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Iranian Chill Thread

I am not confusing anything.Doha and Abu Dahbi are already successful hubs and their representive airlines are among the best in the world.what is your problem? 20 milions and 30 milions are not small numbers.the number of passengers doesnt exactly determine whether the hub is succesful or not.if its profiting its OK.

Qatar and Etihad provide a much more luxury services in comparison to Emirates thus their tickets might be more expensive.thats why not much people can afford to travel with them.Turkish airline which is the best European airline provide cheaper service to its passangers and it has more planes in comparison to Emirate.

You see, each airline has its own policies.if they reach their objectives and profit as planned, they are succesful.the number of passengers doesn exactly determine the success.actually you are the first one that claims Doha and abu Dhabi are not profiting hubs.


I was not making some comments but i can't hold myself....you are arguing over something so futile, so stupid.

Turkish airlines is one of the best airlines out there and it's net income in 2014 was 0.8$ Billion. That's it. And Europe seels airplanes for $25 Billion...That's the reason you are not seeing European, American airliner firms in the top....they don't care, they are making so much money from selling planes, their maintenance, spare parts, etc... Not Gulfies, Iran or Turkey can compete against Airbus or Boeing.... We might have been able to do something together...but there is too much hate.

There is the bigger picture here which lies on collaboration, but every ME regional power is stacked on it's petty affairs.
Shutup low-life cockroach wahhabi.

You lazy cockroaches deserve to live under dictatorship of British najdi house for 3 centuries and before that Ottomons for 6 centuries. You arabs don't deserve to stand on your feet because you are non-aligned illiterate tribes.

In your country women get tortured if try to turn up a fcking car let alone driving!

Mate, is there no way that you can come terms with Arabs ??? This is so fvcking stupid.
To ke aghl to saret hast azash be kar bebar va mafhoum e ejare be sharte tamlik ro befahm! Boro motale'e kon ke airline haye dige chetori havapeyma mikharan.

Mashallah rajebe hame chi ham ke ezhar nazar mikoni.az tarikh begir ta eghtesad o havanavardi.to hameye mavaredam akharesh kam miyari.akhe pesar khub dar baraye chizi ezhar nazar kon ke savadesho dari.toyi ke migi tarikh darbareye kuroshe kabir tahrif shode, hagh nadari darbareye tarikh qable eslam o vatan parasti harf bezani.vaghti rajebe havanavardi ettela'at nadari, harf nazan, kasi nemige ke lali.

Tuye tavafoghe rasmi beyne Iran va Airbus, qeid shode ke 100 darsade pule kharide airbus ha tavasote finance khareji pardakht mishe, ye qerun ham pule beito almal sarf nemishe.vaghti havapeyma ha vared shod o azashun pul dar ovordim in sherkat hay khareji ba yek ta 4 darsad kolle pul ro tey 15 sal az IranAir migiran.kojaye in moshkel dare? In routin tarin nahveye kharid havapeyma mahsub mishe.kasi ke balakhune ro ejare nadade bash bayad qaedatan motavajeh beshe manzuramo.
هر وقت کم میاری میری سراغ موضوعات دیگه و حمله شخصی.
نه در مورد کورش زنا زاده و نه در مورد ایرباس من از خودم حرف نزدم بلکه نظر کارشناسا رو گفتم
یکی از دلایلی که این موضوعات برای عموم مطرح میشه اینه که مسئولین به جامعه پاسخگو باشن و نتونن هر غلطی رو که خواستن بکنن
اگر قرار باشه همه ساکت بمونن که دوباره کثافت کاری ایران خودرو و پژو تکرار میشه

اینم در مورد اراجیف 100 درصدت
وی با بیان اینکه 85 درصد مبلغ کل ایرباس‌ها را فروشنده تأمین می‌کند و 15 درصد سهم ما است، گفت: بازپرداخت به‌صورت اقساط و به‌تدریج از محل درآمد هواپیما و فروش بلیت حاصل می‌شود.
اگرم بلیطی فروش نرفت که جیب بیت المال هست!
I am not confusing anything.Doha and Abu Dahbi are already successful hubs and their representive airlines are among the best in the world.what is your problem? 20 milions and 30 milions are not small numbers.the number of passengers doesnt exactly determine whether the hub is succesful or not.if its profiting its OK.

Qatar and Etihad provide a much more luxury services in comparison to Emirates thus their tickets might be more expensive.thats why not much people can afford to travel with them.Turkish airline which is the best European airline provide cheaper service to its passangers and it has more planes in comparison to Emirate.

