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Iranian Chill Thread

The difference between me and you is that you cite things that are not true at all on the ground.

If you want to make truth claims, at least try to back them rather than your own fictitious narratives. So far, all of your claims have been a complete 180 from the reality.

Didn't you general hand over the responibility of Syria after failing to contain the rebels and defeated on the frontline to Russia.

According to who? You and your ISIS/Al Nustra?

You quote insignificiant stuff you never took resonsbility but others did it doesn't even matter on this occasion.

Your logic is basically this:

1- As long as you do not take responsibility for something, it therefore follows that you indeed did not do it.

What a lame attempt at mental gymnastics. Only someone who is politically inept would think Iran would openly declare itself as an aggressor. Moreover, Americans have openly blamed Iran, I guess you know more than them?

U.S. Tells Saudi Arabia Oil Attacks Were Launched From Iran

As for this claim this attack was not significant, it wiped out 50% of their capacity in that small attack. You're making things worse for yourslf.

You said the rebels are insignificant in Syria and the war is practically over? The rebels are pretty much alive and flourishing.

Flourishing doing what? Sitting and not daring to make a move against SAA?

40% of Syria is not with Assad. It is divided into 3 parts Turkey, US and Russia zones you are not even part of it.

I think you're being modest, lets just say Assad controls 1% of Syria. If you're going to dream, then dream big.

Since 2015 you have been reduced to cannon and serve under Russia. You dictate nothing and the war is entirely not yours anywhere. The energy rights and everything else has been taken by the Russian. You are nothing more then servant in Syria.

Servitude is something that comes easily to your kind. Whilst you're serving the Americans, Iran and Russia are actually competitors in Syria:

Russia and Iran Are Increasingly Competitive in Syria

"Iran and Russia are nominally on the same side in Syria, tied to keeping the regime of Bashar al-Assad in power. But their long involvements in the country and the conflict pit them against each other in the battle for influence."

You stroke your ego with false narratives to sleep better at night.

I peddle facts, that helps with sleep.

You also experience airstrikes on daily basis without any retaliation..

Let us not pretend as if you understand the geopolitical calculations at play here.

Besides that Saudi Arabia strikes Yemen daily with retaliation either it shows you who has the initiative and have invaded effective with it's coalition. Doesn't look good for you anywhere. plus there is no place for ego stroking

Sure you strike, but it's the magnitude higher humiliation you receive that is the more prominent point to note.
I can show you alarming videos from Assad held areas where they are running after bread truck. Because the Syrian currency simply died. The Rebel held areas are economically better of since they use Lira and linked to Turkish economy.

This is Assad held Aleppo

The truth is since the Oil is not with him and the remaining of the Oil goes to the Russians and the US has most of the oil in the eastern side of the euphrates. Main while The Rebel held areas economy has emerged into Turkish economy since they use Lira

Sure, shithole place where women are oppressed and put into potato sacks 24 hours a day at home without a proper government being better than areas under professional government control with financial backing of Iran,Russia and others.
Sell your lies somewhere else. A few videos and pictures do not prove your point.
Sure, shithole place where women are oppressed and put into potato sacks 24 hours a day at home without a proper government being better than areas under professional government control with financial backing of Iran,Russia and others.
Sell your lies somewhere else. A few videos and pictures do not prove your point.

I know these are upsetting scenes I was also upset when I saw it first but it is real. This also happens in Damascus frequently. They live under the breadline. Assad auctioned everything away and signed it off to foreigners. Say whatever you wanna say but they are better of and their economy has emerged into the Turkish economy. Do you think Iran can feed these people it can't feed it's own people. The aid that comes in is not enough to them plus their currency is dying
what a quality comedian you are :rofl:

What is the source of income in Syria? Nothing..

The remaining Oil and Gas is not much but these were signed off to Russia.

Russia Is Taking Over Syria’s Oil And Gas

In accordance with an energy cooperation framework agreement signed in late January, Russia will have exclusive rights to produce oil and gas in Syria.

Russia Strengthens Its Grip On Syrian Oil

Armed by the Kremlin, Gazprom could be the new force in Syria when the troops leave

Before the civil war, Syria produced over 400,000 barrels of oil per day. But by 2013 the number had dropped to 58,000. And so by January 2018, Syria’s beleagured president Assad had signed an agreement with president Putin, Assad’s strongest supporter, giving Moscow sole rights to oil and gas production in Syria.

