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Iranian Chill Thread

The Armenians are supposed to move out, however they might take this time to regain their strength. Russia is supposed to remain for 5 years, but realistically they're there to stay. Pashiyan was pro western. He wanted to move away from the Russian sphere of influence. Now the opposite has transpired.

Stepanakert was the real prize. Russia took it and expanded it's influence without really lifting a finger or sacrificing thousands of lives and billions of dollars.

According to the deal Russia is supposed to withdraw after 5 years, however I'm hearing that they have the option to extend the terms for another 5 years. This is similar to the situation in Sochi deal, where the deal is supposed to lead to a resolution but in reality both sides cling onto their gains.

I'm hearing that according to the deal, Russia was not supposed to move heavy weapons into the enclave, however they've already begun doing so. Realistically who's going to stop them ? Is Azerbaijan in a position to demand anything of Russia ? I don't think so.

There's an old saying, "There's nothing new under the sun" Just like all of the previous ethnic conflicts in the Caucasus during the last couple hundred years, it's the Russians who have ended up gaining territory and expanding their influence after the ethnic groups kill each other.

Pretty much there are two ways to look at it. One, Azerbaijani military after taking Susha, was extremely depleted and although they might have been able to take Stepanakert, the price was going to be too high, so they went with the Russian deal to save face.

Two, Russia / Putin played both sides, providing each side with just enough weapons and resources so that they would both deplete and weaken each other. Putin waited until the opportune moment and then he pounced. He made his intentions known that he would move in his troops.

Both sides were too weak and depleted to resist. Russia took the prize and gave Aliyev a piece of paper. Aliyev can now frame that piece of paper in gold and put it on a pedestal, but does it really matter ?

In the end it was a master stroke by Russia. Putin played his hand brilliantly. It's like a checkmate in chess. This was Putin's plan from the very start. Now Russia gains territory, influence and prestige while Armenians and Azeri people have to bury thousands of corpses.

Russia won the war without even waging war. The Russians are very cunning indeed.

What will happen once they return to their previous strength at which they were still defeated? Armenia is a very small country that cannot afford the large splashy purchases Azerbaijan was making for years in preparation for this war, they will be lucky to make up their current losses from this war (at least 185 tanks, 44 IFVs, etc. that are detailed here: https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2020/09/the-fight-for-nagorno-karabakh.html). Shusha was just 15 kilometers from Stepankert itself; of course the Azeri military is depleted from a protracted war but the Armenians are even worse off. They are the ones surrendering land leaving the remaining Armenian controlled areas surrounded save for a narrow 5 km corridor guarded by foreign peace keepers. The only thing saved by the Armenians are further losses. It is both a victory for Aliyev and Putin, Aliyev will ride this wave of popularity until his death or voluntary retirement and right over any Armenian presence or history in Nagorno that will be either destroyed or labeled as of their pet Caucasian Albanians.
A preview of Aliyev's designs: https://www.theguardian.com/artandd...l-loss-azerbaijan-cultural-genocide-khachkars
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Well realistically, without the Turkish drones and Syrian mercenaries, I highly doubt if the Azeri's would have gained anything. Even with all those advantages they've sustained anywhere from 7000-10,000+ causualties (KIA).

Injuries are usually double or triple the number of deaths, so Aliyev easily lost 1/3rd to half his army to deaths and injuries. In the long run those kind of losses are simply not sustainable for a 50,000 man army.

Armenians sustained a few thousand casualties. In the end, the Azeris had lost their air superiority and Armenians were even beginning to show drone footage.

During the last week of the conflict I had a strong feeling that the Azeri army was nearing a breaking point and then all of a sudden they sign a ceasefire.

Realistically the Azeris probably could have taken Stepanakert, but it would have been too costly. Even Susha was extremely costly for Azerbaijan. Their first attempt was a complete failure and they lost countless tanks, ifvs, apcs, drones, helicopters and most importantly, military personnel in the process.

Like I said, there are two possible reasons why Aliyev accepted the Russian deal when he did. Either it was a face saving option because his army had run out of steam or Putin simply made it clear that he would be moving his troops into the enclave and Aliyev tried to frame it as a victory. Or perhaps it could be a combination of both.

