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Iranian Chill Thread

Except that he's a clown pretty much as anyone else that he's making fun of, if not more. An idiot that thinks some late blooming, unrecognized genius has provided Iran with some extremely high tech knowledge that no one else possesses is not any less ridiculous than those clowns.

That's hardly relevant to the point I made by posting these videos. If you find anything ridiculous or funny about these clips, then by all means go ahead and address those aspects please. If not, then it is now unanimously established that predictions about the IR's "imminent downfall", with reference to the same old mantras claiming that "the people are on the brink of explosion", have consistently proven to be red herrings for the past four decades.

So for all I care, those eager to join that chorus and the list of characters chanting it, are welcome to keep repeating ten times per day how the IR's "downfall" is going to occur "very soon".

Large scale riots like October riots will happen again soon if the economic situation doesn't get better. That's a fact that is beyond doubt.

It'll be factual if and when it takes place, prior to that it's a more or less plausible prediction.

When their basic needs are not met, they get violent and aggressive.

It's considerably more complex than that. Read Marx. Read the classics of sociology. People are far from being automatically destined to rebel against the state authority when their basic needs aren't met. Many other factors come into play.

Now this is not to say some riot will or will not take place here and there in Iran, I'm just refuting what is being presented as a general socio-economic rule.

Who is to say they're not hiding more severe casualties from the public? General Salami. He literally confirmed that no American soldier was killed by saying that they would not kill "innocent soldiers" for the actions of their leaders. The IRGC claimed they had proof of the American casualties and they would release it when they see fit. It seems that Salami's speech completely violates that claim.

I don't see any contradiction there. General Salami isn't the first one to have made such a remark; it seems you missed the interview with general Hajizadeh several months ago, where he said that killing a maximum number of US troops wasn't the goal of the operation.

However, that doesn't mean none were killed in effect. Saying "we did not particularly intend to kill simple soldiers" is not the same as saying "no soldier was killed in the attack".

My point stands, there's no proof that nobody was killed in the strikes. Statements from the US regime, whose officials resort to lying as part of their modus operandi and at times gladly admit to it, do not qualify as evidence.

Fact is that your nonsense about Iranians upset a lot of people here. You're a Raefipoor type of guy in my opinion, except that even Raefipoor is trying to sound less fanatical and more rational lately.

Go on and show us what is "nonsensical", "fanatical" or "irrational" about what I've had to say.

And what exactly makes you think your views are unanimously shared by everyone?

As for Raefipour, he's one of the most popular speakers in Iran. Venues hosting his conferences are systematically full. If the points I make are in line with Raefipour's, it follows that a lot of Iranians won't be upset by them, quite the contrary.

The status quo has reached an equilibrium point where IR actions not only do not hurt her enemies anymore, but in fact strengthens them economically and politically. It's a type of symbiotic relationship between the Islamic Republic regime and her enemies where only Iranian people get screwed. The Americans have no reason to want the IR to go as long as the regime is in fact serving them better than a puppet dictator by their stupid policies.

Outlandish assessment. The fact that the intensity of Washington's "regime change" efforts against Iran - and by that I mean the entire scope of measures taken hitherto by the US, has gone into overdrive instead of abating, squarely disproves these far-fetched notions.

These facts you cite in support of your conclusion (be it US arms sales to the Saudis, or the freezing of Iranian assets) do not represent new developments, and none point to nor imply any qualitative reversal in the utterly hostile relationship between the US regime and Islamic Iran.

As for the US regime's (and it's zionist masters') ulterior motives, and why said motives absolutely necessitate the elimination not just of the Islamic Republic but of Iran as a functional, unified nation-state, I already explained these in my previous reply as well as in numerous aforegone comments.

To understand this, deeper consideration of the global oligarchy's nature and overarching thinking, of its long term project and goals is required, something you aren't paying sufficient attention to so far, limiting your view to conjunctural factors instead (and misinterpreting these when you conclude that Iranian and US interests are converging).

As I wrote before, the only reason that the Islamic Republic has lasted for 41 years is because from a game theoretical point of view, the IR has successfully established a win-win situation for herself and the Americans where the Islamic Republic and its close circles remain in power and the US collects the economic benefits of having them in power indirectly. The status quo is good for the Americans and the Israelis. It is not bad for the Islamic Republic in the sense that they can remain in power and steal people's wealth and resources. And it is terrible for the Iranian people who have to tolerate them due to the lack of a better alternative at the moment.