You see, each airline has its own policies.if they reach their objectives and profit as planned, they are succesful.the number of passengers doesn exactly determine the success.actually you are the first one that claims Doha and abu Dhabi are not profiting hubs.

Can we seperate the two? Having a profitable airline is different than a successful hub. Which are we going to aim for? Both have different strategies.

I didnt say abu dhabi isnt profitable. I just dont think it is much of a hub. How many flights use it as a hub for a different destination?

Are we on the same page with the concept of a hub?

I was not making some comments but i can't hold myself....you are arguing over something so futile, so stupid.

Turkish airlines is one of the best airlines out there and it's net income in 2014 was 0.8$ Billion. That's it. And Europe seels airplanes for $25 Billion...That's the reason you are not seeing European, American airliner firms in the top....they don't care, they are making so much money from selling planes, their maintenance, spare parts, etc... Not Gulfies, Iran or Turkey can compete against Airbus or Boeing.... We might have been able to do something together...but there is too much hate.

There is the bigger picture here which lies on collaboration, but every ME regional power is stacked on it's petty affairs.
Turkish airline net income in 2014 was 2.2 bilions and its revenue is 24 billions.Turkish airline also plays an important role in promoting Turkey's image and its among best Turkish brands.it keeps its customers and specially your citizens happy as well.what else do you need?

Our discussion is indeed stupid.some friends insists on their cliams that renewing our fleet and investing on aviation is wrong and I am proving that its necessary and somehow emergency.meanwhile I am telling them that it wont be costly as they think.since some of them (I dont mention any specific person) only talk to follow their anti-Rohani agenda and they ignore the facts, our discussion wont end healthy so I am done I suppose.

American market works totally different.they dont need to provide luxury services.their market is so huge and demand is for narrow-body planes and medium to short range flights.they actually care very much about aviation.all top five airlines in case of fleet's size are Americans.on top of them American airlines has 1.5 k airplanes! I doubt Turkish airline, Emirates, Qatar and Etihad have such a fleet combined together.top three airlines in case of revenue are also Americans.

Aircraft manufacturing industry is another story though.

Can we seperate the two? Having a profitable airline is different than a successful hub. Which are we going to aim for? Both have different strategies.

I didnt say abu dhabi isnt profitable. I just dont think it is much of a hub. How many flights use it as a hub for a different destination?

Are we on the same page with the concept of a hub?
We are going into much details, I think.my topic of interest was about IranAir and IKIA.

I dont think your definitions really matter.Doha airport as well as Abu Dhabi airport are transit hubs and their are profiting.so are their representative airlines.and considering mentioned reasons IranAir and IKIA can reach their rightful potential as well.

End of discussion.

I was not making some comments but i can't hold myself....you are arguing over something so futile, so stupid.

Turkish airlines is one of the best airlines out there and it's net income in 2014 was 0.8$ Billion. That's it. And Europe seels airplanes for $25 Billion...That's the reason you are not seeing European, American airliner firms in the top....they don't care, they are making so much money from selling planes, their maintenance, spare parts, etc... Not Gulfies, Iran or Turkey can compete against Airbus or Boeing.... We might have been able to do something together...but there is too much hate.

There is the bigger picture here which lies on collaboration, but every ME regional power is stacked on it's petty affairs.

Qatar airs claims they made 70 million profit in 2014. Probably lying out of their *** since they are not a public company, and are subsidied extremely by the government, but if true, 70 million USD? That's it. Qatar had a daily revenue of 100 million USD just for their oil sales in 2014. In comparison, jet airways, low cost UK airline, made 500 million pounds in 2014.
Turkish airline net income in 2014 was 2.2 bilions and its revenue is 24 billions.Turkish airline also plays an important role in promoting Turkey's image and its among best Turkish brands.it keeps its customers and specially your citizens happy as well.what else do you need?
It's 2.2 Billion = 0.8 $ Billion.
Turkish serials even have bigger importance in promoting Turkey's image but the important thing is to have good media outlets, Turkey lacks this. Israelis are expert at this.

I'm not dissatisfied with Turkish Airliners as a Airliner company what i'm saying is it's not very important when you compare it with building Airliner jets in the first place, that should be the direction where we should be headed for (industrialization)

Our discussion is indeed stupid.some friends insists on their cliams that renewing our fleet and investing on aviation is wrong and I am proving that its necessary and somehow emergency.meanwhile I am telling them that it wont be costly as they think.since some of them (I dont mention any specific person) only talk to follow their anti-Rohani agenda and they ignore the facts, our discussion wont end healthy so I am done I suppose.
As far as i understood they are not arguing about that...they are basically saying alone buying airliners, won't make us a transit hub... I agree with them and telling being a transit hub is not important at the first place.