Another thing to keep in mind is that Armenia did not deploy its entire military into Artaskh (Nagorno-Karabakh). Most of Armania's army remained in their barracks during the conflict.

It was mostly native Armenians from Artsakh, Armenian volunteers from Armenia proper and some equipment given to Artaskh by Armenia. It's almost like the way Russia arms the native Russians from eastern Ukraine without intervening directly.

This is one of the reasons why so many Armenians are raging and upset right now. Azerbaijan deployed its entire military but Armenia did not. Artaskh (Nagorno-Karabakh) is a peculiar situation for Armenia. The Armenians are afraid to accept Artaskh as part of Armenia because they're afraid of a economic and military repercussions from Turkey and they're afraid of losing support from Russia as well.

Remember Stalin ceded Artaskh to Azerbaijan. This was done on purpose to sow the seeds of division and ethnic conflict in the Caucasus, thereby allowing Russia to retain hegemony over the region.

Btw Oryx is a staunchly pro Azeri/Turkish source. The author is usually objective and impartial but not during this conflict. Based on several of his overwhelmingly pro-Azeri tweets, it seems that the owner-operator is from Azerbaijan or Turkish.

Take a look at this site https://www.lostarmour.info/karabakh/
The website keeps track of lost / destroyed equipment in conflict zones based on video / picture evidence,

The site recorded the following losses for the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

Azerbaijan 74
or 32%

Armenia 17 + Artsakh 139
both 68%

Obviously the site doesn't include everything. There are countless videos showing Azeri corpses on the battlefield. Some videos showing Armenian corpses as well. However I cannot show those videos here. I got in trouble with one of the moderator on this site when I posted one such video here a while back.

Anyways from what I've seen, when it comes to such videos, there seems to be more showing Azeri losses on the field, but that's just anecdotal evidence right ?

The one thing which is very telling for myself, is the fact that Aliyev absolutely refuses to release any KIA (casualty) numbers.

The Armenians claim that, through open source information alone, they have been able to verify the deaths of over 1000 Azeri troops, mostly with names and faces.

Keep in mind the Aliyev government tried its very best to clamp down on any distribution of such information and anyone caught sharing such information on social media in Azerbaijan was targeted and silenced.

Anyways, another thing to consider is that the Azeri side was much more keen to show off any gains during this conflict. They waged a full propaganda war from the very start, reminiscent of the propaganda produced by Turkish mercenaries fighting the SAA in Syria. I'm guessing that Turkey had alot to do with this.

The Azeri government was even caught on several occasions faking evidence, like the alleged Armenian attacks on the power station and gas pipelines. Both of those and much more turned out to be fake.

In another instance, an Azeri government representative on twitter posted a few pictures of a downed drone, passionately denouncing Armenia for using that drone to target innocent Azeri civilians. However later on, that drone was confirmed to be an Israeli Harop drone.

In the end, only time will tell what the future holds, but it seems that Pashinyan's days are numbered. As for Russia, I don't see them leaving anytime soon.

Azerbaijan with direct help from Turkey waged a bloody and costly war, losing thousands of lives and billions of dollars, with the LIra now at an all time low. However the real winner of the war is Russia.

Putin gained the most, winning the war without even waging war. Honestly if Putin were to write a book or geo-politics and statecraft, perhaps when he retires, i would be sure to read it. He played his hand brilliantly this time around. Compare his diplomacy skills to Trump for example. He's in a different league all his own.

