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Iranian Chill Thread

At what point do assassinations and sabotage stop Salar-jann? that is essentially what many here (me included) have always been pining to get an answer for or at least an approximation. So many shahids yet the enemy keeps moving right next to our kin as if they're ghosts on the walls of our houses. Efforts to curb their presence bear varying fruit but the fear (at least for me) is that they'll eventually score another big hit that truly sets back Iran's progress in some appreciable way. -- Whilst you are generally correct about Iranian progress across multiple sectors, in-spite of American/Zionist efforts to hinder or outright destroy it. The issue of finding a viable method or way to stop the deaths of Iranians at their hands still remains present. We've seen rather lax-security measures given to lower ranking members of certain national/organizational defense infrastructures. Which doesn't offer much reaffirmation to help those of us who are concerned but that is out of our hands. One can only hope that ongoing improvements in internal security measures are being implemented.

I fully understand "the ends justify the means" argument since Iranians operate under a rather staunch martyrdom ideology (from what I can garner). But even that certainly has its limits no? Could there come a time where these assassinations start to make detrimental in-roads within Iranian leadership, directly affecting how IRGC and other crucial domestic defense industries operate? idk, only time will tell.

Won't shy away from saying this, but I've been an open advocate for an Iranian strike against Israel proper or expanding comprehensive kinetic strikes against Zionist assets wherever Iran can feasibly reach them (since Israel does the same to Iran and its allies routinely). It would be justified and if calibrated correctly, could achieve deterrence or some sort of "relative deterrence". Can't say whether or not this would be the smart decision or rational one, but I do let my emotions get to me from time-to-time.

My sincerest thanks for correcting me on the surnames "Ansari/Entezari". I'm in the States (born and raised) so I don't come across those types of names all too often lol. It does raise the eyebrow slightly as to why there would be such a staunch discrepancy between these two reported names. Ayub Ansari and Ayoob Entezari are two completely different names, you're correct.

(An aside, more of an admission on my part Salar-jan. I must admit that I don't add much to the discourse here on PDF since many of my own talking points range from rehashes of others original thoughts or somewhat emotional rants of my own rooted in ignorance or exaggeration. My intentions with the replies I made to both you and TheImmortal as well as others here are purely mutual with respects to Iran: its security, prosperity and future.

Just needed to get this off my chest.)
They will not stop. Unless you know of a solution that is effective (and not already being executed) complaining about it doesn’t add value. Also caution not to be engineered by the usual propaganda. We already saw Suzie blatantly using Saudi International as their reference for the lost colonel. And now we are seeing follow up self-references that are suspect as well. At the end and at best, we don’t know the nature of what happened. All things equal, I personally discard western and Sparky’s references and stick with Iranian sources until there’s undeniable proof otherwise. Which again, all things equal, can never come.
Brother, I think it's not entirely preposterous to assume that zionists and their western associates would orchestrate a huge media campaign in protest if any Jewish Iranian was found guilty of espionage.

I'm not saying that this is deterring Iranian authorities from acting against such individuals, nor am I incriminating this community as a whole. Also I don't know to what extent the regime in Tel Aviv would be tempted to recruit spies from amongst them nowadays.

However there's been a precedent in 2000, when thirteen Jewish and three Muslim Iranians from Shiraz were charged with spying for the zionist entity. The ensuing media frenzy in the west was considerable.

See below links (zionist and American sources, therefore biased):



Regarding social cohesion, Jewish Iranians residing in Iran only number around 7000. There is reason to believe that there are some crypto-Jews as well (often among followers of the Haifan Bahai organization, but also among Muslims) working in the interests of the zionists. Their numbers won't be high, but it's also a possible factor to reckon with.
Israelis aren't that stupid to use again Jews inside Iran, they are just some thousands, very easy to monitor for suspect behaviour.

And Iran won't be afraid to expose them again if treachery happen again.

