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Iranian Chill Thread


What are you trying to prove man? You don't believe? Not my problem, but why are you trying to hate on us guys that believe? Chill out. Live and let live bro.
I sensed a challenge. Had to be answered.
I sensed a challenge. Had to be answered.

I hope you will come back to Islam one day, man. Your heart is golden, but some of your thoughts are not right. Anyways, Eid Mubarak to you. And I don't care If you are Muslim or not. For my Eid holiday, I just had some kebabs and soda, and no hamburger from the US can compete!!
I hope you will come back to Islam one day, man. Your heart is golden, but some of your thoughts are not right. Anyways, Eid Mubarak to you. And I don't care If you are Muslim or not. For my Eid holiday, I just had some kebabs and soda, and no hamburger from the US can compete!!
Come back? Can't go back to something that I never had. You're not born into a fantasy, you learn it and sell yourself to it. I never went down that path to begin with.

Got the Kabab part right though. Minus 1 point for the soda. Lassi not good enough for ya or what?
Come back? Can't go back to something that I never had. You're not born into a fantasy, you learn it and sell yourself to it. I never went down that path to begin with.

Got the Kabab part right though. Minus 1 point for the soda. Lassi not good enough for ya or what?

Nigga you told me you were of Quran Hafez, and stopped believing. I may have gotten it wrong, but whatever.

Anyways **** dat. Kebab over hamburger any day. Lassi we drink for digesting food, but after that we drink tea. And Alhamdulilah, we have kebabs and tea. Americans really don't understand what they are missing out on. :D
Nigga you told me you were of Quran Hafez, and stopped believing. I may have gotten it wrong, but whatever.

Anyways **** dat. Kebab over hamburger any day. Lassi we drink for digesting food, but after that we drink tea. And Alhamdulilah, we have kebabs and tea. Americans really don't understand what they are missing out on. :D
Nah dude, that must have been someone else. Heck, only one of my grandparents is Muslim and that's as far as it goes with our family when it comes to the arab religion.

Indeed, kabab >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else.

I've had lassi before, but it was very different from our "doogh." But I thought Pakistanis and Indians had two versions. The one I had was yogurt and mango and it was thick. Our doogh has extremely low viscosity and it's salty as opposed to sweet. You guys have anything like ours or are all your versions sweet and fruity?
Nah dude, that must have been someone else. Heck, only one of my grandparents is Muslim and that's as far as it goes with our family when it comes to the arab religion.

Indeed, kabab >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else.

I've had lassi before, but it was very different from our "doogh." But I thought Pakistanis and Indians had two versions. The one I had was yogurt and mango and it was thick. Our doogh has extremely low viscosity and it's salty as opposed to sweet. You guys have anything like ours or are all your versions sweet and fruity?

Uh us guys in the villages of Pakistan have only 2 types of Lassi. Salty and sweet. Most people drink the salty. The problem with you guys in west is that you see Pakistan and Indian as same. But you guys are so wrong. We are not only racially, and religiously different, but we are culturally different. Being born in Pakistan, Abii, I can show you some things that Pakistani peasants share with Iranians, regarding food. But I am 100% sure you have probably never experienced it.

We could use your excellent information regarding air warfare. My suggestion is that if you have the time, please make more informative threads regarding Iran's air warfare, current and future plans and etc.

Thanks for your contribution. We could use your help much more if you visited here more often.

Dear Serpentine,
Thank you for your confidence; however, I am sure there are plenty of enthusiasts here in the forum who can perform that job better than me. But "chashm" I will do my best. :-)
@Sinan @MOHSENAM @rmi5 @kollang @Shahryar Hedayati

There has been a troll-fest going on between some members from both sides and BOTH are guilty for it.
So either continue your troll wars in ME section and get banned for it or stop it right here, right now.

There are other members who use this thread for other purposes and are sick of this non sense.

Hama ro ba ye choob nazan, un umad be man goft "moron" albate manam hesabi javabesho dadam...

one Turkish member insult iranians
and then some one mistakenly insult Turks
and we Convince him not to insult Turk.....
take it easy

صلوات بفرست
FYI, I know Farsi language very well.
So I can translate what kollang and mohsenam were saying. So avoid lying.
Anyway, I agree with serpentine, it is getting annoying, just trolling needs to be left alone.
So, continuing this discussion is useless. ;)


There has been a troll-fest going on between some members from both sides and BOTH are guilty for it.
So either continue your troll wars in ME section and get banned for it or stop it right here, right now.

There are other members who use this thread for other purposes and are sick of this non sense.

There has been a troll-fest going on between some members from both sides and BOTH are guilty for it.
So either continue your troll wars in ME section and get banned for it or stop it right here, right now.

There are other members who use this thread for other purposes and are sick of this non sense.
Enayat, bargard military.terrorist age ba harfe hesab moshkel dari.
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