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Iranian Chill Thread



"MD: The Sino-Russian axis and its allies (Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Syria, Venezuela, North Korea etc) decided 7 years ago after the fall of Libya to NATO surrogates that enough was enough and that they were in a fight for the survival of humanity against Luciferians that control the US.

The Iranian military are present in this China, North Korea meeing, a few week after Putin told the US he would nuke it if they attacked Russia or its “allies”."
In regards to the recent devaluation of the Iranian currency.

Yes it's mostly due to Iranians hording currency in an attempt to make a quick profit or for savings. In my opinion, the government should simply ban people from trading in USD all together or limit each person to a trading a very small amount. People should be encouraged to invest in commodities such as Gold instead of USD.

In all honesty, I personally do not agree with Iran's current policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Iran is paying a very heavy price for its support of groups like Hamas, when Hamas has recently betrayed Iran by supporting anti Assad groups in Syria. Also, lets not forget that during the Iran-Iraq war, most Palestinians supported Saddam against Iran. I'm not saying Iran should recognize Israel or bow down to the Zionist agenda however Iran should choose a middle ground that doesn't put such a strain on Iran's economy. Realistically, overthrowing or challenging the Zionist regime with all their wealth & lobbying power worldwide, is not a practical, pragmatic way forward.
I know right, why should Iran care about Arabs, not even Arabs themselves care about other Arabs anymore. The Palestinians are an Arab problem and Iran should let the Arab world deal with it. Iran should not be fighting harder than the Arabs, Its idiocy. Not even the Islamic Republic of Pakistan takes a hardline stance like Iran does.
I know right, why should Iran care about Arabs, not even Arabs themselves care about other Arabs anymore. The Palestinians are an Arab problem and Iran should let the Arab world deal with it. Iran should not be fighting harder than the Arabs, Its idiocy. Not even the Islamic Republic of Pakistan takes a hardline stance like Iran does.

Yes and I'm not saying Iran should recognize Israel or become allies with Israel but Iran should choose a more moderate, pragmatic approach. Perhaps continue to not recognize Israel but halt all weapons shipments & support for Hamas since Hamas has not been loyal to Iran, especially in the recent conflict in Syria, trying to overthrow Assad, the man who helps sent weapons from Iran to Hamas...

On the other hand, the current Iranian regime can never halt its support for Hezbollah so I'm not sure how much abandoning Hamas would actually take pressure off Iran. It's almost as if the Iranian regime understands the repercussions for helping Hezbollah & therefore has decided to go ALL IN since there is no real middle ground.

You know if the Israeli's were smart they would come up with some kind of peace deal, compromise. That would be the best way to neutralize any extremist groups or animosity towards them, however they're TOO GREEDY. On the ground they continue to forcefully and aggressively COLONIZE & ABUSE Palestinians.

You know in conclusion, today I saw the LIRA hit 4 LIRA vs 1 USD, an all time low and I realized that although the Rial has hit an all time low... well SO HAS THE LIRA and Iran is under the most intense pressure that any country has ever been under. Considering the fact that Turkey is cooperating with the west, for the most part, and their currency just hit an all time low. I think people in Iran should not underestimate that currencies tend to fluctuate and in recent years the USD has been gaining strength, however for Iran's economy to still be functioning & some what thriving, better than a few years ago, I mean the Tehran stock exchange is at an all time high, tha'ts pretty good considering the circumstances.

stupidity contest between Kuwaitis and Israelis :lol:

Report: Israeli stealth fighters fly over Iran - Middle East - Jerusalem Post

Two Israeli F-35 fighter jets entered Iranian airspace over the past month, Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida reported on Thursday.
Sources quoted in Al-Jarida stated that two stealth fighters flew over Syrian and Iraqi airspace to reach Iran, and even targeted locations in the Iranian cities Bandar Abbas, Esfahan and Shiraz.

