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Iranian Chill Thread

Americans are not involved with Idlib and are highly suspicious of Al Nusra and other affiliated groups. 40 American IFVs entering Syria from Iraq was just Biden repositioning assets, Perhaps a show of force against Iran to prevent any attack on the oil fields ? Realistically a few drones from Iraq could easily destroy those oil fields. Oil tankers going from Syria into Iraq are also vulnerable. These options are obviously on the table for Iranian proxies. Americans are aware of this reality and already have contingency plans to retaliate.

You must taken into account the presence of American troops. I think around 40 or so IFV's entered Syria from Iraq as soon as Biden Admin came into power. They will destroy the rest of Syria to build that Qatar pipeline.
Then you must have failed math during school :enjoy:

#Syria (01/01/2021):

- #SAA-Russia : 118730,8 Km^2 (63,17%)

- #Rebels-Turkey : 18684,4 Km^2 (10,12%)

-#SDF-USA : 47541,96 Km^2 (25,57%)

- #ISIS : 2138 Km^2 (1,14%)

Do you have a different map?

I did an ROI area calculation on this map and it is way below 10%.
I am talking about the two small green slab of land. This is not 10% even when adding the white part.
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گروه عراقی «الوعد الحق» مسئولیت عملیات پهپادی علیه عربستان سعودی را برعهده گرفت

This will bring excellent deterrence to prevent further suicide attacks in Iraq. Saudis provoked those suicide attacks under Obama too. Then nothing happened under Trump. Interesting!!

This is a brutal card to play against Biden just to make him look less effective than Trump.

With no deterrence, Iraq will look like an f ed up state with 100 random people killed every day.
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Hmmm... the Houthis are denying launching a drone towards Riyadh. Some people think its the Saudis themselves who shot down their own target UAV, because they want to pressure Biden to keep the terrorist designation on the Houthis.

I just don't understand why anyone would launch just 1 UAV towards Riyadh, unless it was as a test ? I'm not sure if it was an Iraqi group but either way if it was launched by someone other than the Saudis themselves, the fact that it made it all the way to Riyadh shows that it was an extremely advanced UAV.

Anyways, sooner or later something big is going to happen. I would guess either the oil fields in Syria or Saudi Arabia will be targeted but who knows.

This will bring excellent deterrence to prevent further suicide attacks in Iraq. Saudis provoked those suicide attacks under Obama too. Then nothing happened under Trump. Interesting!!

This is a brutal card to play against Biden just to make him look less effective than Trump.

With no deterrence, Iraq will look like an f ed up state with 100 random people killed every day.
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Lotfan ba in khare asan harf nazan. This guy makes the most outlandish claims on a constant basis. A few months ago he said that Turkey could buy nukes from Australia ? I can't even remember some of his other claims. They're just beyond ridiculous.

I don't know why but the internet seems to be filled with Turkish fanboys that think Turkey is a super power. They will claim that Turkey has laser weapons / death stars and is invincible. The fact that the SAA surrounded more than a dozen of their bases in Syria and the little Emiratis blew up their best air defenses in Watiya, Libya is a real wakeup call and shows their obvious limitations.

Do you have a different map?

I did an ROI area calculation on this map and it is way below 10%.
I am talking about the two small green slab of land. This is not 10% even when adding the white part.
The fact that they were able to send a drone all the way to Riyadh, which is surrounded by potent air defense units, shows that it was extremely advanced hardware. However why just send one ? Perhaps as a warning ?

You know some people are saying that the Saudis blew up their own target UAV just to pressure Biden to keep the terrorist designation on the Houthis. Designation or not, the Saudi army still can't defeat the Houthis.

If MBS wasn't so young and stubborn, he would just give up on Yemen already. At the start of the war the Saudis claimed that in a few weeks they could defeat the Houthis. The entire conflict is simply a massive embarrassment for the Saudis and the longer it goes on the worst it will look for them.

گروه عراقی «الوعد الحق» مسئولیت عملیات پهپادی علیه عربستان سعودی را برعهده گرفت

I wanna ask actully about something else that has been on my mind lately regarding Navid Afkari


Was there any evidence of Afkari commiting murder in that protest? I am not defending him to be fairly honest and anyone who commits murder should be dealt with in just manner and according to Shariah. But the question is did he really commit the murder

There's a video of him on a motorcycle at the time of murder, but Navid and his family and his lawyer claim that the video is fake or staged and he wasn't on that motorcycle.
Mass protests in Russia over Navalny arrest.

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This will bring excellent deterrence to prevent further suicide attacks in Iraq. Saudis provoked those suicide attacks under Obama too. Then nothing happened under Trump. Interesting!!

This is a brutal card to play against Biden just to make him look less effective than Trump.

With no deterrence, Iraq will look like an f ed up state with 100 random people killed every day.
I don't think so:
هؤلاء جزء من 5000 الف انتحاري سعودي فجروا انفسهم في العراق.jpg
His first negotiations with the US went so well he wants to negotiate again for Iran.... can not wait to see him retire... Comment as you wish.

