism) observable there, they'll get fully checkmated.
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. .
The user means an Islamic preacher by that name who was charged with molesting children. Evocation of isolated cases however obfuscates the fact that these sorts of abuses take place on a wholly different scale in the west.
Indeed it's interesting the way f@cked up people compare one case with thousands cases in the other side!

Level of reasoning!
No, no brother. More of a secularist in line with the agenda of the globalist oligarchy, who has issues with any traditional religion (whether Islam, Christianity or Buddhism) playing an important role in the organization of public life.

Even though the point you make is entirely valid, and I completely agree with it, confronting them on this terrain will leave them with a theoretical discursive escape route, though made of weak arguments (like saying, "I wonder how many more cases in our countries won't be revealed because the church is subject to scrutiny while our Islamic institutions aren't" and so on).

Whereas if we insist on the serial rapes of babies happening the west, as well as with the networked elite paedocriminality (and paedo-satanism) observable there, they'll get fully checkmated.
No Bro, allow me to disagree, a secularist won't act like this, a secularist won't defent Christianity or any other religion, and why bringing a case of one pedophilic Muslim?

I really don't care of peoples religions, we have Arab Christians more politically engaged with the axe of resistance than some "Muslims".

But pointing to an isolated case of Muslim in a reply to my post is sooo cheap and stupid.
No Bro, allow me to disagree, a secularist won't act like this, a secularist won't defent Christianity or any other religion,

User isn't defending Christianity. In a discussion I had with them, they were likening my positions on marriage and divorce to Catholic doctrine, suggesting that my views are not typically Islamic but closer to Catholicism, and citing this as a reason to reject them.

See here:




- - -

So trust me, brother. User is of liberal and secularist persuasion. Their point is not to say "the situation of the Catholic Church is better in comparison to the Islamic clergy", but to portray all religious institutions as problematic and convey the idea that therefore, secularism is what we should opt for. I can tell from multiple exchanges with them and long time observation.
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The user is not defending Christianity. In a discussion I had with them, they were likening my positions on marriage and divorce to Catholic doctrine and suggesting that my views are not typically Islamic but closer to Catholicism, hence why they ought to be rejected.

See here:


So trust me, brother. User is of liberal and secularist persuasion. I can tell from multiple exchanges with them and long time observation.
Probably those kind of "Liberals" and pseudo "Secularist" only when it's question of Islam, they don't dare question Christianity, Jewish or any other faith .....

Brown man complexe .....
Probably those kind of "Liberals" and pseudo "Secularist" only when it's question of Islam, they don't dare question Christianity, Jewish or any other faith .....

Brown man complexe .....

Well, to be fair the user did criticize Catholicism in a past discussion. I edited my post to include screenshots, please take a look at them. But again, this criticism was in line with an overarching secularist agenda.

Now your point stays valid nonetheless, because secularism is a western-imported thought. So whether or not they question other religions, the political culture of Muslims who promote secularism is westernized anyway.
باز دوباره یک داستان جدید شروع شد
شورای حکام آژانس توپ رو آماده کرد که شورای امنیت با برجام شلیکش کنه
مکانیسم ماشه با نتیجه این نشست می‌تونه فعال بشه. یعنی بازگشت ایران به زیر فصل ۷ شورای امنیت و دوباره قانونی شدن توقیف کشتی‌های ایران
پاسخ ایران هم که مثل همیشه ضعیف‌ترین چیزی که می‌شد بود. غیرفعال کردن ۲ تا دوربین که همون موقع هم اضافی بودن؟ جدی؟
واقعاً کسانی که عرضه ندارن هسته‌ای بشن گوه می‌خورن برنامه هسته‌ای دارن. برنامه هسته‌ای باید فقط برای کشورهای دارای سلاح اتمی باشه و لاغیر
هر کسی که سلاح هسته‌ای نداشت و خواست برنامه هسته‌ای داشته باشه باید بمبارون بشه تا سر حد نابودی همه زیرساخت‌هاش

یا آدم باید زور داشته باشه پاسخ زورگو رو بده یا باید شاخ و شونه نکشه
نداشتن سلاح اتمی هم مصداق بارز ناتوانی و ضعف یک کشور مدعی قدرت در دنیای مدرن هست​
What's really sort of pathetic and quite telling too, is when reformists in Iran turn more Catholic than the Pope (and by 'Pope' their beloved western regimes are meant), when it comes to demonizing the Korean government as the absolute incarnation of everything that's supposedly wrong. While at the same time being incomparably more lenient towards western vassal states and their crimes.
if you think N.Korea is heaven then why not go there and live there
before doing so just answer why N. Korea fear it's people contact others . they must have a real pathetic ideology to fear foreign influence so much. they knew what they preach is not defendable, only weaks fear to the extent that cut any contact with others
It's not an accident in any way. The reason Iranian liberals are displaying this sort of double standards is essentially because the DPRK has been a particularly reliable and close partner to Iran since the early 1980's. One of just a handful of governments to side with Iran and extend material help during the 1980-1988 Imposed War. It's the same reason why reformists and moderates tend to vociferate louder against the other major extra-regional partners of Iran, that is China and Russia, than they do against Iran's actual existential enemies (zionist regime, USA and its European allies).
a partner don't mean we must live as they are and USSR never was Iran partner in 1980-1988 and china , wonder what they gave us at the time. if you want to knew we get weapons from USA , Libya , N. Korea and Pakistan and Syria if I recall correctly.

