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Iranian Chill Thread

@Rukarl , is that you?:
What are your thoughts regarding Netanyahu and his charges about corruption and some other thing? He can serve 10 years in prison. For one of the charges and 3 for the other. A total of 13 years. I read he has protested and before they can throw him in prison they need to review his case and deny his protest, the process takes more than a few months. I feel he is going to use whatever cards he has to drag US in a war with Iran. If Israel and US are in war with Iran. They won’t replace Netanyahu. I feel he will somehow cause a war just to stay in power. What do you think?
What are your thoughts regarding Netanyahu and his charges about corruption and some other thing? He can serve 10 years in prison. For one of the charges and 3 for the other. A total of 13 years. I read he has protested and before they can throw him in prison they need to review his case and deny his protest, the process takes more than a few months. I feel he is going to use whatever cards he has to drag US in a war with Iran. If Israel and US are in war with Iran. They won’t replace Netanyahu. I feel he will somehow cause a war just to stay in power. What do you think?
Israel sent Ehud Olmert to jail for corruption, but i believe it was because he oversaw a war Israel lost or too lots of damage from. Not sure BIbi will go to jail soon tbh..
@Rukarl , is that you?:

So this kind of Shit post is Ok on this forum? I guess anything goes around here if the target is Iranian!
He got what he sought for years.

The only question now is how will Iran or its proxies retaliate ? They have lots of options. The smart move would be to wait for the tension to boil over and then retaliate, something like Beirut 1983. However I'm not sure if all of Iran's proxies / allies will be as patient.

"As far as I'm concerned, this is a major escalation by the US, a declaration of war. Iran should reserve the right to retaliate at a place and time of its choosing. All options are on the table." Expect a statement such as this to be put out by Khamenei or some Iranian general / official.
The only question now is how will Iran or its proxies retaliate ? They have lots of options. The smart move would be to wait for the tension to boil over and then retaliate, something like Beirut 1983. However I'm not sure if all of Iran's proxies / allies will be as patient.

"As far as I'm concerned, this is a major escalation by the US, a declaration of war. Iran should reserve the right to retaliate at a place and time of its choosing. All options are on the table." Expect a statement such as this to be put out by Khamenei or some Iranian general / official.

There will be rational and proportional response.
Israel sent Ehud Olmert to jail for corruption, but i believe it was because he oversaw a war Israel lost or too lots of damage from. Not sure BIbi will go to jail soon tbh..

I called it. Anything to keep Netanyahu in power. I’m convinced killing Soleimani was done to save Netanyahu

There will be rational and proportional response.

They killed our military top commander Not just some basij volunteer. Only proportional response is death of thousands of American soldiers in a direct attack
I called it. Anything to keep Netanyahu in power. I’m convinced killing Soleimani was done to save Netanyahu

They killed our military top commander Not just some basij volunteer. Only proportional response is death of thousands of American soldiers in a direct attack

well, a proportional response is not necessarily one to one. Iran is rational actor.
I called it. Anything to keep Netanyahu in power. I’m convinced killing Soleimani was done to save Netanyahu

They killed our military top commander Not just some basij volunteer. Only proportional response is death of thousands of American soldiers in a direct attack

Soleimani was one man and his fondest wish was to be martyred. Iran is an entire nation filled with people like Soleimani. I'm expecting a Beirut 1983 style retaliation or even worse. The question is not if but when.
well, a proportional response is not necessarily one to one. Iran is rational actor.
What is your idea of a proportional response?

Soleimani was one man and his fondest wish was to be martyred. Iran is an entire nation filled with people like Soleimani. I'm expecting a Beirut 1983 style retaliation or even worse. The question is not if but when.
He was our top millitary commander and Khameneis right hand man. It doesn't matter if he was killed in Iraq or Iran. An attack on Soleimani is equivalent of attacking whole Iranian nation. Beirut style retaliation is IMO not the proper response to an attack on Iran. Only proper retaliation is testing a nuke asap and destroying every single one of US bases in Middle East.
What is your idea of a proportional response?

He was our top millitary commander and Khameneis right hand man. It doesn't matter if he was killed in Iraq or Iran. An attack on Soleimani is equivalent of attacking whole Iranian nation. Beirut style retaliation is IMO not the proper response to an attack on Iran. Only proper retaliation is testing a nuke asap and destroying every single one of US bases in Middle East.
I think Iran would act as following:
  • Demanding immidiate exit of US troops
  • possibly closure of US embassy and closure of US consulate in Erbil
  • Targeting non-state actors: CEO's, American companies in the region
  • On field/direct backing/support for houthis, no more indirect backing
  • Possibly killing Israeli/american businessman, politicians/diplomats who visit the region (be it azerbayjan, emirates, etc).
  • Adding extra support to idlib offensive
I think Iran would act as following:
  • Demanding immidiate exit of US troops
  • possibly closure of US embassy and closure of US consulate in Erbil
  • Targeting non-state actors: CEO's, American companies in the region
  • On field/direct backing/support for houthis, no more indirect backing
  • Possibly killing Israeli businessman, politicians/diplomats who visit the region (be it azerbayjan, emirates, etc).
  • Adding extra support to idlib offensive

IMO they have crossed the line. This is declaration of war. Imagine what US would do if we killed their top general while he was in Mexico. What is next? Do we need to wait for them to invade and bombard Tehran for us to give a proper response? By that time it would be too late and wouldn't even matter how we respond. Our only and absolutely only option is to launch BM's into all their bases, destroy every single one of them. Develop and test a nuke and put it on a modified Khorramshahr missile.
IMO they have crossed the line. This is declaration of war. Imagine what US would do if we killed their top general while he was in Mexico. What is next? Do we need to wait for them to invade and bombard Tehran for us to give a proper response? By that time it would be too late and wouldn't even matter how we respond. Our only and absolutely only option is to launch BM's into all their bases, destroy every single one of them. Develop and test a nuke and put it on a modified Khorramshahr missile.
They want Iran to lash out, but Iran will remain calm, will make sure that yankees will be kicked out of Iraq and after that it will start to retaliate in the ways which I wrote down + possibly developing nukes. Red lines were crossed, so you will see killing/disturbing/destruction of high value targets. I think american companies and their workers/managers will not be save anymore and will not be able to do business in Iraq anymore.
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