The report states that the two fighter jets, among the most advanced in the world, circled at high altitude above Persian Gulf sites suspected of being associated with the Iranian nuclear program.

It also states that the two jets went undetected by radar, including by the Russian radar system located in Syria.

The source added that the seven F-35 fighters in active service in the IAF have conducted a number of missions in Syria and on the Lebanese-Syrian border. He underlined that the fighter jets can travel from Israel to Iran twice without refueling.

In regards to the F-35

I highly doubt that the F-35 has actually avoid Iranian radar. Recently one of the F-35 jets flying over Lebanon ? was damaged by a Syrian S-200 missile, however the Israels claimed that it was hit by a "BIRD" LOL
In regards to the recent devaluation of the Iranian currency.

Yes it's mostly due to Iranians hording currency in an attempt to make a quick profit or for savings. In my opinion, the government should simply ban people from trading in USD all together or limit each person to a trading a very small amount. People should be encouraged to invest in commodities such as Gold instead of USD.

In all honesty, I personally do not agree with Iran's current policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Iran is paying a very heavy price for its support of groups like Hamas, when Hamas has recently betrayed Iran by supporting anti Assad groups in Syria. Also, lets not forget that during the Iran-Iraq war, most Palestinians supported Saddam against Iran. I'm not saying Iran should recognize Israel or bow down to the Zionist agenda however Iran should choose a middle ground that doesn't put such a strain on Iran's economy. Realistically, overthrowing or challenging the Zionist regime with all their wealth & lobbying power worldwide, is not a practical, pragmatic way forward.

They support Hamas or other Sunni religious movements b/c that ensures bigger influence and expansion for Iran. So it is basically trying to afford a proxy-empire that led to the ongoing currency crisis. They wouldn't do it purely for loving Palestinians or hating Israelis.
Here’s Why The Claim That Two Israeli F-35 Stealth Jets Entered Iranian Airspace Does Not Make Any Sense

Two Israeli Air Force (IAF) F-35 stealth fighters flew over Syrian and Iraqi airspace to reach Iran, report says. Most probably, just fake news or PSYOPS.

The Jerusalem Post has just published an article, that is slowly spreading through the social media, about an alleged IAF F-35 mission into the Iranian airspace originally reported by the Kuwaiti Al-Jarida newspaper. According to an “informed source” who talked to Al-Jarida, earlier this month, two Aidr stealth jets flew undetected over Syria and Iraq and snuck into the Iranian airspace, flying reconnaissance missions over the Iranian cities Bandar Abbas, Esfahan and Shiraz.

Here’s an excerpt (highlight mine):

“The report states that the two fighter jets, among the most advanced in the world, circled at high altitude above Persian Gulf sites suspected of being associated with the Iranian nuclear program. It also states that the two jets went undetected by radar, including by the Russian radar system located in Syria. The source refused to confirm if the operation was undertaken in coordination with the US army, which has recently conducted joint exercises with the IDF.

The source added that the seven F-35 fighters in active service in the IAF have conducted a number of missions in Syria and on the Lebanese-Syrian border. He underlined that the fighter jets can travel from Israel to Iran twice without refueling.

There are many weird things.

First of all the source. Al-Jarida is often used to deliver Israeli propaganda/PSYOPS messages, according to several sources. For instance, here’s how Haaretz commented a previous scoop of the Kuwaiti outlet (again, highlight mine):

“Al-Jarida, which in recent years had broken exclusive stories from Israel, quoted a source in Jerusalem as saying that “there is an American-Israeli agreement” that Soleimani is a “threat to the two countries’ interests in the region.” It is generally assumed in the Arab world that the paper is used as an Israeli platform for conveying messages to other countries in the Middle East.

Then, the Israeli Air Force operates more than seven F-35s (at least 9) and their range (about 2,000 km) does not allow the aircraft in stealth mode (i.e. without external fuel tanks) to fly to Iran, twice, without stopover or aerial refueling.