What will happen once they return to their previous strength at which they were still defeated? Armenia is a very small country that cannot afford the large splashy purchases Azerbaijan was making for years in preparation for this war, they will be lucky to make up their current losses from this war (at least 185 tanks, 44 IFVs, etc. that are detailed here: https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2020/09/the-fight-for-nagorno-karabakh.html). Shusha was just 15 kilometers from Stepankert itself; of course the Azeri military is depleted from a protracted war but the Armenians are even worse off. They are the ones surrendering land leaving the remaining Armenian controlled areas surrounded save for a narrow 5 km corridor guarded by foreign peace keepers. The only thing saved by the Armenians are further losses. It is both a victory for Aliyev and Putin, Aliyev will ride this wave of popularity until his death or voluntary retirement and right over any Armenian presence or history in Nagorno that will be either destroyed or labeled as of their pet Caucasian Albanians.
A preview of Aliyev's designs: https://www.theguardian.com/artandd...l-loss-azerbaijan-cultural-genocide-khachkars
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1. Why was no full-fledged mobilization carried out in Armenia, and no full-fledged military units were deployed to the conflict area?

Despite loud patriotic statements, no real mobilization was carried out in Armenia. The permanent number of the Armenian army - about 50 thousand people - was increased only by volunteers. While the conditions of hostilities demanded to increase the number of people defending Karabakh to at least 80-100 thousand people. At the same time, very soon the shortage of specialists (for example, artillery and missile defense systems) began to affect the front in the Armenian army. There was no one to replace those who left.

It is inexplicable for what reason Yerevan did not begin to carry out real mobilization. The Armenian leadership simply avoids talking on this topic. If there was a mobilization plan, no one tried to fulfill it. As a result, there was no rotation of servicemen on the first line, in some areas people were sitting in trenches for a month without changing. On the front line there were 18-20-year-old guys, and at some point young people who were not shot made up 80% of the personnel. The Karabakh detachments, made up of professionals and veterans, suffered heavy losses in the very first week, which there was no one and nothing to replace, since there were simply no reinforcements.

Volunteer units in Armenia were formed according to party lines. The scandal was caused by an attempt to form a separate detachment of the "Prosperous Armenia" party named after the oligarch Gagik Tsarukyan - now Pashinyan's main opponent. The two have been in conflict for over ten years. Now the prime minister openly calls Tsarukyan “the culprit of the fall of Shushi,” since his phantom squad allegedly was not enough at the front to win. These conflicts could have been avoided simply by having a mobilization plan and a desire to implement it.

The main military forces of Armenia did not move to Karabakh. But in order to relieve the tension created by the Azerbaijani UAVs, it was enough just to redeploy early detection radars to Goris. And one army corps would have been quite enough to cover the southern direction even at the stage when the Azerbaijanis languidly stomped in front of the first line of defense. The proper supply was not organized, and after a month of fighting this led to a shortage of missiles for missile defense systems and shells for cannon artillery. And without the support of artillery, the infantry can only die heroically.

All this borders on sabotage, although it can be partially explained by local slovenliness and unwillingness to weaken the defense of Armenia proper. The latter is a very controversial position and it looks like the Armenian leadership has simply abandoned Karabakh to its fate.

2. Why did the northern front behave so strangely?

In the north and north-east of Karabakh, in the Madagiz region, there was a large fortified area of the Armenian defense, which included very combat-ready units. And they really put up serious resistance to the advancing Azerbaijani group and in the end actually stopped it (although they lost several positions and iconic villages).

But after that, the elite battalion "Yehnikner" suddenly retreated, although its commander managed to get the "Hero of Artsakh". Moreover, since October 3, neither Yekhnikner, nor any military unit in general from the northern front was withdrawn and was not transferred to the aid of the burning south. At the same time, the Azerbaijanis only once decided to imitate an offensive in the north again, clearly for distracting purposes. There was no need to keep up to 20 thousand people in the north.

The Karabakh leadership informally explains all this by the lack of resources. But now the “lack of resources” in Karabakh explains everything.

3. Why did the southern front collapse?

The fact that the Azerbaijanis were striking the main blow in the south, in the steppe zone, was already visible with the naked eye in the first few days of the war. Nevertheless, resources - human and technical - began to arrive on the southern front when this front was essentially gone. The steppe zone was lost, and the front stopped along the edge of the mountains from the Red Bazaar to Martuni. As a result, up to 30 thousand people have accumulated in this area, defending Karabakh. They were threatened with complete encirclement and death, which was one of the reasons for the signing of the ceasefire agreement. At the same time, before the occupation of Jabrayil, Azerbaijani troops advanced very slowly, disrupting their own pace of the offensive. This gave the Armenians a small, but still a head start in order to understand the situation and start relocating.

