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Iranian Chill Thread

I don’t believe Octupus Doctrine aims to bring down IR of Iran by itself. But rather degrade Iranian capability over time.

The strategic objective of the zionist entity and of the US regime is to bring down not just the Islamic Republic i.e. the guardian of Iran, but Iran herself as a unified nation-state and as a civilization. Knowing that a downfall of the Islamic Republic's political order would automatically lead to a dismantling of Iran, because the enemy has extensively prepared the ground for such an outcome, especially by propping up separatist grouplets and by instructing mainstream opposition to endorse the separatist agenda (hence why from Reza Diba to Maryam Rajavi, all are now calling for "federalization" of Iran along so-called "ethnic" lines) .

This is reflected in zionist think tank papers, such as this recent one:


As well as older documents and statements reaching as far back as Bernard Lewis' speech decades ago at another zionist think tank advocating balkanization of Iran, or the early 1980's Oded Yinon doctrine, as well as policy papers of US neocons and lib-hawks since 2001.

They will not settle for anything less. Thus, in their minds any degradation of Iranian capability will only be seen as an intermediary stage towards the final goal that is Iran's destruction plain and simple.

However, this too is bound to fail. Iran has steadily been strengthening her capabilities while none of the various strategies devised by her enemies has managed to halt Iran's rise. This latest doctrinal iteration in the zio-American plot against Iran comes on the heels of long series of failures, and its chances of success are no better than previous efforts.

Unlike every other coup in modern times that is led by army officials, Iran has a counter army (IRGC) that will defend against such an unlikely attempt. So a very good fail safe that the IR of Iran placed back in the day. Furthermore, said IRGC has thru it’s conglomerates and subsidiaries indirect/direct control of up to 40% of a 500B-1T economy. So the collapse of Iran is highly unlikely from that regard.

How could it happen (outside of direct intervention)? I am not sure. You basically need most of the population to riot and Bazaars to shut down like back in Shah’s days. But even then IRGC will not go anywhere. They will stay till the end since their control military and economically means they will have a say at the table for any future form of government which likely won’t be too different than the current form, maybe a tad bit more secular.

Balkanization without direct intervention seems also unlikely as IRGC across the entire multi ethnic regions of Iran are homogenous unlike Syria where Druze, Christians, Kurds, Alawites, Sunnis, etc had their own “enclaves”.

Artesh has also been blended with former IRGC commanders (Bagheri being one of them) so mass desertion by Artesh seems unlikely. Nor is their any figure within that group such as a Hiftar that could rally troops to his side. Although one cannot discount the possibility of such an individual arising.

These are some of the reasons why Iran is such a hard nut to crack for her existential enemies. So much the better.

But Iran must never lower her guard nor remain passive in the face of enemy plots.
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The strategic objective of the zionist entity and of the US regime is to bring down not just the Islamic Republic i.e. the guardian of Iran, but Iran herself as a unified nation-state and as a civilization. Knowing that a downfall of the Islamic Republic's political order would automatically lead to a dismantling of Iran, because the enemy has extensively prepared the ground for such an outcome, especially by propping up separatist grouplets and by instructing mainstream opposition to endorse the separatist agenda (hence why from Reza Diba to Maryam Rajavi, all are now calling for "federalization" of Iran along so-called "ethnic" lines) .

This is reflected in zionist think tank papers, such as this recent one:


As well as older documents and statements reaching as far back as Bernard Lewis' speech decades ago at another zionist think tank advocating balkanization of Iran, or the early 1980's Oded Yinon doctrine, as well as policy papers of US neocons and lib-hawks since 2001.

They will not settle for anything less. Thus, in their minds any degradation of Iranian capability will only be seen as an intermediary stage towards the final goal that is Iran's destruction plain and simple.

However, this too is bound to fail. Iran has steadily been strengthening her capabilities while none of the various strategies devised by her enemies has managed to halt Iran's rise. This latest doctrinal iteration in the zio-American plot against Iran comes on the heels of long series of failures, and its chances of success are no better than previous efforts.

These are some of the reasons why Iran is such a hard nut to crack for her existential enemies. So much the better.

But Iran must never lower her guard nor remain passive in the face of enemy plots.

Israel doesn’t want to “accept” Iran into the world club. Because it will be a counter weight to it. Even former head of intelligence for Israel said an agreement is needed rather than no agreement. Even the Israeli’s told Biden during their meeting that pulling out of deal by Trump was a mistake.

