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Iranian Chill Thread

You said we're fucked up for 1400 years but I suggest you to read both Parthian and Sasanian empires' history ( especially their last centuries ) to see how our civilized country was like before Islam.

Is that what they teach you in school nowadays? That the Parthians and Sassanids were barbarians, and Islam changed everything? It is the other way around. Islam destroyed Iran, as has been reported by several historians, and indirectly by our poets. We have nothing in common with that religion.
Is that what they teach you in school nowadays? That the Parthians and Sassanids were barbarians, and Islam changed everything? It is the other way around. Islam destroyed Iran, as has been reported by several historians, and indirectly by our poets. We have nothing in common with that religion.

Iran was in corruption before islam
I appreciate it if you explain which part is BS and hope that my friend Abii posts his opinions whenever he can .

You said we're fucked up for 1400 years but I suggest you to read both Parthian and Sasanian empires' history ( especially their last centuries ) to see how our civilized country was like before Islam .

I don't get why people judge everything based on the ones follow it . Most of the Americans and westerns judge Islam based on what Al Qaede does instead of basing their judgement on Qur'an . The same goes for people like you that judge Islam based on what IR does that is nonsense cos Islam is just a tool and cover for the so called IR .

I don't know whether you are one of those basijis like Soheil or not. If you are one of them, don't care about other people's opinion, and do not consider my reply. But, if you are not one of them and sincerely want to know about history of your country and what islam has done to Iran, I can mention some "aayaat" of Quran and history books of muslims, and you would see whats beyond the veil of islam. Iranians problem is that they cannot read Arabic text, maybe even afraid of that language, and they have not read those texts. Although most of those books are translated to persian, most of the Iranians do not read them, because of ....
Anyways, If you want to know about it, reply to my quote by a yes, and I will mention some useful and necessary history and religious lessens for all of us, Iranians. ;) In this case, basijis should not whine about it and cry wolf. because it is a free discussion thread, and when I suggested to open this thread, I meant every concern of Iranians can be discussed here.
man kolli dar mored in harf :

motale'e kardam ... kos sher hast !

valla inja man chizi joz tohin va tohmat nadidam !

agar ham matni ke neveshtam ro khob bekhoni mibini ke shenakhte jaame va kaameli az shoma daram :

you said:
100% ham motma'en hastam ke baz be tohin haton edame midid

after that , you said:
motale'e kardam ... kos sher hast

It seems that you need to look up dictionary for the meaning of "tohin".
If you guys can't act civil here, It won't be a problem to close this thread any minute.

I said you can talk about anything, but I didn't know insulting religions or beliefs is also part of this 'free discussion'.
So please keep religion (no matter what) out of it or this thread will be gone for good.

DO NOT use insults for anything, literally, or I should act contrary to my desire and ban someone, as one member is already banned.

Serpentine, You were not fair my friend, you let basijis to say anything they want (personal insult like what soheil is doing, and insulting iranian history like what salman is doing), and when Abii responded to them with anger, you banned Abii.
Anyways, religion is an important part of Iranians concerns, and discussing about it, is not considered as insulting religion. you need to let people say whatever they want unless when it turns to PERSONAL insults.

Iran was in corruption before islam

I didn't expect to hear anything else from an Iraqi.
Serpentine, You were not fair my friend, you let basijis to say anything they want (personal insult like what soheil is doing, and insulting iranian history like what salman is doing), and when Abii responded to them with anger, you banned Abii.
Anyways, religion is an important part of Iranians concerns, and discussing about it, is not considered as insulting religion. you need to let people say whatever they want unless when it turns to PERSONAL insults.

I didn't expect to hear anything else from an Iraqi.
I am half iraqi my father is iranian and read about last Sassanid century
you said:

after that , you said:

It seems that you need to look up dictionary for the meaning of "tohin".

In chizi ke gofti be estelah kose sher hast !

kose sher dar mavagheii bekar miravad ke harf besyar ajib va gheir vagheii baashad !
I don't know whether you are one of those basijis like Soheil or not. If you are one of them, don't care about other people's opinion, and do not consider my reply. But, if you are not one of them and sincerely want to know about history of your country and what islam has done to Iran, I can mention some "aayaat" of Quran and history books of muslims, and you would see whats beyond the veil of islam. Iranians problem is that they cannot read Arabic text, maybe even afraid of that language, and they have not read those texts. Although most of those books are translated to persian, most of the Iranians do not read them, because of ....
Anyways, If you want to know about it, reply to my quote by a yes, and I will mention some useful and necessary history and religious lessens for all of us, Iranians. ;) In this case, basijis should not whine about it and cry wolf. because it is a free discussion thread, and when I suggested to open this thread, I meant every concern of Iranians can be discussed here.

Ya ! educate us !

Are you blind !?

mentioned guy insulted me 3 times ... no responses from me !
In chizi ke gofti be estelah kose sher hast !

kose sher dar mavagheii bekar miravad ke harf besyar ajib va gheir vagheii baashad !

I think we all know persian language very well. I do not need someone to teach me about it.

Ya ! educate us !

I don't know whether you are one of those basijis like Soheil or not. If you are one of them, don't care about other people's opinion, and do not consider my reply.
@S00R3NA ... you got that !?

Got what ?
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Serpentine, You were not fair my friend, you let basijis to say anything they want (personal insult like what soheil is doing, and insulting iranian history like what salman is doing), and when Abii responded to them with anger, you banned Abii.
Anyways, religion is an important part of Iranians concerns, and discussing about it, is not considered as insulting religion. you need to let people say whatever they want unless when it turns to PERSONAL insults.

Kose sher = nonsense !

nonsense is not an insult in my dictionary !!!

shoma harf haii ke oon be man goft (tazi/malakhor/...) ro tohin nemidonid !?

haaaa !?

hadde aghal mesl ye mard bahs kon na ba khale zanak bazi !!!

in harfayii ke oon dostet dar morede eslam / payambar / emam hussein zad ro age kasi jeloye room bezane ... rosh ye harekati mizanam ke adress khonash yadesh bere !

Got what ?

their problem is Islam !
Not agree with this part :

IR is not the problem ...

Your view is respectable . I myself believe in a religious system WHERE THE WHOLE NATION or a huge percent of the society follows that ideology or religion but Iran is not like that now ( maybe 20 - 30 years ago ) .

Lets not talk about IR as it'll be an endless discussion with no result , By the way I neither support nor oppose that as every system has both advantages and disadvantages .
@SOHEIL check your dictionary brother ... :whistle:

1.Words that make no sense.
2.Used to show strong disagreement: "“Nonsense! No one can do that.”".
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Iran was in corruption before islam

You can't name me one empire/dynasty that didn't know corruption in the 5th or 6th century. Until the Arabs/Muslims came, raping Iranian women, enslaving them and conversing them to their desert religion. Which eventually led to Iran's downfall of a world/regional superpower, and we almost lost our language and national identity.

There will come a time that Shiism will be forced to the background in Iran.

And Iran today is more corrupted than any period in its history. We rank along the most corrupted states in the world, like Azerbaijan and various African countries. Islam doesn't have a answer to corruption.
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