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Iranian Chill Thread

Looks like where I am...maple leaf in the middle of the road..lol

Fall season in Iran
fall 1.jpg
. .

this zibakalam is going more and more crazy.
but in my opinion he shows the true nature of reformist and their ideology.
i hop that after ruhani someone from IRGC will get president and we won't see any of these reformist for a long time.
. .

من پاسخ رو میگذارم
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راستش قضیه ارمنستان نشون داد امنیت از مبارزه با فساد مهمتره​

Tanhā ieki az in afrād hoveiatash tavasote jostojuye tasvirie "Google" moshakhas shod ke un ham Ras'ule Tolu'i bâshad, farzande Sa'id Tolu'i nāmi.

Dar morede ishun pāygāhe internetie "France 24", iani resāneye vābaste be rejime efrātie frāmāsoni va seyhonist-gerāye do-āteshie Faranse, ke mosallaman mokhālefe sarsakhte Jomhurie Eslāmi va khosusan har chi Velāyate Faghiho Hezbollāho Sepāhe, chenin minvisad (tarjome az pāygāhe "Khabarnāmeye Gooya"):

این فرمانده سابق سپاه گفته او در حال حاضر دندان‌پزشک است و ماهی ۷۰ میلیون درآمد دارد و این که سوار اتومبیل‌های گران‌قیمت شود عادی است. او گفته ببری که فرزندش با آن عکس گرفته به یکی از دوستان اقوامشان تعلق داشته اس.​
Peyvand marbute: https://news.gooya.com/2018/09/post-18829.php

Peyvand va noskheye 'asliye "France 24" be zabāne Englisi:
The former general said he was now working as a dentist earning 70 million tomans a week (€4,500), and that it was normal for his family to have expensive cars. He said the tiger belonged to a friend of the family.

Be ebārate digar ishun hamaknun ozve Sepāh nistesh va ehtemālan in tasvirhā, ke benazar miresad hodude do sāl pish dar internet montasher shode bāshan, ba'd az khoruje ishun az Sepāhe Pāsdārān bardāshte shodand. Iani fardist ke sabke zendegish va tarze fekresh digar bā ozviat dar Sepāh sāzegār nist, be hamin dalil ham in niruro tark kard.

Albate jāye ta'sof dārad ke iek Sepāhi bekhād chenin ta'ghiri konad. Va albate ke hattā agar hanuz ozve Sepāh mibud (ke nist), dar pāktarin javāme ham estesnā peydā mishe.

Vali ānche vāseye man moshakhas ast in mibāshad ke:

* Farhange hākem dar Sepāhe Pāsdārān hamun farhange enghelābist va in farhang ejāze nemidehad ke azāye Sepāh omuman besamte chenin chizhāi beravand. Ettefāghan kasi ke tasvirhāye āghāye Tolu'i rā efshā kard, khodesh yek rohānie arzeshi benāme Mehdie Sadr-os-Sādāti hast:

Conservative cleric Mahdi Sadrossadati Aug. 31 posted images he said were taken from the Instagram account of Rasoul Tolouei, son of retired Gen. Saeed Tolouei of the Revolutionary Guard.


Iani niruhāye arzeshi va enghelābi havaseshun hast agar ieki az unhā bekhād masire zendegishrā taghir bede.

* Motma'en bāshid dar 'asre gushihāye durbindār va "shabakehāye ejtemāi", bā in hame afrādi ke tahte nofuze matbuāte mo'ānede zede-nezām gharār gereftan, va bā in hame sotun panjomi ke dākhele keshvar hastan, agar sabke zendegiye sarāne Sepāh yā khode shakhse Rahbare mo'azzam chenin mibud, arze do tā se ruz tasvirhāi dar rābete bā in masale hamejā mishod did. Unvaght dige niāz nemibud ke afrādi mesle āghāye Makhmalbāf ye seri revāyathāye khandedār sareham bebāfan tā aleyheshun siāhnamāyi konan.

Vaseye bande moshakhas ast ke Sepāhiān (va hamchenin Arteshihā, darzemn) majmu'an dochāre in no gerāyeshāt nistand, va az in nazar tafāvote vāgheii vojud dārad beyne nezāmihāye Irān va bakhshi az nokhbegāne siāsi va eghtesādii ke omdatan ham jozve fergheye liberāl mibāshand (eslāhtalab + 'etedālgar).
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Tanhā ieki az in afrād hoveiatash tavasote jostojuye tasvirie "Google" moshakhas shod ke un ham Ras'ule Tolu'i bâshad, farzande Sa'id Tolu'i nāmi.

