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Iranian Chill Thread

My family (6 members) consume Biryani (Rice+Meat) three times a month.
I have just brought meat to cook Biryani for lunch😋
It costed me 3 US Dollars.
In Pakistan
In current days (with high inflation)
Chicken Meat=2$/kilo

And wheat flour is 7$/20kg.
Our gass bill is usually 2.5$/month.

Naan is not our daily diet in Subcontinent but its taste is so good That's why we are fond of eating Naan Chane/Naan tiki.
Chicken meat is almost same here maybe slightly lower but your rice is cheaper. I have seen 30-35K tomans (0.9-1.1$) for Indian or Pakistani rices here in shops.

Iranian rices are 1$ to 3$ per kilo.it depend on type of rice.
after revolution Iranian dishes also went for a change and till ~2005 main dishes of most of Iranians were derivatives of chicken eggs.
Most famous ones


I'm sure all of you have good memories with some of these :rolleyes:

Of course not fancy like some of these pics
گلدمن ساچز2007 :partay:
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Do alot of people in subcontinent eat Roti on a daily basis ? I always hear people from Pakistan talking about their Roti :)

My family (6 members) consume Biryani (Rice+Meat) three times a month.
I have just brought meat to cook Biryani for lunch😋
It costed me 3 US Dollars.
In Pakistan
In current days (with high inflation)
Chicken Meat=2$/kilo

And wheat flour is 7$/20kg.
Our gass bill is usually 2.5$/month.

Naan is not our daily diet in Subcontinent but its taste is so good That's why we are fond of eating Naan Chane/Naan tiki.
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That's healthier than the typical Iranian diet. Many Iranians, their diet is extremely meat heavy with big kabobs everyday, a mountain of rice with butter on top. Not healthy for an everyday diet.


The above is actually the national dish. Then there's Ghorme Sabzi which some also consider the national dish, it's like a stew with meat, greens, beans, etc,


Then there's another popular dish, Ab Goosht which translates to water and meat, it's a meat stew, with the meat separated, mashed and the juices from the meat made into a soup. This is eaten with bread on the side



One popular and healthy dish is Ash Reshte, a thick Iranian soup/stew with beans, greens, whey. It's cheap and healthy.


Roti with vegetables is our daily diet.
View attachment 846048
Meat , custard, rice are special dishes for special occasions like marriage events.
View attachment 846049
On a separate item, many years ago there was a moment it became clear to me that Iran’s strategy was to push the US out of the region. That prediction is in full swing today. Now I’m starting to see a different trend form. Iran’s combat make up is almost entirely swinging to an offensive posture. I wonder what the intention other than ‘a good defense needs a good offense’ is. I don’t see the classic land grab which really isn’t a thing for Iran. Assuming I’m correct, then what for?
Just training for defense isn't enough. You need to be able to launch offensives and counter attacks in order to take territory back in case the enemy makes advances.

On a separate item, many years ago there was a moment it became clear to me that Iran’s strategy was to push the US out of the region. That prediction is in full swing today. Now I’m starting to see a different trend form. Iran’s combat make up is almost entirely swinging to an offensive posture. I wonder what the intention other than ‘a good defense needs a good offense’ is. I don’t see the classic land grab which really isn’t a thing for Iran. Assuming I’m correct, then what for?
That's healthier than the typical Iranian diet. Many Iranians, their diet is extremely meat heavy with big kabobs everyday, a mountain of rice with butter on top. Not healthy for an everyday diet.

View attachment 846059

The above is actually the national dish. Then there's Ghorme Sabzi which some also consider the national dish, it's like a stew with meat, greens, beans, etc,

View attachment 846061

Then there's another popular dish, Ab Goosht which translates to water and meat, it's a meat stew, with the meat separated, mashed and the juices from the meat made into a soup. This is eaten with bread on the side

View attachment 846065
View attachment 846066

One popular and healthy dish is Ash Reshte, a thick Iranian soup/stew with beans, greens, whey. It's cheap and healthy.