Game theory as a reading grid of international politics suffers many imperfections, but that's beside the point (especially since even the game theoretical approach won't automatically validate your perception).

You're free to dwell in that sort of persuasion, but facts speak for themselves.

To pretend that the entire recent history of confrontation between the US and Iran has merely amounted to some sort of a fallacious "show" intended to fool the masses, is preposterous beyond measure. To suggest that the US regime and its zionist masters are not bent on targeting every nation-state potentially capable of challenging the illegal settler state's stability, reveals geopolitical short sightedness. To remain oblivious to problematics such as globalism and the professed project for a one-world regime pursued by globalist elites, is representative of a limited outlook on world events.

As said, the very terrorist attack against Soleimani you integrate into your anti-IR rhetoric, defeats your above cited conclusion.
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from: https://www.rt.com/russia/501974-karabakh-fighting-intensifies-plane-downed/

Armenia claims Azerbaijani artillery attacks are intensifying as Nagorno-Karabakh officials allege they've downed Azeri warplane

Azeri artillery firing on Nagorno-Karabakh, in still image from video released by Azerbaijan's Defence Ministry, September 28, 2020. © Handout via REUTERS

Fighting between Azerbaijani and Armenian forces over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh intensified, on Monday, with heavy civilian and military casualties reported amid disputed claims of an Azeri warplane being shot down.

Azerbaijani troops and forces from Nagorno-Karabakh have been trading artillery and rocket fire, with the population of much of Karabakh told to seek shelter. Meanwhile, Armenia has declared a general mobilization and barred men between the ages of 18 and 55 from leaving the country, except with the approval of military authorities.

The most intense attacks took place in the Aras river valley, near the border with Iran, and the Matagis-Talish front in the northeast of the region, according to Armenian Defense Ministry spokesman Artsrun Hovhannisyan. He claimed that the Azeri side has lost 22 tanks and a dozen other vehicles, along with 370 dead and many wounded.

Artur Sargsyan, deputy commander of the Nagorno-Karabakh military, said their own losses so far have amounted to 84 dead and more than 200 wounded. Both figures should be understood in the context of an ongoing information war run by the belligerents.

Vagram Pogosyan, spokesman for the president of the self-declared Artsakh Republic – the ethnic Armenian de-facto government in the capital Stepanakert – said their forces shot down an Azeri An-2 airplane outside the town of Martuni on Monday. This is in addition to some three dozen drones, including ones provided by Turkey, that the Armenian forces claim to have shot down over the past 48 hours.

Baku has denied the reports, saying only that two civilians were killed on Monday, in addition to five on Sunday, and 30 were injured. There was no official information on military casualties. Reports concerning the downed airplane were rejected as “not corresponding to reality.”

Azeri forces have taken several strategically important locations near the village of Talish in Nagorno-Karabakh, Colonel Anar Eyvazov, spokesman for the Defense Ministry in Baku, said in a statement. He was also quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying that Lernik Vardanyan, an Armenian airborne commander, was killed near Talish. Armenia has denied this and labelled it “disinformation.”

In a video conference on Monday, Azeri President Ilham Aliyev told UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres that the question of Nagorno-Karabakh should be resolved in line with UN Security Council resolutions guaranteeing the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, and called for the urgent withdrawal of Armenian troops from “occupied territories.”

The current Azeri offensive is backed by Turkey, whose President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called Armenia “the biggest threat” to peace in the region and called for it to end the “occupation” of Azeri land.

“Recent developments have given all influential regional countries an opportunity to put in place realistic and fair solutions,” he said in Istanbul on Monday.

Unconfirmed reports that Turkish-backed militants from northern Syria have been transported to Azerbaijan to fight the Armenians have been denied by Baku as “complete nonsense.” They amount to “another provocation from the Armenian side,” Khikmet Gadzhiev, an aide to President Aliyev, told Al Jazeera.