Iran, US Need to Sit for Talks on Selective Issues: Zarif
IFP Editorial Staff
January 23, 2021
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif (right) speaks in an interview with Etemad newspaper's Sara Massoumi (left)
Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the Islamic Republic and the United States need to hold negotiations, not on all issues, but on certain issues like oil or Persian Gulf security.
Speaking in an exclusive interview with the Iranian daily newspaper Etemad, which was published on Saturday, Jan. 23, 2021, Zarif said Iran needs to draw a final shape of the future of its relations with the United States.
“In my personal view, which does not represent the country’s view, we should delineate the final shape of relations with the US. We should tell the US that we won’t cooperate with you on the issue of Israel, and we’ll continue to disagree with you on that. We won’t get along with you on the issue of hegemony, and won’t let you interfere in Iran’s domestic affairs, but we have no problem working with you on the issue of oil,” Zarif said.
“We also have no problem if the Persian Gulf security is ensured [through cooperation], even though we believe foreign presence in the Persian Gulf brings about insecurity, and you [Americans] should not be here.”
“We believe democracy needs to be established in Afghanistan, as we [Iran and the US] reached an understanding in Bonn in 2001, but we believe your presence in Afghanistan is dangerous,” he added.
“We need to have a serious picture of general [outline of relations] in the future with the US, and then hold negotiations [with the US] on issues we decide, not on all issues,” Zarif said.
He said he has never believed in tension and escalation, but he believes Iranian people have an identity to preserve.
“This is a cultural, civilizational, and national identity. National identity does not allow an American to say ‘if I stop supporting Iran for a week, they will be speaking Arabic, Russian or Chinese’,” Zarif said.
Zarif quoted former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger as saying that Iran is heir to the world’s oldest national identity. “This is why we cannot accept that someone rules over us with bullying.”
He said the Americans have been accustomed to dictating their demands to other sides, but that did not happen for them in the case of the 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers.
“The nuclear deal (JCPOA) was opposed by two groups: Iranians and Americans. Few people had any problem with the JCPOA in Europe. Why? Because Americans are used to dictating their demands whenever they have interaction with someone, but there was no dictation in the JCPOA,” the Iranian top diplomat said.
“Likewise, Iranians are accustomed to resisting, especially after the 1979 revolution. There was resistance in the JCPOA, but its final word was interaction. This was why there was opposition to the JCPOA both in Iran and the US,” he added.
“Where do you think the US’ call for a change in the JCPOA’s timetables or inclusion of regional and missiles issues in the deal comes from? This is exactly where we disagree. It’s because they have a saying which says ‘what’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is open to negotiation’. This way of thinking may work in many parts of the world, but not with Iran.”

Iran Constructing Sci-Tech Park at iLand City
IFP Editorial Staff
January 24, 2021

Work is underway to construct a science and technology park in the newly-established commercial and entertainment township of iLand, southwest of Tehran.
Iranian Vice President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari visited the site of the park to see for himself the process of its construction.
“The potential created to build a sci-tech park has given fresh impetus to the trend of the formation of a smart city,” he said.
He added the Science and Technology Department of the President’s Office supports the development of knowledge-based infrastructure in the country.
“The purpose of this visit was to offer support to the development of innovation and technology ecosystem for companies and individuals who take steps towards solving problems of society through innovative services and solutions,” he noted.
He said the department is seriously making efforts to establish knowledge-based companies, technological units and creative industries at the sci-tech park.
“By supporting this complex, we try to help further develop the potential of smart cities and set the stage for the development of advanced technologies in this atmosphere,” the vice president said.
Located 35 km southwest of Tehran, the iLand commercial and entertainment township covering 1,400 hectares of land includes resort, residential and technological facilities. Part of the complex is allotted to the Iranians’ Sci-Tech Park.

Maybe the entire middle east should stop the religious indoctrination from childhood, maybe the parents should stop doing it cause they think they'll burn in hell if they don't.

We got them retards thinking they'll dine with the prophet after blowing up shias
خبر حمله گروه عراقی به عربستان رو رسانه ای نکردن و جاش خبر خرید سامانه گنبد اهنی و توقیف نفتکش ایرانی رسانه ای شد

این یعنی خیلی ناراحت بودن

کمی تفریح نفتکش ها خواهیم داشت​
خبر حمله گروه عراقی به عربستان رو رسانه ای نکردن و جاش خبر خرید سامانه گنبد اهنی و توقیف نفتکش ایرانی رسانه ای شد

این یعنی خیلی ناراحت بودن

کمی تفریح نفتکش ها خواهیم داشت​
ماجرای توقیف نفکش ایرانی چی هست؟
Maybe the entire middle east should stop the religious indoctrination from childhood, maybe the parents should stop doing it cause they think they'll burn in hell if they don't.

We got them retards thinking they'll dine with the prophet after blowing up shias
Man look at that picture again. Arab shit everywhere.
ماجرای توقیف نفکش ایرانی چی هست؟

دو خدمه کشتی کره اهل اندونزی بودن ولی خوب این ریسک رو سر خود نکرند
اندونزی سر خود چنین کاری نمیکنه خاصه که در تانکر گیری دست ایران باز تره
ممکنه سریع کشتی رو ازاد کنن

تانکر گیری به نفع کشور تحریم شده است​

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