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Iranian Chill Thread

guys did you hear that US is fielding it's extended range cannon artillery or ERCA project?? it's a really interesting project, it is supposed to use the a little extended barrel and rocket assisted munition. this improvements increased the firing range from 30 km to 70 and eventually 100 km. if we do it we can replace fajr and zelzal rockets with a relatively cheaper solution.
there is also another program to rearm existing military cannons with hyper velocity projectiles (HVP) that originally developed for rail gun, this projectiles have less weight and improved aerodynamics that limited the friction and energy loss. the new munitions increase MK-45 cannon range by a coefficient of 3. if we can do similar thing to our saer AAGs they can achieve 45 km range against aerial targets. it's almost the the same as a MIM-23 hawk with a defining difference of more rounds to fire than only 3 missiles, also it would be more low profile due to passive sensors. the big hurdle is making the material of projectile i assume but it worth it.
also there is a future program for a strategic strike cannon artillery with 70-1600 km range to target Russian and Chinese air defense assets and other military targets. it seems like it's similar to harp and Iraqi Babylon project.








US future artillery projects:


assholes are not even able to speak Farsi properly. another good investment example of Saudis.:lol::lol:
the case is a funny typo:
US secretary of treasure: everyone in Lebanon and Iraq want to outcast Iranian troops of their land.
the thing Iran international aka Saudi mount piece wrote: everyone in the Iraq and Lebanon want to do Iranian troops.

with Ukrainian Engine, imported landing gear, and above all Nato imported electronic
so Iranian members should understand how far we have come

we managed to reverse engineer bigger similar engine 15 years ago, which it took us nealy 20 years to that,

this is difference between limited assembly or mass production with low cost, don't look at that we have sanction and soon people see Iranian products in Syria, Iraq, Venezuela, Lebanon
if you say so, it be good you make fool of yourself by pointing out in what sense is advance ,

second: I did not said anything about Turkish drone, neither i dis it,
is fool like you who with out reading my post just jump up and down

i was just making point to some Iranain members, that the olny muslim contry which after so many years could come up with final product out of all muslim coutries is no where near,
and they should be more Thankful.the technological gap is so wide that no one even come close.

have good day
Well do you really think they can invent anything by themselves?!!:lol:

Their most famous architect mimar sinan was of Greek and Armenian background

Their most famous naval commander was of Albanian and Greek background

Their most powerful grand viziers were of Greek, Albanian and Serbian descent like koprulu family, pargali ibrahim pasha, and sokollu Mehmed pasha

The one who made their giant cannons was Hungarian named orban

They barely had civilization or culture that had effect on human history
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