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Iranian Chill Thread

The US has already implied that they would be willing to drop the sanctions in exchange for a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine.

Also it will take at least 5 years to replace Russian gas and as you can see with the Poland and Norway dispute. It will cost the EU several times more to buy oil and gas elsewhere.

So far, looking at the Rubles performance compared with surging petrol / food costs (inflation in general) in the west and a potential recession around the corner it seems as if sanctions against Russia have backfired but only time will tell

Anyways watch this very interesting video

To be honest with you, this isn't the win russia claims it is. Denmark has gas too which it can pump to Germany and the Scandinavian states and the remainder of Europe will likely be supplied by the Gulf States via a pipeline through Turkey.

In time, they'll even make a shift towards nuclear energy and in the end, russia will be left with only one significant client for energy - china. They'll make up the volume of russian gas trade but at heavy discounts and it won't fill the void Europe left.

No, what will hurt russia more in the short-term is the exodus of technological companies and ban of exports of electronic components to russia. China will be their hub of acquisition for the aforementioned but even it will restrict sales as much as possible because it doesn't want to get sanctioned as well for selling contraband to Moscow. However, after the war has ended, they'll probably chalk out an alternate route/compromise.
According to the most recent IMF report, Iran has a nominal GDP of 1.7 trillion.

Compare the situation to Iran's neighboring countries and countries in the region. Iran has the 3rd cheapest gasoline in the world and regardless of recent price increases for food, people are not starving and still have free education, healthcare. Iran's stock market is currently at a peak.

Most importantly Iran has security. Look at Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria all have been ravaged by war. Some people say that Iran's nuclear / missile programs are a waste of money and resources but if Libya had not scraped it's nuclear and missile programs then the nation wouldn't be where it is today, effectively Balkanized with people suffering.

From an economic standpoint look at Turkey with inflation at 70% but really likely 130%. In Turkey the minimum wage is the same as Iran but gasoline costs $1.50 a liter, new cars cost several times more, their currency keeps going to new lows, exacerbating the situation further.

Pakistan is experiencing something akin to hyperinflation and their currently is at an all time low. They constantly pay for old loans with new loans. 40% of the population can't read or write. The US removed their president at the flick of a finger.

My point is that the entire world is on the verge of an economic downturn with some UN officials predicting that 25% of the world population are at risk of going hungry. Economists are saying that the world is facing the worst economic crisis since WW2.

Honestly Iran is not the best or most prosperous nation on earth. Far from it, but it is not the worst either and that's the truth.

Is it even possible for Iran to have such a high GDP despite it being sanctioned more than North Korea?

Also, why has none of this supposed prosperity translated into benefits for the Iranian people?
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What do you think?

Kooche tang

As Im repeating myself for past 10 years , the only way to stop this assassination is to kill more isreali and Americans and British ...

The funny part is being spy for foreign country has even lower punishment in Iran than stealing a car ... ISI doesn't want to confront the traitors among their own ranks ...
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ISI doesn't want to confront the traitors among their own ranks ...
Exactly this.

An organization with such problems cannot survive long-term. 200$ traitors everywhere, pan-turks, MPs that literally work for Israel. Sell information to Israel, like the location of the nuclear documents.


An IRI official driving a Pride and embracing martyrdom in the path of Islam and Iran.

Not exactly a prime example for corruption now, is it?

well , My uncle is retired sepahi , 3 of my cousins are Sepahi and one of my distance relative was martyred in syria as sepahi ... none of them have luxury lives but almost all of them are critizing the wide spread corruption among ISI ... they feel betrayed ...

If these guys with simple life werent protecting Iran , ISI could fall in less than 1 year ... but most of ISI are corrupted , none of my good relative could advanced in ISI ranks but there are some bad people I know who are advancing in ISI rank ...
باید سرشاخه و رهبر رو زد

جریان رو با مدیریت خشک کرد
خودشون نمی‌خوان
وگرنه جمع کردن این داستان کار سختی نیست

کم کم داره حرف براندازها باورم می‌شه که پانتورک‌ها پروژه خود حکومت هست​
Iran already educates people and for free. They reward it by running away to the West and enriching the enemy.

No, it's far better that the government sets up an initiative at home to get all these low income people employed and working. More skilled jobs should be given to qualified candidates for handsome salaries so as to lock down talent.

