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Iranian Chill Thread

In 2006 the Lira was almost on par with the US dollar like 1 to 1.2. In 2011 it was 1.5 vs the USD. Now it's heading to 10 and double digits over the coming years and decades. Erdogan slashing those 6 zeros in the early 2000s did not work in the long term. Yeah the Lira recently broke some vital resistance points and is now heading to 10 and beyond vs the USD. It's so obvious that it's heading to 10 and beyond at this point it's just free money for investors and trader who want to short it and wait for their returns.

In terms of the Toman it's at 27,000 range right now. Are they still planning on slashing those 4 zeros from it ? I'm not so sure they should even bother. It seems as if every single time a country does it, it never works out in the long term and even in the short term can fail spectacularly.

Often times the driving factor seems to be more about psychology than actual demand / supply issue and monetary value. If Iran does end up slashing 4 zeros simply for convenience sake and printing new bills, one good plan is that they're going to have both bills in circulation simultaneously so it doesn't cause any kind of immediate psychological shock or general confusion which could lead to immediately devaluation.

In the long term, to avoid future hyper inflation of its currency, Iran should put more effort into digitizing its currency. The easier and more convenient it is to trade a currency the less likely it is to devalue erratically. That is what finally stopped Zimbabwe's devaluation but that was completely out of control. Just overnight they had added 6 zeros and people had to carry suitcases to buy groceries.

In the middle east region in general we've seen lots of currencies and economies not doing so great right now. From Lebanon, Syria, Pakistan. In general inflation is just exploding right now throughout the world. The Bolivar in Venezuela, I heard the government there is pumping billions just to keep the currency afloat.

If the world doesn't get together to address some of these common issues, we're going to see shortages of vital resources soon and that's when you're going to see entire cities just shutting down, going dark for weeks, going back to the stone ages overnight as some parts of the world turn into powerless concrete jungles.

Massive wars could break out over resources whether it's China/India over energy or water as it becomes scarce. Iran should be extremely vigilant of protecting it's national energy resources from potentially hostile foreign entities who might view Iran's resources as a natural target that they would want to plunder and exploit. It's a blessing for Iran but at the same time it can be a curse if nations want to loot your resources and in some cases if they have no choice out of sheer desperation.



اکانت های تویتر میگن که این نماینده انگلیس و دانشمند موشکی ا س ر ا ی ی ل هر دو با چاقو توسط یک ع ر ب کشته شدند
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How many of these former or current western politicians does MKO have in their payroll ? I can guarantee that he accepted atleast 50,000-200,000 just to show his face at their silly events to give them credibility.

Another profound question that must be asked is this, how much of MKO budget gets siphoned into Maryam Rajavi's Botox on a yearly basis ?


اکانت های تویتر میگن که این نماینده انگلیس و دانشمند موشکی ا س ر ا ی ی ل هر دو با چاقو توسط یک ع ر ب کشته شدند
How many of these former or current west politicians does MKO have in their payroll ? I can guarantee that he accepted atleast 50,000-200,000 just to show his face at their silly events to give them credibility.

Another profound question that must be asked is this, how much of MKO budget gets siphoned into Maryam Rajavi's Botox ?
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I didn't even know China played ice hockey at all. Okay so what would a Canadian or American or Russian team do to them 50 to 0 100 to 0 ?

Yeah they are damn good at making bagels though. I used to have this Jewish friend when I was younger and his mom owned a bagel shop and supplied large chains with bagels. Jews invented bagels in Poland right I'm pretty sure.

They better stick with making bagels..!!!
wait aren't you Bangladeshi dude...
just saying....

He got banned when he went to Pakistani section, out of nowhere as in no quote wrote a post saying Pakistan is a nation of dogs and I hope both India and Iran pop this pimple of nation forever, end its existence

So you know he'll probably be away for a while now

That's a shame. More than ever, we all NEED to work together to get our RIGHTS back from those that are well practiced in "DIVIDE AND CONQUER AND MAKE YOUR ADVERSARIES WEAK TO TAKE FROM THEM".
احتمالا حمله شکست خورده به مرکز موشکی خمین جهت خرابکاری و دزدی اطلاعات و فشار برای مذاکره

باید دید دوربینهای محل چی نشون میده
و تا کجا عوامل اون لو میرن
اینبار غربیها بدجور گند زدن و شانس بیارن سرشاخه ها لو نرن

اون جمالی فش که سالها گفته شد بیگناه بود آخرش در منبع غربی گفتن عامل بود
روابط عمومی سپاه روح الله استان مرکزی در اطلاعیه‌ای از شهادت پاسدار رشید اسلام" مهدی مکرمی " در درگیری با سارقین مسلح در حومه شهر خمین خبر داد.
به گزارش مشرق، روابط عمومی سپاه روح‌الله استان مرکزی در اطلاعیه‌ای اعلام کرد: بامداد امروز( یکشنبه ۲۵ مهرماه) چند سارق مسلح قصد تعرض به انبار یکی از مقرهای سپاه ناحیه خمین در حومه شهر را داشتند که با هوشیاری یکی از پاسداران مستقر در محل مواجه و در هنگام فرار اقدام به تیراندازی کور می کنند.
در این تیراندازی پاسدار رشید اسلام " مهدی مکرمی " مورد اصابت گلوله قرار گرفته و در اثر شدت جراحات عصر امروز به درجه رفیع شهادت نائل آمد .
سپاه روح الله استان مرکزی با تبریک و تسلیت شهادت این پاسدار شجاع به خانواده معظم شهید و مردم شریف و شهید پرور شهر خمین تاکید کرده است که تحقیقات برای شناسایی و دستگیری سارقین مسلح متواری شده با همکاری دستگاه‌های امنیتی و اطلاعاتی ادامه دارد.
شهادت یکی از پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی خمین در درگیری با سارقین مسلح

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Chinese students of Islam at the Al-Mostafa University seminary institute in Gorgan, Iran:









Enjoying Iranian food with chopsticks (the ghorme sabzi seems popular with these brothers)!


Introducing their hosts to Chinese delicacies, and teaching them how to use chopsticks:


Iranian cleric serving as a local imam in China:



No amount of zionist and Bahai lobbying will manage to undermine these ties.

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