Dar morede ishun pāygāhe internetie "France 24", iani resāneye vābaste be rejime efrātie frāmāsoni va seyhonist-gerāye do-āteshie Faranse, ke mosallaman mokhālefe sarsakhte Jomhurie Eslāmi va khosusan har chi Velāyate Faghiho Hezbollāho Sepāhe, chenin minvisad (tarjome az pāygāhe "Khabarnāmeye Gooya"):

این فرمانده سابق سپاه گفته او در حال حاضر دندان‌پزشک است و ماهی ۷۰ میلیون درآمد دارد و این که سوار اتومبیل‌های گران‌قیمت شود عادی است. او گفته ببری که فرزندش با آن عکس گرفته به یکی از دوستان اقوامشان تعلق داشته اس.

Peyvand marbute: https://news.gooya.com/2018/09/post-18829.php

Peyvand va noskheye 'asliye "France 24" be zabāne Englisi:

The former general said he was now working as a dentist earning 70 million tomans a week (€4,500), and that it was normal for his family to have expensive cars. He said the tiger belonged to a friend of the family.

Be ebārate digar ishun hamaknun ozve Sepāh nistesh va ehtemālan in tasvirhā, ke benazar miresad hodude do sāl pish dar internet montasher shode bāshan, ba'd az khoruje ishun az Sepāhe Pāsdārān bardāshte shode bāshand. Iani fardist ke sabke zendegish va tarze fekresh digar bā ozviat dar Sepāh sāzegār nist, be hamin dalil ham in niruro tark kard.

Albate jāye ta'sof dārad ke iek Sepāhi bekhād chenin ta'ghiri konad. Va albate ke hattā agar hanuz ozve Sepāh mibud (ke nist), dar pāktarin javāme ham estesnā peydā mishe.

Vali ānche vāseye man moshakhas ast in mibāshad ke:

* Farhange hākem dar Sepāhe Pāsdārān hamun farhange enghelābist va in farhang ejāze nemidehad ke azāye Sepāh omuman besamte chenin chizhāi beravand. Ettefāghan kasi ke tasvirhāye āghāye Tolu'i rā efshā kard, khodesh yek rohānie arzeshi benāme Mehdie Sadr-os-Sādāti hast:

Conservative cleric Mahdi Sadrossadati Aug. 31 posted images he said were taken from the Instagram account of Rasoul Tolouei, son of retired Gen. Saeed Tolouei of the Revolutionary Guard.


Iani niruhāye arzeshi va enghelābi havaseshun hast agar ieki az unhā bekhād masire zendegishrā taghir bede.

* Motma'en bāshid dar 'asre gushihāye durbindār va "shabakehāye ejtemāi", bā in hame afrādi ke tahte nofuze matbuāte mo'ānede zede-nezām gharār gereftan, va bā in hame sotun panjomi ke dākhele keshvar hastan, agar sabke zendegiye sarāne Sepāh yā khode shakhse Rahbare mo'azzam chenin mibud, arze do tā se ruz tasvirhāi dar rābete bā in masale hamejā mishod did. Unvaght dige niāz nemibud ke afrādi mesle āghāye Makhmalbāf ye seri revāyathāye khandedār sareham bebāfan tā aleyheshun siāhnamāyi konan.

Vaseye bande moshakhas ast ke Sepāhiān (va hamchenin Arteshihā, darzemn) majmu'an dochāre in no gerāyeshāt nistand, va az in nazar tafāvote vāgheii vojud dārad beyne nezāmihāye Irān va bakhshi az nokhbegāne siāsi va eghtesādii ke omdatan ham jozve fergheye liberāl mibāshand (eslāhtalab + 'etedālgar).

