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Iranian Chill Thread

I was just thinking if Russia is sanctioned by the United States if it goes to conflict in Ukraine, they would likely be inclined to sell aircraft and helicopters to Iran to boost their finances.
I was just thinking if Russia is sanctioned by the United States if it goes to conflict in Ukraine, they would likely be inclined to sell aircraft and helicopters to Iran to boost their finances.

Sad that Iran's defense needs hinges on whether or not Russia will 'get along' with the West on Ukraine and other issues not related to Iranian national security whatsoever.
20 Turkish drones were shot down in Libya. The following website provides pictures and video evidence. Take a look for yourself. This has been well documented.

And those 20 were all shot down by export variant Pantsirs operated by Libyan rebels who were not extensively trained.

As for the Ukrainian Bayraktars, they're useless against Russia. Russia has the S-400, BUK, Pantsir, TOR all integrated. Not to mention their fighter jets can launch air to air missiles that can hit targets as far away as 150 km atleast.

Most likely it won't even come to that. Russia knows where those drones and all of Ukraines assets are at all times. They will be wiped out by Russian missiles within the first few hours of any Russian offensive into Ukraine.

Last time, Russia took Crimea without even firing a shot and half of Ukraines army defected to the Russia. Ukraine was created by Russia and used to be a mere province. Their export variant, Soviet era Russian weapons will be useless against Russia itself. That's the truth.

>thats some nice Russian propaganda. The mighty Russian Air defence. The Armenians believed it too. The >only thing that will save Russia is the airforce which will down the drones with ease. But the Ukranians have >Air defences that will make that an expensive hobby for the Russian Air Force.

s400 does not have friend or Foe identifier. the patriot does. So you will more likely be able to shoot NATO aircraft with s400 and you will have zero chance with patriot. Yes Russia keeps the s400 codes, so if they really wanted to prevent turkey using them they are probably able to. So yes, Russia could easily make them useless. And that's the case with all tech. During the Falklands, the British demanded the French "switch off" their anti ship missiles after they sunk a British ship. The French did.

thats some nice Russian propaganda. The mighty Russian Air defence. The Armenians believed it too. The only thing that will save Russia is the airforce which will down the drones with ease. But the Ukranians have Air defences that will make that an expensive hobby for the Russian Air Force.

He might have lost billions, but he saved Turkey from buying these F35's which would have not been great for Turkey as any user is forced into a very tight embrace by America. Turkish lira was 18 USD. Now its 13. We will see what happens.

Turkey has the highest interest rates in OECD. We will see the end result of Erdogan policies. But it should be noted that massive interest rates did not stop the slide of the Lira in the 1990's. But Erdogan seems to have stopped it now.

As I've said, if Turkey, Pakistan and AZ, cant build a jet fighter, they dont deserve to have one. thats 330 million people we are talking about.

As I've said, they have to build it or they wont have it. Invent it or steal it. its the only way.

What fine by Russia? Turkey owns those missies, they will do with them as they want. they were probably used to learn how to defeat them first and foremost. this info was probably shared with USA. For a price.

Russia approved those sanctions, they are permanent member of the security council. who are you kidding here?
I'm not implying that Pakistani or Iranian engineers are inferior to Russian, French, American or Chinese but those nations have the necessary budgets.

Ask yourself, what would Iran have done in the Iran-Iraq war without the F-14 ? The F-14s shot down 150 Iraqi jets with 3 lost. Without the F-14 Iran might not have been able to expel the Iraqis in 2 years time.

The question is, can Iran build a 4th generation fighter jet up to modern standards ? Something on par with SU-35 ? or Rafale ? or a new F-16 ? I don't think so. Honestly Iran has been trying for decades and you can see for yourself the best that they've come up with. A modernized F-5 and a few prototypes that went absolutely nowhere.

Pakistan just purchased J-10s from China. If they could build a solid 4th gen fighter then why bother with the J-10 ? The JF-17 is pretty much Chinese with their stamp on it. China offered the JF-17 to Iran in exchange for oil but Iran decided that it wasn't good enough.

Same with Turkey. they recently asked the US for dozens of F-16s and 80 modernization kits. If they can't even modernize F-16s by themselves or reverse engineer it or build something similar, then how on earth are they going to now build a 5th generation fighter jet with Pakistan ? I mean I'm sure they can come up with something, but will it be up to the standards of the F-35, F-22, J-20, SU-57 ? I highly doubt it.

