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Iranian Chill Thread

دردسر کم بود حالا این لیبرال های حرومزاده می خوان نسل ایرانی رو هم منقرض کنن
نگفتم این بی پدرها می خوان نسل ما رو منقرض کنن
کاش این انقلاب 57 اتفاق نمی افتاد باز حداقل یه ذره تعصب مذهبی چیزی بود خر این آخوندا یه برویی داشت چهار تا فتوای چیزی میدادن باز یه کاری پیش میرفت حالا که گندش در اومده مردم ما عقلشون رو دادن دست این لیبرال های پفیوز اگه این آخوندا هم یه چیزی بگن مردم لج می کنن برعکسش رو انجام می دن
نگفتم این بی پدرها می خوان نسل ما رو منقرض کنن
کاش این انقلاب 57 اتفاق نمی افتاد باز حداقل یه ذره تعصب مذهبی چیزی بود خر این آخوندا یه برویی داشت چهار تا فتوای چیزی میدادن باز یه کاری پیش میرفت حالا که گندش در اومده مردم ما عقلشون رو دادن دست این لیبرال های پفیوز اگه این آخوندا هم یه چیزی بگن مردم لج می کنن برعکسش رو انجام می دن

This is highly concerning!
This is highly concerning!
آره این اصلا شوخی برداره نیست این بی پدرها جدی جدی می خوان نسل ما رو از رو کره زمین بردارن، این توییت مثلا ترقی خواهانه زن بیل گیتسه نگاه کن خداوکیلی
عفریته بی پدر خوشحاله که ماموریت با موفقیت انجام شد! این آمریکن های بی شرافت هر کدوم یکی چهار پنج تا بچه زیر بقلشونه همین بیل گیتس بی پدر سه تا بچه داره این ترامپ پدرسگ پنج تا بچه داره ایوانکا شون همین الان سه تا بچه زاییده بعدن این بی پدرا برا ما از در حقوق بشر و حقوق زنان و ... وارد میشن میگن سیاست های افزایش جمعیت حکومت برای سرکوب زنانه انگار تو این حکومت یه مشت بیکار نشستن دلشون درد می کنه که بیان زنان رو سرکوب کنن، این لبیرال های خائن بی شرافت بی همه چیز وطن فروش گوساله هم تو اون کثافت خونه های بی بی سی و من و تو و صدای عامریکا نشستن 24 ساعت دارن رو مغز ایرانی ها کار می کنن این برنامه ها رو می سازن


اینا می خوان با دست خودمون نسل ایرانی جماعت رو از رو کره زمین محو کنیم خودمون خودمون رو نابود کنیم، بعدن اون لاریجانی خائن میاد تو اون طویله (مجلس) هرهرهرجوک میگه طرح تصویب می کنه که بیان همین یه ذره نرخ زاد و ولد هم که مونده رو صفر کنن خیالشون راحت شه، خداوکیلی عجب شری گرفتار شدیم
آره این اصلا شوخی برداره نیست این بی پدرها جدی جدی می خوان نسل ما رو از رو کره زمین بردارن، این توییت مثلا ترقی خواهانه زن بیل گیتسه نگاه کن خداوکیلی
عفریته بی پدر خوشحاله که ماموریت با موفقیت انجام شد! این آمریکن های بی شرافت هر کدوم یکی چهار پنج تا بچه زیر بقلشونه همین بیل گیتس بی پدر سه تا بچه داره این ترامپ پدرسگ پنج تا بچه داره ایوانکا شون همین الان سه تا بچه زاییده بعدن این بی پدرا برا ما از در حقوق بشر و حقوق زنان و ... وارد میشن میگن سیاست های افزایش جمعیت حکومت برای سرکوب زنانه انگار تو این حکومت یه مشت بیکار نشستن دلشون درد می کنه که بیان زنان رو سرکوب کنن، این لبیرال های خائن بی شرافت بی همه چیز وطن فروش گوساله هم تو اون کثافت خونه های بی بی سی و من و تو و صدای عامریکا نشستن 24 ساعت دارن رو مغز ایرانی ها کار می کنن این برنامه ها رو می سازن