Give these people loans and they'll either waste it or take the money and flee abroad.
These classical WESTERN ideas have spotty success rates at best. The future is automation and universal basic income. Forcing populations into 'labor' is not the answer and never has been. Even the term 'labor' is terribly offensive and relegates humanity to beasts of servitude. Every penny not spent on automation and REDUCTION of human labor is a dagger into the hearts of the very humans we intend to help.
If they could get a mole to place a briefcase bomb at a meeting of Hitler and his top brass....in one of his most secure and protected resort bases. Then they can do ALOT of things to Iran.

The mole was an idiot and laid the briefcase in a way that the leg of the table deflected most of the blast away from where Hitler was seated. Or else you would have one the most high profile assassinations since Julius Ceaser.
Few years ago Iran had 2-2.5 T GDP-PPP so 1.7T nominal is not that far.

There are similar cases which countries changed their economy and went to remove subsidies completely.I think Poland did it in 5 years and numbers relatively speaking were similar.
Mr. Ruhani after 2018 was sneaky about economic data and this year's IMF Iran GDP-PPP is very weird.

2021 was last year of Mr Ruhani's government and during Covid-19 lockdowns on top of sanctions :

According to the IMF’s World Economic Outlook report released in October 2021, Iran is even ranked higher than regional countries such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey as two heavyweight economies, which are members of the G-20 group.

I think there are different sources stating 1-1.4$ T for Iran's 2021GDP-Nominal.

For current year even with slightly inaccuracy of IMF data, Iran rank would be somewhere between 14-16th.
According to the most recent IMF report, Iran has a nominal GDP of 1.7 trillion.
I explained it before why IMF is reporting such a high number for Iran's GDP, This is simply a unit conversion error (kinda)

GDP numbers on Iran are nonsense in a hyperinflation environment and wild currency rates.

And PPP also makes India the 3rd biggest economy in the world....we know that’s not true with all the poverty and lack of development in many parts of the country.
Then what are more reasonable figures in your estimate?
As Im repeating myself for past 10 years , the only way to stop this assassination is to kill more isreali and Americans and British ...

The funny part is being spy for foreign country has even lower punishment in Iran than stealing a car ... ISI doesn't want to confront the traitors among their own ranks ...

My point is people give up their life and drive Pride and live in rented houses

The guy had no affluence
Then what are more reasonable figures in your estimate?

Look at the last time Toman had near parity with the dollar. That was 2010. I was exchanging $1 USD for 1150-1200 toman back then.

Times were good for Iranians. Massive oil revenues. No real sanctions yet. Trade with Europe. banking system was still free from sanctions. Iranians were traveling abroad. Etc.

Iran GDP 2010 $490B
Iran GDP 2012 $600B

Source: world bank

Now let’s do a thought experiment shall we:

From 2012 to 2019 Iran basically was still shackled by sanctions and brief JCPOA era of exporting oil. Then came a once in a century pandemic in 2020 that shut down the world basically. Add to that Trump maximum sanctions and Oil plummeted to historical lows.

You are telling me during this period of 2013-2021 that Iran’s GDP magically grew by half a trillion dollars?
Look at the last time Toman had near parity with the dollar. That was 2010. I was exchanging $1 USD for 1150-1200 toman back then.

Times were good for Iranians. Massive oil revenues. No real sanctions yet. Trade with Europe. banking system was still free from sanctions. Iranians were traveling abroad. Etc.

Iran GDP 2010 $490B
Iran GDP 2012 $600B

Source: world bank

Now let’s do a thought experiment shall we:

From 2012 to 2019 Iran basically was still shackled by sanctions and brief JCPOA era of exporting oil. Then came a once in a century pandemic in 2020 that shut down the world basically. Add to that Trump maximum sanctions and Oil plummeted to historical lows.

You are telling me during this period of 2013-2021 that Iran’s GDP magically grew by half a trillion dollars?
It's funny to see France and Turkey in a bunker working together. (other thread):wub: :D

Population rank 17-18
Oil production rank 7
Gas production rank 3
Steel production rank 11
Cement production rank 13
University students 4-5 million
Healthcare system that covers up to 60% costs of almost 85 million.
Ability to produce food of almost 85 million people ( and distribute it weirdly )
400-500K Army which produces most if it needs at home.

Are these characteristics of 20-30th rank economy(world bank data) ? or is it 10-20 rank (IMF data) ?
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