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Iranian Chill Thread

I eat something which we usually eat on Eid which is called Balalut in my city. I don't know if any other Iranian knows it. It's made with very thin spaghetti and sugar and fried egg haha, I know probably sounds weird.

Is the said spaghetti rice based or of wheat?

had it not God created Adam and eve we would still eating fruits on the trees or be predators hunting each other!...some other would still hunt lizards...

Some people still eat lizards and still hunt each other like predators.

Is the said spaghetti rice based or of wheat?

Some people still eat lizards and still hunt each other like predators.
true..that was exactly what i meant bro...:angel:

I like this.... what a weapon to kill Takfiris.... :disagree:


in ashna nist guys?


فردا نماز آیات بر همه مردم ایران واجب می‌شود
شورای مرکز تقویم مؤسسه ژئوفیزیک دانشگاه تهران اعلام کرد: بامداد دوشنبه ماه‌گرفتگی در سراسر ایران رخ می‌دهد.
به گزارش مشرق، به نقل از شورای مرکز تقویم مؤسسه ژئوفیزیک دانشگاه تهران، اعلام کرد: ورود لبه ماه به سایه زمین در ساعت 4 و 37 دقیقه بامداد دوشنبه رخ می‌دهد و در ساعت 5 و 41 ثانیه، سایه زمین تمام قرص ماه را می‌پوشاند و ماه‌گرفتگی کلی آغاز می‌شود.

این گزارش می‌افزاید: در ساعت 6 و 53 دقیقه ماه‌گرفتگی کلی تمام شده و ماه شروع به خروج از سایه (باز شدن) می‌کند و پایان ماه‌گرفتگی در ساعت 7 و 57 دقیقه بامداد دوشنبه است.

براساس این گزارش این گرفتگی که در سراسر کشور قابل رؤیت است به‌جز شرق آسیا و بخشهایی از آسیای میانه، اقیانوسیه و بخش کوچکی از آلاسکا از سراسر دنیا قابل رؤیت است.
عکس/ سلطان بچه‌اش را خورد
شیرهای نر معمولا پس از رسیدن به فرماندهی گله کشتار خونینی در گروه به راه می‌اندازند؛ آنها توله های زیر دوسال که متعلق به سر دسته قبلی است را به شکل فجیعی کشته و گاه می‌خورند.
شیرهای نر وقتی به سن 6 سالگی می‌رسند آنقدر قدرت و توانایی دارند که برای فرماندهی گروه با شیرهای نر دیگر بجنگند نبردی که اگر به پیروزی شیر جوان‌تر ختم شود منجر به خون و خونریزی در داخل گله خواهد شد. هر شیر نر به طور میانگین 3 سال می‌تواند رئیس گروه باشد و پس از آن شیرهای جوان‌تر با شکست او جایش را می‌گیرند. او گروه را در برابر شیرهای نر دیگری محافظت می‌کند و از طرف دیگر دست به تولید مثل می‌زند. در این میان توله ها اما مانع جدی‌ای هستند چون شیرهای ماده معمولا تا توله‌هایشان دو ساله نشوند اقدام به تولید مثل نمی‌کنند؛ به همین خاطر شیرهای نری که تازه به قدرت رسیده‌اند با کشتن توله‌ها این مانع را برطرف می‌کنند.

Oh common. Didn't expect such response from you. You usually bring better points of artuments than this. Anyway, I was answering @Malik Alashter question, and I wasn't here primarily to propagate for Ibn Taymiah. His probable Kurdish ancestry has always puzzled and fascinated me so I shared that here with @haman10 .

Sorry if I hurt your feelings, but a cretin who has fed nutjubs on a global scale with his sick ideology doesn't deserve any better. The grandparent of terrorists and extremists deserves more than what I said actually.
Sorry if I hurt your feelings, but a cretin who has fed nutjubs on a global scale with his sick ideology doesn't deserve any better. The grandparent of terrorists and extremists deserves more than what I said actually.

You are over simplfying him if you just link him to terrorism. Of course you focus on this because it is globally acceptable to demonize things if there is anything related to terrorism. He was a big source on many things and gets quoted by terrorists groups because of his wide spread acceptability. If you are however too humane, then you have to also hate Shah Ismael as he killed over 1 million Iranians.
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sounds yummmy....

if loving, adoring and following the footsteps of , first and before all , "Allah" , and then Muhammad (اشرف الخلق), the Erabi who could n't read but God chosen him to finish his message, Ali closest human been to Muhammad and the first man to believe in Muhammad, Ali who when been practically the emperor of an area between India and Mediterranean used to play sheep for kids in streets putting them on his back making sounds to make children happy, an Ali who was the father of orphans at the middle of the night, a man who convicted in a trial with a Jewish man while being the Khalifa, an Ali who married the piece of body and soul of Muhammad (Fatima), an Ali who is the father of شباب الجنه ... an Ali who murdered while praying, an Ali who did n't let his guys to kill Shimr on scene asking to only give him one HIT just like what he did to Ali... If praying 5 times a day to Allah, Believing in all Abrahamic religions as being simply all phases of one religion which is called ISLAM, if paying tribute to the resting place of those who were so closer to God, makes me a Rafidhi and Kafir then I gladly announce officially that I am a Kafir...

It is a known Islamic Fiqh rule that whoever says "Shahada" is a Muslim if not a "Momen" and as a Persian poet says:

آنکس که در درگاه خدواند به جان ارزد
در درگاه ما بی شک به نان ارزد
The wahhabi dogs say that we love our imams more than the prophet which is a lie and at least they are from ahlulbaiyt but the wahhabi dogs claim to follow the prophet while they follow their misguided clerics and sheikhs and scholars like ibn tayyimia ibn al qaim ibn baz bin abdulwahab...
No idea, its the same one you buy in the supermarket. Usually, they use vermicelli which is thinner. They are all wheat based aren't they?

Yes there are actually rice based vermicelli as well: Rice vermicelli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since you said it is made with sugar, I asked this. Usually the sweet dishes made of vermicelli are rice based rather than wheat based (therefore, being medically safe for gluten intolerant patients and those with celiac disease).
Yes there are actually rice based vermicelli as well: Rice vermicelli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since you said it is made with sugar, I asked this. Usually the sweet dishes made of vermicelli are rice based rather than wheat based (therefore, being medically safe for gluten intolerant patients and those with celiac disease).

I'll take the picture for it next time. Its wheat based not rice. The sugar is added after it is made.

Its 2 am, I didn't eat dinner, my wife's gone to bed, and now I'm hungry.
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