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Iranian Chill Thread

Al Jazeera Iran Send 5 Planes of Food, Qatar & sending more with ships and U.S Graham comment
رسانه بین المللی دولت قطر الجزیره: ایران ۵ هواپیما از غذا ارسال کرد ،و ارسال بیشتر با کشتی و نظر سناتور امریکا لیندزی گراهام

ایران ۵ هواپیما حامل مواد غذایی به قطر ارسال کرد
سخنگوی شرکت ایران ایر گفت: «تاکنون ۵ فروند هواپیما حامل مواد غذایی فاسدشدنی نظیر میوه و سبزیجات به قطر ارسال شده که وزن هرکدام از این محموله‌ها حدود ۹۰ تن است. یک هواپیمای دیگر نیز امروز ارسال خواهد شد». نوش‌آبادی بدون اشاره به اینکه این محموله‌ها جنبه صادراتی داشته‌اند یا کمک، افزود: «تا زمانی که تقاضا (از سوی قطر) وجود داشته باشد، ما به ارسال محموله‌ها ادامه خواهیم داد». پیشتر تسنیم گزارش داده بود که 3 کشتی حامل 350 تن مواد غذایی قرار است یک بندر ایرانی را به مقصد قطر ترک کنند. بندر دیر نزدیک ترین بندر ایران به سواحل قطر است.

Qatar state international media Al Jazeera:Iran Send 5 Planes of Food, Qatar and going to send some more with cargo ships and U.S senator Lindsey Graham comment :we need every country in gulf fighting against Iranian regime
Iran should utilise this opportunity to make new allies. It will help in Syria significantly. Through Qatar, they could potentially improve relationship with Turkey and start working on Kurdish state plan through direct conversation so they can cut off Saudi-US influence completely. Its better to have a cohesive and stable neighbours all the way to Israeli border than having hostile states. At the end of the day, there is too much momentum for Kurdish statehood and US and Saudis are supporting it. Wouldn't it be better to diplomatically reach a territorial agreement and have a future friendly allied state in comparison to a state that would host US-Israeli base all the way toward Iranian border?
Iran should utilise this opportunity to make new allies. It will help in Syria significantly. Through Qatar, they could potentially improve relationship with Turkey and start working on Kurdish state plan through direct conversation so they can cut off Saudi-US influence completely. Its better to have a cohesive and stable neighbours all the way to Israeli border than having hostile states. At the end of the day, there is too much momentum for Kurdish statehood and US and Saudis are supporting it. Wouldn't it be better to diplomatically reach a territorial agreement and have a future friendly allied state in comparison to a state that would host US-Israeli base all the way toward Iranian border?

well , Qataris are no angle , they are just like brothers to Saudis and this is a brotherly fight between Arabs tribes ...

no one with right mind would consider Qatar as an ally to Iran ....

and Turkey , is not better ....
well , Qataris are no angle , they are just like brothers to Saudis and this is a brotherly fight between Arabs tribes ...

no one with right mind would consider Qatar as an ally to Iran ....

and Turkey , is not better ....

Most of the international relations are formed around mutual interest and self preservation, and within that scope it is possible to develop a framework which would allow for Iran-Syria-Turkey-Qatar-Iraq-Kurd states to collaborate. (And why not beyond? Pakistan, Afghanistan, India...)

Iran is especially well placed geographically to bring peace and stability to western Asia. It is Infact necessary as we are facing more and more environmental challenges from drought, food shortages and consequently more unemployment in those sectors.

Video allagedly shows Iranian missile tanks rolling towards Pakistani border

by Hamza Rao | Published on June 11, 2017

On Saturday, a video emerged that appears to show Iranian tanks and missile carriers being moved to the country’s eastern borders including the one with Pakistan, sparking fears of skirmishes.

The footage – thought to be filmed this week – was shared by Peykeiran with the caption: “Iran’s military movements, displacement of dozens of tanks, armoured personnel carriers, missiles and equipment to the Mirjaveh and eastern borders of Iran.”