However, again decisions are unfortunately made by unqualified politicians with maximalist positions. That is what the world has become in last 50 years. Politicians no longer want to compromise even in America’s own Congress on domestic issues. It’s a “my way or highway mentality”.

So the default option for Israel politicians has become no deal and let Iran suffer economically. Even though they know this option will yield no long term strategic gains. To them it makes no difference, they are merely kicking the can down to the next “Bibi” to come to the problem. After all, they just want to keep their job and pick the viewpoint that gets them re-elected or pays them the most vis a vi lobbyists.

They did this to China in 1960’s thru 1970’s and now Pakistan which is leaving US orbit and embracing Chinese orbit. This is a Pakistan that has been a US “ally” in some form since 1950’s arguably longer than Iran ever was.

Khodai, Parchin, Iranian Tanker. Clearly the 'negotiations' are continuing. Iran ahead 40-0 in overtime.
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Is america the most cowardice country on earth? If them picking on tiny defensless countries wasnt enough proof watch this:

crazy thug assaults woman on a full metro, and nobody bats an eye

In Iran, his life expectancy would have been measured in seconds if some crazy lunatic started attacking women in public like that....

The school shooting in texas. Their "brave cops" were literally waiting outside for 45 minutes, too cowardice and gutless to go and confront the gunman slaughtering small children...

The parkland shooting was a similar event. Cowardice cop, refused to enter the school and confront the gunman when children were being slaughtered....

cowardice seems to be a central part of american culture..... The United states of america... home of the coward, land of the slave

Unbelievable! In Iran the type would be made short work of in a matter of seconds.

Something I've been pondering, which further illustrates how much more secure Iran is compared to not just the USA but also to Canada and your average EU contry, is the fact that in Iran, when you choose to pay for something with a credit card, you will pass the card to the seller and loudly announce your card's secret code, which they will then enter into the payment terminal! The first time I witnessed this in Iran I couldn't believe my eyes.

Can you imagine if this was the norm in America or Europe? It would instantly give rise to a new form of criminal activity, with some thugs systematically listening in when clients tell the cashier their credit card code, following them outside the store, robbing the card and happily walking to a nearby ATM to withdraw money.

Iranians really should start researching what everyday life for most citizens is like in the west, and do so independently rather than to rely on organized fake news outlets such as the BBC, Manoto, Saudi International as well as Telegram and Instagram. Then most of the recalcitrant ones will realize how lucky they are in so many respects to be in Iran and not in the west, and that they actually have it much better than they like to imagine as a result of their permanent exposure to the enemy's massive propaganda and psy-ops.


Dariush Sajjadi on Faeghe Atashin aka "Googoosh", symbol of a vanishing category of Iranians and the era they idealize:

The psychological conundrum of oppositionist Iranians engulfed in negativity who constantly moan as a result of being impacted by enemy propaganda and psy-ops:


Hajj Raisi keeps correcting the erring ways of the liberal, western-appeasing Rohani administration!




Iran, Tajikistan Sign 17 Agreements

  • May, 30, 2022 - 14:04
Iran, Tajikistan Sign 17 Agreements

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran and the Republic of Tajikistan signed 17 documents on cooperation in various fields at the conclusion of a high-profile meeting co-chaired by the presidents of the two nations in Tehran.​

President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, who arrived in Tehran on Monday for an official visit, co-chaired the joint meeting of high-ranking delegations with his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi.

At the conclusion of the meeting, senior officials from the two countries signed 17 cooperation agreements. The documents entail political, economic and trade cooperation between Tehran and Dushanbe, relations in the transportation sector, joint investment, new technologies, environmental issues, the energy sector, sports interaction, judicial cooperation, research and training, as well as the tourism industry.

Raisi made his first official visit as the Iranian president to Tajikistan in September 2021.

In comments on Sunday, the spokesperson for Iran’s Customs Office said the trade relations between Iran and Tajikistan have begun to rise by several times following Raisi’s trip to Dushanbe.

Ruhollah Latifi said the figures show a 489% rise in the weight and a 463% rise in the value of trade exchanges between Iran and Tajikistan in the previous Iranian year compared to a year earlier.