American market works totally different.they dont need to provide luxury services.their market is so huge and demand is for narrow-body planes and medium to short range flights.they actually care very much about aviation.all top five airlines in case of fleet's size are Americans.on top of them American airlines has 1.5 k airplanes! I doubt Turkish airline, Emirates, Qatar and Etihad have such a fleet combined together.top three airlines in case of revenue are also Americans.
Turkish airline net income in 2014 was 2.2 bilions and its revenue is 24 billions.Turkish airline also plays an important role in promoting Turkey's image and its among best Turkish brands.it keeps its customers and specially your citizens happy as well.what else do you need?

Our discussion is indeed stupid.some friends insists on their cliams that renewing our fleet and investing on aviation is wrong and I am proving that its necessary and somehow emergency.meanwhile I am telling them that it wont be costly as they think.since some of them (I dont mention any specific person) only talk to follow their anti-Rohani agenda and they ignore the facts, our discussion wont end healthy so I am done I suppose.

American market works totally different.they dont need to provide luxury services.their market is so huge and demand is for narrow-body planes and medium to short range flights.they actually care very much about aviation.all top five airlines in case of fleet's size are Americans.on top of them American airlines has 1.5 k airplanes! I doubt Turkish airline, Emirates, Qatar and Etihad have such a fleet combined together.top three airlines in case of revenue are also Americans.

Aircraft manufacturing industry is another story though.

We are going into much details, I think.my topic of interest was about IranAir and IKIA.

I dont think your definitions really matter.Doha airport as well as Abu Dhabi airport are transit hubs and their are profiting.so are their representative airlines.and considering mentioned reasons IranAir and IKIA can reach their rightful potential as well.

End of discussion.

Etihad and Qatar both are probably losing money. If not, only due to support from oil rich sheikhs.

You guys can't insult gulfie policies and then try to copy them.
I don't consider them as human so thats how I answer them my arab lover dude.
Why all the hate dude.....

Qatar airs claims they made 70 million profit in 2014. Probably lying out of their *** since they are not a public company, and are subsidied extremely by the government, but if true, 70 million USD? That's it. Qatar had a daily revenue of 100 million USD just for their oil sales in 2014. In comparison, jet airways, low cost UK airline, made 500 million pounds in 2014.
That's indeed low....doesn't matter. They are filthy rich, they love and pour money to Turkey. That's all matters to me.


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Actually he insulted me and i just gave him a taste of my homegrown medicine. Deal with it zemalist :(
Insulted? Thats what you call an insult? I barely insult anyone, just answered your gibberish in the same fashion, i was having a normal conversation till you came up with ''stuff outta butt' ''no history'' hurr durr talk.

Btw: still dont know why you had such an emotional outburst in the first place...

Our discussion is indeed stupid.some friends insists on their cliams that renewing our fleet and investing on aviation is wrong and I am proving that its necessary and somehow emergency.meanwhile I am telling them that it wont be costly as they think.since some of them (I dont mention any specific person) only talk to follow their anti-Rohani agenda and they ignore the facts, our discussion wont end healthy so I am done I suppose.
Iranian aviation industry does indeed need to invest into new aircrafts, a lot Iranian airliners arent allowed to land in Europe because of the security issues, if Iran wants to reach its goal regarding tourism then it definately needs to replace most of its fleet.
A lot of you are so excited about Rouhani's shopping spree. A few years of resisting sanctions, 3 years of negotiations, we close a lot of our facilities and in exchange...we earn the privilege of giving western countries our money. That's what the rest of the Middle Eastern countries have been doing. Any of them breaking any new scientific ground lately?

No, no, no. You are again stereotyping here. Your old bad habit is getting worse, it seems. But so often is the case with people in third world countries. That they get worse, instead of getting better.

I am not a Rouhani supporter. For me he is as good and as bad as Ahmadinejad the same as Khatami and Rafsanjani as Mousavi. Do not stereotype. It won't dent me but it would show your own true level of competence in an argument.

As for your question, that is exactly what I asked, didn't you read? Do you even read?

Here is again, what I said above:

"German engineering (badesh ma to Iran-140esh mondim): http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20160201-the-wwii-flying-wing-decades-ahead-of-its-time

That aircraft – the Horten Ho 229 – might be a footnote in aviation history, but it was so far ahead of its time that its aerodynamic secrets are still not completely understood. In fact, there’s a chief scientist at Nasa still working to discover just how its creators managed to overcome the considerable aerodynamic challenges that should have made it unflyable.