بحث از حرفهای صدرالساداتی شروع شد و من متن جوابیه رو در گوگل سرچ کردم.
نامه جوابیه معتبره
کاری به وبسایتش ندارم

و جواب شما
ایشان بیشتر شهردار بوده و کمی هم دندانپزشک

انتظار من اینه شهردار و استاندار در سطح فقیر ترین مردم زندگی کنن در حین خدمت
فرزندانشون هم همچنین
اگر مردم گوشت نمیخورن اونها نخورن
نه با وقاحت عکس اینستا بگذارن

این طرف شهردار کرمانشاه شده از ۲۰۱۸
دندونپزشکی کرده؟
کنار شهرداری؟

و اون ریش سفیدها ی معمم باید خجالت بکشن از شهردارهاشون

مردم کور نیستن و اینها بین مردمن
جوابیه منو قانع نکرد​

Please let me join the others in their appeal. Khāheshan ievaght ghahr nakoni, barādar.

It seems to me you may have misunderstood some of my statements. I have no problem at all with people of Azari descent (or with others) cherishing their local roots, identity, customs etc. What I wish is that Iranians of different stripes continue to place Islam and Iran above any other sort of affiliation and that they refrain from assisting their common enemies in "ethnicizing" public or private discourse.

I cited a social phenomenon which is real, and that is the high percentage of mixed mariages between Iranians of different linguistic-communal backgrounds. This, along with urbanization inevitably leads to a relative regression in the practice of regional languages. This isn't an expression of hostility on my part but simply an observation.

Now why do I rather welcome this sort of development? Because to me the threat to Iran's unity and territorial integrity is too great, considering relentless efforts by Iran's sworn existential enemies to balkanize the country along so-called "ethnic" lines, and considering the immense power of said enemies particularly on the soft war and propaganda fronts. So I'd rather see the practice of local languages diminish with time - as a result of a natural social evolution, with no coercion and no use of violence whatsoever, than to see Iran's enemies succesfully instrumentalize these elements to provoke instability and war in Iran like they did to so many neighboring countries. Of course there is an unfortunate dimension to any loss of local specificity, but if I had to choose between this and Syria-like civil war in which every Iranian population group is set to lose massively and irreversibly, and where the only winners will be your common enemies, then I would not hesitate to go for the first option. Again, this is not out of hostility for any particular linguistic group of Iran (I never claimed this to be exclusive to Azaris, by the way, as it concerns all regional languages including Kurdish, Gilaki, Lori, Mazandarani, Bakhtiyari, Baluchi etc), but out of a desire to see you all florish collectively rather than experiencing the deeply unenviable fate of the numerous nations destroyed and uprooted in recent decades by the zio-American empire.

Then I expressed my disagreement with the notion that Azari Iranians are being subjected to daily racist discrimination from Iranian society. I am sure other Azari users here, like aryobarzan will confirm this. There are quite a few Iranian users here, when did anyone of them attack another simply for being Azari? This never occurred. Compare this with the many times Iranians - all of you, were called the worse names imaginable by some non-Iranian users.

Other than an instance where a person insulted a close family member of yours, all experiences you mentioned consisted in being confronted with offensive "social media" posts... To be clear, I consider these people who insulted you or your relative as 'ahmaghs' and 'bishuurs', just so you know. However, internet comments do not reflect reality, especially if one chooses to contain oneself in a so-called "social media bubble" (please look up the term). For every one such moron, I can show you a hundred real life Iranians to whom a compatriot's so-called "ethnicity" is of no consequence at all. I condemn in equal terms both those who target specific linguistic groups and those who engage in "ethnicism" and separatism along with victimary discourse. Both are harming their motherland.

And please ponder the fact that when a community is truly discriminated against, like Afro-descendant people in the US, then the following will not simultaneously hold true - but it very much does hold true for Azari Iranians: the country's supreme authority is from that group; that group is extremely well integrated, both socially and economically; it enjoys fair and proportional representation at every level of the country's elites and ruling class.

The internet comments you were referring to are 180 degrees opposed to everything I know of Iranians and Iranian society, and please believe me when I say I have interacted with a whole lot of them. That doesn't mean one should tolerate such nonsense you came accross online. But it also doesn't mean that this is an authentic reflection of Iranian society, it really isn't. Verily, basing oneself on random internet content to apprehend public opinion is a flawed method and leads to erroneous deductions. If I was to proceed in a similar manner when trying to gauge the views of Azari Iranians, and if I chose to spend most of my time reading posts from pan-Turkists, then this would completely blow out of proportion their social relevance in my mind. But I know better than to do that.

