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Iranian Chill Thread

Chilling threat sent to air traffic controllers vowing revenge for killing of Iranian general is under investigation

Multiple air traffic controllers in New York heard a chilling threat Monday in audio obtained exclusively by CBS News: "We are flying a plane into the Capitol on Wednesday. Soleimani will be avenged."

The threat refers to Qassem Soleimani, the Iranian general killed last year in a U.S. drone strike ordered by President Trump. It was made on the one-year anniversary of Soleimani's death, for which Iranian officials have long vowed revenge.

It's unclear who sent the threat. While the government does not believe the warning of an attack is credible, it is being investigated as a breach of aviation frequencies, CBS News has learned.

Sources told CBS News that the Pentagon and other agencies were briefed Tuesday about the digitized voice recording. The sources said they believe the threat was designed to suggest hitting the Capitol on the same day Congress is set to count the Electoral College results.

They got so spooked because of this that, when those Trump hillbillies stormed Capitol Hill last week, some immediately thought of the Iranians as the culprits. :D

GOP Sen. Susan Collins thought the mostly white pro-Trump mob that stormed the Capitol was 'the Iranians' at first

Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, in a new op-ed said she initially thought "the Iranians" were attacking when a mostly white, pro-Trump mob descended upon the Capitol on January 6.

"My first thought was that the Iranians had followed through on their threat to strike the Capitol, but a police officer took over the podium and explained that violent demonstrators had breached the entire perimeter of the Capitol and were inside," Collins wrote in the Bangor Daily News.

Chi begam digeh, there are inbred mongoloids far more retarded than this creature in the highest levels of this country's government...
vay vay vay vay vay...
Dawg days are coming:
European leaders refuse to meet with Pompeo.

Fat pompooo did the unthinkable at his end of days. He accuses Al qaeda of having base in Iran now. Iran is the main hunter of Al qaeda. These morons are trying the old trick of tying ALQ with countries. The problem is Iran is different then those banana countries. But it shows the ignorance and audacity of Fat Pompoo. I think he has finally validated a missile up his A-hole for making that statement.
And again....lack of any response from IR is extremely strange.

And again....lack of any response from IR is extremely strange.

No deterrence.........More attacks....simple logic. my guess,..response will come any time after Trump is gone.
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And again....lack of any response from IR is extremely strange.

This was the most extensive attack in around 2 years ever since the last one back in 2018 which was also quite comprehensive. They conducted a SEAD operation several days beforehand.

Only two explanations for this that I can possibly live with (well not really, I'm just grasping at straws here tbh). Either Iran has mastered the art of moving, hiding, disguising and decoying its real assets in Syria in order to blunt any Israeli operations coupled with a decent early warning system/method that allows for most/many of the assets being targeted to be moved to "safer" areas: or Iran is not willing to defend itself in Syria (or Iraq for that matter) because it can easily replace (I guess) the assets being destroyed and they don't want to invite even larger strikes on their forces because, well...they're afraid?

I'm done with the whole "don't touch Iran, we'll raise Haifa and Tel-Aviv" bullshit, clearly they're blowing smoke up our assess.
No deterrence.........More attacks....simple logic. my guess,..response will come any time after Trump is gone.

I just don't know what to even say anymore lol, I'm utterly defeated in this matter. So I'll just vent again, sorry brother :(

This is a stretch imo, the level of damage incurred by Iran would necessitate quite the comprehensive retaliatory response that Zionist-Beden probably wont stand for. Ball really is in Iran's court all things considered, but the damage done to Iran's image is near irreparable. Simply too many "mistakes", assassinations and strikes on Iranian assets at home (espionage/sabotage) and abroad to just explain them away.

I get the sobering feeling we've been lied to, at least to some degree and that Israel might be (god I can't believe I'm saying this.....), too big a fish for Iran to fry.

P.S.: Let us not forgot just how utterly anal these American politicians are when it comes to Israel's security (bought out/ideologically driven radicals). That little Bagel-enclave is practically the 51st state...I'm not even kidding...
This was the most extensive attack in around 2 years ever since the last one back in 2018 which was also quite comprehensive. They conducted a SEAD operation several days beforehand.

Only two explanations for this that I can possibly live with (well not really, I'm just grasping at straws here tbh). Either Iran has mastered the art of moving, hiding, disguising and decoying its real assets in Syria in order to blunt any Israeli operations coupled with a decent early warning system/method that allows for most/many of the assets being targeted to be moved to "safer" areas: or Iran is not willing to defend itself in Syria (or Iraq for that matter) because it can easily replace (I guess) the assets being destroyed and they don't want to invite even larger strikes on their forces because, well...they're afraid?

I'm done with the whole "don't touch Iran, we'll raise Haifa and Tel-Aviv" bullshit, clearly they're blowing smoke up our assess.

I do not have any news more than published articles and pictures. Yet, I know one thing for sure:

- Mullahs do not hide their martyrs. If anything they may increase it but not decrease it. They have ceremonial for any Iranian, Pakistani or Afghanistani. The level of ceremonies have been extremely limited the last two years.

That makes me suspicious if the Syrians were hit only.
I see a pattern in these attacks:
- Local random Twitter accounts reporting blasts.
- SOHR reporting casualties of Iranian militia. Usually around 15.
- OSINT pictures!!
- No ceremonial in Iran for any militia of any nationality.

