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Iranian Chill Thread

As for divorce, while it is a possible solution to extreme situations, it is to be avoided as best as possible. When divorce rates increase beyond a certain level, then societal issues must be tackled upstream so as to bring about a decrease.
you must reduced divorce by solving the problem that lead to divorce not putting quota on a divorce a city can have

This isn't related to my posts, so I'm not sure why you are writing this. Is it to suggest that just because some people confuse gheyrat and namus with other things, these essential concepts ought to be shelved altogether? If not, then your comment is unrelated to my point.
they are related to the first screen of the video you put here and the forum show
Gheyrat and namus are better kept alive and well. They must be defended against any sort of sneaky attack or abuse.
best attack is a bad defense
The gulf arabs and israelis are so afraid of Iran. I wonder if Biden will listen now that they've ignored his phone calls ? Probably has to listen to Israel though. At this point I don't think the nuclear deal will go through but it seems like 50/50.

Yeah like I said, Ukraine is now the Syria of Europe. Now Syrians and Chechens will be fighting Neo Nazis. What a hot mess. Blackwater the secret weapon ? Yeah because they performed so well in Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, LOL They're just there for a pay day. As soon as the going gets tough, they're gone.

A quarter of all Ukranians are now refugees. Their cities have been reduced to rubblel. Zelensky is just a mere puppet / comedian / actor. The US plan in Ukraine seems to be to fight Russia to the last Ukranian. Zelensky is merely their operator carrying out their will to the letter. He doesn't give a damn about Ukrainian people. He'll be at this Florida beach house as soon as its all said and done.
*Persian gulf arabs.
Photos: the arrival of spring in Iran and celebration of new year.

Up north





in Shiraz,Iran's cultural center..Hafez the Persian poet is popular place




In Tehran..the fire works.






Supposedly the Yemen war has cost Saudi Arabia 1.1T dollars over the course of 7 years. Mostly due to overinflated cost of using western arms and help.
you must reduced divorce by solving the problem that lead to divorce not putting quota on a divorce a city can have

Looking at divorce statistics in western countries, as well as in communities exposed to the influence of globalism, and considering that rising divorce rates were first observable in the west before affecting other places, it becomes very clear that the solution will not consist in promoting the societal norms prevalent in the west.

they are related to the first screen of the video you put here and the forum show

All I know is that just like it makes no sense to abjure Islam (astaqfirallah) just because Daesh terrorists committed savagery in its name, it also would be absurd to take aim at the principles of namus and gheyrat just because some individuals, who don't form a majority by any means, invoked these values to justify reprehensible actions of theirs.

In that sense, those who proclaimed "man binamusam, man bigheyratam" are either extremely silly or they really are bigheyrat and binamus.

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@SalarHaqq bro, we have a wolf here roaming in disguise of a Sheep. @ahaider97

Really? How come?
I was recently watching the vlogs of a Pakistani German guy traveling through iran on his bike.
The Iranian people are so nice, and hospitable. Plus, people seem to speak urdu in most places, not to mention gorgeous scenery, and a wonderful cuisine. We need to cultivate our brotherly relations with Iran, for they are very close to us in religion, language, and culture etc.
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Supposedly the Yemen war has cost Saudi Arabia 1.1T dollars over the course of 7 years. Mostly due to overinflated cost of using western arms and help.

Lmao.. Some random Yemeni under blockade came up with these numbers out of his arse in order to desperately end the war.. His seen the American numbers thinking this is also an invasion :rofl:

So much fallacy and the biggest of them is that he thinks this is an invasion that can just go away:lol:

The Yemen situation is not an Invasion period. The Saudis haven't put any troops on the ground at any point hence they are fighting illusionary entities but the reality is that they are fighting the ''YEMENI ARMED FORCES'' who have been doing anti-terror operations against the houthis and also they are fighting other tribes allied with the Yemeni gov't and also STC.