Which is also why I suggested to you that a lot of these comments - whether of "ethnicist" and separatist nature that claim to speak for given linguistic communities, or those that attack particular linguistic communities, must be the work of foreign shills posing as Iranians and tasked with stirring inter-ethnic animosity among the Iranian people.

You might want to dismiss this at first, but remember that the 4000 or so MKO members based in Albania who post online propaganda the whole day, the zionist military's specially trained units of Farsi-speakers, the Saudi, Emirati, Turkish regime-controlled online troll armies we all learned about from media reports and saw photos or videos of, are not simply there to watch Iranian movies on the internet.

Do not forget the many documents and declarations by Iran's foreign enemies (Oded Yinon plan, Bernard Lewis speech at the Moshe Dayan Center, Ralph Peters map, multiple statements from US and zionist politicians and think tanks) that very clearly point to their desire to cause Iran to break apart along so-called "ethnic" lines. Don't you think that flooding the internet with this sort of content would necessarily form part of their course of action against Iran? This should encourage you to view such abnormal online comments with a healthy dose of suspicion.

I saw you explain that people who post this stuff are located in this or that city of Iran, but brother, anyone can indicate whatever they want as their geographic location on Instagram or Facebook, they can use proxies or VPN's and there's no way for you and me to find out if the location they gave is accurate.

In our discussion, I also disagreed with the notion that Azari Iranians are "racially" Turkic in contrast to other Iranians. To substantiate my point I shared with you an actual study in the field of genetics, which is not a piece of propaganda but a serious work by academic researchers. And reminded the fact that Turkic peoples have Far Eastern types of anatomic features, whereas Azaris don't and in fact look like every other Iranian. There is no hostile intent from me in any of these remarks.

You appeared to view this as an assault by outsiders on your identity. However, people like Ahmad Kasravi who were Azari themselves and conducted extensive research on the topic, highlighted very much the same (I cite Kasravi despite my staunch opposition to his views on Islam, of course). Despite my disagreements and even disgust for some of Kasravi's positions, when it comes to the study of the origins of Azari Iranians, he remains a far more serious source than a person like Pourpirar, one of the main pan-Turkist authors in Iran, who used to claim among other things that Takht-e Jamshid was built in recent centuries by the British... Azari greats like Sattar Khan and Baqer Khan, who are considered national heroes of Iran, did not have an issue with any of this either. So please do not believe that as soon as someone calls into question this idea that Azaris descend from Central and East Asian Turks, they are necessarily a hostile outsider seeking to undermine your identity, for Azari scholars have expressed identical convictions.

Anyway, I hope this helps clarify my positions, and that you will perhaps consider these friendly points I wish(ed) to submit to you.


بحث از حرفهای صدرالساداتی شروع شد و من متن جوابیه رو در گوگل سرچ کردم.
نامه جوابیه معتبره
کاری به وبسایتش ندارم

و جواب شما
ایشان بیشتر شهردار بوده و کمی هم دندانپزشک

انتظار من اینه شهردار و استاندار در سطح فقیر ترین مردم زندگی کنن در حین خدمت
فرزندانشون هم همچنین
اگر مردم گوشت نمیخورن اونها نخورن
نه با وقاحت عکس اینستا بگذارن

این طرف شهردار کرمانشاه شده از ۲۰۱۸
دندونپزشکی کرده؟
کنار شهرداری؟

و اون ریش سفیدها ی معمم باید خجالت بکشن از شهردارهاشون

مردم کور نیستن و اینها بین مردمن
جوابیه منو قانع نکرد​

Ghasdam in bud ke neshun bedam Sepāh nahāde fāsedi nist, va in tip raftārhā āddi nistan dar miāne Sepāhiān. Taraf degar ozve Sepāh nabude, pas kārāyi ke ba'd az khorujiash az in niru anjām dād nemishe be pāye Pāsdārān nevesht. Man gheyr az in manzuri nadāshtam.

Inke mifarmāyid fesad vojud dāre va ekhtelāfhāye darāmadie āshkār va bish az had, man avvalin kasi hastam ke inrā mahkum konam va khāstāre barkhorde ghāte' bā in no afrād mibāsham. Va ba'dam ānche ke marbut be "Instagram" va in chizā mishe, bande ke tarafdāre sarsakhte internete melli, ghat kardane Irān az internete jahāni va mamnu sākhtane kāmele manābeye fāsed mesle "shabakehāye ejtemāyi" hastam.

