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Iranian Chill Thread

Yeah but whats the green stuff.
that's mint.but not required just for decoration ;)


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Yeah but whats the green stuff.
Dugh ("dawghe" in Neo-Aramaic), ayran or dhallë is a yogurt-based, salty drink popular in Iran, KurdistanAlbania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan,Pakistan, Bangladesh, Macedonia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. It is made by mixing yogurt with water and (sometimes) salt. The same drink is known as doogh in Iran and in some parts of Kurdistan; tan in Armenia; laban ayran in Syria and Lebanon;shenina in Iraq and Jordan; laban arbil in Iraq; majjiga (Telugu), majjige (Kannada), and moru (Tamil and Malayalam) in South India; namkeen lassi in Punjab and all overPakistan. A similar drink, doogh, is popular in the Middle East between Lebanon, Iran, and Iraq; it differs from ayran by the addition of herbs, usually mint, and is sometimes carbonated, commonly with carbonated water.
Source: Yogurt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lol i just checked the ayran wiki and it showed an ayran from mc donalds.

Ayran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Omg you kidding? It's super popular here and it's called Doogh, I thought it's originally an Iranian drink, although it's called Ayran in Turkish countries, don't know the differences. In Iran, it's sometimes carbonated and also mint is added to make it more delicious. I just finished drinking a huge glass of Doogh with my lunch, it's awesome bro. :D

Doogh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dugh ("dawghe" in Neo-Aramaic), ayran or dhallë is a yogurt-based, salty drink popular in Iran, KurdistanAlbania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan,Pakistan, Bangladesh, Macedonia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. It is made by mixing yogurt with water and (sometimes) salt. The same drink is known as doogh in Iran and in some parts of Kurdistan; tan in Armenia; laban ayran in Syria and Lebanon;shenina in Iraq and Jordan; laban arbil in Iraq; majjiga (Telugu), majjige (Kannada), and moru (Tamil and Malayalam) in South India; namkeen lassi in Punjab and all overPakistan. A similar drink, doogh, is popular in the Middle East between Lebanon, Iran, and Iraq; it differs from ayran by the addition of herbs, usually mint, and is sometimes carbonated, commonly with carbonated water.
Source: Yogurt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We call it Lassi in India, yoghurt, sugar, rose flavour and sometime topped with cherry.
Kitaro is on a tour in Tehran, last night was his first performance, I think there will be another one tomorrow night, not sure. I love his music:






@Nihonjin1051 Is he popular in Japan itself too? His music is popular and adored here, with some of which, we were raised always having them in our minds as if they have been always there.
@Abii @rahi2357
Hey guys, I saw these proud full statistics, and I guess you guys might be happy seeing them too:
Efficiency at most:

مدیرکل بهزیستی فارس از رشد ۴. ۲۶ درصدی طلاق در استان در سال ۹۲ نسبت به سال ۹۱ خبر داد و گفت: وجود این آمار‌ها در شأن استان و جایگاه سومین حرم اهل بیت (ع) نیست.
مرتضی موسوی سه‌شنبه ۲۲ مهرماه در جمع خبرنگاران گفت: سال ۹۲ به نسبت سال ۹۱ شاهد رشد ۴. ۳ همسر آزاری، ۴۱ درصدی کودک آزاری، ۶۷ درصدی فرار از منزل، ۱۰ درصدی زنان آسیب دیده اجتماعی، ۲۵ درصدی خودکشی و رشد منفی ۴ درصدی ازدواج را شاهد بوده‌ایم.
وی اضافه کرد: در استان فارس با افزایش میزان طلاق در سه سال اول زندگی به ویژه در سال اول رو به رو هستیم که هشداری جدی برای برنامه ریزی جامع و دقیق‌تر در جهت تحکیم و ثبات بنیان خانواده دارد.
مدیرکل بهزیستی فارس همچینن با اشاره به کاهش سن شیوع اعتیاد به ۱۱ سال، خاطرنشان کرد: وجود این آمار‌ها در شأن استان و جایگاه سومین حرم اهل بیت (ع) نیست.​
@Abii @rahi2357
Hey guys, I saw these proud full statistics, and I guess you guys might be happy seeing them too:
Efficiency at most:

