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Iranian Chill Thread

What kind of a word is this ? :o:
Lol if you think this is something then you havent seen anything yet, those are the longest words in German dictionary. :)

1. Kraftfahrzeug-Haftpflichtversicherung
2. Donau-Dampfschifffahrtsgesellschaft
3. Rhein-Main-Donau-Großschifffahrtsweg
4. Arbeiterunfallversicherungsgesetz
5. Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz
6. Straßenverkehrs-Zulassungs-Ordnung
7. Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz
8. Steuervergünstigungsabbaugesetz
9. Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeit
10. Lebensversicherungsgesellschaft

There is also one with 63 Letters but isnt in the dictionary, its the name of a law in Germany. :cheesy:

As bonus: (wait till Ambulance :rofl:)

Jokes a side i heard that German grammar is one of the hardest in the world, i dont know if true but i can confirm that it is indeed a pain in azz. :lol:
Lol if you think this is something then you havent seen anything yet, those are the longest words in German dictionary. :)

1. Kraftfahrzeug-Haftpflichtversicherung
2. Donau-Dampfschifffahrtsgesellschaft
3. Rhein-Main-Donau-Großschifffahrtsweg
4. Arbeiterunfallversicherungsgesetz
5. Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz
6. Straßenverkehrs-Zulassungs-Ordnung
7. Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz
8. Steuervergünstigungsabbaugesetz
9. Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeit
10. Lebensversicherungsgesellschaft

There is also one with 63 Letters but isnt in the dictionary, its the name of a law in Germany. :cheesy:

As bonus: (wait till Ambulance :rofl:)

Jokes a side i heard that German grammar is one of the hardest in the world, i dont know if true but i can confirm that it is indeed a pain in azz. :lol:

Allah Allah..... ne tuhaf adamlar bunlar böyle yaw.....

I bet %99 of the Germans can't write it down correctly... :)

@Bismarck ??
Allah Allah..... ne tuhaf adamlar bunlar böyle yaw.....
The thing is those words are made of multiple single words but they are written without a space when it is describing one thing.

For exsample this:

Worker/Workplace accident insurance law.
Lol if you think this is something then you havent seen anything yet, those are the longest words in German dictionary. :)

1. Kraftfahrzeug-Haftpflichtversicherung
2. Donau-Dampfschifffahrtsgesellschaft
3. Rhein-Main-Donau-Großschifffahrtsweg
4. Arbeiterunfallversicherungsgesetz
5. Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz
6. Straßenverkehrs-Zulassungs-Ordnung
7. Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz
8. Steuervergünstigungsabbaugesetz
9. Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeit
10. Lebensversicherungsgesellschaft

There is also one with 63 Letters but isnt in the dictionary, its the name of a law in Germany. :cheesy:

As bonus: (wait till Ambulance :rofl:)

Jokes a side i heard that German grammar is one of the hardest in the world, i dont know if true but i can confirm that it is indeed a pain in azz. :lol:

Sure german is a difficult language, but i was able to learn german within 3 months. Of course at that time i was not really eloquent but i could understand everything and communicate with other people. Now after 11 years I am doing my Abitur.

Allah Allah..... ne tuhaf adamlar bunlar böyle yaw.....

I bet %99 of the Germans can't write it down correctly... :)

@Bismarck ??

It's easier than you think i would bet 20% but those have to be the most uneducated RTL people that live in germany
Sure german is a difficult language, but i was able to learn german within 3 months. Of course at that time i was not really eloquent but i could understand everything and communicate with other people. Now after 11 years I am doing my Abitur.
Well i didnt say impossible, i never took a single English class in my life, now try the same with German. :D
Wirklich? Dafür sprichst du besser Englisch als ich und ich werde es als Abiturfach haben :D
Oh you might be right :D
Yeah but learning English isnt very hard once you speak German, plus i used to watch Cartoons in English when i was a kid, learning a language in younger age is much easier.
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