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Iranian Chill Thread

EU leaders approve sanctions on Turkish officials over gas drilling

Bloc defers decision on trade tariffs and arms until consultation with Biden administration

U.S., EU to Impose Sanctions on Turkey Over Missile System, Energy
EU stopped short of adopting the broader economic sanctions against Ankara requested by some of its members

Why is Erdogan now making claims on Iranian Azerbaijan ? Does he really believe that he stands a chance in achieving these goals ? It's sad because Iran and Turkey are two Muslim nations. Instead of working together, Turkey now wants to attack Iran.

Turkey has had some limited success with some serious setbacks along the way against ethnic groups and little militant groups, proxy wars. Against a major regional military powers like Iran or Egypt though, Turkey won't succeed.

Sanctions are now outgoing on Iran. Incoming on Turkey. Turkey's economy has crumbled. Covid-19 has ravaged them and out of desperation Erdogan is claiming EU gas in southern Cyprus. This is either self destructive behavior or desperation the way I look at it.

According to various sources, Turkey's airforce is currently working at half capacity because of all the purges of fighter pilots. It takes millions of dollars and years to train a good pilot. Many pilots in the airforce were instrumental in the failed coup attempt vs Erdogan a few years ago.

If they want the heat I say bring it, but once thousands of missiles fall on their heads, I already know they're going to cry about human rights and beg EU and NATO for help.
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Yemen: Video by Ansar Allah showing an offensive Houti operation on the positions of the Saudi Arabian army and its proxies in Al-Radha and Al-Hadith in Wadi Jarah, in the Jizan region

Turkish forces begin dismantling the Surman observation post, east of Idlib, in preparation for its evacuation

4 Azerbaijani soldiers killed, 2 injured in recent clashes in Karabakh. Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense accuses Armenian side in escalation
Protest rally in TABRIZ against Erdogans claims on Iranian Azerbaijan.

Protest rally in Iran's Tabriz against Turkish President Erdogan's poem recital in Baku about separation of Azeris of Iran and Azerbaijan. Iran says the move was interventionist and secessionist

Meanwhile in Artaskh (Nagorno-Karabakh). Renewed tensions and fighting between Armenian and Azeri forces. Baku claims sovereignty over disputed towns. 1 hour later Russian troops actually move in and take control. LOL Propaganda is one thing, reality is another. Russia calls the shots in reality.

Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan: The Armenian side committed provocative actions in the violation of the ceasefire. The Armed Forces of Azerbaijan took adequate retaliatory measures. Currently, the ceasefire is observed

Both villages in the Hadrut region: Chailakgaya (Khtsaberd) and Kehnya Taglar (Hin Taher) came under the control of Baku


Russian troops have arrived at Khtsaberd and Hin Tagher villages in Hadrut district, clashes ceased, now investigation who triggered outbreak
Erdogan thinks that he can take over Azerbaijan and karabakh but Russia always beat him the reason why Russians didn’t interfere in karabakh in first place was punishment to Armenia because it was getting to close to the west also they will have exdcuse to occupy karabakh like Abkhazia and Ossetia sunder the execute of peace keeping force

NOTE: I believe they mean Dehlavieh ATGM, the Iranian Kornet copy.

UN report: An Iranian Dahlawi anti-tank missile was found in Libya

United Nations: 4 missiles were found in Libya, one of them Iranian-made

Iranian weapons are in LIBYA according to the UN. ATGMs and Iranian made missiles.

Honestly after Erdogan's recent words, stirring the pot, Iran should sell drones, air defense systems, missiles to Armenia and LNA.

Even help them build a few hardened underground facilities. If Armenians could hit Baku and the pipelines successfully, repeatedly, it would be a great deterrent.

Iran should consider an underground tunnel from Iran to Armenia to transport missiles. In secret of course. Hopefully they're already working on something this. If Turkey and Russia can flood the area with weapons then why not Iran ?

Honestly before the conflict broke out, if The Armenians had modernized their SAMs and had a better inventory of missiles & drones, they would have done much better.

At the end of the day though, most of the Armenian army stayed in their barracks and it was during a very crucial moment, during the climax, the fight for Stepanakert, the capital of the enclave was about to begin.

