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Iranian Chill Thread

lol , i donno bro :lol:

I'm a religious iranian , you're not religious but a nationalist (i love you soooo much resurgent :cray: :D ). thats why i follow the same vilayat faghih that saudis obsess about :D

my leader tell me to support palestine and i will , to my last breath . (you might find it moronic though , and you have every right to . still i have my reasons )

Haman dadasham, I love you like a brother regardless. :)
Haman dadasham, I love you like a brother regardless. :)
Me too , dadash .

Love you like a bro :)

I think you'd better ask her, bro.
مستند بانوی سنگ شکن !؟

Do you bro? do you?
Pathetic isn't it. There are literally millions of people like her around Iran. Yet, Serpi and others are too busy crying for a bunch of arabs to give a shit about her. Who cares about Iran, let's focus on the Zionist regime, arabs, Venezuela and building plastic carriers.

People in Balouchistan, Khouzestan, Hormozgan, Kerman etc... all live like people in Africa. I've been to Kerman before (my mom was born there) and it's shocking. It's like stepping foot in some African village or somewhere in Afghanistan after its civil war in the 90's. Truly pathetic.
Pathetic isn't it. There are literally millions of people like her around Iran. Yet, Serpi and others are too busy crying for a bunch of arabs to give a shit about her. Who cares about Iran, let's focus on the Zionist regime, arabs, Venezuela and building plastic carriers.

People in Balouchistan, Khouzestan, Hormozgan, Kerman etc... all live like people in Africa. I've been to Kerman before (my mom was born there) and it's shocking. It's like stepping foot in some African village or somewhere in Afghanistan after its civil war in the 90's. Truly pathetic.

Too much money going to leeches like @Falcon29 insulting those giving him rokets sitting his *** in JEW USA
Do you bro? do you?

Oh, I do, bro. Rest assured of that. But obviously, after a long discussion we had, you have not yet accepted the reality. That Iran was not at forefront of sciences 50 years ago (when there was a secular government in place) and is not now (when there is a religious government). Now you can go on and blame the current political ideology for it. I am much a deeper thinker and less an emotional reactionary to follow your lead. I rather rely on empirical data. :D
Pathetic isn't it. There are literally millions of people like her around Iran. Yet, Serpi and others are too busy crying for a bunch of arabs to give a shit about her. Who cares about Iran, let's focus on the Zionist regime, arabs, Venezuela and building plastic carriers.

People in Balouchistan, Khouzestan, Hormozgan, Kerman etc... all live like people in Africa. I've been to Kerman before (my mom was born there) and it's shocking. It's like stepping foot in some African village or somewhere in Afghanistan after its civil war in the 90's. Truly pathetic.
Mere sheer pathetic.
I hoped if people could understood. I hoped people could think.
Oh, I do, bro. Rest assured of that. But obviously, after a long discussion we had, you have not yet accepted the reality. That Iran was not at forefront of sciences 50 years ago (when there was a secular government in place) and is not now (when there is a religious government). Now you can go on and blame the current political ideology for it. I am much a deeper thinker and less an emotional reactionary to follow your lead. I rather rely on empirical data.
Some 50 years ago I was among the objectors and criticizers of the injustice and incompetency, and I still am, the question now is, are you among the criticizers of the injustice and corruption and the incompetency, these days?

And please don't go that direction as there was a reason I resigned this conversation in the past.
And who talked about science? From the 10,000 years ago till this last 50 years (literally something around 9950 years) we were not the 4th holder of the world biggest oil reserves, the 2nd owner of the world largest gas reserves and the top ranked hydrocarbon reserve holder of the entire universe, but now we are.
Some 50 years ago I was among the objectors and criticizers of the injustice and incompetency, and I still am, the question now is, are you among the criticizers of the injustice and corruption and the incompetency, these days?

Yes, I certainly do. But how did you assume, that I am not? Just curious to know. Where did I condone injustice, corruption and incompetency? And how did you assume that?

And please don't go that direction as there was a reason I resigned this conversation in the past.

You are most welcome to do that. I never objected to it. I saw it as truly fruitful. But this does not bar me from making empirical observation about it. After all what is the use of having a discussion if we can not discuss about the discussion itself?

And who talked about science? From the 10,000 years ago till this last 50 years (literally something around 9950 years) we were not the 4th holder of the world biggest oil reserves, the 2nd owner of the world largest gas reserves and the top ranked hydrocarbon reserve holder of the entire universe, but now we are.

I did. Look around yourself. The quality of life that you or abii aspire to have in Iran, is not possible without sciences. It is so elemental that even talking about it, is rather ridiculous.

