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Iranian Chill Thread

How have you guys been? I miss you guys!! I hope everyone is doing well!

I'm back but I wont be active as before, I will be around and from time to time I will post something :enjoy:

How are you we missed you

Sho Hal ghayba ya zalamy:D
How are they going to quickly be able to replace them? For example, think of 15,200 teachers. It's not like 15,200 unemployed teachers are just sitting there to take over their jobs.
There are 350.000 un-appointed teachers waiting in Turkey.

Or think about 9,000 policeman. They have to recruit new policeman and train them, and this will take a long time. I'm going to take a random guess, but I figure due to recent instability police in Turkey are probably working harder than before, so this is the worst time to be understaffed.
You remember 2013/2015 corruption scandals ?

Many police officers exiled to eastern provinces....that time government has begin to recruiting thousands of new officers. Also, because of the PKK terrorism, some of the braches of police like Special Forces, their numbers swelled.

lso, what are those 45,000 going to do? If they are arrested, then that's extra work for the judiciary system (remember, 30% of whom have just been suspended). If they are suspended only, then you have a few thousand people who were unhappy before with the government even unhappier, and probably more dangerous.
Again with the corruption scandals at 2013/2015.

That's when Gülenist judges exposed them selves. Government recruited thousands of new judges.

Armed Forces are problem though 1/3 of the Generals turned to be Gülenists.... Government found a solution for that too.

In 2007/2008 many generals and high ranking officers sacked from the army with the charges of planning a coup (judges of those trials revealed to be Gülenists, all evidences found to be forged, all trials found out to be farce.) Government called back those soldiers with "Emergency" code. Today they have been appointed to critical positions in Turkish armed forces.....

This coup was a huge blow to Turkey.....the most dangerous thing, we ever faced in our republic's history....but we will manage.
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That guy is a clown, not sure why he's poking fun at French forces, who are facing something similar to Iraqi forces, a difficult situation to deal with, where you don't know who if it is lone wolf or crossing border situation, with people that don't express intention and commit attacks. I'm confident France can secure itself. Israel is only secure because Palestinians not interested in randomly bombing civilians. We want a two state solution, or organized non-violent resistance before violent resistance.

In Shujeyiah, as soon as they entered main street into first neighborhood, a charge hit the APC, killing 7 soldiers, then a firefight ensued where Hamas killed another 6, one of whom is presumed POW, we don't know if dead or alive. Then of course, Israel carpet bombed that neighborhood, almost everyone there fled, Israel also did heavy unguided artillery shelling(which there is video of), and 120 plus estimated were killed. Many of those bodies couldn't be reached initially, and figure was put at 66 early on, of whom, you had 17 children, and 14 women, and 4 elderly killed, almost half or more of early figures. Yet that clown says they were all Hamas members. :rolleyes:

Of that initial 66 figure, 5 were Hamas members, that were killed in both fire fights and a drone strike. They probably had a dozen to couple dozen total members deaths, out of the 120 figure.

Full Moon and his iranian boyfriend hahahahahahaha

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