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Iran, Tajikistan Opposed to Foreign Presence in Region: Raisi

  • May, 30, 2022 - 17:01

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran and Tajikistan share the view that outsiders have no place in the region, regional issues need to be resolved by its own countries, and an inclusive government should be formed in Afghanistan, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said.​

In comments after a meeting with his Tajik counterpart Emomali Rahmon, held in Tehran on Monday, Raisi said the new agreements signed today would help the two countries make great strides in the enhancement of relations.

Iran and Tajikistan are determined to strengthen their political, economic, trade, and cultural ties and promote cooperation in various fields, such as the energy industry, tourism, science and technology, as well as the mining sector, the Iranian president noted, saying the two Persian-speaking nations can turn their bilateral ties into perfect regional and international relations.

“We hold a common view about regional issues and agree that outsiders should not be present in the region. The presence of outsiders (in the region) would by no means create security,” Raisi underlined.

He emphasized that regional issues should be resolved through dialogue, negotiations and meetings among the regional countries themselves.
The president also stated that Iran and Tajikistan maintain that an inclusive government should be formed in neighboring Afghanistan, one that represents all Afghan parties and ethnic groups.

“The security of Afghanistan is highly significant for the Islamic Republic of Iran and Tajikistan,” he noted, adding that Tehran and Dushanbe are both concerned about the presence of terrorists in Afghanistan and urge that the Afghan people should enjoy peace.

Raisi also highlighted the common views of Iran and Tajikistan about the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking and organized crimes.

“Twenty years of presence of NATO and the US in Afghanistan resulted in nothing but war, bloodshed and destruction,” he deplored.

On Monday morning, the Iranian and Tajik presidents co-chaired a joint meeting of high-ranking delegations, at the conclusion of which the two sides signed 17 cooperation agreements.

The documents entail political, economic and trade cooperation between Tehran and Dushanbe, relations in the transportation sector, joint investment, new technologies, environmental issues, the energy sector, sports interaction, judicial cooperation, research and training, as well as the tourism industry.

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Israel doesn’t want to “accept” Iran into the world club. Because it will be a counter weight to it. Even former head of intelligence for Israel said an agreement is needed rather than no agreement. Even the Israeli’s told Biden during their meeting that pulling out of deal by Trump was a mistake.

However, again decisions are unfortunately made by unqualified politicians with maximalist positions. That is what the world has become in last 50 years. Politicians no longer want to compromise even in America’s own Congress on domestic issues. It’s a “my way or highway mentality”.

So the default option for Israel politicians has become no deal and let Iran suffer economically. Even though they know this option will yield no long term strategic gains. To them it makes no difference, they are merely kicking the can down to the next “Bibi” to come to the problem. After all, they just want to keep their job and pick the viewpoint that gets them re-elected or pays them the most vis a vi lobbyists.

They did this to China in 1960’s thru 1970’s and now Pakistan which is leaving US orbit and embracing Chinese orbit. This is a Pakistan that has been a US “ally” in some form since 1950’s arguably longer than Iran ever was.

Iran isn't viewed through the same lense as China (and even as Pakistan) by either the zionist entity or the US. Iran is located in a region where zionists have no tolerance for large and potentially powerful nation-states. Hence why western military interventions in the region (West Asia and North Africa) over the past 20 years have almost systematically led to balkanization and disruption of territorial integrity of targeted nation-states.

Acceptance into the "world club" is something that's non-consensual in Iran itself, because such a step would potentially imply abandonment of the goals of the Revolution, which the revolutionary core of the Islamic Republic understands well and is therefore opposing "normalization" in the sense of having to consider the current global order as legitimate.
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Screenshot 2022-05-30 6.53.58 PM.png
Iran’s enriched uranium stockpile is now 18 times 2015 deal limit, UN watchdog says

Tehran has amassed more than 3,800 kilos of material, IAEA reports, after detecting radioactivity at potential undeclared nuclear sites​

By AGENCIES and TOI STAFFToday, 7:48 pmUpdated at 8:43 pm
Various centrifuge machines line a hall at the Natanz Uranium Enrichment Facility, on April 17, 2021. (Screenshot, Islamic Republic Iran Broadcasting-IRIB, via AP)
Various centrifuge machines line a hall at the Natanz Uranium Enrichment Facility, on April 17, 2021. (Screenshot, Islamic Republic Iran Broadcasting-IRIB, via AP)

The UN nuclear watchdog said Monday that it estimated Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium had grown to more than 18 times the limit laid down in Tehran’s 2015 deal with world powers.

