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Iranian Chill Thread

I've heard about this alleged 'Islamization' of Turkiye under Erdogan - Can you give me some examples of it ? :what:

It is a process in the making. You can just google it, there are hundereds of thousands of articles on it.
It is a process in the making. You can just google it, there are hundereds of thousands of articles on it.

I did read a couple of them but they seemed to be more infused with 'rhetoric' than anything concrete and none of them quoted any examples of what policies Erdogan adopted or laws he made that could be characterized as Islamization.

I got the impression that the AKP is like the Republican Party of the US i.e they're Socially Conservative on some issues but other than that they didn't really come across as a Religious party ! :undecided:
It is a process in the making. You can just google it, there are hundereds of thousands of articles on it.

State only 1 example of law, or even 'law motion' that would be accepted as 'islamization'.

He made the country more secular and less Islamic, considering that he even removed the ban of having sex with women other than your legal wife.
I did read a couple of them but they seemed to be more infused with 'rhetoric' than anything concrete and none of them quoted any examples of what policies Erdogan adopted or laws he made that could be characterized as Islamization.

I got the impression that the AKP is like the Republican Party of the US i.e they're Socially Conservative on some issues but other than that they didn't really come across as a Religious party ! :undecided:

I really don't feel like getting into such discussion.

Religious Affairs to receive larger budget share than 11 major ministries - LOCAL

Just accept this as one of the better examples of thousands of others that I can come up with.

There are 14 posts of Xenon in that thread;
Russia is pushed against the wall, Turkey is the only big country left in western sphere where you can do businees, Turkey definately has the advantage here, i dont see Russia controlling anything except crimea.

Or how do you explain the surprise discount on gas Putin promised to Turkey?

Wait, do you say Israel will be a bigger help to Azerbaijan than Turkey in a war against Russia, did i understand it correctly?

Well, good luck then, i have nothing more to add if you really think Turkey isnt already doing this since years.

Dont forget to tell us how many volunteers Israel sent to you if a war happens.

Rüzgar Birliyi - Vikipediya

No need to be unfriendly to Armstrong, he is one of the nices persons in PDF.

Dude i like you and dont want to offend you and other Azeri brothers that why in not going to drag this any further, just so you know, Turkish suport to Azerbaijan goes beyond every other country, favouring Israel over Turkey regarding help to Azerbaijan is laughable to say the least.

As is said, im not going to drag this any further, there are things you dont know about, it would be different if you could read Turkish since not everything between Turkey and Azerbaijan is being published in english.
Ofcourse Pakistan is on Azeri side but Turkey is the biggest supporter of Azerbaijan, be it political or military.

Bro this whole discussion is ridiculous, i mean show me another exsample of a country that represents the citizens of another country in his consulates worldwide as if they were their own citizens, thats how deep the bond between Turkey and Azerbaijan is, Turkey is supporting Azerbaijan wherever it can, claiming something else is unfair, not to mention comparing it to Israel thats only behind business.

The pipeline from Russia is not a treat to Azerbaijan at all, it wouldnt be the first pipeline from Russia to Turkey, the current projects between Turkey and Azerbaijan will be realized and much more cooperation will follow im dead sure.

About Turkemens, yes the goverment was slow with help and we all went berzerk (with we i mean people in Turkey) about it if you remember, but its not true to claim they did nothing, they got secret weapon deliverys which was declared as delivery to isis by international media after it got uncovered by our own military btw, they have been offered refugee in Turkey, and built a camp inside Iraq.

About Azeri flags, it was FIFA that forbid it to avoid a political scandal, the treatment of the collected flags from fans which we also consider it as our honor was indeed shameful and got heavily critisized by left and right.

Turkey is unconditionally ready to share everything regarding military tech with Azerbaijan, ofcourse we cant supply them with all their needs but we do what we can and we are improving in many fields regarding military tech, Azerbaijan will get all of this if they want it once its aviable, there wont be any weapon system Turkey wouldnt give to Azerbaijan, i would bet my head off for this.
Not to mention sharing NATO standart military schooling and helping building up a army structure.

After indepence from Soviet union many instituions in Azerbaijan be it regarding state or economy was built up with Turkeys help, the first that comes to my mind is Azercell, Azerbaijans biggest phone company which was established in cooperation with Turkcell, there are many more exsamples which i dont even know.

Other thing is Turkey is also supporting Azerbaijan in international politics no matter what topic and trying to represent Azerbaijani interests as much as possible and would oppose any decision against Azeris.

The question is, why did we all this? Not because Azerbaijan is any other caucasus state, it is something special for us, there are surely also economic interests behind it but its not reason enought for all this.

