Except that Hashemi meant something else, for what his statements implied was advocacy of Iranian withdrawal from Syria and abandonment of the Syrian government. In short, to let the MKO-allied, western- and zionist-backed rebels topple President Assad and rule over Syria.
Just like his protege Rohani was drooling with excitement about "JCPOAs II and III" in his post-JCPOA televised Noruz address... Neutralizing Iran's other two major assets of deterrence after its latent nuclear breakout capability, namely its ballistic missile arsenal and regional network of alliances is what those potential follow-up deals would have been about.
Illustrating once again the dangerously defeatist, nay suicidal delusions of western-apologetic liberal forces in Iran (whether reformists or centrists/moderates, which are on the same page when it comes to this).