Something does not add up. These militia have families and will not tolerate being hidden without excellent ceremonial of a martyr and proper heroic coverage.
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I get the sobering feeling we've been lied to, at least to some degree and that Israel might be (god I can't believe I'm saying this.....), too big a fish for Iran to fry.

P.S.: Let us not forgot just how utterly anal these American politicians are when it comes to Israel's security (bought out/ideologically driven radicals). That little Bagel-enclave is practically the 51st state...I'm not even kidding...

Neither side can do to each other what they claim they can do unless it's an armageddon throw down.
Also those evil parasitic insects are not the 51st state, they are far above that and this goyim nation has been hijacked by them like a virus to bleed and die for them to the rest of time.
A conflict with them for Iran would require a fight with the brainless roided goyim as well. Notice that israhell would never put itself in danger regarding America vs. North Korea or any other conflict between the US and another country outside ME region as it doesn't see it as a partnership so much as a privilege for the American gentile nation to serve their chosen "people" masters in tel aviv; in such an arrangement the US will drop everything for israhell but NOT the other way around!
Welcome back commenting today.

At least this attack brought you back here. I did not see you around when they captured the SK ship.
Perhaps you have to take out that hezzie head out of the mullah and look better ?

Perhaps you have to take out that hezzie head out of the mullah and look better ?

Somebody who barely makes a military comment, or writes some positive informative comments on Iran, is here almost only to post “why don’t you attack US, why don’t you attack Israel?”

Ok, join the ranks of Alqiada and attack US. Mullahs are too coward for you.

You say you are a patriot. Go do some positive work or research for your country. Nagging about it will not help you.

I have had the harshest critics on this forum about Khamenei by far. And you know what. I commented from Iran with no filtershekan.

Yet Khamenei is not coward. Somebody who threatens to kill top Trump officials while still in power is not a coward.
@Dariush the Great @Shawnee

I have the utmost respect for so many of our members here on PDF given all the shit we've been through but let's try and remain somewhat objective here guys.

Like I said so in the past, and I only say so for our own mental health and self-esteem. We must come to terms with the possible reality that what Iran has said (IRGC generals specifically) might have been an over-exaggeration of certain capabilities especially when it comes to actually carrying out threats against Israel and America where it matters most. Real world evidence would point, resolutely might I add, that Israel has presented an over-match against Iran in the region and they're not even going full-tilt. Granted, Iran hasn't even openly responded yet to any Israeli aggressions, but the point still stands. We are dealing with the foremost air-power in the region backed up by thousands of American satellites providing constant up-to-date intel/reconnaissance on anything even remotely related to Iran in the region. The battle was never going to be easy, but this current conversation was going to be unavoidable. We must reconcile with ourselves at least to some degree, the key here is introspection.

At some point Iran will need to respond against Israel come hell or high-water, and if that day truly doesn't come then Iran's military is dead to me (I won't waste my time reading a new article about some drone or missile or radar when I know the people operating aren't all that professional or worth their weight in salt) . This current paradigm of Israel literally conducting 100s or raids a year against the same sites, over and over and over again must be stopped. If they want a war, then by god give em' one and count heads later. How much more humiliation, ridicule, embarrassment, incompetence, assassinations, sabotage, strikes on Iranian assets etc., can Iranians physically take before responding? Are Iranians THAT desperate for sanctions relief that they'll outright sell their dignity and humility for some more food and money? On this point, I fully blame the government and leaders for not following-through on their grandiose claims. Idk just how much "abarroo" Iran has lost but if it had a tangible amount, it would immense....

Now I will freely admit that I'm not the smartest person on PDF, I'm not the most liked, nor do my posts really carry much weight and I do feel like I rant a lot and this puts a lot of people off (sorry, I only mean the best) but what has transpired these past 6-7 years has amounted to nothing other than a total humiliation show for Iran in certain key areas. We have to be real with ourselves about what can expect coming out of Iran, these leaders don't seem nearly as capable or professional (military specifically) as they portray themselves to be.....

I think we as members need a heart-to-heart, we need to hear each other out and come to terms with this sad reality. Be respectful, kind and open to all perspectives since I know we all have the best interests in mind when it comes to Iran.

If patience is truly key here, then okay.... I'll fully concede on that front. If Iran really does want to just "wait it out" (whatever that means in this context). Then so be it..
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@Dariush the Great @Shawnee

Like I said so in the past, and I only say so for our own mental health and self-esteem. We must come to terms with the possible reality that what Iran has said (IRGC generals specifically) might have been an over-exaggeration of certain capabilities especially when it comes to actually carrying out threats against Israel and America where it matters most.
BG jaan, this is what we are saying for the past years but it falls on deaf ears. When you got a big mouth you have to back it up with pure action otherwise people will start to question it.. like we are doing. Dariush.. centuries ago made this statement

May Ahuramazda protect this country from a (hostile) army, from famine, from the Lie

We are not facing a hostile army at our borders, nor are we suffering from widespread famine. But what we are suffering from is LIE.. LIE and LIE in the name of fake phony resistance. Israel is growing stronger by the day and Palestine looks far from liberated, 4+ decades after that slogan. If IR is accepting to take it in the *** without any screams then very well, but do not put out laughable statements about destroying this, doing that while (ex) IR officials are busy investing money in the same country they shouting death to and stealing Iranian national wealth.

We will hold liars accountable.
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