After the occupation of Jebrail, the front began to fall apart, and the advance of the Azerbaijanis sharply accelerated. The moment was lost.

For what reason did the Armenian command not decide to transfer additional resources to the southern front? This is another mystery.

4. Why did the Armenian side confine itself to only passive defense?

During the entire war, the Armenian side made only two attempts to counterattack against the forward units of Azerbaijanis who were running far ahead. Both times this happened opposite Lachin in a narrow gorge, with the extreme vulnerability of the Azerbaijani battalion-tactical group (BTG). Once even successful. But these operations boiled down simply to the massive delivery of MLRS strikes against enemy clusters. Operations to close the gorge and encircle the enemy in other sectors of the southern front suggested themselves. But not a single Armenian unit moved from its place. An amazing war in which one of the parties did not conduct a single offensive operation on the ground, limiting itself to only and exclusively passive defense.

A successful counterattack in the gorge in front of Lachin would grind so many Azerbaijani forces in the cauldron that they would not think about attacking Shusha for at least a couple of weeks. And later it was quite possible to destroy the Azerbaijani infantry in the Averatanots gorge. But for this it was necessary to strain.

There is no explanation as to why the Armenian side did not even try to counterattack or use other methods of the operational advantage that it repeatedly gained. The lack of resources can be endlessly referred to only in the last stages of hostilities, but passive defense has been a constant tactic from the very beginning of the war.

5. Why was Shusha surrendered?

The most sensitive and incomprehensible question. The first assault on the city by the Azerbaijani infantry was extremely unsuccessful. Then, the second column of Azerbaijanis was covered by an attack by the RZSO. With some effort and assistance from Armenia, the Azerbaijani group that had broken through to the city could be destroyed. Nevertheless, a decision was suddenly made to leave the city without a fight and not to make attempts to liberate it with a favorable operational-tactical situation that remained for another day.

It is believed that the decision to abandon Shushi was made by the NKR President Arayik Harutyunyan and the NKR Security Council Secretary General Samvel Babayan, a local legend. Now, in protest against the signing of the truce, he left his post and renounced the title of Hero of Artsakh. The Armenian YouTube channel Lurer (Novosti) published a recording of the negotiations between Babayan and Harutyunyan, from which it follows that General Babayan really assessed the possibility of recapturing Shusha even after she was abandoned, but painted the future prospects of resistance very gloomily.

Fragment of conversation (not literal translation): “Let's calculate the (combat) mission. We cover Shushi with twenty, thirty volleys of "Smerch". We kill everyone there. We take the city back. What's next? The state of the army and the civilian population does not allow waging war. They fought, took Shushi, then what? (…) We cannot fight with the NATO army, with the mercenaries, fully equipped ... Yesterday I tried to organize an operation with three battalions. We have four howitzers in total. If we are not provided with artillery, then how are you going to support the offensive or cut off its tails (the enemy - approx. LOOK)? (...) Today we must finally negotiate with Russia that we are handing over these territories and leaving. Or they help us.

Imagine that we have two Grads for the whole army today, a dozen howitzers for which we have no shells. "

To summarize, General Babayan believed that resistance was useless at this stage of hostilities. We must abandon the continuation of the war and either surrender, or ask for ten days for an organized exit of the local population and the 30 thousand soldiers of the southern front who are completely surrounded. As an alternative, it was proposed to urgently ask Russia for direct military assistance in the form of PMCs or volunteers, equipment and ammunition.

But all this does not change the question why a small group of Azerbaijani infantrymen without heavy equipment, which broke through to Shusha, was not destroyed before panic began to appear in the Armenian army. The retention of Shushi created a completely different architecture of political agreements for NKR and Armenia. If this decision is political, then who actually made it?

From Russian sources


Norwegian press: US ignored Armenia's call for help
2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war - Page 32 1605252338_screenshot_239

The pro-Western orientation did not help Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in his confrontation with Azerbaijan. Again I had to call for help from Russia. The Norwegian edition of Steigan writes about it.