You only use alot of money when their is alot of logistics needed if you coming over the side of the world but in this case it is entirely local elements..

Besides I can understand the Houthis urge for them to get this slow burner blockade lifted and never ending war stopped but the reality is much more grime as there are no invading forces here to retreat.. Hence this will never stop PERIOD.. buckle up

On a serious note if they want the siege lifted they must talk to these in power in Yemen not the Saudis.. Lets assume port entry is opened to 100% and remove the saudi coalitin out of the occasion entirely but the siege will still be there due to the Yemeni gov't and in fact they will launch outright incursions this time as the Saudis and others won't be able to hold them back anymore.

The only one blocking an outright offensive incursions are the Saudis and UAE via UN as they have been looking for political solution but the Yemenis don't want any solutions with the houthis. The Yemeni armed forces and tribes outnumber them currently due to the Houthis being outright trashed by the Maribbean tribes who chopped of more then 70% of their armed forces in 2 years that is just one tribe
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Lmao.. Some random Yemeni under blockade came up with these numbers out of his arse in order to desperately end the war.. His seen the American numbers thinking this is also an invasion :rofl:

So much fallacy and the biggest of them is that he thinks this is an invasion that can just go away:lol:

The Yemen situation is not an Invasion period. The Saudis haven't put any troops on the ground at any point hence they are fighting illusionary entities but the reality is that they are fighting the ''YEMENI ARMED FORCES'' who have been doing anti-terror operations against the houthis and also they are fighting other tribes allied with the Yemeni gov't and also STC.

You only use alot of money when their is alot of logistics needed if you coming over the side of the world but in this case it is entirely local elements..

Besides I can understand the Houthis urge for them to get this slow burner blockade lifted and never ending war stopped but the reality is much more grime as there are no invading forces here to retreat.. Hence this will never stop PERIOD.. buckle up

On a serious note if they want the siege lifted they must talk to these in power in Yemen not the Saudis.. Lets assume port entry is opened to 100% and remove the saudi coalitin out of the occasion entirely but the siege will still be there due to the Yemeni gov't and in fact they will launch outright incursions this time as the Saudis and others won't be able to hold them back anymore.

The only one blocking an outright offensive incursions are the Saudis and UAE via UN as they have been looking for political solution but the Yemenis don't want any solutions with the houthis. The Yemeni armed forces and tribes outnumber them currently due to the Houthis being outright trashed by the Maribbean tribes who chopped of more then 70% of their armed forces in 2 years that is just one tribe

“Houthis have won the war and the peace does not come by dictating terms to the victor.”

Listen to your masters. Dont take our word for it. Give it another ten years and you will see it more clearly.

Listen to your masters. Dont take out word for it.

I have seen desperate win outcries in order to stop the ordeal.. But this cheapens the meaning of winning in the dictionary books. 80% of the land is with them, all ports, including oil fields and gas.. How is that a win.. You have been saying all population centers with them which has been proven to be false as the population on both sides is more even..

The so-called Saudis don't even have troops there nor never did and they got all that... Gotta be one of the easiest wins. The Russians would have taken this on before hand in Ukraine without putting troops into the country at all:D

Novorossiya, Malorossiya secured and no Russian troops besides including all oil, gas and the energy etc etc..

But the Saudis aren't the fighting entity here but if they were this would have been a huge win tactically on paper from a stragetic point of view considering they have no participating forces on the ground..
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I have seen desperate win outcries in order to stop the ordeal.. But this cheapens the meaning of winning in the dictionary books. 80% of the land is with them, all ports, including oil fields and gas.. How is that a win.. You have been saying all population centers with them which has been proven to be false as the population on both sides is more even..

They don't even have troops there and they got all that... Gotta be one of the easiest wins. The Russians would have taken this in Ukraine on before one without putting troops into the country at all:D

You are biased and I am not resourceful in time to spend on you.

Listen to your masters who disagree with you.

Or give it another 10 years. We are patient.
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