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Iranian Chill Thread

I would caution members celebrating this move too much. This is the same group that beheaded Iranian diplomats and their children.

Just for your information, the only survivor of the massacre at the Iranian consulate in Mazare Sharif stated publicly that the attackers weren't local Taleban. According to this witness the consular staff were in constant radio contact with allied forces, and the Taleban were reported to be still farther away when the terrorists entered the consulate. The same witness believes it was the work of a Pakistan-based extremist outlet, such as Sipahe Sahaba (SSP). Regarding the children of the diplomats, this must be a mistake, they weren't present there.


The Taliban don't have any super powerful backer.

I would advise against underestimating Pakistan, particularly in the Afghan theater. It doesn't matter which of the two, Iran or Pakistan, one believes to be overall more powerful.

For Pakistan remains a significant regional power in any case, its military and intelligence agencies are capable ones and in terms of geopolitics and security, Afghanistan is its second most priority after India. To provide a comparison of sorts, Afghanistan is as important to Islamabad as Iraq is to Iran. Therefore Pakistan will commit a maximum of resources to Afghan affairs.

Also, the fact that Pashtuns represent 40% of the Afghan population and therefore the largest local community is an asset to Pakistan, given the sizeable presence of the same group among Pakistan's own population. Moreover in Afghanistan the Pashtun community has greater political homogeneity and cohesion compared to others.

Add to this the vast experience and networks of alliance Islamabad has acquired in Afghanistan, not least due to intervening there in the 1980's war against the Soviets.

Rest assured that if the Taleban swept to power with ease like they just did, it's in no small part thanks to Pakistani support.

This is one more reason for Iran not to rush into hasty, ill-conceived actions in Afghanistan, and concentrate on trying to make its agreement with the Taleban hold for as long as possible. Only if an immediate and real threat to Iran's security materializes would Iran intervene. Until then, smart prevention and negotiated pursuit of national interest and revolutionary principles should be the priority.
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Three interesting videos about developments in Afghanistan and their relevance to Iran. Frankly, watch these if you have time and are interested.

First clip, a short one by ostad Raefipoor:

Key points:

1) Significant difference between salafi/wahhabi "jihadis" groups and the Taleban.

To be precise, members of the Taleban follow the Hanafi school of jurisprudence (figh), the Deobandi school of religious thought (aqeeda) and maturidi theology (kalam).

2) So-called ethnic (in fact linguistic) divisions in Afghanistan are much more pronounced than confessional ones.

They've mostly opposed Pashtuns and Parsi-speakers (Tajiks, Hazaras, Aymaq), with Uzbeks, Turkmens, Baluch and Nurestanis being other parties involved. Even between Shias, the Sadat and Hazara "ethnic" groups have been at conflict on several occasions.

Additional comment by me: only the so-called "I"SIS-K grouplet seems to have strong sectarianist motivations. It is part of the zio-American agenda to try and add a "Shia-Sunni" layer to the conflict, primarily as a tool against Iranian interests and security.

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Second clip, from Omid Dana.

Key point: Iranian liberals (reformists + centrists/moderates) ie the very same people who used to gripe and moan about Iran's involvement in Syria (remember Hashemi Rafsanjani's speech blaming President Assad), are now scandalized about what they deem to be excessive passivity on the IRGC's part in the face of Taleban take over in Afghanistan.

On the other hand those loyal to the principles of the Islamic Revolution want to avoid any sort of involvement in Afghanistan, while understanding the necessity of Iranian assistance to Syria, Iraq and Lebanon.

It is essentially the western-apologetic liberals known for their opposition to involvement in regional conflicts, who now all of a sudden are crying for intervention in Afghanistan! Whereas revolutionary forces and the IRGC take an opposite stance.

But no worries, Iran isn't going to step into the US-concocted trap of hastened and unjustified intervention in Afghanistan despite the return of the Taleban.

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Third clip, comprehensive analysis of the Afghan situation by Omid Dana.

Lessons to be drawn for from the fate of the US-subservient Ghani administration's. For Iranians - including domestic liberals and exiled oppositionists who were cheering for US-installed regime in Kabul as an example of a successful "democracy", and also for all non-Iranians.