In delvapasai ma bayad delvapasi konan keh chera yeh mellat zireh diktatori vahshatnak hitler dar hal jang ba kole donya mitonest chenin bazdehi dashteh basheh vali yek mellat digeh dar golestan osolgarayi natonest hata yeh havapimai malakhi dorost koneh. Havapima keh beh kenar, ekhtelas ro ekhtelas baad kardeh bood.

Long Live Airbus!"

Stop complaining why Iran is buying what it needs.

You have the right to complain only when you are upto the task. You are not upto the task right now.

Now you can go and do your delvapasi. The exact way I wrote it above. Not the fake way. Not the rentier way. But the way I prescribed above. This your cure.

میدونستین منشا فتوای شیر دادن به مردبزرگسال برای محرم شدن یه حدیث جعلی در منابع مشهور سنی نظیر صحیح بخاری و صحیح مسلم هست؟
کتاب معتبرشون که این باشه، وای به احوال بقیشون


خیلی به مخت فشار نیاردانشمند!
فکر میکنی کدوم تفکرباعث شد ایران بالاترین نرخ رشد علم رو بدست بیاره؟
تفکرات غرب زده هایی که تعریفشون از پیشرفت خرید به سبک کشورهای عربی و لخت کردن کون ...شون بود؟
انتظار داشتی هواپیما رو هم آخوندا واسطون بسازن؟
انتظار داری قرنها عقب افتادگی علمی یه کشور ظرف دو سه دهه جبران شه؟ دهه هایی که با تحریم و اغتشاشات تحمیل شده گذشت؟ دهه هایی که هشت سالش با جنگ با کل دنیا گذشت؟

فعلا که قدرت اول خاورمیانه هستیم ما بقیشم منتظر باش!
long live Islamic Republic of Iran!


Shoma ham boro hamon negaran hadith jalit bash, nemikhad barayeh ma roshd elmi koni va havapima besazi.

Shoma hanoz yad nagerefti chetor sohbat koni. Shoma hanoz adab va sho'or yad nagarefti va hala mikhai roshd elmi koni baraye ma?

In @Madali masalan ahle sonnat hastesh. Vaghti to dari beh ketabayi on tohin mikoni, badesh entezar dari baghieh ba to cheh jor harf bezanan? Fekr mikoni ketabai khodemon por az kesafat-hai gonagon nist?

Tazeh, agar ham bana ro bar in begirim keh ketabhai ma bartar haz ketabhai ona hastan, mageh cheh soodi barayeh ma dareh? Az in bartari havapima mitonim dorost konim?

Boro hamon beh korosh fohsh bedeh, keh sath to va amsal to hamineh. Barayeh yeh mosht pool raant khodeton ro va khanevadaton ro hazerin befroshin. Tarikh o akherat keh bekenar.

Roshd elmitat nakhastim. Ageh gharar bood roshdi mikardi, ta alan kardeh boodi.

Not true.

Please do a research about Abu Dhabi aiport with 20 milion passengers as capacity and Etihad airline.also Doha aiprot with 30 milions and Qatar airways.

For making a hub, four elements are needed:

1- good location

2-good airport

3-good fleet

4- good flight strategy

most people who use Qatar, Etihad or Emirates dont exit the transit hub airport.they arrive, stay for few hours and leave.Tehran's trade value is irrelevant.

As for IranAir and Tehran, Iran has plans to upgrade IKIA into 45 milion passengers capacity in 4 years( and 90 milions in long term) .acquiring 118 airbus planes is also a major part.IranAir will order even more in coming months.

Kollang joon, hamshahri ma hasti, kheili ham doset daram. Khodet ham midoni. Vali haghighat ineh keh in havapimaha barayeh in kharideh shodeh keh Iran aghab namoneh. Somalia va Afghanistan nasheh. Varna hub-shubi dar kar nist.

In havapimaha faghat kharjeh khodeshon ham dar biaran yallahst. Tazeh on Airline-hai keh dokhtarai javon mehmandar mizaran, damaneh kotah miposhonan-shon va red wine serve mikonan, daran zarar mikonan. Hala ma ba mehmandar 55 saaleh mohjabeh keh royeh damaghesh moo ham dareh va azash aab bekhai behet chap chap negah mikoneh, nemitonim keh dar sath international reghabat konim.

Tourism ham haminjori eh va hamin ghesasheh. Mardom miran haal konan. 95% tourist-ha mikhan beran beach, concert, club, koft marg. 5% baghieh hala shayad hamin bekhan beran yeh mozeh va yeh kharabeh.

In harfa, barayeh Iran noon va aab nemisheh.
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