When Nikol Pashinyan became head of the Armenian government, he did not hide his critical attitude towards "Putin's" Russia. Voices began to be heard in Yerevan in support of the withdrawal of the Russian military base from Gyumri. The US Embassy in Armenia is the second largest among all American embassies in the world. At the same time, Pashinyan hastened to get rid of many senior officers of the army and security forces, apparently suspecting them of pro-Russian sentiments.

However, while "democracy was being built" in Yerevan, their armed forces were being strengthened in Baku. Azerbaijan, using its oil revenues and assistance from Turkey, has managed to modernize its army quite well in several years. When it came to the armed confrontation in Karabakh, it turned out that it is much better equipped and armed than the Armenian armed forces. Of course, the fighting spirit of the defenders of Karabakh cannot be questioned, but one cannot advance far from the determination to fight to the end, and even the former boundaries cannot be defended. And so it happened: Shusha and a number of important regions were lost, Stepanakert itself was under threat.

However, the United States did not come to Pashinyan's aid, ignoring Armenia's calls for help, according to Norwegian journalists. There is no doubt that a harsh shout from Washington would have had an effect on Baku. But this did not happen: while formally condemning the military actions in Karabakh, in fact neither the United States nor "friendly" France did absolutely nothing to stop the rapid advance of Azerbaijani troops.

As a result, as the Norwegian edition writes, Nikol Pashinyan had no choice but to turn to Russia for help, to the very Putin whom he had criticized not so long ago.

The defeat in Karabakh became a tragedy for the Armenian people and an indelible stain on Pashinyan's political career. But it cannot be said that Azerbaijan and Turkey also won. Although Azerbaijan gained control over a part of the formerly ruled by the NKR regions, Putin did not give Ilham Aliyev a total victory in Karabakh. As a wise elder relative, he judged the quarrel between Yerevan and Baku and allowed the latter to take part of the territories, but did not allow the disappearance of Armenian Karabakh either. Now a 2000-strong Russian peacekeeping contingent will stand between the Armenians and Azerbaijanis, which means one thing - as long as the Russian troops remain, there will be no conflict in Karabakh.

It is unlikely that the appearance of Russian armed forces in Karabakh was part of Turkey's plans, but now nothing can be done. In fact, the NKR came under the control of Moscow, in addition to the military base in Gyumri, a contingent appeared in Karabakh. In fact, Turkey's plans to create a corridor to Azerbaijan and the Caspian Sea failed, which was to be expected. Actually, Recep Erdogan, with his rash policy in Syria, Libya and the Black Sea region, himself ran into a decisive response from Russia, and he received it.

A separate moment is the pro-Western forces in Armenia: they have learned a very good lesson from both Moscow and Washington. Russia showed Armenia that it is ready to help and be the guarantor of its security, but for this it is necessary to stop looking at the United States and the European Union.

In turn, the Americans have demonstrated in reality complete indifference to the Armenian people and their problems. Now only a mentally retarded person or an outspoken hireling in Armenia can call to be guided by the United States and the European Union. The war in Karabakh put an end to the question of who can help Armenia and who is completely indifferent to it.

وضعیت تا تعیین تکلیف پاشینیان معطل میمونه
وارد جزییات صلح میشه
صلح نقض میشه
و دوباره جنگ شروع میشه

وقتی ارمنی ها داشتند مشق دموکراسی و مبارزه با فساد میکردند در اذربایجان مشق جنگ در کوه و جنگ پهپاد میکردند

ارمنستان شوکی رو دریافت کرد که بفهمه باید از خودش دفاع کنه و کسی برای نجاتش نمیاد
دیاسپورا ی اونها هم شوکه شد
فهمیدن باید کمک کنن

فیلمها نشون میده صدها جوان ارمنی ناراضی اند
جالبه این ناراضی ها خط اول جبهه نیستند و پشت جبهه شعار میدند