Now can you say Israel is doing all this for Azerbaijan? No you cant, because all Israel did is selling you weapon systems and buying your oil, thats by far not enough to even compare it to Turkish support.

Im very uncomfortable to mention all this and i wish i could hold my promise not to drag this any further and believe me i still hold myself back and deleted some parts just not to be offensive but what you are claiming here is like a slap in our face.

And how exactly does it act against Azerbaijans interests? Turkey is a relatively big country with increasing enegy hunger, add also that Turkey wants to become a hub for Gas supply to Europe, why would Turkey refuse such a offer?
If Tanap was cancelled for the sake of Russians then i would understand your concerns but every once a year we hear about a new project between Turkey and Azerbaijan, there is absolutely no reson for you to be worried.
Besides Turkey having something to pressure Russia in case of a war with Armenia is only positive for Azerbaijan.

Turkish governor blocks police search on Syria-bound truck reportedly carrying weapons - LOCAL

Turkmen refugees in Turkey:

Syrian Turkmen seek refuge in Turkey Anadolu Agency

Camp for Turkmens:

Turkey builds camp for Iraqi Turkmen refugees | Turkey Agenda

FIFA bans Azeri flags at Turkey -Armenia football match - PanARMENIAN.Net

Which part of it is surprising?
For me it is not, its naturally.

Well, I disagree with this one. When Azerbaijan got sanctioned by Europeans, Turkey did nothing to oppose it, or did not try to receive arms exports license from europeans.
What exactly could Turkey do to stop Europe from imposing sanctions? Turkey itself got sanctioned and couldnt do anything against it, hell even Russia tasted it.

Bro, I fully know how jewish lobby in USA has started to help Azerbaijani ambassador to have lobby power in USA. In the recent visit of Azerbaijan ambassador to east coast cities, he was accompanied by the Israeli ambassador, and he was introduced to jewish community in each city in order for receiving their help for Azerbaijan. ;) Israel has far more lobby power than Turkey in the world. BTW, I don't know what else you expected from Israel to do for us?
Israel has more lobby power thats true but what did they do for Azerbaijan exactly? Turkey on the other hand always defended Azerbaijan at every opportunity.

I am a realistic person, dude. Although I can write many nice words in a 24/7 basis, but I prefer to write bitter truth as well.
I dont want your nice words just be fair, im sure every Azeri here in forum except you will agree with me about what i wrote above because they know the reality between Azeri-Turkish relations. Small incidents like you mentioned to prove why Israel is more reliable than Turkey will happen but it will stay a small incident that wont drive us apart.

Your unconditional trust in Israel and hate for Turkeys goverment makes you biased, sry to say this but it is what it is.

I on my part dont have the smallest doubt about Turkish Azeri brotherhood. :)

Thats what that guy is claiming, nothing with Azerbaijan will be cancelled, not for the sake of Russians.

Camps inside Iraq? right? That's what I was saying. BTW, no arm is sent to Turkmens, at all.
Yeah helping wherever they need it, its not like Turkmens who seek refugee in Turkey will be denied, there are already Turkmen refugees in Turkey.

And Turkmens got no weapons because the convoy was stopped by military who thought it was weapon smuggling because it was a covered mission by intelligence.

That's just a lame excuse as I said before. BTW, I have seen no law to throw our flag into trash bin.
No its the reason why it was collected in the first place, and it was not a trash bin but a box for collecting the flags which still was the wrong way to do it but i already wrote about the reaction.
People clashed with police just not to give Azeri flag away and got tear gassed, as i said you just look at the things as it fits you.

You are comparing 2 unrelated cases. So, how can Israel use western tech and sell to us, but you get trapped in sanctions? Think about it.
Is it our fault? Israel can even do things that can be considered as war crimes, such as violating UN resolutions and get avay with it.

What opportunity?
I have seen countless speeches of Erdogan where he is defending Azerbaijan, even in Europe.

OK, sorry dude, but you cannot handle serious discussions and get emotional and personal. Better to only contact each other in chill threads.
You still didnt answered how Israel is more reliable in helping Azerbaijan than Turkey even thought Turkey did thousand times more for Azerbaijan that Israel, no bro i think i can handle it quite good, and yes i got emotional, how could i not by such a dissapointing claim?

About other Azeri members, I just want to burst your delusion bubble(if there is any), and tell you that I doubt if half of them have a more positive view than me regarding your government.
Well, two of them who read it agreed already.

Bro i just tell you that you will be dissapointed if you really think Israel can replace Turkey for Azerbaijan regarding Karabakh, you are dead wrong.

Bro dont jump into that blaming train, thats what i meant with im holding back with replys because i dont wanna reply in same fashion as rmi5, Azerbaijan isnt able to do anything for these people, they arent to blame and their reaction is understandable.