I know these are upsetting scenes I was also upset when I saw it first but it is real. This also happens in Damascus frequently. They live under the breadline. Assad auctioned everything away and signed it off to foreigners. Say whatever you wanna say but they are better of and their economy has emerged into the Turkish economy. Do you think Iran can feed these people it can't feed it's own people. The aid that comes in is not enough to them plus their currency is dying
So effectively the syrian rebels are now entirely dependent on the turks economically,oh and lets not forget about them having to work as basically mercenaries for the turks in places like libya and azerbaijan.
Its funny,these clowns started out chanting "alawites to the grave,christians to beirut" thinking that they were going to destroy the syrian state,instead they`re the ones now stuck in a virtual no mans land of a little enclave thats no longer syria,but isnt turkey either.The syrian state doesnt want these people back yet the turks arent exactly welcoming them with open arms,so they`re basically stuck there forced to work as mercenaries for the turks and all the time wondering how much longer the current situation there can possibly last.
Yeah,life certainly sounds great in the little sliver thats left of terrorist......,sorry "rebel" controlled "free syria"......

You might have forgotten this but when the terrorists controlled parts of syria they often stripped them bare and transported it off to turkey to be sold cut price,not to mention all that stolen oil before the russians started bombing those convoys.
So effectively the syrian rebels are now entirely dependent on the turks economically,oh and lets not forget about them having to work as basically mercenaries for the turks in places like libya and azerbaijan.
Its funny,these clowns started out chanting "alawites to the grave,christians to beirut" thinking that they were going to destroy the syrian state,instead they`re the ones now stuck in a virtual no mans land of a little enclave thats no longer syria,but isnt turkey either.The syrian state doesnt want these people back yet the turks arent exactly welcoming them with open arms,so they`re basically stuck there forced to work as mercenaries for the turks and all the time wondering how much longer the current situation there can possibly last.
Yeah,life certainly sounds great in the little sliver thats left of terrorist......,sorry "rebel" controlled "free syria"......

You might have forgotten this but when the terrorists controlled parts of syria they often stripped them bare and transported it off to turkey to be sold cut price,not to mention all that stolen oil before the russians started bombing those convoys.

Well they are economically better off since they dropped that death weight called the Syrian currency and using Lira now:lol:. Alawites will tho. Russia is keeping them alive basically Russia is there lifeline and the Rebels never knew on before Russia would intervene but now they do even they won't be able to be a lifeline 2 decades from now As times do change rapidly.

Assad is the one who sold off Syria and sort of gambled on the country he doesn't truly care about it and uses his people as cannon fodder. Poverty is everywhere and no sight of relief
First the missile display of power in the desert, now Iran fired missile into Indian Ocean 100 miles from USS Nimitz.

Looks like Iran is going big. What are they planning?
First the missile display of power in the desert, now Iran fired missile into Indian Ocean 100 miles from USS Nimitz.

Looks like Iran is going big. What are they planning?
Nothing much bro... it is just to remind Trump that American assets will be destroyed as well.

I had no idea they are so insidious in their activities, though I really never paid any attention to them or took their cult seriously in the first place. After hearing this I realize they are far more dangerous than some retarded cult like scientology; they need to be banned outright or in the very least the government tv needs to make documentaries about them. I wouldn't be surprised if they have alliances with mko lice and various evil "pan" groups in the country and constitute a dangerous fifth column that needs to be dealt with ruthlessly and quickly!

I had no idea they are so insidious in their activities, though I really never paid any attention to them or took their cult seriously in the first place. After hearing this I realize they are far more dangerous than some retarded cult like scientology; they need to be banned outright or in the very least the government tv needs to make documentaries about them. I wouldn't be surprised if they have alliances with mko lice and various evil "pan" groups in the country and constitute a dangerous fifth column that needs to be dealt with ruthlessly and quickly!
I have been told that both Bahais and wahhabis were manufactured by the British before they left the region..but I am no expert on these issues...where is @SalarHaqq ..he is not here for a while..I hope he is well.
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