Oil and gas actually are detrimental to long term interests of a nation which does not have a strong foundation in sciences. It causes the formation of economic rent (which is inevitable). Even in those nations with a highly diversified economy based on cutting edge science and technology, too much reliance on oil and gas has the potential to destroy the economy, see for example the Dutch disease. Having the world's largest hydrocarbon reserves is not a thing to take pride in. It is a resource curse and has to be looked at it exactly that way. Only those who recognize this as a curse, will be able to manage it properly (for example Norway).

If you think that by selling oil and buying short term comforts for a nation, you can change the destiny of a nation, then you clearly have a long way to go in understanding what science is and how economy and society work. Shah learned it the hard way. The case of IR is yet in the court of history.
The question here is, which one was a bigger waste of money, the invasion of the plastic aircraft carrier or the 50 kg radio that didn't even live to be a month old. I still think the plastic carrier was a bigger waste of money.

@New @rmi5 @Militant Atheist @500

What do you guys think? I'd love to know how much that carrier cost them and how much they spent on the idiotic operation.
All other countries use old decommissioned ships for such tests.
All other countries use old decommissioned ships for such tests.

Old decommissioned ships could not deliver the message that Iran wanted to send to American negotiators. That they should not see their aircraft carriers as a viable and cost free option to fail the talks. In other words, Iran is not Iraq or for that matter Grenada.
@haman10 @rahi2357 @rmi5 @ResurgentIran

Shoma rafte rafte darid felestini haro mishnasid...man be vasete ye daneshjuye IKIU(IK intl university) budan alan suri haro ham shenakhtam.

Avvalan, suri haye daneshgah tu daneshgah aslan be adam nega ham nemikonan va suri haye kelas aslan javabe salame maro ham nemidan.(bayad az nazdik bebinin ta bavar konin).hala etefaghan sare inke man be yekishon komak kardam sare ye qaziye edari, taraf ba man dust shodo salam alayk mikardim ba ham.hala bar khalafe in hazzy khan, un alaghe ye shadidi be sepaho hezbollah o inharfa(na Irani ha!) dasht.albate dayish ham khalabane mig-29 hast mesle inke.

Ta inke i jibe ino mizanan va kolli dolar (nazdike 1 toman) ham zaheran tush bude.vali police dar kam tar az 1 hafte ba peygiriye sefarat o VEZARATE OLUM pulesho peyda mikonan va tahvilesh midan! Khodayish age jibe mano shoma ro mizadand pul peyda mishod?khodayish?

Khob ta injash ke khub bud....vali hamin adam to jame aarabe kelas be arabi kolli fohsh nesare Irani ha mikone o mige man az Iran o Irani ha MOTENAFERAM.qafel az inke ma tu jamemun Iraniye arab zaban darim.

Beshkane in dast ke namak nadare.khak bar saremun ke ina ro darim har mikonim.ttttooooooofff

Shayad in bara shoma kheyli tekan dahande nabashe vali man alan daram atish migiram.vaghean khak bar sare mani ke bara in entekhab vahed kardam.khak bare sare man ke be in riazi resundam.

@rmi5 Taraf vojdanan nemidune antegral o moshtagh chian baad daran ba pule dollat tu daneshgah bargh mikhunan!!

inhaa kollan moshkel daaran. az ghadim ham hamin tori boudan(taaze alaan baaz ye kam motemadden tar shodan). yeki az bozorg tar haye doust haye man, hodoudan yek 80-90 saal e pish az Iran mire Iraq va ba'd az tarigh e Souriye(zamini) mikhaasteh bere oroupaa. Ta'rif mikardeh ke yek shab vasat e raah, be jaayi nemiresan ta inke yek khouneh ye roustaayi peyda mikonan va miran ounjaa. taraf ghabouleshoun mikoneh va ba ham mashghoul e sohbat mishan va taraf azashoun miporseh ke shia hastid ya na? in agha ham aghlesh mireseh va migeh na. ba'd e yek chand vaght, in souriye i migeh ke khoub shod ke shia naboudi, chon man ba khodam nazr kardeh boudam ke ta zendeh hastam, 2 ta shia bekosham, va emshab ham hosele ye in kaar ha ra nadaashtam!

@kollang @Abii @others
Migan ke meymoun har chi zesht tare, adaa va atvaaresh bish tare. in geda goudouleh ha ham har chi geda tar hastan, por rou tar ham hastand. in ham hekaayat e in aaghaayoun hast. kollan be noun e moft khordan va por tavaghgho' boudan aadat kardand.