Chizi ke migam ine ke nemishavad tamāmie ashkhās va tamāmie nahādhāye nezāmrā yeksān va bedune tafāvot mahkum kard. Dar hamin nezām, ke esālatan fesād o ashrāfigari tush besiār andak bude (makhsusan dar moghāyese bā rejime pishine saltanati), Khodārā sepās hanuz niruhāye enghelābi vojud dāran ke 'eteghāde besiār mohkami be 'edālate 'Alavi dārān. Behtare az unā hemāyat she tā inke be nā-hagh bā mofsedin dar yek dig rikhte shavand.

Mardom albate āsibpaziran va tablighāte doshman ba'es shode khabarhāye ja'lie porshomāri zehne kheilihāshuno monharef kone. Khabarhāyi mānande be estelāh "fāsede eghtesādi budane" shahid sardār Soleimani, ke ye seri afrād ghasd dāshtan tu jāme'e pakhsh konan.

Halā agar kasi madraki dāre aleyhe sarān va 'azāye konunie Sepāh, hatman biād jelo vo esbāt kone.

Age beshe ye nokteyirā ham ezāfe konam: inke maghāmāt bāyād hamashun mesle faghirtarin gheshrhāye jāme'e zendegi konan fekre besiār khubist, faghat bāyad bedunim ke agar chenin chizi rokh dahād, dar kolle jahān va taghriban dar kolle tārikhe bashariat estesnā khahād bud.

Age bekhāim ye morede efrāti darnazar begirim, az jomle nezāme Jomhurie Demokrātike Mardomie Kore dar doreye ghahtihāye sālhāye navade milādi, gomān nakonam ke benafe jāme'eye Korei mishod age Kim Jong-Il va afsarāne arteshe in keshvar khodeshuno be khostan midādan va sepas Emrikāyihā Korerā tā abad nabud mikardan... Vali bejoz dar in mored, ghabul dāram in osulrā.

Hamin ke dar Irān, ālirotbe-tarin nahāde hokumat fardist ke rāzi mishavad dar mahaleye āludeye jonube shahr kenāre istgāhe rāh āhan va dar emārati nazire in sokunat konad:







va vaghti ke bemanzure kuhnavardi barāyeshān kāpshen miāvarand, ānrā pas mizanad va mifarmāyad "kāpshene sākhte Irān barāyam biāvarid", hamin be tanhāi dar sarāsare jahān tak mibāshad.

Beghole in farangiā, "credit where due". Omidvāram mardome Irān dar kenāre 'eterāzāteshun aleyhe mofsedine haghighi, be in vāgheiat ham tavajoh dāshte bāshan.

Va salāmo aleykom va rahmatOllāhe va barekātoh.
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Iran’s oil exports, uranium stockpile surge as Trump administration’s ‘maximum pressure’ policy hits a wall
The Bella oil tanker in an undated photo released by the Justice Department. The U.S. government sold oil seized from the tanker that it said originated in Iran and was destined for Venezuela.

The Bella oil tanker in an undated photo released by the Justice Department. The U.S. government sold oil seized from the tanker that it said originated in Iran and was destined for Venezuela. (Justice Department/AFP/Getty Images)
Joby Warrick and
Souad Mekhennet
November 15, 2020 at 6:49 p.m. EST
Last week, as the White House digested news of a defeat at the polls, Trump administration officials were greeted with reports of troubling setbacks on two fronts in the country’s long-simmering conflict with Iran.
Follow the latest on Election 2020
First came a leaked U.N. document showing yet another sharp rise in Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium. Then, satellites tracked an Iranian oil tanker — the fourth in recent weeks — sailing toward the Persian Gulf after delivering Iranian petroleum products to Venezuela.
The first item was further proof of Iran’s progress in amassing the fissile fuel used to make nuclear energy and, potentially, nuclear bombs. The second revealed gaping holes in President Trump’s strategy for stopping that advance. Over the summer, the administration made a show of seizing cargo from several other tankers at sea in a bid to deter Iran from trying to sell its oil abroad. Yet Iran’s oil trade, like its nuclear fuel output, is on the rise again.