The clip shows a long line of armoured, Iranian military vehicles as they proceed towards the Pakistani border. The number of vehicles appears to be endless as the convoy continues into the distance.

The video was also tweeted by Kasra Naji, a journalist affiliated with BBC Persian.

Video of what is said to be Iran moving military hardware to border with Pakistan and Afghanistan – aftermath of twin attacks in Tehran. https://t.co/V3r5QQHY2u

— Kasra Naji (@BBCKasraNaji) June 10, 2017

Last month, mortar shells were fired into Pakistan’s territory from across the Iranian border. Pakistan shares a 900-kilometre long porous border with Iran and the two countries had in 2014 decided to boost intelligence coordination to wipe out terrorists from the border region.

Recently, the ties between the two neighbours were stressed after ten Iranian border guards were killed at Mirjaveh on the Sistan-Baluchistan border by the Pakistan-based terror outfit, Jaish al-Adl or “The Army of Justice”.

طرفای جهارراه معلم. خاطرات دانشجوییم زنده شد

Video allagedly shows Iranian missile tanks rolling towards Pakistani border

by Hamza Rao | Published on June 11, 2017

On Saturday, a video emerged that appears to show Iranian tanks and missile carriers being moved to the country’s eastern borders including the one with Pakistan, sparking fears of skirmishes.

The footage – thought to be filmed this week – was shared by Peykeiran with the caption: “Iran’s military movements, displacement of dozens of tanks, armoured personnel carriers, missiles and equipment to the Mirjaveh and eastern borders of Iran.”

The clip shows a long line of armoured, Iranian military vehicles as they proceed towards the Pakistani border. The number of vehicles appears to be endless as the convoy continues into the distance.

The video was also tweeted by Kasra Naji, a journalist affiliated with BBC Persian.

Video of what is said to be Iran moving military hardware to border with Pakistan and Afghanistan – aftermath of twin attacks in Tehran. https://t.co/V3r5QQHY2u

— Kasra Naji (@BBCKasraNaji) June 10, 2017

Last month, mortar shells were fired into Pakistan’s territory from across the Iranian border. Pakistan shares a 900-kilometre long porous border with Iran and the two countries had in 2014 decided to boost intelligence coordination to wipe out terrorists from the border region.

Recently, the ties between the two neighbours were stressed after ten Iranian border guards were killed at Mirjaveh on the Sistan-Baluchistan border by the Pakistan-based terror outfit, Jaish al-Adl or “The Army of Justice”.
Such a good news, late but at least done before disaster.
I always warned my Mashahdi friends and classmates from USA-ISIS's activities especially on Afghanistan's borders. Good move at all.
look like new sanction are cumming and our brave government will answer these new sanction with tweeter messages ....
و عزیزان اصلاح طلب هم در ماله کشی از آمریکایی ها قلم ها می فرسایند و کیبوردها را نابود می کنند ...
دستگیری عاملان شهادت 8 مرزبان جنوب شرق کشور
فرمانده مرزبانی ناجا از دستگیری تعدادی از تروریست ها در مرزهای جنوب شرق و شمال غرب کشور که دو نفر از آنان، عاملان اصلی شهادت 8 مرزبان در سال 94 بودند؛ خبر داد.
سردار قاسم رضایی در حاشیه مراسم انس با قرآن کریم گفت: این دو تروریست وابسته به گروه تروریستی جیش الظلم هستند که در جنوب شرق کشور درمنطقه جنوب سیستان و بلوچستان دستگیر شدند.
وی افزود: این دو تروریست در سال 94 در به شهادت رساندن 8 مرزبان کشور، گروگانگیری 5 مرزبان و شهادت یکی از آنان در پاکستان ، نقش عمده داشتند.
سردار رضایی خاطرنشان کرد: در شمال غرب کشور هم به سرنخ های جدیدی رسیدیم که دنبال می کنیم.
IRGC Gen Ghasem Rezaei:arrest perpetrators, killing of 8 border guards in 2015 at South East border

Iran Gen Ghasem Rezaei: monitoring border with high tech equipment سردار رضایی: تجهیزات نظارت بر مرز


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