یک زمانی ایران دنبال اجاره همین مراتع ول شده در ارمنستان بود برای چرای دام
هیات ارمنی میگفت سعودی ها قیمت بیشتری میدند
سعودی ها هیچوقت نیومدند

امروز میگن ما گلوله توپ هم نداریم چه کنیم
خوب بیست سال چه گهی میخوردید
حساب کرده بودید رو روسیه
و برای محکم کاری عضو ناتو هم میخواستین بشین

عین کردهای عفرین و رژوا و کرکوک
اونها کجا حوثی ها کجا

روسها با خنجر به هم مسلک ارتودوکس کاری کردند که احدی حالا حالا عضو ناتو نشه

ایران باید خیلی حساب شده بازی کنه و ببینه تیم بایدن و مکرون چطور بازی میکنن


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It all goes back to Russia and Putin.

I mean yes, Armenia could have launched an all out offensive from their eastern border, throwing everything they had at Azeri forces, who were arguably depleted after having succeeded in their second attempt to take Susha.

However this would have certainly caused Azerbaijan to launch attacks on Armenia proper. Worse yet, it likely would have incured the wrath of Turkey, potentially causing Turkey to attack Armenia proper.

In that case, if Russia were to sit back and do nothing, despite having a military alliance with Armenia, it would make Russia look weak.

No doubt Armenia consulted Russia regarding this possibility. However looking at it through the Russian point of view there were two options.

Option number 1: Support Armenia in a war against Azerbaijan and potentially Turkey. This option could have easily cost Russia billions of dollars in lost revenue since it would have most definitely soured relations with both Turkey and Azerbaijan.

The outcome, although favorable for Russia, would not have been 100% guaranteed and would require a massive mobilization of it's military. With that comes the potential for casualties.

Option number 2: Play both sides. Give Armenians just enough weapons and support to deplete both sides significantly and then at the optimal moment, pressure both sides to sign a Russian sponsored agreement which would expand Russia's influence

Taking all the various factors into consideration, it's quite obvious why Putin did what he did. The second option was a win win for Putin. How the Armenians will react remains to be seen, however Pashinyan's days are numbered. Pashinyan was pro western, so that's another plus for Russia.

With this defeat, not only has Russia expanded its influence in the Caucasus, but also, Armenia is now a defacto Russian protectorate, or teetering on the brink anyways.

Of course, Aliyev is trying his very best to frame this as a massive win for Azerbaijan and for himself. However the real winner is obviously Russia.

Putin after all, did not sacrifice thousands of his troops and billions of dollars. Putin mostly used diplomacy and now his troops have setup several bases in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) while simultaneously having moved into Stepanakert, the capital of the enclave.

Russia gained the most, while sacrificing and giving up the least. Some pundits will argue that no, the real winner is Aliyev and Azerbaijan since the agreement guarantees them a wide variety of benefits.

However the agreement states that Russian troops (peacekeepers) will remain in the enclave for 5 years with an option to extend for another 5 years. That's already 10 years and the question that comes to mind is why ?

If Putin is really going to hand over all these excellent benefits to Azerbaijan then why 5 or 10 years ? Why not in a few months ? Why not in 1 year ? 2 year ? LOL

Also if Russia were to remain in its place, what can Azerbaijan do about it ? What is Azerbaijan going to do ? pressure Russia ? strong arm Russia ? attack Russian troops ? I don't think so.
بایدن و افغانستان
قسمت چهارم

ممکنه کتاب افغانستان بایدن خیلی مختصر باشه اگر ترامپ واقعا سریع خارج بشه
جنگهایی در پیش رو ست و دولت افغانستان مثل کردهای عفرین چند هفته ای سقوط میکنه

ما برای جنگ قفقاز اماده نبودیم
امیدوارم برای جنگ افغانستان اماده باشیم اگر امریکا ناگهان خارج بشه

تا دوباره وقتی شهرها یکی یکی سقوط میکنن قارقار این توپها رو از اون سر کشور جلوی مردممون حمل نکنیم
انگار سورپرایز شدیم