مدیرکل بهزیستی فارس از رشد ۴. ۲۶ درصدی طلاق در استان در سال ۹۲ نسبت به سال ۹۱ خبر داد و گفت: وجود این آمار‌ها در شأن استان و جایگاه سومین حرم اهل بیت (ع) نیست.
مرتضی موسوی سه‌شنبه ۲۲ مهرماه در جمع خبرنگاران گفت: سال ۹۲ به نسبت سال ۹۱ شاهد رشد ۴. ۳ همسر آزاری، ۴۱ درصدی کودک آزاری، ۶۷ درصدی فرار از منزل، ۱۰ درصدی زنان آسیب دیده اجتماعی، ۲۵ درصدی خودکشی و رشد منفی ۴ درصدی ازدواج را شاهد بوده‌ایم.
وی اضافه کرد: در استان فارس با افزایش میزان طلاق در سه سال اول زندگی به ویژه در سال اول رو به رو هستیم که هشداری جدی برای برنامه ریزی جامع و دقیق‌تر در جهت تحکیم و ثبات بنیان خانواده دارد.
مدیرکل بهزیستی فارس همچینن با اشاره به کاهش سن شیوع اعتیاد به ۱۱ سال، خاطرنشان کرد: وجود این آمار‌ها در شأن استان و جایگاه سومین حرم اهل بیت (ع) نیست.​
And the saddest part is that their main focus is on the rate of divorce when there's a 41 percent increase in child abuse, 67 percent rise in running away and a 25 percent increase in suicides!!!!

Akhoonds and their followers are fucked.

What the ****? Weren't they arrested?
No matter how awesome it was, it could still cause a heart attack or something.
Forget heart attacks man. In the US half the people carry weapons and it's legal. This was almost certainly in a state where "open carry" is illegal. If it was in Southern US, the pranksters would have been shot almost instantly. People that are running away could jump in front of cars and get hit. There's like a thousand things wrong with this.
And the saddest part is that their main focus is on the rate of divorce when there's a 41 percent increase in child abuse, 67 percent rise in running away and a 25 percent increase in suicides!!!!
ٌWhen the people are asked "where is the God?"
They are often told to reply "The God is not visible, you can just feel him through his marks".
I don't know what happens to the same people when they are asked about the efficiency and effectiveness of the systems, whey can't these people comprehend this question in the same fashion?
Recently I was busy reading a book on Iran's history during 1280 to 1310, the fall of Qajars and the emergence of Pahlavis, astonishing is the fact that in those periods, also all the blames for all the misery and backwardness were supposed to be on the imperials of the west and east.
Once I've read a sentence from Abbas Milani (the famous writer) that I would never forget;
شبح شایعه و گمان توطئه هر دو فرزندان ناخلف عصر بی خبریند.
Maybe we are all born in the wrong place and at the wrong time.
ٌWhen the people are asked "where is the God?"
They are often told to reply "The God is not visible, you can just feel him through his marks".
I don't know what happens to the same people when they are asked about the efficiency and effectiveness of the systems, whey can't these people comprehend this question in the same fashion?
Recently I was busy reading a book on Iran's history during 1280 to 1310, the fall of Qajars and the emergence of Pahlavis, astonishing is the fact that in those periods, also all the blames for all the misery and backwardness were supposed to be on the imperials of the west and east.
Once I've read a sentence from Abbas Milani (the famous writer) that I would never forget;
شبح شایعه و گمان توطئه هر دو فرزندان ناخلف عصر بی خبریند.
Maybe we are all born in the wrong place and at the wrong time.

Iran has always suffered from two groups of people, first group is those people who look the other side greener like a moth through the light I mean western wannabes, although they seek a developed Iran they have no respect for Iran , the second group are completely against any kind ov interaction with outside world as if they are some divine gifts from sky and the others are bad ...
It's crystal clear that Iran and Iranian folks are first to blame when it comes to the roots of our problems, not to mentioned we don't live in a void and outside would effect us too.

@New @rmi5 @Serpentine

You guys need to see this. It's a prank video. I really think the guys that did this need to be arrested.

OMG! what would be your reaction if one of the victims were you?

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