Meanwhile, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan vowed his people “won't retreat a single millimeter from defending our people and our Artsakh.” All Armenians “must unite to defend our history, our homeland, identity, our future and our present,” Pashinyan tweeted on Sunday from Yerevan.

Nagorno-Karabakh is one of several border disputes left over from the collapse of the Soviet Union. An enclave predominantly populated by Armenians, it seceded from Azerbaijan in 1988 and declared itself the Republic of Artsakh following a bitter war in 1992-94.

Reuters, citing sources in the Syrian opposition factions: Turkey has provided each fighter who transports to Azerbaijan a monthly salary of $ 1500

Armenian forces repelled Azerbaijani tank assault at "south east axis"
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Dude , did I give you ptsd or something? Shit, my bad. :rofl:

If it makes you feel better, be my guest and tell yourself that. You're simply the only characteristic example known to both the user I was replying to and to myself, so I cited you.

That was quick, by the way. So you're monitoring the "Iranian Chill Thread" incognito? :cheesy: Hahaha.
If it makes you feel better, be my guest and tell yourself that. You're simply the only characteristic example known to both the user I was replying to and to myself, so I cited you.

That was quick, by the way. So you're monitoring the "Iranian Chill Thread" incognito? :cheesy: Hahaha.

I follow my lover everywhere, don't be surprised. :smitten::smitten::rofl:
That's hardly relevant to the point I made by posting these videos. If you find anything ridiculous or funny about these clips, then by all means go ahead and address those aspects please. If not, then it is now unanimously established that predictions about the IR's "imminent downfall", with reference to the same old mantras claiming that "the people are on the brink of explosion", have consistently proven to be red herrings for the past four decades.

So for all I care, those eager to join that chorus and the list of characters chanting it, are welcome to keep repeating ten times per day how the IR's "downfall" is going to occur "very soon".

It'll be factual if and when it takes place, prior to that it's a more or less plausible prediction.

It's considerably more complex than that. Read Marx. Read the classics of sociology. People are far from being automatically destined to rebel against the state authority when their basic needs aren't met. Many other factors come into play.

Now this is not to say some riot will or will not take place here and there in Iran, I'm just refuting what is being presented as a general socio-economic rule.

I don't see any contradiction there. General Salami isn't the first one to have made such a remark; it seems you missed the interview with general Hajizadeh several months ago, where he said that killing a maximum number of US troops wasn't the goal of the operation.

However, that doesn't mean none were killed in effect. Saying "we did not particularly intend to kill simple soldiers" is not the same as saying "no soldier was killed in the attack".

My point stands, there's no proof that nobody was killed in the strikes. Statements from the US regime, whose officials resort to lying as part of their modus operandi and at times gladly admit to it, do not qualify as evidence.

Go on and show us what is "nonsensical", "fanatical" or "irrational" about what I've had to say.

And what exactly makes you think your views are unanimously shared by everyone?

As for Raefipour, he's one of the most popular speakers in Iran. Venues hosting his conferences are systematically full. If the points I make are in line with Raefipour's, it follows that a lot of Iranians won't be upset by them, quite the contrary.

Outlandish assessment. The fact that the intensity of Washington's "regime change" efforts against Iran - and by that I mean the entire scope of measures taken hitherto by the US, has gone into overdrive instead of abating, squarely disproves these far-fetched notions.

These facts you cite in support of your conclusion (be it US arms sales to the Saudis, or the freezing of Iranian assets) do not represent new developments, and none point to nor imply any qualitative reversal in the utterly hostile relationship between the US regime and Islamic Iran.

As for the US regime's (and it's zionist masters') ulterior motives, and why said motives absolutely necessitate the elimination not just of the Islamic Republic but of Iran as a functional, unified nation-state, I already explained these in my previous reply as well as in numerous aforegone comments.

To understand this, deeper consideration of the global oligarchy's nature and overarching thinking, of its long term project and goals is required, something you aren't paying sufficient attention to so far, limiting your view to conjunctural factors instead (and misinterpreting these when you conclude that Iranian and US interests are converging).

Game theory as a reading grid of international politics suffers many imperfections, but that's beside the point (especially since even the game theoretical approach won't automatically validate your perception).

You're free to dwell in that sort of persuasion, but facts speak for themselves.

