More important than money is brains. The importance of money pales in comparison to brains. Even the money itself has to be generated by the brains and is a sub-slave in this equation. If money and other resources were all that was required, China by now would have over-taken Western technology and Saudi Arabia would be at the forefront of technology. It has not happened. And I can safely say, will not happen at least in our life times.
The jet engine was not invented for the first time, because alot of money was invested in it. But largely because of personal efforts of two brains, one German and the other British. Whittle was only 21 years old when he designed the world's first technically feasible jet engine. Similar is the case of piston engines which also were invented by personal efforts of other brains like Rudolf Diesel. It is almost the case in every single instance of groundbreaking technology and science. You have to give credit to Western world here, that has a culture and more importantly a strong civilizational '
Institutional Memory' which allows such brains to be born, raised, allowed to think/dream, supported and put to work.
This is not the case in places such as Iran and even China, not even if you spend kabillions of dollars. As I had told you before, Qaher is not an anomaly. It is the best independently designed object that could be built in Iran when money was not an issue (Ahmadinejad government was the only government after Shah which did not have money problems at all due to a streak of luck with oil prices). Today China does not have any money problems. But the next generation of engines are not being designed in China. They are being designed in France, England, Germany, Canada, United States and to a lesser extent Russia.
In other words, there is no Oleg Losev that can push the civilization forward in Iran or in China. The best Iran can do, is learn some Chinese style management skills for reverse engineering and combine it with occasional "ingenuity" to produce workable fake platforms but never genuine products. If you think by spending abit more money or by changing the management or political system, you can alter the destiny of these nations and make them as 'modern' as West, then you are sadly mistaken. The roots of science and technology, are not in money or management both of which can be argued to be sub-sets of science and technology themselves (the thing we call money is actually not what ancient societies knew as money, in ancient world it was precious metals etc that were money, today money is a mere concept of measuring economic productivity in Western accounting system similar is the story with management and development of human resources).
It is better to accept the truth and start moving forward than create fairy tales about failures of these nations.
In other words this is the BEST you DESERVE.
I asked someone here, about the prominent literature in science and philosophy of Iran around the time (before and after), when The Republic was being written by Plato. The answer that came back was shocking. It was claimed, Iran also had written five volumes of its own philosophy of life, politics and science but they were lost because only one copy existed and this copy got burnt or was lost in a rainy night or maybe dog ate it. Such mentality has not allowed us to progress. The mentality that assumes itself to be among the elites of the world and human civilization by default both now and historically. While the truth can not be further from this.
Forget about the jet engine. Take the case of electrical power. Billions and billions and then tens of billions and tens of billions of dollars have been invested in it by Iran. To the point that few countries go for instance Iran even bought the Siemens production line for turbine manufacturing at a tremendous cost which has not yet been revealed but I can safely say, must have been in billions. Universities and colleges have been built, that produce electrical engineers, even doctorates at tremendous cost to the nation whether this cost is being met by public funds from government or private funds of mommy and daddy, being actually irrelevant since it is the nation we are talking about. Billions were spent on setting up factories producing things like refrigerators or transformers.
The end result? Well, certainly a higher quality of life. But any change in destiny? Absolutely not. Despite spending zizzilion dollars in this regard, not even one Oleg Losev or Faraday or Tesla or Musk was born in Iran.
One wonders, if all this money has been spent wisely. For instance, if this money had been spent on daamparvari, keshavarzi, kozeh-gari, ghanat-kani, farsh-bafi and other traditional professions in Iran, the Iranian nation would certainly have been as happy as today, if not more. They would have had more to eat for less money. Like old times. Now, we have doctorates in electrical power who are politicians instead of being Oleg Losev, we have soldiers who are playing the part of Oleg Losev, the politicians who become soldiers and philosophers who are actually translators. Because none of these really loved what they went into. They went into these either to claim their share of rent money or to satisfy not the field they have gone into but another purpose eg. spiritual, religious, patriotic etc etc. That love and gheirat does not exist which allow for individuals to love something so much that allows them to progress in it.
Not that I am only pinpointing only electrical power. But also every other field. From medicine to dentistry. Kholaseh ma harfi barayeh goftan aslan nadarim. Na dar gozashteh na dar hal hazer. We can and should change the future though. This is the only rational thing and way. And it can not be done, if we start blaming others (eg akhonda, amrika, shah, etc etc) instead of accepting who we really are and start moving forward from there. For instance,
@New should think why after spending jijillion of dollars in his field, we could not have even one single Oleg Losev who despite having no formal training, no professional education, no funding, no support, while he was being prosecuted by a repressive political system, and while he starved to death and while he was living at the front line in World War II under Nazi shelling and bombardment, became Oleg Losev? Can
@New imagine an Iranian, who because of his family's association with Shah's regime was under prosecution by revolutionary government, who had no university education, who was working as a mere unimportant technician, who was living in Abadan/Ahvaz, who was under shelling and bombardment of Saddam, who had no support, then became Oleg Losev?
The day you will find the answer to these questions, is the day, you will design the state of the art engine which are now past the days of single crystal and are now going towards resin autoclave composites which make flexible turbine blades that change their structural shape at different turbine speeds under centrifugal forces, thus making the engine more efficient, less noisy and more durable. Or maybe designing the shape shifting engines which structurally adapt to air speed. Or maybe something else. But this all starts by accepting that we are today what we are.