The Trump administration is entering its final months with a flurry of new sanctions intended to squeeze Iran economically. But by nearly every measure, the efforts appear to be faltering. The tankers that arrived in Venezuela in recent weeks are part of a flotilla of ships that analysts say is now quietly moving a million barrels of discounted Iranian oil and gas a day to eager customers from the Middle East to South America to Asia, including China.
The volume represents a more than tenfold increase since the spring, analysts say, and signals what experts see as a significant weakening of the “maximum pressure” sanctions imposed by the Trump administration since it withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal in 2018.
Other countries, many of them scornful of Trump’s unilateralism on Iran, are showing increasing reluctance to enforce the restrictions, even as Iran embarks on a new expansion of its uranium stockpile, according to industry analysts and intelligence officials, some of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive assessments.
Trump imposes more sanctions and sells off Iranian oil
As a result, Trump is widely expected to leave President-elect Joe Biden with a crisis that is worse, by nearly every measure, than when he was elected four years ago: an Iranian government that is blowing past limits on its nuclear program, while Washington’s diplomatic and economic leverage steadily declines.

“The Tehran regime has met ‘maximum pressure’ with its own pressure,” said Robert Litwak, senior vice president of the Washington-based Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the author of “Managing Nuclear Risks,” a book on countering proliferation threats. Far from halting Iran’s nuclear advances, Litwak said, the administration’s policies have “diplomatically isolated the United States, not Iran.”
The weakening of sanctions pressure gives Iran more time to deal with its still formidable economic challenges, without losing a step in its bid to re-create uranium assets it had given up under the terms of the nuclear accord, the intelligence officials and industry experts said. Last week, the International Atomic Energy Agency reported to member states in a confidential document that Iran’s stockpile of low-enriched uranium has swollen to nearly 8,000 pounds, more than 12 times the limit set by the 2015 nuclear deal. Iranian officials justify the breach by noting that it was Washington, not Tehran, that walked away from the agreement.
Even among staunch U.S. allies in Europe and Asia, dismay over the Trump approach has cooled support for the kind of broadly enforced economic boycott that might push Iran to change its behavior, analysts said.

“Many eyes may be averted now” when it comes to Iranian cheating on sanctions, said Eric Lee, an energy strategist with Citigroup in New York. “Many countries are frustrated with U.S. unilateralism, even those with well-placed misgivings about Iran.”
'Just pure barter'
The message conveyed to Iran over the summer was anything but subtle. In a highly unusual move, the U.S. working with unnamed foreign partners seized the cargo of four tankers said to be carrying Iranian oil, including the 600-foot-long Bella, a Greek-owned vessel flying a Liberian flag.
Both Iran and the intended recipient, Venezuela, are under U.S. economic sanctions, and the decision to confiscate and sell the oil was intended to discourage governments and shipping companies from doing business with either of the two. “The United States remains committed to our maximum pressure campaigns against the Iranian and [the Venezuelan] Maduro regimes,” said State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus.
U.S. officials seize Iranian ships, push for arms embargo
Yet any pause in commerce between the countries was temporary at best. Venezuela and Iran are longtime trading partners — Venezuela, itself an oil producer, relies on Iran for refined petroleum products such as gasoline — and the two quickly found other tanker companies willing to risk the journey. Among the four tankers spotted traveling to, or returning from, Venezuela in recent weeks was the Iranian-flagged Horse, a massive ship the length of a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, according to TankerTrackers.com, a private company that monitors oil shipments around the world.

The Horse dropped off 2 million barrels of Iranian gas condensate — a straw-colored liquid used as a dilutant for Venezuela’s sludgy crude oil — and picked up 2 million barrels of Venezuelan petroleum to sell abroad, said TankerTrackers co-founder Sam Madani. The ship rounded the Horn of Africa early this past week on its return trip to Iran.
“This is just pure barter,” Madani said of Iran’s trade with the embattled Venezuelans. “They need to get rid of this stuff. They send it to Venezuela, which is perfect, because it improves their oil production. And in return, they get Venezuela’s oil and they can sell it to China.”
Yet, despite its prominence, the tanker traffic between Iran and Venezuela is but one facet of an illicit trade that has grown in size and sophistication over the past year. Obtaining reliable figures for Iran’s oil industry is difficult, but multiple independent analysts calculated that Tehran exported on average 1.2 million barrels of oil a day in September, and nearly as much in October. That’s less than half the amount of petroleum Tehran was selling in 2018, but it is dramatically higher than the 70,000 barrels reported in April, when Iran was contending simultaneously with Trump administration sanctions and the devastating coronavirus pandemic.
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Some of Iran’s partners no longer try to keep the transactions secret. Since the summer, Iran has become increasingly open about its trade with China, which now publicly reports a portion of its Iranian oil imports, defying a Trump administration threat to retaliate against governments that allow commerce with Tehran.