No hes is just making a guess what might happen in future no fact in it, as i said no project with Azeris is going to be cancelled for the sake of Russians.

Operation Entebbe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Even though operation entebbe was successfull and deserves to be applauded for its well execution i dont think Israelis will do anything near as this for Azeris, if you seriously believe Israel will do anything in favour of Azeris without seeking any profit behind it then your living in delusion.

Dude, what I am saying is the bitter truth.
No your claiming things that turns out to be wrong.

Well nothing is cancelled or did i miss something?

Come on man ... is it supposed to be a joke? intelligence agency in every single country of the world can solve such issue with two phone calls in less than 10 minutes. If not, you need to throw both of them out .
The problem is its still a illegal weapon smuggling and the fact that the weapons were heading to Turkmens to fight Isis doesnt change anything, now there is a investigation about it.
Things would have ended different if they had openly declared the weapon support for Turkmens just as Germany did to Pesh but at that time hostage crisis was there and isis wanted to attack Suleyman Shah Tomb which on the other hand would make it silly to do so.

What it has to do with my comment?
Just pointing out why your comment doesnt make sense.

What hypocrisy? The case is very simple. Turkey is driving in the wrong way. So, she should not expect EU, and USA to be in favor of her. That's really simple. It is called simple common sense.
Also, I don't have non-sense anti-semitism sentiments.
It is a hypocricy if Europe allows the country X to export their weapons with European parts to a sanctioned country but forbids it to the country Y.
And bro dont play the anti-semitism card to me, im immune against it since im the first one to oppose any kind af racism and facism.

Why should israel do such things for us? :lol: We already have an intelligence agency and special forces for such cases.
BTW, I don't remember Turkey to sell us cobras freely. No one is supposed to have business with no profits.
Then i dont know what you are expecting from Israel to do for Azerbaijan what Turkey didnt do already, and the fact that you ignore all the things what Turkey did for Azerbaijan is, well, i dont know what i should call it.

Bro look im going to end this here, im tired of repeating myself, i feel like we are in a discussion in Iranian section, you are a member i like but you are not objective, your hate for Turkish goverment makes you blind for all the things Turkey did, doing and trying to do for Azerbaijan, you dont do a favor to anyone with this behavior and you obviously dont wanna accept how wrong you are with these claims.

I dont wanna have bad blood with you, i dont know maybe your angry at me now which i hope not, im not angry at you but im honest with you, you are biased on certain things and even come up with ridiculous claims to back your wrong arguments.
Lets end it here before any Azeri brother gets mad because of our discussion i shouldnt have dragged it that far in the first place, we the people and the Turkish Republic wants only the best for our brothers, good night.

That backward state has a higher GDP per capita than China, just for info

And not a single insult towards Azeris or Azerbaijan..... I can't recognize you anymore....
Obviously he was having a bad day :) From what I can tell @Armstrong was at the recieving end of his anger more than Turkey :D
Well that bad day lasted till recently where he called Turkey a terrorist country and made Turks responsible for Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict.

Look buddy, i actually decided to ignore him but its just going too far, what i know is in 2013 he was Iranian just start reading this very thread from first page and see it yourself, in 2014 he became Azeri, 2015 might be the year of India who knows, decide yourself if its worth to listen to this person.
Well that bad day lasted till recently where he called Turkey a terrorist country and made Turks responsible for Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict.

Look buddy, i actually decided to ignore him but its just going too far, what i know is in 2013 he was Iranian just start reading this very thread from first page and see it yourself, in 2014 he became Azeri, 2015 might be the year of India who knows, decide yourself.

He does that from time to time; remember his Anti-Pakistan tirade where he went from being extremely Anti-Iran to being more Ayatollah than the Ayatollahs just because I replied to some random Iranian's Anti-Pakistan vitriol without abusing or insulting Iran mind you !
Well that bad day lasted till recently where he called Turkey a terrorist country and made Turks responsible for Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict.

Look buddy, i actually decided to ignore him but its just going too far, what i know is in 2013 he was Iranian just start reading this very thread from first page and see it yourself, in 2014 he became Azeri, 2015 might be the year of India who knows, decide yourself if its worth to listen to this person.

Okay, that might be too much but, şimdi kimse de Türkiye hiçbir şekilde, dolaylı ya da dolaysız hiçbir terör örgütüne destek vermemiştir diyemez.

Yeah, I remember the times he used Iranian flag, nothing wrong about it since he was born there. I don't remember him being a mullah fanboy though. You are being a bit unfair. Let's just say he was having a tough day and leave it at that.
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