What do you guys think? I'd love to know how much that carrier cost them and how much they spent on the idiotic operation.
Man fekr mikonam(daghigh nemidounam) ke in keshti ra baraaye yek filmi saakhtan, ba'd ke kaar tamoum shodeh, azash be onvaan e target estefaadeh kardand.

Ma tu daneshgamun beyne 300 ta 400 ta faghat suri darim.ba dotashunam ham kelasiyam va dar kol 10 11 tashuno mishnasam.hala khodet begu...man bishtar mishnasameshun ya shoma?

Na, refighemun un moghe be ru khodesh nayovord va ella kheshtakesho parcham mikardim to jam.

@Daneshmand taraf alaviye!

Kollan in souri ha pan-Arab hastand. Ageh maajaraa haye marbout be doreh ye Jamal Abd Alnaser va jomhouri ye mottahed e Arab ba yaman va mesr ra yaadetoun baasheh, midounid ke chera inhaa markaz e pan-arabism boudeh va hastand. Haalaa nefrat e mazhabi va ... ra ham ezaafeh kon, in misheh natijash. Arab haye shaam va jazirat alarab kollan did e doshmanaaneh be Iran daarand. In albatteh baraaye arab haye shomaal e africa va jonoub e araagh intor nist.
got all these blurays for free. Gotta love retarded people.
Some of them are shit, but free is fucking free. Interested to watch Body of Lies. The lovely Golshifte Farahani plays in that one if I'm not wrong.
The question here is, which one was a bigger waste of money, the invasion of the plastic aircraft carrier or the 50 kg radio that didn't even live to be a month old. I still think the plastic carrier was a bigger waste of money.

@New @rmi5 @Militant Atheist @500

What do you guys think? I'd love to know how much that carrier cost them and how much they spent on the idiotic operation.

خوب خدا رو شکر که حرف ما رو این دوست عرب ما اثبات کرد. آقایان ببینید من واسه بار دهم می گم، من چندین کشور بودم، دوران دانشجوییمم با افراد مختلفی از سراسر جهان در تماس بودم. هیچکجای دنیا مثل اعراب از ما نفرت ندارند. من نمی دونم که چرا شما چسبیدید به این فلسطین و ول نمی کنید. اقا جان بفهمید، سنی از شیعه خوشش نمیاد. اومدین کشور دوست و برادر اسرائیل رو دشمن کردید و چسبیدید به ماتحت یک مشت تروریست و بعد همون ها اومدند برای عراقی ها جنگیدند. ورژن اسلام شما با ورژن "صحیح" اسلام همخوانی نداره! ایرانی هستیم! عجم هستیم! بفهمید! امثال الحسنی نمونه از خروار هستند که من باهاشون سروکار داشتم. دوتا کشور خارجی برید، با دو نفر سروکار داشته باشید، اینقدر توی رویا به سر نبرید! توی این منطقه ما دوتا دوست داریم از لحاظ استراتژیک! ترکیه و اسرائیل! من نمی دونم دیگه با چه زبونی بگم این حرفهارو
خوب خدا رو شکر که حرف ما رو این دوست عرب ما اثبات کرد. آقایان ببینید من واسه بار دهم می گم، من چندین کشور بودم، دوران دانشجوییمم با افراد مختلفی از سراسر جهان در تماس بودم. هیچکجای دنیا مثل اعراب از ما نفرت ندارند. من نمی دونم که چرا شما چسبیدید به این فلسطین و ول نمی کنید. اقا جان بفهمید، سنی از شیعه خوشش نمیاد. اومدین کشور دوست و برادر اسرائیل رو دشمن کردید و چسبیدید به ماتحت یک مشت تروریست و بعد همون ها اومدند برای عراقی ها جنگیدند. ورژن اسلام شما با ورژن "صحیح" اسلام همخوانی نداره! ایرانی هستیم! عجم هستیم! بفهمید! امثال الحسنی نمونه از خروار هستند که من باهاشون سروکار داشتم. دوتا کشور خارجی برید، با دو نفر سروکار داشته باشید، اینقدر توی رویا به سر نبرید! توی این منطقه ما دوتا دوست داریم از لحاظ استراتژیک! ترکیه و اسرائیل! من نمی دونم دیگه با چه زبونی بگم این حرفهارو
Are baba. If you teleport all Iranians outside the country for a week and let them see the world as it is and talk to people who the regime says they should hate, and those that they are supposed to love, they would all return changed men and women. Of course everything you said in your post is word of god, but koo ooshe shenava.

Got rid of your car yet? Do you even need a car in NYC? Don't most people just take a cab around?
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