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Iranian Chill Thread

Hey guys I can see the Fajr falcon is down already. :lol:
What a source of pride it was. :lol:
But you know what's important, the fact that we are ranked 15 in science. :lol:

It was a micro satellite ... which failed to do the job !

Failure is a normal thing for beginners !

Hey guys I can see the Fajr falcon is down already. :lol:
What a source of pride it was. :lol:
But you know what's important, the fact that we are ranked 15 in science. :lol:

It was a micro satellite ... which failed to do the job !

Failure is a normal thing for beginners !
Hey guys I can see the Fajr falcon is down already. :lol:
What a source of pride it was. :lol:
But you know what's important, the fact that we are ranked 15 in science. :lol:

I wouldn't worry about that. I would worry if launches are stopped or done once every 5 years or so.

Pride does not come with a single launch. It comes with how much money is being spent by a society on sciences.
@ResurgentIran @kollang @SOHEIL @1000

As I said before, I don't care for you or Shia sectarian Kuffar. I have lots of patience with you dirty people. Shut your phucking mouth, don't confuse me for other Arabs who will take your shit. You are lower than my slipper and so are your people. I lost all respect for you sectarian trash on IMF(after I backed you on PDF), I made posts mentioning Hamas and they were all being downvoted for no reason. I asked what was problem and was called 'nawbasi' 'Najidi' 'Wahabi' etc... I don't want anything to do with kuffar that can't respect my people or my government. And of course you still claiming that you support us and repeating your lies because you're still obsessed with us and want to claim that Hamas's work is actually Iran's. I left you all alone long time ago, learn how to not associate yourself with us. As you all openly boast of not supporting us and bashing Hamas and how Hamas is with Zionist Qatar. Good for you! Now let them be with Qatar and enjoy their misery! But you still can't do it! ha ha ha ha! :D

Your way of trying to cling to us is reminding us of situation in Palestine, evne though you've said over and over you no longer care. We get it, we aren't holy people. So why this obsession over us? Is it maybe because Hamas is only resistance amongst all of you and you want part of that name/glory they have? Sorry, no you won't get it. Mind your own business from now and I've done my part. I don't want to bash any of you so keep it that way.

You don't respect other people and their governments ( you call on all Arab governments to fall ) but you want others to respect you. This little animal thinks he's special. No one is obsessed with you or Hamas either, you're jumping on everyones back like a little animal, ban your useless emotions and stfu.
@ResurgentIran @kollang @SOHEIL @1000

As I said before, I don't care for you or Shia sectarian Kuffar. I have lots of patience with you dirty people. Shut your phucking mouth, don't confuse me for other Arabs who will take your shit. You are lower than my slipper and so are your people. I lost all respect for you sectarian trash on IMF(after I backed you on PDF), I made posts mentioning Hamas and they were all being downvoted for no reason. I asked what was problem and was called 'nawbasi' 'Najidi' 'Wahabi' etc... I don't want anything to do with kuffar that can't respect my people or my government. And of course you still claiming that you support us and repeating your lies because you're still obsessed with us and want to claim that Hamas's work is actually Iran's. I left you all alone long time ago, learn how to not associate yourself with us. As you all openly boast of not supporting us and bashing Hamas and how Hamas is with Zionist Qatar. Good for you! Now let them be with Qatar and enjoy their misery! But you still can't do it! ha ha ha ha! :D

Your way of trying to cling to us is reminding us of situation in Palestine, evne though you've said over and over you no longer care. We get it, we aren't holy people. So why this obsession over us? Is it maybe because Hamas is only resistance amongst all of you and you want part of that name/glory they have? Sorry, no you won't get it. Mind your own business from now and I've done my part. I don't want to bash any of you so keep it that way.