Unfortunately, traitors are "among us", Muslims, Arabs, Persians, Sunni, Shia, Kurds,.....
Amerikwans assume they're untouchable so they'll naturally market one of their refineries going up in flames and smoke as an "industrial accident".

Isnotreal is pretty vulnerable, though - no matter how much fencing is propped up to section off the West Bank and Gaza Strip, there are points where you can shuttle in and out with relatively anonymity...that's not even taking tunnels into account.

Add to this the fact that isnotreal is a place where you can counterfeit documents with little oversight (yes, it's true and one of their biggest security gaps).

Do you know Farsi, @PersianNinja ?
Do you know Farsi, @PersianNinja ?
Unfortunately not, azizam ☹

LA stands for Louisiana. The refineries in America are generally located in the South.

They will not stop. Unless you know of a solution that is effective (and not already being executed) complaining about it doesn’t add value. Also caution not to be engineered by the usual propaganda. We already saw Suzie blatantly using Saudi International as their reference for the lost colonel. And now we are seeing follow up self-references that are suspect as well. At the end and at best, we don’t know the nature of what happened. All things equal, I personally discard western and Sparky’s references and stick with Iranian sources until there’s undeniable proof otherwise. Which again, all things equal, can never come.
I do have a solution and I'll shortly make a detailed list of security gaps in order of difficulty of dealing with them so stay tuned.
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Indias foreign minister absolutely destroyed team west stronk propaganda with 1 paragraph:

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems,"

This is after the
euro sissies were questioning india buying cheap russian en energy, and even turning a profit reselling the refined products to Europe ..

This quote perfectly exemplifies western hypocracy, racism and exceptionalism. A conflict in ukraine is something the entire world should be sacrificing themselves for to save "euroz democrazy" But the euroes could care less about starving 3rd world people with their ridiculous sanctions and economic warfare. They could care less about non "blue eyed blondes" dying in other countries.... They wouldnt piss on you if you were on fire... they literally said 500k iraqi kids starving was "worth it" ...... Yet they want to absolutely sacrifice you, your economy and national interests for them.... they are so full of themselves that they have become delusional..

Former Italian PM , AC milan owner, and geopolitical realist Silvio Berlusconi summed it up best :

"The west wanted to isolate Russia from the world, but ended up Isolating itself from the world instead."

Indias foreign minister absolutely destroyed team west stronk propaganda with 1 paragraph:

This is after the
euro sissies were questioning india buying cheap russian en energy, and even turning a profit reselling the refined products to Europe ..

This quote perfectly exemplifies western hypocracy, racism and exceptionalism. A conflict in ukraine is something the entire world should be sacrificing themselves for to save "euroz democrazy" But the euroes could care less about starving 3rd world people with their ridiculous sanctions and economic warfare. They could care less about non "blue eyed blondes" dying in other countries.... They wouldnt piss on you if you were on fire... they literally said 500k iraqi kids starving was "worth it" ...... Yet they want to absolutely sacrifice you, your economy and national interests for them.... they are so full of themselves that they have become delusional..

Former Italian PM , AC milan owner, and geopolitical realist Silvio Berlusconi summed it up best :

"The west wanted to isolate Russia from the world, but ended up Isolating itself from the world instead."
also the case, unless they manage to find Arsenic in high dose in his stomach

probably the workers were trained better and are more careful
but on serious note there also the oil facility go kaboom but media are not interested about it , its in middle east if a lighter explode get attention of the media .a refinery in Houston go kaboom wont sell , one in middle east is another story

So the guy was not even a scientist after all. His family member wanted to elevate him to a martyr of science by Israeli agents.

He just died of natural causes.

Unlike Iranian Generals they don’t even fight on front lines. Their locations are being intercepted.

I hope IRGC learns from this. In Syria they didn’t lose many when considering

A) They fought on the battlefield and in hot flashpoints

B) the conflict lasted 5+ years

But against a State Actor who will be seeking out their locations using SIGNIT and intelligence gathering methods, they need to be extra vigilant.
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