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Iranian Chill Thread

How is it then that the Israelis have such deep knowledge and seemingly endless access to every aspect of Iran's nuclear program, specifically the Natanz area? You mean to tell me that these operatives are just waltzing in there and doing their job then leaving without a trace, or is there something else going on?

I'm just utterly confused and obviously befuddled as to how SO MANY lapses in critical security measures keeps happening, over and over and over and over and over... It's as if Iran doesn't have or even care about internal security regarding valuable national assets.

When you have this abundance of resources available as Israel does, you have a lot of tools at your disposal to significantly infiltrate Iran's security infrastructure.

Identifying key figures within Iran's nuclear program (including essential contractors); approaching and recruiting them with substantial offers of money, etc.

Or sometimes, like what happened in 2007, faux installation companies that were set up and controlled by western intelligence agencies that managed to infiltrate Iran's nuclear program by nature of their work. These installation companies can run for years in normalcy before being activated by these agencies to move over to sabotage.

When I studied intelligence in the Netherlands, a fellow student of mine (with a background in computor science) was simultaneously doing work at what he said was the ''Iran Group'' in the Royal Netherlands Army.

When you have a small country like the Netherlands having a dedicated group in place to monitor Iran's activities (Dutch intelligence by the way proved to be instrumental for the Stuxnet attack), you can imagine what the likes of Israel and the US have set up.
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ارین جان

ناراحتی ها به جاست
نفوذی داریم

اما یاد ضربات لبنان و مرز افغانستان هم باشین
چه بسا کانال سویز

بزن بزن ها دو طرفست

به نفع ماست حملات بزرگنمایی بشه

کشتی ساویز بر خلاف تبلیغات هنوز غرق نشده و گویا حتی برنگشته

ما هرچه الان حملات اسراییل رو بزرگ کنیم بیشتر سر میز امتیاز میگیریم
. .
We want Iran to be within its borders and stop murdering people in the region.

Morocco is a respected country while Iran is an international pariah entity.

You will face many more calamities and humiliations in the coming week and months :agree:

MOSSAD is in every city, in every town and in every facility in Iran.

says the guy coming from a country where the people using more french than arabic when they talk.
your isis thugs came near our borders and wanted to fight us ( estimated 1000-3000 fighters from morocco).
and now you cry around cause your uncle al baghdadi wasn't successful.

morocco wouldn't even last 1 day if it had u.s., israhell, all pgcc and the european union as an enemy.
morocco wouldn't even last without the support and money of the uae and saudi arabia. you can't even fight a border war against a low level army like algeria.
. .
says the guy coming from a country where the people using more french than arabic when they talk.
your isis thugs came near our borders and wanted to fight us ( estimated 1000-3000 fighters from morocco).
and now you cry around cause your uncle al baghdadi wasn't successful.

morocco wouldn't even last 1 day if it had u.s., israhell, all pgcc and the european union as an enemy.
morocco wouldn't even last without the support and money of the uae and saudi arabia. you can't even fight a border war against a low level army like algeria.
He is not Moroccan he is Zionist scumbag
says the guy coming from a country where the people using more french than arabic when they talk.
your isis thugs came near our borders and wanted to fight us ( estimated 1000-3000 fighters from morocco).
and now you cry around cause your uncle al baghdadi wasn't successful.

morocco wouldn't even last 1 day if it had u.s., israhell, all pgcc and the european union as an enemy.
morocco wouldn't even last without the support and money of the uae and saudi arabia. you can't even fight a border war against a low level army like algeria.
You sound very upset and are lashing out. This is understandable since little Israel keeps humiliating you. What next? will they rub the soles of their shoes on Khamenei's face and then sneak out of Iran undetected again? it wouldn't surprise me.

Just get back into your borders Iran. No one wants your revolution, your dirty politics, your sick Mullahs. We just want to live without your tentacles of terror all over the region.

Until that time, we are ALL Israel.
To all iranian members:

This member called "Trench Broom" is an Israeli jew most likely from North Africa.. I call him Mr. "Terror" because he calls any thing iran or iranian with an added "Terror "prefix...

He is in heaven today because of natanz...we should let this scumbag to have his day but do not engage him...remember even when a mosquito bites you it enjoys your blood for few seconds before being splattered.