اینا می خوان با دست خودمون نسل ایرانی جماعت رو از رو کره زمین محو کنیم خودمون خودمون رو نابود کنیم، بعدن اون لاریجانی خائن میاد تو اون طویله (مجلس) هرهرهرجوک میگه طرح تصویب می کنه که بیان همین یه ذره نرخ زاد و ولد هم که مونده رو صفر کنن خیالشون راحت شه، خداوکیلی عجب شری گرفتار شدیم
nonsense , first build infrastructure for more people then talk about increasing population .
we must have free education till university , but if all the people in private school next year want to enroll in governmental school what you think will happen
do you knew how many job we can produce each year ? what's the unemployment rate ?
Do you knew how much of our food is imported ?
Do you ever heard of water crisis ? are you aware in central and eastern Iran water is as low as 200-250 meter under ground while several years ago it was 10-20m ?
Do you knew how our health system is under pressure and is stretched out ?
wonder what is that you guys fear ? you are fearing old population ? whats so fearful about them you fear lack of workforce then don't retire people at the age of 40-45. the current population is enough for us we must stabilize our population here .
only relevant turning point can be regime change or some revolution, neither of which seem likely at this point.
Yes, Iran needs out from under sanctions, the how doesn't matter, regime change, policy change...detente or something else, it needs to be done. We can never have a healthy growth and progress where the the entire populace can participate with these sanctions in place.
nonsense , first build infrastructure for more people then talk about increasing population .
we must have free education till university , but if all the people in private school next year want to enroll in governmental school what you think will happen
do you knew how many job we can produce each year ? what's the unemployment rate ?
Do you knew how much of our food is imported ?
Do you ever heard of water crisis ? are you aware in central and eastern Iran water is as low as 200-250 meter under ground while several years ago it was 10-20m ?
Do you knew how our health system is under pressure and is stretched out ?
wonder what is that you guys fear ? you are fearing old population ? whats so fearful about them you fear lack of workforce then don't retire people at the age of 40-45. the current population is enough for us we must stabilize our population here .
For the love of God not everything is about the workforce, and nobody is saying that we increase the population heiati style, Of course infrastructures should be build for it and the traitors we have in power should get on it right now, But Some tasks simply can't be done in serial, You can't wait for the infrastructures to be built and then increase the population, That would be too little too late, These two things should be done in parallel. And also the policies to keep the population at it's current level will eventually backfire, It backfired for the Chinese, It backfired for the Japanese, It backfired for the Europeans, And is going to backfire for us too, Better not to adopt a policy that already proven to be a failure.

BTW you can at least listen to these guys, These people are like sharks in the water, They already smelled the blood and are jerking of with the thought of us going extinct.
For the love of God not everything is about the workforce, and nobody is saying that we increase the population heiati style, Of course infrastructures should be build for it and the traitors we have in power should get on it right now, But Some tasks simply can't be done in serial, You can't wait for the infrastructures to be built and then increase the population, That would be too little too late, These two things should be done in parallel. And also the policies to keep the population at it's current level will eventually backfire, It backfired for the Chinese, It backfired for the Japanese, It backfired for the Europeans, And is going to backfire for us too, Better not to adopt a policy that already proven to be a failure.

BTW you can at least listen to these guys, These people are like sharks in the water, They already smelled the blood and are jerking of with the thought of us going extinct.
The comments on that site,holy sh!t.What a bunch of deluded zionist/chumpist :crazy:morons:crazy: :haha:
No wonder the wests in such a hell of a state.
For the love of God not everything is about the workforce, and nobody is saying that we increase the population heiati style, Of course infrastructures should be build for it and the traitors we have in power should get on it right now, But Some tasks simply can't be done in serial, You can't wait for the infrastructures to be built and then increase the population, That would be too little too late, These two things should be done in parallel. And also the policies to keep the population at it's current level will eventually backfire, It backfired for the Chinese, It backfired for the Japanese, It backfired for the Europeans, And is going to backfire for us too, Better not to adopt a policy that already proven to be a failure.

BTW you can at least listen to these guys, These people are like sharks in the water, They already smelled the blood and are jerking of with the thought of us going extinct.

The western Europeans are sicker than ever before. These individuals have found their true identity. There is no reason to try to reason with them, they are a bunch of fanatics.

I just hope the Nordics and Caucasians make their way out and figure out Islam is a great good in the world and zionism is a terrible disaster.

Young women want to leave neo-nazis trumpland. Because the young women have hearts. The Persian haters don't.
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