Imagine if the Russians in WW2 had surrendered to Hitler right before the battle for Stalingrad began or when Hitler was outside of Moscow right before winter ?

BTW The Armenians still control the capital, which houses the vast majority of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)'s population.

The thing is that near the end of the conflict, the Armenians were putting out more drone footage than Baku, which had lost 200+ drones, helicopters, aircraft, loitering munitions, etc and 7000-10,000+ soldiers in the conflict.

Baku's army only numbers 50,000. They casualties had reached a critical level. That is precisely the reason why they signed the ceacefire. I honestly don't think they had the will to fight for Stepanakert house by house, street by street.

In the end Pashiyun the tool, sold out Armenia badly. This is why he's now being threatened and has a heavy security presence accompanying him everywhere.

Being so PRO-WESTERN, he refused to allow Russian troops "peace keepers" into Artaskh (Nagorno-Karabakh) earlier. What a fool

Honestly I'm not sure how this transition is going to work, since many of the areas that are supposed to be handed over to BAKU are 90%+ Armenian.

Right now Russian troops are there and will most likely remain for the foreseeable future. Remember it's a 5 year deal and Russia can choose to extent it for another 5 years automatically.

You know there are Turkish fanboys online who are saying that Iran is vulnerable etc, but really Turkey is actually very vulnerable, which is why Erdogan is stirring the pot.

Their economy is finished. Unlike Iran they have no natural resources to fall back on. At the same time EU, US sanctions are incoming on Turkey, while they're most likely outgoing on Iran. Corona is down in Iran, WAY up in Turkey.

This is why Erdogan is desperately trying to claim the natural gas of southern Cyprus.

Turks claims northern Cyprus, which nobody in the entire world recognizes, however at the same time they claim the natural gas resources of southern Cyprus ? WTF ?

Again it's pure desperation. Erdogan needs to find a way out of his economic rut. This is also why Erdogan is stirring the pot with Iran recently. He wants to rile up nationalist sentiments as a way to distract Turks from the badly faltering economy.

However if Erdogan thinks that the EU with nukes and aircraft carriers is going to let Erdogan steal their natural gas, he's completely mad. Also if Erdogan thinks that he can take Iranian Azerbaijan, he is in for a rude awakening.

Like I've said before. Erdogan has has partial success, a few victories, with some very serious setbacks (encircled bases in Syria, ISIS destroying Leopard tanks and much more) against ethnic groups and lightly armed militias like LNA, PKK/ YPG etc

Even the SAA humiliated Turkey when they retook Saraqib and encircled a dozen of their bases.

Against Iran or Egypt, a country with massive resources, manpower and allies to boot, I don't think that things will turn out well for Erdogan.

First of all, Erdogan has foolishly created a situation where Turkey has overstretched its resources onto multiple, various fronts. Syria, Iraq, Libya, Caucasus, etc. Wars cost $$$$. Turkey's economy is kaput and sanctions are on the horizon. Iran has resources to sustain a long war, access to the Persian Gulf and Caspian and powerful allies, Russia, China.

If Iran were to seriously arm Turkey's enemies, like PKK/YPG, Armenians, SAA, LNA all with advanced weapons (ATGMs, MANPADS, even small missiles), it would be devastating and extremely detrimental for Turkey. This would be aside from thousands of Iranian missiles raining down on their heads.

BTW are we forgetting that Iran has enough fissile material for a nuclear bomb ? I can see it now. Turkey crying about Iranian missiles, yapping about human rights, begging their EU "brother" and NATO "partners" to help them.

Aside from all that, right now I'm hearing that Turkey's airforce is only working at half capacity. This is because many fighter pilots were a part of the failed coup and are therefore now imprisoned for life. Pilots take millions of dollars and years to train properly.

Meanwhile Iran's airforce is extremely under-rated. Western sources always say "oh they're old" this that but really they're well maintained and even Iranian Su-22's can launch cruise missiles.

To top it off, the corridor connecting Turkey to the territories of the BAKU republic are mountainous and narrow. Perfect target practice for Iran.

I honestly hope that this conflict doesn't materialize but regardless Iran's leadership must be extremely vigilant and well prepared for it. If Erdogan tries to attack, Iran must hit them hard and mercilessly as soon as they try taking even an inch of Iranian territory.