And, above all, although the involvement of the F-35 in real missions has been considered “imminent” by some analysts since the Israeli Air Force declared its first F-35 “Adir” operational on Dec. 6, 2017, it’s highly unlikely such a mission, if real, would be leaked.

Although the IAF has a long history of pioneering new aircraft and use new weapons systems in real combat pretty soon, this has usually happened for quite complex and daring missions with a real stategic value. In this case, flying a couple of its few new F-35s for a “simple” reconnaissance mission over Iran would not be worth the risk. And what would be the purpose of carrying out this mission and leaking the news? A “show of force” for deterrence? Or to demostrate the world (and the regional opponents) the IAF’s ability to freely operate inside the Syrian and Iranian airspaces, especially after suffering the loss of an F-16I earlier this year?

Indeed, on Feb. 10, 2018, Israeli F-16 fighter jets entered Syrian airspace, striking 12 Iranian targets in Syria in response to an Iranian drone that was shot down over Israel by an AH-64 Apache helicopter. One F-16I Sufa crashed during the air strikes, after being targeted by the Syrian Air Defenses. Many sources suggested that the first loss of an IAF jet to the enemy fire since the First Lebanon War could accelerate the commitment of the stealthy F-35Is for the subsequent missions. This is true, even though rushing a new and somehow immature aircraft into combat has some inherent risks.

In his story about the F-35I IOC (Initial Operational Capability) at The War Zone, journalist Joseph Trevithik wrote:

With limited numbers of the jets on hand, the IAF will have to decide whether or not to make a statement or make sure the aircraft it does have are in reserve for contingencies that absolutely require their advanced capabilities, such as quelling a more imminent threat against Israel itself or attacking targets over-long range that are defended by an advanced integrated air defense assets.

I completely agree.

This is what I wrote here at The Aviationist about the F-35 Adir’s possible involvement in the air strikes on Syria, you can expand it to consider the even more dangerous scenario in Iran:

“[…] the heavy presence of Russian radars and ELINT platforms in Syria cause some concern: the Russians are currently able to identify takeoffs from Israeli bases in real-time and might use collected data to “characterize” the F-35’s signature at specific wavelengths as reportedly done with the U.S. F-22s.

In fact, tactical fighter-sized stealth aircraft are built to defeat radar operating at specific frequencies; usually high-frequency bands as C, X, Ku and S band where the radar accuracy is higher (in fact, the higher the frequency, the better is the accuracy of the radar system).

However, once the frequency wavelength exceeds a certain threshold and causes a resonant effect, LO aircraft become increasingly detectable. For instance, ATC radars, that operate at lower-frequency bands are theoretically able to detect a tactical fighter-sized stealth plane whose shape features parts that can cause resonance. Radars that operate at bands below 300 MHz (lower UHF, VHF and HF radars), such as the so-called Over The Horizon (OTH) radars, are believed to be particularly dangerous for stealth planes: although they are not much accurate (because lower frequency implies very large antenna and lower angle accuracy and angle resolution) they can spot stealth planes and be used to guide fighters equipped with IRST towards the direction the LO planes might be.

For these reasons, in the same way the U.S. spyplanes do with all the Russian Su-35S, Su-30SM, S-400 in Syria, it’s safe to assume Russian advanced anti-aircraft systems are “targeting” the Israeli F-35s and its valuable emissions, forcing the IAF to adapt its procedures and leverage the presence of other aircraft to “hide” the “Adir” when and where it could theoretically be detected. “This has created a situation in which the IAF is adapting itself to the F-35 instead of adapting the jet to the air force. The goal, they say at the IAF, is to use the F-35 to upgrade the fourth generation jets that will fly around the F-35,” commented Al-Monitor’s Ben Caspit.

