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Iranian Chill Thread

Iran also did nothing wrong in WW2 when it again was invaded to be prevented from joining the Axis powers Or a base for Hitler.

The Allies did not fear Iran would join the Axis, and their occupation of Iran during WW2 had nothing much to do with this. Iran was observing perfect neutrality. Reza Khan even refused to help Germany when Berlin asked him for assistance in supplying a major popular uprising that was going on against the British in Basra.

I mean weak countries get fooked m8 that’s been true since dawn of modern man.

I doubt nukes would solve any of Iran’s problems. Might solve a couple only to lead to more on Iran’s plate.

That's true. Nuclear weapons aren't indispensable for Iran at this time.

These people just asking to be overthrown via the populace. Just keep kicking the average Iranian citizen when he’s down. Take away some of his simple pleasures than what reason does he have to live? Or be productive?

It's probably one of the many bills that are never going to be actually implemented in practice. Quite unfortunately so, I must say, since the internet is a prime instrument of cultural and political subversion in the hands of the zio-American empire (initially, it was a US military application), and therefore it must be kept in check by Iran. There's simply no other way.

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Not really, having "free, uncensored internet", means that Iranian populace minds will be brainwashed and follow whatever the west/Saudis/UK, ... want for them, leading to the final destruction of Iran. Iranian culture is already corrupted beyond belief ever since Khatami's era. Let's not think about policy making from an ideological/religious point of view that "freedom is good". Sure, freedom is good, but if you can afford it. Pragmatism says that Iran cannot afford such a system, at least right now. Also, no country, except for India, had a free media before making economical progress. "Free media"/"Open Society" led latin america into the misery, it is today. China/Taiwan/South Korea were all closed societies, opened up/will open up after they made their progress.

Agreed, with two slight exceptions: western countries, let alone Turkey or similar developing societies cannot afford this sort of societal and cultural liberalism either. No sane polity can, since it's a complete violation of natural law and human essence (as conceived by our Creator, the Almighty; those who do not believe in Him would say by nature itself).

Look at how western nations have been culturally uprooted to the core, their populations literally zombified. As for Turkey, any semblance of tradition and patriotism there is more of a mirage - right now the empire still needs Turkey to keep these illusions alive, other than that, the country's largely ready for dissolution into the universal masonic republic. I mean, the Turkish Republic is at its core a product of dönmes (possibly of Sabbatean-Frankist orientation) and freemasons (very present among the Young Turk movement). Its nationalism is a facade, a temporary instument. Professor Necmettin Erbakan might perhaps have brought about some fundamental change, but not Erdogan. No wonder the former was sidelined to the benefit of the latter within the Islamic movement.

The same pathological, apparent schizophrenia could be observed under the shah regime: a nationalist outer appearance, but total and complete control exerted beneath the surface by influential figures affiliated with globalism, anti-national Haifaite Bahaism, zionism and freemasonry. Heck, the shah was forced to ban a book he himself had asked SAVAK operative Esmail Ra'in to author, exposing the identities of (some of the) higher grade freemasons in Iran, including former prime minister Sharif Emami... just goes to show who really was calling the shots back then.

Secondly, Islamic Iran has achieved deterrence against the empire already. Nuclear weapons aren't needed barring some game changing event detrimental to Iran. It's Iran's enemies who are desperate, not knowing how to bring down the Islamic Republic, despite having tried every trick and malice they could realistically resort to. Forty three years of the most intensive efforts, and they have nothing decisive to show for other than some absolutely irrelevant psy-ops points they might have scored with the gullible brainwashed public here and there.
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Enlightenment/Masonic/Kabbalistic/many Sufi traditions, mainly projecting the idea of inverting religious/cultural traditions into one based on individualism was first limited/taught exclusively to men over 40 years old, who had a family, were property owners, i.e., the people of higher intellectual/financial capability and higher discipline, it was working fine, until enlightenment era intellectuals decided to "export" their ideology to the public. The public operates based on the nature, by the definition, thus, the current social problems, rooted in an unnatural egalitarian ideology, promoting maximizing personal benefits, started to emerge. Turkey as well as Iran both historically were rich in terms of sufi and later masonic orders, especially among Alevites/shiites and other religious minorities, like donmeh, which is not surprising considering the mo'tazelah tendencies, their contacts with oriental cultures. The role of these orders are somewhat exaggerated, as following these orders became somewhat of a fashion and a source of gaining support for almost all intellectuals and statesmen in Qajar/Ottoman/Pahlavi/TYT governments. You can hardly find any intellectual/statesmen including some prominent clergy, who wasn't a part of these orders. My problem with them is regarding the export of their ideology to the public. Instead, now I'm more in favor of a more traditionalist school of thought for the public, which is somewhat, but not entirely collectivist.
Pahlavis, they were one of the many governments in our region propped up by the UK in that era, which were all ultra nationalist, the goal was creating a nationalistic belt against the expansion of the communist revolutionaries in Russia, they were supporting similar elements within Russia too. The same idea was later repeated post WWII by the west, but this time called the famous islamic green belt against USSR.

Sufism as a whole should not be put into the same category as masonry, even if some contemporary thinkers have attempted to establish bridges between the two. Not every form of mysticism can be equated with masonic subversion.

The masonic secret society is problematic, it will try to impose its far-reaching designs on society and mankind everywhere - whether spreading a trivialized version of its ideas to the public or not. During the Iranian Constitutional Revolution, various lay figures and even some members of the clergy who were playing an influential role in the events were freemasons. However, great men such as the cleric sheykh Fazlollah Nouri stood against them, and were martyred for it.