To pretend that the entire recent history of confrontation between the US and Iran has merely amounted to some sort of a fallacious "show" intended to fool the masses, is preposterous beyond measure. To suggest that the US regime and its zionist masters are not bent on targeting every nation-state potentially capable of challenging the illegal settler state's stability, reveals geopolitical short sightedness. To remain oblivious to problematics such as globalism and the professed project for a one-world regime pursued by globalist elites, is representative of a limited outlook on world events.

As said, the very terrorist attack against Soleimani you integrate into your anti-IR rhetoric, defeats your above cited conclusion.
You're truly misinformed if you think what happened during Aban riots is something that happens in a country where people are satisfied with their lives. More than 100 banks were looted, burnt down or even completely destroyed. Several gas stations were completely destroyed. Several municipalities in satellite cities of Tehran were attacked, looted and burnt down. Iran's flags were burnt down in some cities in Khuzestan. Some claim that some of the rioters were armed. Even hospitals were attacked by angry rioters and you think that people aren't on the verge of exploding? You are either truly retarded, or pretend to be so to continue your pointless arguments.

The problem with Raefipoor type lunatics like you is that you think people actually give a **** about the down fall of the IR. Nobody does. But a Syria scenario becomes more and more likely when things like the Aban riots become common. And they will become a common phenomenon if the economic situation doesn't improve drastically immediately.

It's a basic fact of life, that is believed to be true by sociologists and criminologists, that when people have nothing to lose, they get violent and aggressive. It is a natural defense mechanism of human beings to survive. The theories of some communist politician cannot deny what is widely believed to be true by experts and ordinary people through experience. Visit a prison and hear the life stories of people committing violent crimes and then connect the dots on your own.

General Hajizadeh claimed that the IRGC was in possession of video proofs of dead American troops right after the missile attack and threatened the Americans to release them. General Salami's statement completely denies the possibility of over 200 dead American soldiers, which was initially claimed by the IRGC officials and they insisted on it. When Salami says that they did not intend to kill American soldiers, it significantly strengthens the widely-believed hypothesis that no American troops were killed, meaning that all claims made after the attack were just baseless lies and hot air for propaganda purposes. Just like their out of desperation phone calls to C-Span. LOL

Manoto has millions of viewers too. So, what's your point? Since when having an audience makes a lunatic like Raefipoor less of a lunatic? Since when the number of viewers or having a wide audience proves that you're right? He's the same guy that talks about Jinns and superstitious stuff. It's such a sad state of affairs that a guy like Raefipoor has a large audience.

Why does it have to be a new development? That's quite irrelevant. As a matter of fact, an equilibrium point by definition is a point that the system maintains to stay in without a major change in external factors. So, the fact that this is not a new development strengthens my argument, not weaken it. The rest of your post is also just blah blah, ignoring even things that you asked from me and I answered.

You claimed that Iran had not been contained. You were disproved by telling you how the JCPOA, not only set back Iran's nuclear program for years, but also stopped Iran's space program (which goes hand in hand with our ballistic missile program) for years. You preferred to ignore it and didn't even show the decency to respond to it because you had nothing to say there.

It remains a valid point that Iran has been contained after the JCPOA. Our scientific growth has slowed down significantly. Our previously growing influence has now been limited to only our traditional allies and militia groups in the region. It remains a fact that currently the status quo is against Iran's interests and in favor of Iran's enemies and the Islamic Republic lacks a clear strategy to get out of it. It remains a fact that the minimum salary in Iran is now barely 100 USD which is unprecedented. It remains a fact that Khamenei supports Rouhani's policies and he is completely responsible for the treasonous deal called the JCPOA due to his support for Rouhani and Zarif. It remains a fact that the parliament wanted to impeach Rouhani but Khamenei didn't allow it and they stopped the impeachment. It remains a fact that when Zarif in the parliament said that Khamenei approved the negotiations, no parliament member could deny it. It remains a fact that the "revolutionary" parliament has done nothing to force Rouhani to stand firm against the Western continuous aggressive policies against us.