Meanwhile the Israeli F-35s will probably see some action, validating the tactical procedures to be used by the new aircraft, fine tuning the ELINT capabilities of the “Adir” to detect, geolocate and classify enemy‘s new/upgraded systems, as well as testing the weapons system (and the various Israeli “customizations”) during real operations as part of “packages” that will likely include other special mission aircraft and EW (Electronic Warfare) support.

But only if really needed: the Israeli Air Force “legacy” aircraft have often shown their ability to operate freely in the Syrian airspace, using stand-off weaponry, without needing most of the fancy 5th generation features; therefore, it’s safe to assume the Israelis will commit their new aircraft if required by unique operational needs, as already happened in the past (in 1981, the first Israeli F-16s took part in Operation Opera, one of the most famous operations in Israeli Air Force history, one year after the first “Netz” aircraft was delivered and before all the F-16As were taken on charge by the IAF).”

There have been a series ofunconfirmed rumors that the F-35Is have been used to attack Syrian targets, but there is no confirmation that the jets have flown any combat missions yet. The mission over Iran seems to be just one of these: a bogus claim most probably spread on purpose as part of some sort of PSYOPS aimed at threatening Israel’s enemies.

Obviously, this does not change the fact that the more they operate and test their new F-35 stealth aircraft, the higher the possibilities the IAF will use the Adirs for the real thing when needed. But this does not seem the case. At least not in Iran and not now.

Anyway, we will continue to monitor the situation and will update this post accordingly.

Read more at https://theaviationist.com/2018/03/...-does-not-make-any-sense/#UIj0tFtm8w2xPiLY.99

The problem with US troops leaving anytime soon is that ISIS remnants are still active in the south Euphrates region on both sides of the Iraqi / Syrian border. Recently they have been found to be hiding in elaborately constructed bunkers in the desert.

Another issue is that despite Trumps recent remarks, it seems as if the US is stepping up its presence in Syria's resource rich east, setting up new, larger bases & fortifying existing bases. If the US were to abruptly leave the area, it could create a major power vacuum, similar to what we saw when the US left Iraq a few years back, leading to the formation of ISIS.

In case of an abrupt American withdrawal, Turkey and the Turkish backed FSA would most likely send in their military & para-military forces to engage the YPG/SDF forces currently controlling the area, since Turkey considers the YPG/SDF as nothing more than a re-branded Syrian branch of the PKK militant group. Turkey considers the PKK to be a terrorist organization and Turkey is currently engaged in a prolonged war with the organization.

During the recent fighting in Afrin, many analysts wondered why Syria allowed several of their allied NDF units to go into Afrin to fight against Turkey shoulder to shoulder with the Kurdish dominated YPG, especially considering the fact that defeat seemed imminent for Kurdish/Syrian forces since they had no answer for Turkeys air superiority.

Looking at the big picture though, there does seem to be a long term strategy behind these actions. Sending NDF militia units to help the YPG created a closer bond between the two sides and perhaps a sense of deepening trust. At the same time, the Turkish victory in Afrin seems to have proved to the YPG that the Americans are not trustworthy allies for the long run & that fighting an adversary with an capable airforce without American protection/support is really nothing more than an exercise in futility.

In the future if the Americans do decide to leave abruptly, the Kurdish YPG/SDF's experiences in Afrin may convince them to simply give in to the Syrian government and allow Syrian troops to occupy/liberate SDF controlled regions, rather than fighting against Turkey in vain in a futile attempt to retain their autonomy.
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بروجردی: تلگرام به زودی فیلتر می شود
رئیس کمیسیون امنیت ملی مجلس گفت: تصمیم اتخاذ شده و فکر می کنم حداکثر تا پایان ماه جاری (فروردین ماه) تلگرام جای خود را به یک پیام رسان داخلی بدهد.
به گزارش پایگاه اطلاع رسانی شبکه خبر،

علاء الدین بروجردی در گفت و گو با رادیو شهری بروجرد، با اشاره به موضوع از مدار خارج شدن «تلگرام» اظهار داشت: این تصمیمی است که در بالاترین سطح اتخاذ شده و تلگرام جای خود را به یک سامانه مشابه ملی خواهد داد.
وی تصریح کرد: این موضوع به لحاظ امنیت ملی ما مهم است، با توجه به نقش مخربی که تلگرام در بحران های سال گذشته در کشور داشت و هم اینکه ما امروز در فضای مجازی به این توانمندی رسیده ایم که یک سامانه ملی را تعریف کنیم؛ مانند سروش و ظرفیت های دیگر.