He was a jew and a practicing one.
a jew can be a practicing jew in name who worship money , he can be a practicing jew in truth , in every religion you can find bigots

That rule has been dispensed with since Kim Jong-un came to power. Which era are you in?
in all times , what about punishments for nonsense law after the death of their late leader , or worship of kim family
The user means an Islamic preacher by that name who was charged with molesting children. Evocation of isolated cases however obfuscates the fact that these sorts of abuses take place on a wholly different scale in the west.
the user point out such behavior are seen all over the world not just in west and that isolated case also is not isolated , wonder would you like some such cases
So trust me, brother. User is of liberal and secularist persuasion. Their point is not to say "the situation of the Catholic Church is better in comparison to the Islamic clergy", but to portray all religious institutions as problematic and convey the idea that therefore, secularism is what we should opt for. I can tell from multiple exchanges with them and long time observation.
if user is secular or liberal , is not important , the point is in west , such cases won't be swept under the rug, but here ......
the point is if you want talk about others first look at yourself , and the user never ever posted a sentence that imply he is against any religion , but he certainly many times made posts against "I'm Holier than you" attitude

Probably those kind of "Liberals" and pseudo "Secularist" only when it's question of Islam, they don't dare question Christianity, Jewish or any other faith .....

Brown man complexe .....
be assured if a Jew or Christian or Hindu come here and say I'm better than you, as many cases before I have many things to tell to him , if a Muslim come and talk wit such attitude ,I'll also wont spare him
if you think N.Korea is heaven then why not go there and live there

Specious ad hominem type of argument.

before doing so just answer why N. Korea fear it's people contact others . they must have a real pathetic ideology to fear foreign influence so much. they knew what they preach is not defendable, only weaks fear to the extent that cut any contact with others

First of all, whatever western propaganda mouthpieces spew about Korea is to be considered as baseless by default, until and unless corroborated by input from neutral quarters. We know how they lie and distort reality when it comes to adversaries of the empire, which includes our Korean brothers.

Secondly, one can have the most noble ideology and falter in the face of a more powerful foe. Doesn't mean one's ideology was 'pathetic' at all. The notion that the ethically superior always comes out on top in world politics, may be good for illustrated children's books, not for a serious informed assessment.

Thirdly, yes in many areas adversaries of the empire are weaker than the latter. In terms of conventional power and financial resources, Korea is an ant in front of the US regime and its allies. When the playing field is not even, corrective measures are fair game, one of them being tighter social control in the face of an enemy whose instruments of propaganda, psychological warfare and social engineering surpass one's own by unfathomable magnitudes.

a partner don't mean we must live as they are

But it means we should not go out of our way to denounce or mock their system. That's what enemies do.

and USSR never was Iran partner in 1980-1988 and china

Wonder where I am supposed to have claimed such a thing?

Russia and China are current partners of Iran. And that's why western-appeasing liberals with a vassal mindset and opposed to the principles of the Islamic Revolution are attacking Moscow and Beijing day in day out.

if you want to knew we get weapons from USA , Libya , N. Korea and Pakistan and Syria if I recall correctly.

Oh, Iran received weapons from the USA... I saw you correct anti-Iran users here who were trying to maneuver based on this claim, now you're rehashing it?

You know full well that the criminal US regime was siding with Iraq during the war, and that the only reason they acquiesced to those token, overpriced arms supplies to Iran was because Iran had massively escalated against their interests in Lebanon, so their hand was forced. Nowhere was it a proactive political choice by Washington to sell Iran any weapons.

the user point out such behavior are seen all over the world not just in west and that isolated case also is not isolated

We're talking isolated case in the Muslim world, versus systemic deficiency in the west.

Also, we're talking widespread rape of newborns in the west, a crime virtually unheard of in Iran.

We're also pointing to networked elite paedocriminality / paedo-satanism of the western oligarchy. Again something that does not exist in Iran.

if user is secular or liberal , is not important , the point is in west , such cases won't be swept under the rug, but here ......

No, in the west networked elite paedocriminality is the single most sensitive and censored topic, along with freemasonry. Western regimes will instantly suppress (by way of murder if deemed appropriate) anyone making revelations in this regard.

@_Nabil_ See, what did I tell you, brother? I predicted how the user will reply, and here you have it.

the point is if you want talk about others first look at yourself ,

No serial rapes of newborns in Iran. No networked elite paedo-satanist ritual abuse and murders of children in Iran.

and the user never ever posted a sentence that imply he is against any religion , but he certainly many times made posts against "I'm Holier than you" attitude

Against religion playing a decisive role in the organization of public life. If you're going to quote me, you might as well do so correctly rather than attributing statements to me which I never made. Secularists always operate under the cloak of tolerance for every religion.

The ones excelling most in "holier than thou" attitudes are secularists and liberals.

be assured if a Jew or Christian or Hindu come here and say I'm better than you, as many cases before I have many things to tell to him , if a Muslim come and talk wit such attitude ,I'll also wont spare him

I will say that an Islamic system is better than a secular, liberal, godless one.
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