The Pahlavi regime was controlled by masonry, it was allowed to display a nationalist facade for several reasons, one of which was its mission to counter Soviet expansion.

As you said, the antidote to this danger is Tradition.
I see my brothers are fighting over Ballistic missiles. Guys, is that what we ought to be talking about right now? Seriously. First and foremost,

Congratulations to the whole of Iran and to every resistance supporter on acquiring the SU57 and SU35 as interceptors and the s 400 as air defence. Congratulations too on the T90 battle tanks.

There's no stopping those sales now. Trust me there's no stopping no matter Wat. Congratulations.
Russia sending in reinforcements from Belarus

Russian column filmed north of Kiev

Russian tanks in Kursk heading towards Ukraine

Another Ukrainian drone targets Russian fuel supplies

Ukrainians target Russian BUK SAM north of Kiev

Ukrainians using tires and makeshift Czech hedgehogs to block advance

So the Russians are sustaining losses. Ukrainians are putting up stiff resistance. However Russians are sending in reinforcements to consolidate their positions. The Russian convoy heading to Kiev is 65 KM long. Russians are slowly but surely advancing, especially in the east and south.
Russia sending in reinforcements from Belarus

Russian column filmed north of Kiev

Russian tanks in Kursk heading towards Ukraine

Another Ukrainian drone targets Russian fuel supplies

Ukrainians target Russian BUK SAM north of Kiev

Ukrainians using tires and makeshift Czech hedgehogs to block advance

So the Russians are sustaining losses. Ukrainians are putting up stiff resistance. However Russians are sending in reinforcements to consolidate their positions. The Russian convoy heading to Kiev is 65 KM long. Russians are slowly but surely advancing, especially in the east and south.
Sending in pro Russian Chechens and now Belarusian forces to help the Russian invaders...

What do you think the Ukrainians perspective of seeing that?
Having full respect for my revolutionary friends here but I will absolutely give what I feel is the unbiased truth.

If anyone thinks that having the current ballistic missiles arsenal works as an effective deterrence against the west then they are very mistake and to a point even deluded.

The reason for that is, there is no guarantee at all that America will not go nuclear in case of war. To be sure of America staying conventional in case of war is naive. Just look at the American disinformation machine at this Ukraine Russia conflict. Full of terrible lies and disinfo. From the ghost of Kiev to snake islands. Lies lies lies. Also we are hearing that Slovakia announced 25 years imprisonment for anyone even supporting Russia online. For Poland its 1-3 years. On social media ordinary people have joined the anti Russian hYsteria with full force. 90% of the world population right now are trendies who dance to any and all music played

The point here is Wen the time comes for America to use nukes against Iran, it will do so. It will just spread lies that Iran was just about to nuke Europe and America and so it had to be done. And I'll tell you they will make the audience jump on their bandwagon and nobody will give a flying f#ck about Iran.

So stop this goddamned stupid logic that BM deterrence is enuf. Because it is absolutely no deterrence at all. Only nukes are deterrence. Only nukes will stop America from nuking Iran. America will not hesitate to nuke Iran and will turn the trendy masses to support it by saying Iran was about to nuke west and everyone will accept it. So stop this madness. Iran must get nukes or it's all over.
For those who are saying Russia has been underachieving militarily, this is because Russia is trying to minimize Ukranian civilian casualties as low as possible... unlike USA shock and Awe carpet bombings that didn't care about civilians.

Russian speed of advance has been much greater than American coaliation which incl Ukraine, Britain, Poland, Japan, Korea and many others, advance in Iraq in 2003.

Yankee/Ukie propaganda on their social media and mass media has been stupendous, that's all.

Maybe it's fair to say the speed of their media propaganda has surpassed the speed at which Russian armed forces - with only a fraction of their troops at their disposal - has been expanding across Ukraine the largest country in Europe after Russia.
China doesn't use their ballistic missiles as regularly as Iran does especially for practical combat purposes.

The "great precision" project that allowed Iran to increase both the range and accuracy/precision of its missile arsenal paid-off in spades.
I'm surprised you said that considering China's doctrine on using something similar but have not yet applied to real combat except for training.
Fully agree with you salar ..the Iranian defence strategy of "missiles first" has been very effective...proof of it is that no one has dared to attack Iran...yet.

This is no proof, sorry.

Cuba - much smaller, much poorer, maybe weaker than Iran, much closer to USA. Has not been invaded by USA, yet, successfully.

So does it mean Iran should become as weak as Cuba militarily? :-)

Before Trump assassinated Soleimani, would any of you, or would any Iranian official, have believed if anybody told them that they can be killed any time, anywhere?

On their home soil even?

Like Fakhrizadeh was assassinated on your home soil?
I'm surprised you said that considering China's doctrine on using something similar but have not yet applied to real combat except for training.

Iran is king in practical terms, although numerically and probably capability wise the Chinese are ahead yet they haven't used any of their weapons in a modern combat setting whereas the IRGC has on numerous occasions.

Give it another ten years and Iran's missile prowess will become even stronger, far outpacing many of key players even at the international level.
Iran is king in practical terms, although numerically and probably capability wise the Chinese are ahead yet they haven't used any of their weapons in a modern combat setting whereas the IRGC has on numerous occasions.

Give it another ten years and Iran's missile prowess will become even stronger, far outpacing many of key players even at the international level.
In other words knowledge of the tactics and strategies using this type of warfare.
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