رئیس کمیسیون امنیت ملی و سیاست خارجی مجلس شورای اسلامی با بیان اینکه ممکن است تعداد مشترکین سروش ۳ میلیون باشد و تعداد مشترکین تلگرام چهل میلیون، اما این تعداد سرریز می شوند؛ وقتی تلگرام از مدار خارج شد مردم به یک سامانه ملی روی می آورند، تصریح کرد: در رابطه با نگرانی هایی که رسانه های بیگانه بیشتر به آن دامن می زنند که سامانه های داخلی ایمن نیست و یا مسائلی از این گونه، به لحاظ بستر سازی فنی و سالم بودن محیط آن، کار گسترده ای دارد صورت می گیرد.

بروجردی خاطر نشان کرد: این تصمیم اتخاذ شده که تلگرام جای خود را به یک سامانه ملی بدهد و فکر می کنم حداکثر تا پایان ماه جاری (فروردین ماه) این اتفاق خواهد افتاد.
بروجردی: تلگرام به زودی فیلتر می شود
رئیس کمیسیون امنیت ملی مجلس گفت: تصمیم اتخاذ شده و فکر می کنم حداکثر تا پایان ماه جاری (فروردین ماه) تلگرام جای خود را به یک پیام رسان داخلی بدهد.
به گزارش پایگاه اطلاع رسانی شبکه خبر،

علاء الدین بروجردی در گفت و گو با رادیو شهری بروجرد، با اشاره به موضوع از مدار خارج شدن «تلگرام» اظهار داشت: این تصمیمی است که در بالاترین سطح اتخاذ شده و تلگرام جای خود را به یک سامانه مشابه ملی خواهد داد.
وی تصریح کرد: این موضوع به لحاظ امنیت ملی ما مهم است، با توجه به نقش مخربی که تلگرام در بحران های سال گذشته در کشور داشت و هم اینکه ما امروز در فضای مجازی به این توانمندی رسیده ایم که یک سامانه ملی را تعریف کنیم؛ مانند سروش و ظرفیت های دیگر.

رئیس کمیسیون امنیت ملی و سیاست خارجی مجلس شورای اسلامی با بیان اینکه ممکن است تعداد مشترکین سروش ۳ میلیون باشد و تعداد مشترکین تلگرام چهل میلیون، اما این تعداد سرریز می شوند؛ وقتی تلگرام از مدار خارج شد مردم به یک سامانه ملی روی می آورند، تصریح کرد: در رابطه با نگرانی هایی که رسانه های بیگانه بیشتر به آن دامن می زنند که سامانه های داخلی ایمن نیست و یا مسائلی از این گونه، به لحاظ بستر سازی فنی و سالم بودن محیط آن، کار گسترده ای دارد صورت می گیرد.