Even China just recently installed their own jet engines onto their J-20 and other fighter jets and there are still many questions as to how effective they truly are. There are some doubts as to whether they can perform as well as their Russian counterparts.

And that's China after almost half a century of trying and in the last 2 decades they have poured hundreds of billions into building aircrafts.

On the other hand look at India, with their massive budget and countless brilliant engineers. The best they can do is the Tejas, which is not as good as the F-16, Rafale or SU-35.

I honestly hope Iran purchases the SU-35, SU-30 or even J-10, especially with technology transfers or if Iran can build them under license, that would be great. Such an injection of hardware and technology will actually help Iran to build its own fighter jets.

As another example, look at Iran's extremely limited drone industry before Iran captured several US drones. All the American UAVs which Iran captured, is what really kickstarted Iran's UAV industry and gave Iran the necessary boost to get to where it is today.

The Trend with the 3 military giants of our planet (US, Russia,China) is that as the technology has become so complicated they all will adopt some kind of CAATSA legislation to get a "captive" market for their products.. Yes China will do it and Russia will do it..If you buy these high priced, high tech military items from any one of them you will become their bitch...they will punish you if you want to diversify...ask Turkey, and Egypt..they did not know once they bought from the US and now they are not allowed to buy from any one else .

Iran should stay away from purchase of any "Turn Key" military item from any one of them no matter if they are friendly to Iran...Buy SU-35 or J-10 and you will be in their fishing net..
I honestly hope Iran purchases the SU-35, SU-30 or even J-10, especially with technology transfers or if Iran can build them under license, that would be great. Such an injection of hardware and technology will actually help Iran to build its own fighter jets.

If Iran buys them then it faces the same issue as turkey. The "injection of hardware and technology" wont help that much in developing their own jets.

Chia is 50+ years behind US in aircraft engine tech.
In the late 1960's and 1970s "Paykan" was the car of choice for many Iranians..Assembled in Iran from a production line bought from England ..Old farts like me drove them and at the time they were decent cars ..Here is an exhibition of them in Tehran.





با مقاله سر و ور کسی دستت هیچی نمیده

در مهندسی باید محصولی بسازی که بتونی بفروشی
نه پانصد تا مقاله داشته باشی که نویسنده ها همشون جاشون عوض میشه

قدیمی شد این تکنیک ها

میدونم چون خودم رو هم اوضاع رو دیدم. بنویس برای حتی این و اون کنفرانس
پول کنفرانس رو هم از بیت المال به دلار دادند
بنویس بنویس بنویس

جای اینکه بگن محصولی بساز که بتونی بفروشی
آیندت رو بسازی
پولی به دست بیاری
مهندسی اینه
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....and irrelevant. Taliban are 200000000 years behind US in jet engines but didnt they just kick US out of Affhanistan? thjis manipulator just drops irrelevant information on us, thinking we'll just buy it as easily as he did. smh.
Those who try mock/belittle or spread disinformation against countries that resist white US supremacy are puppets themselves and need to be confronted.
....and irrelevant. Taliban are 200000000 years behind US in jet engines but didnt they just kick US out of Affhanistan? thjis manipulator just drops irrelevant information on us, thinking we'll just buy it as easily as he did. smh.

So why does Iran need its own jet engines then? Clearly you can see the benefit of having jet engine technology.

Those who try mock/belittle or spread disinformation against countries that resist white US supremacy are puppets themselves and need to be confronted.

If you can tell me what misinformation I have spread or who I have belittled? Pointing out facts about Chinese technology is not belittling anyone.
So why does Iran need its own jet engines then? Clearly you can see the benefit of having jet engine technology.
Cuz you doesnt understand the difference between needing something, and needing something to survive.
Cuz you doesnt understand the difference between needing something, and needing something to survive.

Nobody was talking about survival. it was mentioned that imported aircraft could help Iran develop its own. I just said yes, but they will face the same challenges as Turkey in trying to do that. It's not easy. Just look at china and how log it took them to replace Russian engine. And try to imagine how long it will take them to get something on par with America.

And then you somehow mentioned Afghanistan and how they dont need jet engines to kick America out. I think that misses the point I was trying to make.
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