Ps: there is another of these roaches that goes by the name "Mohamed Bin Tughlaq ".he is also in the same category with US flags which is celebrating the natanz event..get to know the enemy troops.
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To all iranian members:

This member called "Trench Broom" is an Israeli jew most likely from North Africa.. I call him Mr. "Terror" because he calls any thing iran or iranian with an added "Terror "prefix...

He is in heaven today because of natanz...we should let this scumbag to have his day but do not engage him...remember even when a mosquito bites you it enjoys your blood for few seconds before being splattered.

Ps: there is another of these roaches that goes by the name "Mohamed Bin Tughlaq ".he is also in the same category with US flags which is celebrating the natanz event..get to know the enemy troops.

War is a game of strategy, like chess. That is the harsh, may be even cruel, reality of it. But strategy is everything. You can lose all the battles but win the war. Perfect example: U.S.A. - if you spend enough hours of your youth in national archive centers reading through documents that never make it to Hollywood movie scripts, you will realize that everything George Washington did was like a farmer planning crops for season after season. Six years of defeat in almost every battle, but he won the war against the British.

Israel and Zionist supporters (some I have worked with in the past, some I still work with today), have often enjoyed all the jabs that Iran has taken. Especially the recent ones. But not a single SMART strategist/person in the world thinks that Iran is losing.

I know multi-millionaires who are scared of everything, and every phone conversation I have with them, is driven from their fears and worries. I know families with kids who don't have a pot to piss in, challenge after challenge, nightmare after nightmare, and still they are laughing and go on with their lives as if nothing is wrong.

Why? constant adversarial challenges of life make you stronger. Sitting on your butt and having lots of money, eventually, makes you weak and not verse to take on challenges and beat them.

Iran is getting stronger and stronger, while Saudis are getting weaker and weaker. Why? That's an interesting analysis of its own.

I have always been a strong proponents of sanctions against Iran since Iran started all this "negotiations" back in 2004. Because I always believed sanctions against Iran will make Iran stronger, not weaker and force the government to rely and invest in its own resources/people rather than use oil money to buy crap from outside so that Rohani's buddies can skim off the top and transfer the money to European banks for their kids.

When Russia did not deliver S-300, Iran went ahead and built Bavar 373. When no one sold Scud missiles to Iran during Iran-Iraq war, they build it themselves. When no one sold fighter jets to Iran (Russian cancelling Mig-31s), they built arguably the most accurate precision strike missiles in the world, (works better than having fighter jets for striking enemy's target from far away) outside superpowers.

A barrel of oil is about $50-$90 usually. If you read Exxon-Mobile's Annual Financial Statement, you will see notes that indicate a fully downstreamed refinery processed oil products produce about $450 from a single barrel of oil. Iran CAN (and hopefully will in the future) make $450 from each barrel rather than sell crude for cash.

Anyone who thinks that jabs at Iran in Natanz is making Iran weaker, is a foolish imbecile. Stuxnet did not weaken Iran, only made it stronger. Fires and bombs and espionage activates and/or constant sabotage will not deter Iran, and will only show holes in their system which they will fix for future.

Here's the folly of Israeli and U.S. ideology of Iran that is self-defeating :

If they left Iran alone, then the Islamic Rep of Iran would have more problems of its own creation that they can create for Iran.

These geniuses have yet to discover that. Not the sharpest cats, are they. The obvious is hard to figure out for such "CLEVER" beings.

Iran should say, "thanks for the attack against the Natanz electrical equipment". We will make it better and protect it better in the future.

For those who think I am wrong, then answer this question for yourself?

Isn't Iran stronger now than 2018 when the full-on sanctions were put on Iran? Their manufacturing has grown, the government (finally) is investing in their industrial engineering firms and their young talent, the brain-drain has stopped to a certain point (no visas to come out), manufacturing is up, export market for regional trade is up, car parts manufacturing is more indigenous than ever before, AND ... AND ... the biggest of them all ....

... they have proven they can handle EVERY KIND OF INTIMIDATION AND GLOBAL CONSORTED ECONOMICAL STRAGULATION EVER DEVISED IN HISTORY AGAINST A NATION, short of war. Even during a pandemic. It's a big achievement. Even having your #2 and beloved General assassinated. You have to admit. And getting stronger every day. No one can deny it. With all the pressure and propaganda of the State Dept and MEK and Israel and Arabs, Europe, regional, your so called best friends (South Korea, Japan, India) ...