بروجردی خاطر نشان کرد: این تصمیم اتخاذ شده که تلگرام جای خود را به یک سامانه ملی بدهد و فکر می کنم حداکثر تا پایان ماه جاری (فروردین ماه) این اتفاق خواهد افتاد.
ماشاالله چیزی که فراوان میشه توی گوگل پلی پیدا کرد فیلتر شکن هستش
تازه اونقدر بعضی سایتها الکی الکی فیلتر شدن که بعضی ها برای
استفاده روزمره اینترنت اولین کاری که میکنن فیلتر شکن استفاده میکنن.
با اینکار تلگرام فقط برای استفاده های روزانه و غیر مخرب محدود میشه
برای کسی که هدف دیگه ای داشته باشه که اصلا عین خبیالش هم نیست
ماشاالله چیزی که فراوان میشه توی گوگل پلی پیدا کرد فیلتر شکن هستش
تازه اونقدر بعضی سایتها الکی الکی فیلتر شدن که بعضی ها برای
استفاده روزمره اینترنت اولین کاری که میکنن فیلتر شکن استفاده میکنن.
با اینکار تلگرام فقط برای استفاده های روزانه و غیر مخرب محدود میشه
برای کسی که هدف دیگه ای داشته باشه که اصلا عین خبیالش هم نیست
هیچ آدم عاقلی قبول نمیکنه که اطلاعات میلیونها ایرانی در اختیار دشمنان خونی ما باشه، این یه خیانت محض هست
خیلی ها از فیلتر شکن استفاده نمیکنن و همین باعث میشه که حتی اونهایی هم که استفاده میکنن برای برقراری ارتباط از سرویسهای ایرانی استفاده کنن، و همین هم هدف هست

با اینکه فیلترینگ برای همه مشکلات زیادی درست میکنه، ولی چاره دیگه ای هم نیست
یا باید یه فیلترینگ هوشمند مثل چین پیاده میکردیم که غربیها بهمون اجازه نمیدن یا فیلترشکن ملی رو توسعه میدادیم که حضرات خائن جمعش کردن
Can Iran join and if so should they do it?
Russia & China to merge satellite tracking systems into one global navigation giant

Moscow and Beijing will team up to create an integrated navigation system based on Russia’s Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) and the Chinese BeiDou. The system will cover most of Eurasia.
The countries will reportedly negotiate the merger in May at the International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering in the Chinese city of Harbin, Izvestia daily reports.
The initiative to merge the two separate systems is the result of a proposal made by the Chinese authorities to the Russian Federal Space Agency, Roscosmos. It is intended to create a joint global navigation satellite system, covering the countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which include China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India and Pakistan.
The new system will allow the partners to share data on the positions of navigation satellite groups, improve working efficiency in a real-time environment, and to exchange corrections, where necessary. At the same time, Russian GLONASS may significantly broaden its user base.

“If the project is implemented, it will allow for an improvement in accuracy for both systems,” said a Roscosmos spokesperson, as quoted by the media.

If successful, the project will divide the entire world into two zones of influence by two united systems GLONASS-BeiDou and GPS-Galileo, operated by the US and the European Union, according to Andrey Ionin, a member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics.
Global Positioning System (GPS), the world’s oldest Global Navigation Satellite System, began operations in 1978 to provide location information and navigation to missile submarines and surface ships. The system was also used for hydrographic and geodetic surveying by the US army. The system was opened to civilian and commercial use in 1994. GPS currently operates 31 satellite constellations.
Russia’s GLONASS became operational in 1993. The navigation system has 27 satellites in orbit and all are operational. It is run by the Russian Aerospace Defense Forces and is currently the second alternative navigational system in operation.
Galileo is the European global navigation system, which is available for civilian and commercial use. It is a joint project by the European Space Agency and the European GNSS Agency. At present, there are 22 operational satellites out of a projected 30. Galileo started working in 2016 and is expected to reach full operational capability by 2020.
Chinese BeiDou was put into operation 2000 with limited coverage and navigation services offered mainly to users in China and neighboring regions. The system currently has a total of 22 operational satellites in orbit and the full constellation is projected to reach 35 satellites.
Japan and India are also developing their own regional navigation satellite systems. The Japanese Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) is currently under construction. This is expected to become fully operational by the end of the current year. It will have seven satellites and four have already been sent into orbit.
The Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) covers India and nearby regions, extending up to 1,500km. Its seven satellites are currently in orbit, but the first one has been out of operation after all rubidium atomic clocks on board failed in 2017.

Modern arabs in 2018:

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