You dont want to "bash" any of us? Haha so what was all that vomit you just regurgitated. :disagree:
Try and make me "my phucking mouth."
I just agreed with you that Iran should disassociate itself from Hamas, and I have no qualms about it.
What glory have you achieved for us to claim anyway? You dont have a country and day by day settlements are increasingly encircling the Palestinian enclaves. That's a defeat.
Cant take your post seriously.
You dont want to "bash" any of us? Haha so what was all that vomit you just regurgitated. :disagree:
Try and make me "my phucking mouth."
I just agreed with you that Iran should disassociate itself from Hamas, and I have no qualms about it.
What glory have you achieved for us to claim anyway? You dont have a country and day by day settlements are increasingly encircling the Palestinian enclaves. That's a defeat.
Cant take your post seriously.

Yes it's defeat. Hamas betrayed Resistance and joined Zionist Qatar. We Iranians no longer want anything to do with Hamas or Palestinians. We Iranians and Shia will no longer call Hamas our proxy or claim we built their weapons for them or claim their resistance against Israel is actually our orders and work. We will leave them alone and stop obsessing with them. NOw we lost our Sunni supporters in world the Palestinians. It's going great. Now let's move on and let be. :)
@ResurgentIran @kollang @SOHEIL @1000

As I said before, I don't care for you or Shia sectarian Kuffar. I have lots of patience with you dirty people. Shut your phucking mouth, don't confuse me for other Arabs who will take your shit. You are lower than my slipper and so are your people. I lost all respect for you sectarian trash on IMF(after I backed you on PDF), I made posts mentioning Hamas and they were all being downvoted for no reason. I asked what was problem and was called 'nawbasi' 'Najidi' 'Wahabi' etc... I don't want anything to do with kuffar that can't respect my people or my government. And of course you still claiming that you support us and repeating your lies because you're still obsessed with us and want to claim that Hamas's work is actually Iran's. I left you all alone long time ago, learn how to not associate yourself with us. As you all openly boast of not supporting us and bashing Hamas and how Hamas is with Zionist Qatar. Good for you! Now let them be with Qatar and enjoy their misery! But you still can't do it! ha ha ha ha! :D

Your way of trying to cling to us is reminding us of situation in Palestine, evne though you've said over and over you no longer care. We get it, we aren't holy people. So why this obsession over us? Is it maybe because Hamas is only resistance amongst all of you and you want part of that name/glory they have? Sorry, no you won't get it. Mind your own business from now and I've done my part. I don't want to bash any of you so keep it that way.

Yes it's defeat. Hamas betrayed Resistance and joined Zionist Qatar. We Iranians no longer want anything to do with Hamas or Palestinians. Now let's move on and let be. :)

Now you are starting to get the hang of it. lol
But to be serious, dude I just dont care anymore. Have full relations with Qatar if you are of the belief it will promote Palestinian interests. Has nothing to do with me.
Godspeed and good luck to your people.
Dude I just dont care anymore. Have full relations with Qatar if you are of the belief it will promote Palestinian interests. Has nothing to do with me.
Godspeed and good luck to your people.

Yes it's defeat. Hamas betrayed Resistance and joined Zionist Qatar. We Iranians no longer want anything to do with Hamas or Palestinians. We Iranians and Shia will no longer call Hamas our proxy or claim we built their weapons for them or claim their resistance against Israel is actually our orders and work. We will leave them alone and stop obsessing with them. NOw we lost our Sunni supporters in world the Palestinians. It's going great. Now let's move on and let be. :)

Dude I just dont care anymore. Have full relations with Qatar if you are of the belief it will promote Palestinian interests. Has nothing to do with me.
Godspeed and good luck to your people.

That's fine. My comments weren't directed at you but at Iranians who bash Hamas yet claim they support them on IMF.
Yes it's defeat. Hamas betrayed Resistance and joined Zionist Qatar. We Iranians no longer want anything to do with Hamas or Palestinians. We Iranians and Shia will no longer call Hamas our proxy or claim we built their weapons for them or claim their resistance against Israel is actually our orders and work. We will leave them alone and stop obsessing with them. NOw we lost our Sunni supporters in world the Palestinians. It's going great. Now let's move on and let be. :)