How Iran kept silent for the past 20 years about the Afghan client regime's provocative and treacherous behaviour, including sending over spies disguised as immigrants, allowing the US military to use Afghan territory for hostile operations (the RQ-170 which Iran captured took off from there), antagonizing Iran over water supply from the Helmand river etc. Contrary to Abdollah Abdollah and even Hamed Karzai once he woke up to America's intentions, Ghani for his part systematically refused Iranian overtures and preferred to remain subservient to Washington, while taking part in official meetings in America where the Afghan flag was lacking! This is why the US wanted Ghani and not Abdollah elected. Yet Iran consistently kept a low profile due to Afghanistan being the brotherly nation it is, and Afghans being basically an Iranian people.

Of the corruption of Afghanistan's toppled pro-US rulers, with Ghani and his entourage grabbing national wealth in cash on their flight from the country.

How the US was defeated in Afghanistan, and how it ditched its local vassals in a typical, so oft repeated move. A lesson for all those, in Iran and abroad, who in 2021 still believe in submitting to imperial US overlordship!

The factors which led to the sweeping Taleban victory: one, grassroots support among the Pashtun population, Afghanistan's largest community; two, the homogeneous political orientation of Afghan Pashtuns relative to other Afghan communities; and three, decisive support from Pakistan's military and intelligence services.

How Taleban leaders on their recent trip to Iran did not just meet Zarif, but off camera also sat down with officials who really matter when it comes to Iran's foreign and defence policies. What deals were struck then between the two sides.

How the Taleban kept their promise to safely escort Iran's Sunni Tajik ally Ismael Khan from his stronghold in Herat to the Iranian border, from where he moved on to the holy city of Mashhad, where he was welcomed by crowds. How the Taleban did not enter the velayats of Bamyan (where Hazara are present) and Panjshir (under the control of Ahmad Shah Masud's son), again in line with Iranian wishes.

What led to the conflict between Iran and the Taleban in the 1990's, and in what ways the situation differs now. But also, the many options at Iran's disposal, should things ever turn sour.
نه قندهار نه کابل جانم فدای ایران...😆
He's still obsessed with him. So many people still can't get over him, his memory is haunting them Imao. Al-Muhandis and Soleimani were like best friends. In some ways, it was good that they were shaheed together like when the fought together.

I also just recently heard that Iran is now using a second cascade for 60% enriched uranium now. Production is increasing.

I used to not watch Omid Dana cause his mannerisms were off putting at first, but then I got used to it, listen a bit and now I watch all his videos.😄
In his speech in March I think he mentioned soleimani and before that in November I think during Christian neocon conference he also mentioned it seems this scumbag can’t get over the fact that soleimani ignored him and that even after his assassination is more dangerous.
He's still obsessed with him. So many people still can't get over him, his memory is haunting them Imao. Al-Muhandis and Soleimani were like best friends. In some ways, it was good that they were shaheed together like when the fought together.

I also just recently heard that Iran is now using a second cascade for 60% enriched uranium now. Production is increasing.

I used to not watch Omid Dana cause his mannerisms were off putting at first, but then I got used to it, listen a bit and now I watch all his videos.😄
Wow! he lost tons of weight.
Wow! he lost tons of weight.
In his speech in March I think he mentioned soleimani and before that in November I think during Christian neocon conference he also mentioned it seems this scumbag can’t get over the fact that soleimani ignored him and that even after his assassination is more dangerous.
You can literally see his physical health decline after Soleimani and Al-Muhandis. They must be haunting him in his home and playing pranks on him 🤣
. .
. .
He's still obsessed with him. So many people still can't get over him, his memory is haunting them Imao. Al-Muhandis and Soleimani were like best friends. In some ways, it was good that they were shaheed together like when the fought together.

I also just recently heard that Iran is now using a second cascade for 60% enriched uranium now. Production is increasing.

I used to not watch Omid Dana cause his mannerisms were off putting at first, but then I got used to it, listen a bit and now I watch all his videos.😄

It seems he Bragg about soleimani because he didn’t have anything to Bragg about also this proves how soleimani’s d!ck was hurting and still hurting these scumbags and like you said it’s seems he lost weight and his hair is more gray.🤣
Just imagine we almost had a war with them in 1998. Thanks to Khamenei we were spared of that shitty war.