How many countries on this planet can actually handle this kind of pressure and SURVIVE and instead, actually THRIVE ???

Be honest with yourself? How many?

Can Saudis? Can UAE? Can Turkey? Can Holland? Can India?

So for those who gloat that Israeli Mossad attacked Natanz electrical machinery, well gloat on. But deep down inside, YOU ARE STILL SCARED CRAPPING IN YOUR PANTS of what future WILL bring.

Iran will lose these insignificant battles, BUT IT WILL WIN THE WAR. Nothing GOOD has ever happened without some PAIN.
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@Arian @Dariush the Great

I don't really know who else to say this too so i'll just go ahead and announce this here. As of this latest incident, i'm no longer going to defend (even one iota) Iran and its constant failures. This completely exemplifies a total lack of control of ones own security apparatus and is a sign of utter incompetence, weakness and defeat against a much more competent adversary (talking about Israel here).

We owe it to ourselves (and for the sake of reality) to call out, without reservations mind you, Iran on all its bullshit from here on out. Although I'm nobody, i'd like to think that my sentiment is shared amongst quite a few of you here as well as amongst a growing chorus of concerned individuals who care about Iran's safety.

This is just above and beyond disgrace......I mean the word "humiliated" is almost not enough to fully explain what has been happening. Might as well admit defeat when the enemy can literally do whatever it is they want, whenever they want, against whom ever they want with only a single line of "we'll hit them back when we choose too". It's as if they think this will be enough.
You don’t need to look in absolutes, we can defend what is worth defending and theirs plenty to defend , and criticize the indefensible instead of trying to justify failures :) .

Stuxnet was designed to destroy Iran’s nuclear program. While it did damage, it only made Iran more potent. No known cyber arm in Iran had even existed before Stuxnet, now they able to steal terrabytes worth of US university research and infiltrate US infrastructure.

It’s a loss today, but it will end with a more potency assuming the right lessons are learned and the right actions are taken.

As a matter of fact, now would be a good time to replace those defective IR-1s with IR-6s. The damage could be undone in 2 months and end up with more efficient production as a resultant. Perhaps construction of new miniaturized facilities with IR-9s
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When you have this abundance of resources available as Israel does, you have a lot of tools at your disposal to significantly infiltrate Iran's security infrastructure.

Identifying key figures within Iran's nuclear program (including essential contractors); approaching and recruiting them with substantial offers of money, etc.

Or sometimes, like what happened in 2007, faux installation companies that were set up and controlled by western intelligence agencies that managed to infiltrate Iran's nuclear program by nature of their work. These installation companies can run for years in normalcy before being activated by these agencies to move over to sabotage.

When I studied intelligence in the Netherlands, a fellow student of mine (with a background in computor science) was simultaneously doing work at what he said was the ''Iran Group'' in the Royal Netherlands Army.

When you have a small country like the Netherlands having a dedicated group in place to monitor Iran's activities (Dutch intelligence by the way proved to be instrumental for the Stuxnet attack), you can imagine what the likes of Israel and the US have set up.

You are VERY VERY correct. Dutch Intelligence was the key to Stuxnet. I cannot say more.

But here's a question every Iranian-nation loving person should ask of themselves:

Why are they trying so hard to STOP/Hurt Iran?

This is a question that needs analysis. Look at the last 500 years of European genocide against Africa, North and South America, South East Asia, and then Middle East.

The answer is simply this ....

Iran has the potential of being a VERY STRONG country, in the region and globally. They KNOW IT. That is what worries them. They see it, more than everyday people can see it. Iranians outside of Iran have an estimated $2trillion - more than 350,000 highly educated doctors and engineers and entrepreneurs, millions of skilled workers inside Iran, all the energy resources one could ask for. Hugely instrumental geo location. Culture with thirst for engineering and technology. Huge youth population. A noble history to use for confidence.

No wonder why they are scared of Iran.
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To all iranian members:

This member called "Trench Broom" is an Israeli jew most likely from North Africa.. I call him Mr. "Terror" because he calls any thing iran or iranian with an added "Terror "prefix...