View attachment 846062
yeah sure Iranian in general can afford those

and let put complete ingrediant for Abgusht for 6 people here
Meat with fat and Bone 300gr
Garlic 2
Potato 2
Tomato 4
white Pea half a glass
Chicken Pea half a glass
onion 1 (big)
now people can decide where the consistency of the stew come from
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yeah sure Iranian in general can afford those
سرانه مصرف گوشت مرغ در ایران 26 کیلوگرم ثبت شده و به این ترتیب هموطنان بیش از میانگین دنیا (73 درصد سرانه مصرف جهان) گوشت مرغ مصرف دارند.

براساس آمار فائو، اماراتی‌ها در رتبه نخست دنیا از لحاظ مصرف سرانه گوشت مرغ قرار دارند؛ هریک از اتباع اماراتی سالیانه به طور متوسط 64 کیلوگرم گوشت مرغ مصرف می‌کنند که حدود 2.5 برابر ایرانی‌هاست.
مردم آمریکا نیز با متوسط سالیانه 50 کیلوگرم مصرف گوشت مرغ در رتبه دوم قرار دارند؛ کویت با 46 کیلوگرم، گرانادا و جامائیکا با 44 کیلوگرم، برونئی با 42 کیلوگرم، دومینیکن با 38 کیلوگرم و قبرس با 37 کیلوگرم در رتبه‌های بعدی قرار دارند.
مصرف سرانه گوشت مرغ در عربستان 35 کیلوگرم، مالزی 33 کیلوگرم، انگلستان 29 کیلوگرم و لبنان 28 کیلوگرم ثبت شده است. میانگین مصرف گوشت مرغ در فرانسه به 24 کیلوگرم رسیده و روسیه نیز 16 کیلوگرم است.

too much red meat is not healthy anyways :cry:
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That's healthier than the typical Iranian diet. Many Iranians, their diet is extremely meat heavy with big kabobs everyday, a mountain of rice with butter on top. Not healthy for an everyday diet.


The above is actually the national dish. Then there's Ghorme Sabzi which some also consider the national dish, it's like a stew with meat, greens, beans, etc,
by the way you can get that for 3.2$ in tehran wonder how many iranian can afford that on daily bases ,

سرانه مصرف گوشت مرغ در ایران 26 کیلوگرم ثبت شده و به این ترتیب هموطنان بیش از میانگین دنیا (73 درصد سرانه مصرف جهان) گوشت مرغ مصرف دارند.

براساس آمار فائو، اماراتی‌ها در رتبه نخست دنیا از لحاظ مصرف سرانه گوشت مرغ قرار دارند؛ هریک از اتباع اماراتی سالیانه به طور متوسط 64 کیلوگرم گوشت مرغ مصرف می‌کنند که حدود 2.5 برابر ایرانی‌هاست.
مردم آمریکا نیز با متوسط سالیانه 50 کیلوگرم مصرف گوشت مرغ در رتبه دوم قرار دارند؛ کویت با 46 کیلوگرم، گرانادا و جامائیکا با 44 کیلوگرم، برونئی با 42 کیلوگرم، دومینیکن با 38 کیلوگرم و قبرس با 37 کیلوگرم در رتبه‌های بعدی قرار دارند.
مصرف سرانه گوشت مرغ در عربستان 35 کیلوگرم، مالزی 33 کیلوگرم، انگلستان 29 کیلوگرم و لبنان 28 کیلوگرم ثبت شده است. میانگین مصرف گوشت مرغ در فرانسه به 24 کیلوگرم رسیده و روسیه نیز 16 کیلوگرم است.

too much red meat is not healthy anyways :cry:
let me make it clear , in north Tehran they eat 10 times that of UAE , now go to south of Tehran and then show me people who eat 26kg of poultry meat .
there each day i see people who can't afford 20 cent for their medicine bills
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by the way you can get that for 3.2$ in tehran wonder how many iranian can afford that on daily bases ,

let me make it clear , in north Tehran they eat 10 times that of UAE , now go to south of Tehran and then show me people who eat 26kg of poultry meat .
there i see people who can't afford 20 cent for their medicine bills on daily bases
I mean there is enough for everyone but problems are related to jobs, payments ....
Unlike red meat chicken needs less water and if things they say about Iran's food security are true they should go for 0 government support for red meat production.

We could have 5 times more calories and more jobs for it if we go for rice and wheat instead of it.

all of these for something which can be easily replaceable with chicken or fish farms.
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