The International Atomic Energy Agency said in its latest report on Iran’s nuclear program that it “estimated that, as of May 15, 2022, Iran’s total enriched stockpile was 3,809.3 kilograms.”

The limit in the 2015 deal was set at 300 kilograms (660 pounds) of a specific compound, the equivalent of 202.8 kilograms of uranium. The report also said that Iran is continuing its enrichment of uranium to levels higher than the 3.67 percent limit in the deal.

The stockpile of uranium enriched up to 20% is now estimated to be 238.4 kilograms, up 56.3 kilograms since the last report in March, while the amount enriched to 60% stands at 43.1 kilograms, an increase of 9.9 kilograms.

Enrichment levels of around 90% are required for use in a nuclear weapon.

Any technical and political insights on this?
Btw maker of TB-2 said today his firm can produce 200 drones a year.

Seems very low, likely due to foreign parts needed to assemble it. Iran could probably produce that many M-6 in 2-3 months.

Supreme Leader: Focusing on internal capacities disables superpowers' weapon of sanctions

Supreme Leader: Focusing on internal capacities disables superpowers' weapon of sanctions
Tehran, IRNA – Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said on Monday evening that sanctions are major powers' weapon against nations of the world, and underscored that what disables this weapon is paying attention to the internal strengths and capacities.
Randoms from Iran:



ISFAHAN ancient bridge


Do not F**k with Iran photo

Imam Reza shrine,Mashhad

Saddi Shrine ,shiraz

Kurdistan village

Northern Iran


Iranian fortress
Without reverse search, name this guy

Without reverse search, name this guy


Imagined photo-realistic portrait of emperor Cyrus I (Omid Dana had made a program about this, hence how I knew).
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  1. Economy
May 31, 2022, 1:40 PM


Brazil to boost ties with Iran in various fields

Brazil to boost ties with Iran in various fields

TEHRAN, May 31 (MNA) – Brazilian Ambassador to Iran Laudemar Goncalves de Aguiar Neto said on Tuesday that Brazil seeks to bolster ties with Iran in petrochemicals, nanotechnology, and industry.

Brazilian Ambassador to Iran met and held talks with the CEO of Iran Tractor Manufacturing Company Mostafa Vahidzadeh on Tuesday.

Referring to Brazil's economic relations with Iran, he said that the agricultural sector has a high volume of these ties.
Pointing to the unilateral sanctions on Iran, he noted that Brazil seeks to bolster relations with Iran in petrochemicals, nanotechnology as well as industry.

Stressing that Brazil is against any sanctions and tensions, the Brazilian ambassador expressed hope that the imposed sanctions on Iran would be lifted and relations between Iran and Brazil would be developed more than before.

Vahidzadeh, for his part, called for promoting trade relations between Iran and Brazil

Looks like Brazil is asking for technology transfer in nanotechnology from Iran 👌
  1. Economy
May 31, 2022, 1:40 PM


Brazil to boost ties with Iran in various fields

Brazil to boost ties with Iran in various fields

TEHRAN, May 31 (MNA) – Brazilian Ambassador to Iran Laudemar Goncalves de Aguiar Neto said on Tuesday that Brazil seeks to bolster ties with Iran in petrochemicals, nanotechnology, and industry.

Brazilian Ambassador to Iran met and held talks with the CEO of Iran Tractor Manufacturing Company Mostafa Vahidzadeh on Tuesday.

Referring to Brazil's economic relations with Iran, he said that the agricultural sector has a high volume of these ties.
Pointing to the unilateral sanctions on Iran, he noted that Brazil seeks to bolster relations with Iran in petrochemicals, nanotechnology as well as industry.

Stressing that Brazil is against any sanctions and tensions, the Brazilian ambassador expressed hope that the imposed sanctions on Iran would be lifted and relations between Iran and Brazil would be developed more than before.

Vahidzadeh, for his part, called for promoting trade relations between Iran and Brazil

Looks like Brazil is asking for technology transfer in nanotechnology from Iran 👌
Thats what it looks like from my end too....i guess we're noticing an emerging pattern of countries just coming out with new deals with Iran - Tajikistan did it with the drones factory setup there, now Brazil...some dictator has declined, and that must be the reason some of these countries are being less afraid, and following their independent goals and objectives.
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