He is in heaven today because of natanz...we should let this scumbag to have his day but do not engage him...remember even when a mosquito bites you it enjoys your blood for few seconds before being splattered.

Ps: there is another of these roaches that goes by the name "Mohamed Bin Tughlaq ".he is also in the same category with US flags which is celebrating the natanz event..get to know the enemy troops.
Just put these disgusting, filthy, lowlife, excrement eating, gore bellied maggots on ignore and let them enjoy their feces to themselves...
You sound very upset and are lashing out. This is understandable since little Israel keeps humiliating you. What next? will they rub the soles of their shoes on Khamenei's face and then sneak out of Iran undetected again? it wouldn't surprise me.

Just get back into your borders Iran. No one wants your revolution, your dirty politics, your sick Mullahs. We just want to live without your tentacles of terror all over the region.

Until that time, we are ALL Israel.

i am not upset at all you attack my country and my brothers on this forum, so you get an answer. even it takes for Iran a 1000 years one day there will be no israhell left one day. everything in this world has a limit even the patience Iran has.
the only people on this earth are sick is you jews. did you ever asked youserlf why everyone hates you?
from babylon to the roman empire to the persian empire (after Cyrus the great) to france in the 1800century. to germany and now nearly every country in the middle east.
you are at war since 3000 years ask yourself why. and don't get me worng it's not the jewish relegion it's the zionist pigs like you, who are responsible that this hate toward jews.
even your own rabbis are against the israhell. according to the tora you are not allowed to have land until the messia comes back and he will show you the land of the jews. you don't even repsect your own relegion, cause you are a zionist troll.

now stop trolling around and stop writing here go and open a thread and invite your zionist friends and talk about how Iran one day will kick your ***.
Since this is the "chill" thread, I guess I'll give you all some good news as opposed to the usual doom and gloom lol.

Three months ago I weighed in at my heaviest which was around 366 lbs (166.015 kg) and now with intense workouts 5-6 days a week, good nutrition and fasting 24 hours in-between each single meal per day with some extended fasting sessions last 2-3 days. I've come down to 290 lbs (131.542kg)! which is a difference of 76 lbs (mostly fat btw).

It's been quite the experience learning how to eat properly, how to workout and build both cardiovascular health and muscular density.
You don’t need to look in absolutes, we can defend what is worth defending and theirs plenty to defend , and criticize the indefensible instead of trying to justify failures :) .

Stuxnet was designed to destroy Iran’s nuclear program. While it did damage, it only made Iran more potent. No known cyber arm in Iran had even existed before Stuxnet, now they able to steal terrabytes worth of US university research and infiltrate US infrastructure.

It’s a loss today, but it will end with a more potency assuming the right lessons are learned and the right actions are taken.

As a matter of fact, now would be a good time to replace those defective IR-1s with IR-6s. The damage could be undone in 2 months and end up with more efficient production as a resultant. Perhaps construction of new miniaturized facilities with IR-9s

I'm just tired of all this Stryker..... I'll go ahead and do myself (and you guys) a solid by just taking a break from all this for a while....Sincerest of apologies to anyone I might have offended or put-off with what I said earlier. What I said does come from a place of genuine concern and frustration........ hoping for the best though.
Since this is the "chill" thread, I guess I'll give you all some good news as opposed to the usual doom and gloom lol.

Three months ago I weighed in at my heaviest which was around 366 lbs (166.015 kg) and now with intense workouts 5-6 days a week, good nutrition and fasting 24 hours in-between each single meal per day with some extended fasting sessions last 2-3 days. I've come down to 290 lbs (131.542kg)! which is a difference of 76 lbs (mostly fat btw).

It's been quite the experience learning how to eat properly, how to workout and build both cardiovascular health and muscular density.

I'm just tired of all this Stryker..... I'll go ahead and do myself (and you guys) a solid by just taking a break from all this for a while....Sincerest of apologies to anyone I might have offended or put-off with what I said earlier. What I said does come from a place of genuine concern and frustration........ hoping for the best though.
Good work dude! Might I suggest you take a look at David Goggins. His interviews with Joe Rohan to start with. I’ve been working out 1-2 times a day in almost a year after listening to him. His stuff wakens the beast inside of you.
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