Finally, if you want to discuss things with me, state facts and talk about numbers please. I'm not really interested in exchange of personal opinions or theories with people. Talk about facts and numbers with me. Talk about Iran's negative GDP growth for 3 consecutive years (we're talking about -7% and -6% GDP growth in two consecutive years, with forecasts for this year to be not any better). Talk about Iran's rising GINI coefficient. Talk about Iran's HDI which has stopped improving since 2018. Talk about the fact that a moving death bed called Pride is now worth 140 million Tomans, meaning that it is worth 46 months of the minimum wage. At the end of the day, numbers speak louder than what you or I believe to be true.
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He really said that? :O I didn't know that, otherwise I wouldn't have wasted my time on him.
I knew he was peculiar, but I thought he was like that because he was not Iranian and not familiar with our culture. Look at his flags, I thought he was from Pakistan.
He calls himself ''Salar haqq'' but everything he stands for is propaganda, lies,lies and lies. He is just basically rehashing the same pro estabilishment garbage over and over again without providing any real solution to the problems of the country. I doubt it is even his country, perhaps some pakistani diehard fan of some mullah in Iran.
Anyway, that does not matter. People like you with such intricate knowledge about the history and social makeup of Iran should absolutely not engage in a fruitless conversation with a brainwashed individual.
Any healthy person engaging in a discussion will backtrack on some points admitting they were wrong at some point and will display their sanity. But there is seriously something wrong with someone claiming to be the godfather of all justice and truth without backtracking even 1 cm on any topic. Stay far away my friend. Just put on ignore list.
(To anyone reading this, don't take it personally or too deeply. I'm just venting a little bit.)

Oh shit, I didn't even know they called C-SPAN, did they really call them? That's beyond sad man...

Things like this make me even more worried about Iran's future. If we have leaders who's worth isn't much and their words mean less than the papers it's written on. All we're left with is a bunch of men with missiles talking out their assess collectively. Just children pretending to be men. I think what bugs me the most is all the talk of "action" with very little actual action. How many fucking times are we going to have to hear some X or Y Iranian military figure head say "AMRIKA/ISRAEL ZIONISTS BETTER NOT ATTACK, WE WILL ATTACK 10000000000 TIMES STRONGER!!, BE KHODA MA MIKOONIM, BAVAR KHON!!". Just comes off as desperate and unnecessary. Just shut up and quietly do your job professionally without acting like a used-car salesman lmao.

Although it has been all said and done. The Ayn Al-Assad attack should have been MUCH more comprehensive than it was. Still don't understand why Iran didn't blow up the drones, planes and helicopters sitting right there on the tarmac. Would have at least sent a considerably stronger message to the Americans.....

Idk about you Qwecxz-jan, but I'm increasingly reaching the end of my rope with Iran. Soon all I will give two-shits about is the new military weapons Iran periodically unveils and that's about it..
People are slowly finally starting to realize that those in top positions in the estabilishment are there just for the benefits they receive. One recent example, didn't Hajizadeh himself admit live on tv for being responsible for shooting down that Ukrainian airliner ? What kept him from resigning ? Giving up privilige status is too much of a burden i guess ?

I do not know what these guys are smoking but if you are going to fight and ''resist'' why all the barking then ? Why not first grow and BECOME STRONGER (like what China is doing) and then put yourself into a battle versus US and their lapdog Israel?

Why, when you are enriching uranium you release controversial statements about destroying the Zionist regime when you very well know that their propaganda machines are going to turn it against you completely delegitimizing everything you have done and going to do and put the country under such a heavy burden.. unprepared?

About the Soleimani retaliation. That was a complete joke.. not that there is something wrong with our weapons, infact they were so precise that they could be used in a ''political message''. What is wrong they are in the wrong hands.. in the hands of people that are trying to leech and suck the Iranian people dry in the name of resistance. It is absolutely disgusting what is happening.

I am not even talking about the weekly smacks IRGC receives in Syria and recently inside the country too. And the usual barkings always occur without firing even 1 bullet towards Israel itself.

Many more things....
Fight over Nagorny Karabakh is intensifying.

Armenian Ministry of Defense: Turkish F-16 from Ganja airbase shot down Su-25 fighter jet of Armenian Air Forces. Pilot killed

Turkish Air Force in no way participates in military operations in Karabakh - Aliyev

Armenia destroyed Azerbaijani supply truck with ammunition

Nagorny Karabakh authorities now say that F-16 was used over region
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