I would say sever the BAKU pipelines immediately, hit them where it hurts. Nothing should be off the table. At the same time, in case of war, Iran should consider building several tactical nukes immediately. However this might bring down too much international condemnation on Iran.

In that case I believe that Iran should feed them missiles for a while. soften them up, arm their enemies and coordinate attacks on them and then Iran should take back chunks of BAKU territory that rightfully belong to Iran and Iranians.

Make them pay massive reparations. However unlike in the Iran-Iraq war, Iran should get out while its ahead and not get too ambitious. Remember when the Persian Gulf Arabs offered Iran a small fortune in reparations so that Iran would stop attacking Saddam's regime ?

The thing about wars is that timing is everything and sometimes economic benefits are more beneficial than even territory, which has to be maintained with blood and treasure.
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Turkey has openly revealed her long term plans for Caucasus. These plans directly affects Russia's back yard and Iran's northern gates. And here we are talking "Geopolitical " conflicts as being cooked up by the global deep state and implemented with the help of hot heads such as Erdogon. and here are some Possible multi pronged long term moves by Iran to counter that... (Russia will have her own moves ):

1- Some sort of defence pact with Armena and open sale of Iranian weapons to Armenia . Defence pact will legitimize and puts turkey on notice that any military advance by Turkey in to Armenia is crossing red lines of Iran.
2- Soft and calibrated approach towards strengthening ethic and cultural bonds between Iran and kurdish (Iranic) population of Turkey (a kurdish Radio broadcast to Turkey is a good first step).
3- Similar approach towards Kurdish population of Syria to remind and strengthen their bonds with Iranic people of Iran. Supply of weapon and training for select groups that are currently fighting against Turkish occupation of their land.
4- Strengthen contact with Shia and farsi speakers of Caucasus. Iran has direct land access to all these locations and a long historical relationship.
5- Possible recognition of Armenian genocide by Iran.
6- establish contacts with Cypriot Greeks for future needs.

A coordinated squeeze from the south (kurdish regions of Turkey) and from the north (syrian Kurds) will remind the Turks not throw rock while in glass house and not to play in the hands of global deep state.
Now if Turkey does not back off then Iran can up the anti but that is another story!!.

I've stated before that the pile of hot sewage zarif needs to be assassinated brutally in a false flag leading to consolidation of power amongst some decent people in the country and the green card admin flushed down the toilet once and for all. zarif being liquidated in such an operation will be the best thing that it has ever done in its entire disgusting parasitic life.
A violent internal purge is called for starting with zarif and company!

idiots talking about Nakhjavan corridor to Azerbaijan

it is all about recent Russian peace broker deal between Armerina Pashinyan and Azerbaijan which they want corridor true Armenia land bordering Iran

which is legally not binding and Armenian parliament need to ratify it which has zero chance of happening ( it is suicidal for Armenian people )

as soon as Pashinyan is out ( which is going to happen very soon) it be take care of

we are moving Hussianiun units ( Hezballah Azerbijan) in as we speek so we peper ground in Azerbaijan

there is massive bulid up taking place and planers are drowing plan as we speek

the big factor will be Biden administration (which we negotiating as we speak only regarding Turkey issue) the U.S has Incirlik Base so any targeting Turkish main land make matter complicated ( we have green light from NATO which first step behind scene )

Biden wants JCPOA which been dismissed by our side

so maybe the Syrian land be plce to start all .........................

too complicated so............................
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Do you have a link to that Hajizadeh conversation ?
I think Ms. Zamany captured it when it was live broadcast and she says it's nearly impossible to find clips on youtube or other places due to censorship. I was wondering what Hajizadeh had to say about all of this and it turns out that he was speaking all the time and was being censored from re-broadcast or uploads to video streaming sites.
I think Ms. Zamany captured it when it was live broadcast and she says it's nearly impossible to find clips on youtube or other places due to censorship. I was wondering what Hajizadeh had to say about all of this and it turns out that he was speaking all the time and was being censored from re-broadcast or uploads to video streaming sites.
That was very interesting though.. he is basically telling Zarif and his gang to man up and stop being such wussies as they would not even be targeted anyway but himself and the IRGC incase of a war.
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