But Iran conceals the bulk of its oil trade through subterfuge, with practices ranging from the simple — changing the names and registrations of oil tankers — to the complex and dangerous, such as clandestine transfers of crude oil or liquefied petroleum gas between vessels in the open sea.
United Against Nuclear Iran, a Washington advocacy group that monitors Iran’s illicit oil trade, obtained aerial photographs depicting four vessels allegedly engaged in illegal ship-to-ship transfers of Iranian oil in October. In five other instances, foreign ships were seen picking up Iranian liquid petroleum gas and transferring the fuel to other vessels bound for Chinese ports. The photographs are part of a report due to be published by UANI this week.
The tankers involved in the exchanges typically turn off their transponders, the automated radio beacons used by ships to identify one another at sea. Some engage in “spoofing,” a kind of seaborne shell game in which ships swap their transponders to make it harder for outsiders to tell where the oil is going. In other cases, a tanker’s owners simply change the vessel’s name or re-register the ship under a different country’s flag.

“It’s a very murky world,” said Daniel Roth, UANI research director, who co-wrote the report with Claire Jungman, UANI chief of staff. “There’s a lot of flag-hopping that goes on. Owners change names and registries at the drop of a hat.”
All sea lanes lead to China
A substantial share of the black-market oil eventually ends up at refineries in China, often after passing though middlemen in Malaysia and other East Asian countries, analysts say. Much of the rest finds its way to foreign markets through a variety of time-tested routes: hauled overland through Turkey; transferred to Iraq to be relabeled and sold as Iraqi oil; or exchanged for cash or in barter-style swaps with other pariah states, such as Venezuela and Syria.
Nuclear watchdog sees sharp rise in Iran’s uranium stockpile
Yet while Iran is succeeding in getting more of its oil to foreign markets, Iranian leaders also expressed hope last week that the Biden administration would return to the 2015 nuclear deal. The accord ended many sanctions against Iran in return for strict limits on its weapons program.

Under the agreement, Western countries lifted curbs on Iran’s oil exports, while Tehran dismantled its Arak nuclear reactor and agreed to limit its stockpile of low-enriched uranium to less than 300 kilograms, or 660 pounds, far short of what it would need to build a single nuclear weapon. With its current 8,000-pound stockpile, Tehran could now build a bomb in less than four months if it decides to do so, weapons experts say. Iran denies having any interest in acquiring a nuclear weapon.
But the prospects for restoring the agreement are far from clear. As a candidate, Biden pledged to reenter the agreement and conduct “hard-nosed diplomacy” aimed at extending the pact and strengthening its provisions. So far, Tehran has shown no signs of willingness to accept such terms, and in any case, it would be unlikely to do so until after next year’s presidential elections in Iran, analysts say.
If negotiations eventually resume, the “timing most likely will be a lot slower than people think, and the volume of oil exports will remain low,” said Lee, the Citigroup energy strategist.
“And even then,” he said, “it still might not work out.”

Correction: This story has been updated to note that Iranian oil was seized by the U.S. in conjunction with unnamed foreign partners not the U.S. Navy. It has also been updated to clarify President-elect Biden’s campaign statement on Iran.
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Iran leader Ayatollah Khamenei on Armenia Azerbaijan ,Nagorno-Karabakh war

هم از نظر استراتژیک هم مذهبی راه اون درسته
نباید خودمون رو درباره قره باغ احساسی کنیم

تصمیم در مورد قره باغ از سوریه سخت تره خاصه که روسیه پیچیده بازی می کنه
thats what you get when you do not unveil ICBMs / they think he/she can hit you and get away with it

no need to unveil, they have intel, they know exactly what is waiting for them if they do any stupid move
they did nothing January this year as they 3 bases were attacked, why do you think
no need to unveil, they have intel, they know exactly what is waiting for them if they do any stupid move
they did nothing January this year as they 3 bases were attacked, why do you think
agreed but don't forget this is not a normal president he needs to see then he believes if it was obama or even george bush then intelligence would been enough but he is not normal
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