Same thing happened with freaking Saddam supporters who wanted us to fight US to protect Saddam.

soodi international bloated maggots and the "experts" they dredge out of a septic tank are some of the worse abominations ever!
Also, those two faggots sitting in the russian whorehouse-embassy need to be thrown out of the country with a harsh message sent to that bloated bag of garbage putin to either send a human or go f*** himself and close down the english whore house septic tank "embassy" for a couple of months with also the same demand for either a human ambassador or keep the smelly english toilet closed permanently!
اغلب اونها برای ایران نمیان
برای اروپا میان و ایران وسیله است

ما نمیتونیم جلوی آمدنشون رو بگیریم و برگردند باز هم میان

ما باید فاطمیون و غیر اونها رو جدا کنیم

فاطمیون که هر جا خواستن میرن
ایران میمونند یا هر چه خواستند
بقیه مهاجران اول با عرق جبین پول سفر اروپاشون رو مهیا کنند و ایران هم به اونها در این سفر کمک کنه
بروند به قبله آمالشون و خوش باشند

باید مسیر سفرشون از ترکیه مستقل بشه
مسیر های جدید و مبتکرانه

هم انسان دوستانه هم به نفع مهاجر افغان
ایران به فکر آرامش اونها باشه نه بستن راهشون​

احمد داوداغلو: "ترکیه در ایران شبکه جاسوسی دارد"

وی که در برنامه معروف «تک تک» با فاتح آلتایلی صحبت میکرد در خصوص موج مهاجرت افغان ها به ترکیه گفت:

«ترکیه در ایران شبکه جاسوسی دارد و باید به ایران هشدار دهند که از موج مهاجرت افغان
ها به ترکیه پیشگیری کند».

لو رفتم بچه ها
مسیر ترکیه دیگه امن نیست
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Official figures yes, accurate figures, absolutely not.

آنچه گفته شد این است که تعداد زیادی از موارد بیماری را تشخیص نمی‌دهیم و به عبارتی موارد ما بیش از چیزی است که گزارش می‌کنیم. از طرفی مرگ‌هایی هم که به عنوان مرگ قطعی کووید۱۹ اعلام می‌کنیم همان‌هایی است که تست‌شان مثبت شده است؛ پس نه تعداد مرگ‌ها و نه تعداد ابتلاها واقعی نیست. البته واقعی نبودن به معنای گزارش جعلی نیست؛ بلکه بر اساس تعریف ارائه شده می‌بایست تعداد تست بیشتری انجام می‌دادیم اما به هر دلیلی این اتفاق نیفتاده است.

The supply of vaccine imports is finite, but that goes for domestic production as well which has fell far short of promises. Vaccine importations were actively opposed by the health ministry.


فروردین ماه امسال همه مقدمات واردات شش میلیون دوز واکسن را با موافقت رئیس جمهور و ستاد کرونای تهران طی کردیم، اما به دلایلی که تاکنون برای ما مشخص نگردیده، وزارت بهداشت مانع از انجام کار شد.

Caution and contingencies were thrown to the wind and now Iran is in the throes of the fifth wave with no peak in sight as this can only be determined when cases begin declining (refer to the ISNA article). Medical staff are emigrating at much higher rates than pre pandemic, further exacerbating the crisis. And for what, so officials could boast of domestic sufficiency?

Stop spreading the whole thing called in real SCAMDEMIC
Spreading fakenumbers of alleged Coviddeaths, the fake situation in India, all the fake variants and waves...
Open your eyes, do your research, dont read the mainstream media, this sh.t is all a big f...ing SCAM aka "The great Reset"
Whoever whats to get the vaccine should git it, I dont f..ing care, but making notvaccinated people some sort of second class people is a f..ing joke
Look whats going on in Australia, they want to vaccinate next week 28000 children in a stadion and parents are not allowed to enter it, this doesnt sound suspicious for you?
This whole thing is a f..ing tyranny and more and more people here in europe are waking up
The death rate of this virus (the covidvirus is just a relabled fluvirus) is the same like the flu
Fully vaccinated people (2 shosts) are getting again infected with the covid virus and are hospitalized and a 3rd shot is needed (this will never end)
New studys show that the viral load in the vaccinated people is as same as with the nonvaccinated
But big money for big pharma...thats for sure

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Missiles cities step aside...talk about history..our ancestors built these in ancient times ..I am so impressed...:cheesy:

2000 years old Shapur fortress
The Shapur Khast is a historical fortress in western Iran, dating back to the Sassanid era. Also known as Castle of Falak ol-Aflak is located in the centre of Lorestan province in western Iran. It is sited near a river, on a hill overlooking the city.








When Alexander the Great invaded Iran, the rulers of Lorestan decided to hide valuable objects of gold and silver in this fortress. Those antiques were accidentally found by the thieves after 2,000 years. Some have been restored and kept in the castle’s museum.



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