خروج ناگهانی امریکا متاسفانه برای مردم افغانستان فاجعه است ولی اتفاقا برای ایران بدترین حالت اینه که امریکایی ها حساب شده خارج بشن با هماهنگی پاکستان و عربستان و ترکیه

اگر ترامپ باز بلوف زده باشه و بمونه، بایدن وارث افغانستان میشه و بالاخره ارامتر از اونجا خارج میشه
بایدن رابطه بهتری با پاکستان خواهد داشت
و از هر کشوری در راستای منافع امریکا بهره میبره

پسر بایدن در افغانستان خدمت کرده و باعث شده بایدن هیچ ارادتی به افغانستان و هویتش نداشته باشه. تجزیه شد هم شد

ایا ما برای سناریو های تجزیه افغانستان اماده ایم​
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قرار نیست همه تو سپاه بشن حاج قاسم

یکی ببر خونگی داره، یکی ماشین لاکچری

Daghighan ki tu Sepāh sāhebe babre khunegi va yā manzele ānchenān gerāngheymatist? Tā unjāi ke ettelā dāram, omume Sepāhiān ettefāghan hammānande shahid Soleimāni sādezistan.

Zemnan khode Hāj Ghāsemo sai dāshtan "fāsede eghtesādi" moarefi konan... Doshmanāne Sepāh talāsh dāshtan aleyhe in shahide bozorgavār parvande sāzi konan.

Agār eshtebāh nakonam yek shahrdāre sābeghe Tehrān jozve in edde bud. Barkhi tahlilgarā matrah kardan ke shāyad in shahrdāre sābegh jozve avāmele "shomāre-i-ye" Sāvāk bude bāshe (iani hamkārāni ke dar asnāde Sāvāk hargez nāmi azashun borde nemishe va faghat tavasote yek shomāreye kodi beheshun eshāre mishe; tasavor mishe barkhi az in afrād pas az piruzie Enghelāb be onvāne nofuzi dar dākhele nezām be faāliatāshun edāme dāde bāshan).
New York Times reporting this. A Zionist controlled newspaper. Not sure if I buy it. Iran has already denied this.

It could simply be an attempt by the Zionists to portray Iran in a negative light. This way the Zionists can point the finger at Iran and say "You see, Iran is in cahoots with AL QAEDA"

This is while the last tangible ISIS enclave in Syria, near Daara, was actually right on the Israeli border.

The Israelis not only tolerated ISIS on their border, they nurtured them, giving them weapons, supplies, equipment and medical treatment for injured / wounded members.

It's funny though, in the end when the Syrian army surrounded and overran the ISIS enclave, the ISIS members ran for their lives towards Israeli territory. The Israelis tore them to pieces with airstrikes without mercy.

Basically the Israelis used them and then threw them in the dumpster like a used condom.

Covid-19 vaccines are going to be in short supply and especially because of the sanctions, Iran cannot depend on any foreign entity or nation to acquire it. Iran must produce it by itself.

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Daghighan ki tu Sepāh sāhebe babre khunegi va yā manzele ānchenān gerāngheymatist? Tā unjāi ke ettelā dāram, omume Sepāhiān ettefāghan hammānande shahid Soleimāni sādezistan.

Zemnan khode Hāj Ghāsemo sai dāshtan "fāsede eghtesādi" moarefi konan... Doshmanāne Sepāh talāsh dāshtan aleyhe in shahide bozorgavār parvande sāzi konan.

Agār eshtebāh nakonam yek shahrdāre sābeghe Tehrān jozve in edde bud. Barkhi tahlilgarā matrah kardan ke shāyad in shahrdāre sābegh jozve avāmele "shomāre-i-ye" Sāvāk bude bāshe (iani hamkārāni ke dar asnāde Sāvāk hargez nāmi azashun borde nemishe va faghat tavasote yek shomāreye kodi beheshun eshāre mishe; tasavor mishe barkhi az in afrād pas az piruzie Enghelāb be onvāne nofuzi dar dākhele nezām be faāliatāshun edāme dāde bāshan).

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راستش قضیه ارمنستان نشون داد امنیت از مبارزه با فساد مهمتره​
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