Yes it's defeat. Hamas betrayed Resistance and joined Zionist Qatar. We Iranians no longer want anything to do with Hamas or Palestinians. We Iranians and Shia will no longer call Hamas our proxy or claim we built their weapons for them or claim their resistance against Israel is actually our orders and work. We will leave them alone and stop obsessing with them. NOw we lost our Sunni supporters in world the Palestinians. It's going great. Now let's move on and let be. :)

I dont believe Iran is obsessing because there is nothing to obsess about. "Palestine" (I put this in apostrophes because on the ground it does not exist, as it has been eaten away at by Israel) is of no great strategic value. There is no glory for us to claim because you still dont have a country. In fact, its going in the exact oppposite direction as I mentioned, as the West Bank gets smaller and smaller, whilst Gaza is getting more beleagured, this time with a hostile Egypt threatening your existense on the southern front. Some victory and glory for the people of "Palestine" there
Gaza is a besieged tiny dot on the map of 1 million people, where as Iran is a nation state of 80 million. The point being whatever relationship Iran has or HAD with Hamas, we were by far the senior partner. Thats why you are referred to as a proxy and not the other way around.

Like I said, enjoy your situation and let us now depart. Case closed. ;)

Sorry , no fancy pancy equipments here .

Guns , training , shades and a dragon-skin vest is all they get .

Yet they kill the shizzam outta our enemies :lol:
I dont believe Iran is obsessing because there is nothing to obsess about. "Palestine" (I put this in apostrophes because on the ground it does not exist, as it has been eaten away at by Israel) is of no great strategic value. There is no glory for us to claim because you still dont have a country. In fact, its going in the exact oppposite direction as I mentioned, as the West Bank gets smaller and smaller, whilst Gaza is getting more beleagured, this time with a hostile Egypt threatening your existense on the southern front. Some victory and glory for the people of "Palestine" there
Gaza is a besieged tiny dot on the map of 1 million people, where as Iran is a nation state of 80 million. The point being whatever relationship Iran has or HAD with Hamas, we were by far the senior partner. Thats why you are referred to as a proxy and not the other way around.

Like I said, enjoy your situation and let us now depart. Case closed. ;)
Its really hard to get resurgent pissed , he gets angry when the lines are crossed .

the same lines that remind every nutjob out there to STFU . hamsters are color-blinded i guess .
@haman10 @rahi2357 @rmi5 @ResurgentIran

Shoma rafte rafte darid felestini haro mishnasid...man be vasete ye daneshjuye IKIU(IK intl university) budan alan suri haro ham shenakhtam.

Avvalan, suri haye daneshgah tu daneshgah aslan be adam nega ham nemikonan va suri haye kelas aslan javabe salame maro ham nemidan.(bayad az nazdik bebinin ta bavar konin).hala etefaghan sare inke man be yekishon komak kardam sare ye qaziye edari, taraf ba man dust shodo salam alayk mikardim ba ham.hala bar khalafe in hazzy khan, un alaghe ye shadidi be sepaho hezbollah o inharfa(na Irani ha!) dasht.albate dayish ham khalabane mig-29 hast mesle inke.

Ta inke i jibe ino mizanan va kolli dolar (nazdike 1 toman) ham zaheran tush bude.vali police dar kam tar az 1 hafte ba peygiriye sefarat o VEZARATE OLUM pulesho peyda mikonan va tahvilesh midan! Khodayish age jibe mano shoma ro mizadand pul peyda mishod?khodayish?

Khob ta injash ke khub bud....vali hamin adam to jame aarabe kelas be arabi kolli fohsh nesare Irani ha mikone o mige man az Iran o Irani ha MOTENAFERAM.qafel az inke ma tu jamemun Iraniye arab zaban darim.

Beshkane in dast ke namak nadare.khak bar saremun ke ina ro darim har mikonim.ttttooooooofff

Shayad in bara shoma kheyli tekan dahande nabashe vali man alan daram atish migiram.vaghean khak bar sare mani ke bara in entekhab vahed kardam.khak bare sare man ke be in riazi resundam.

@rmi5 Taraf vojdanan nemidune antegral o moshtagh chian baad daran ba pule dollat tu daneshgah bargh mikhunan!!
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