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Iranian Chill Thread

In post tuie in thread bude? koja ersal shode daghighan ke man nadidamesh? tuie report ha negah kardam az 3shanbe hafte pish hich poste jadidi report nashode bud! hatman kharej az in section bude ke on dg masuliate man nist.
Pakesh kard vali az unjayi ke shoma mituni postaye pak shode ro ham bebini linke bala taghdim be shoma.

Alan on post ro didam va karbare khati yek warning daryaft kard. dg niazi be edame dadanesh nist.
Ahsant hamin kafiye.kollan yekam mohkam tar bahashun raftar koni be kasi bar nemikhore;)
Keep this thread out of it please.

Guys, look at these pics, apparently they are the 'rich kids of Tehran' as the name suggests. lol

Welcome to the other side of 'Islamic Republic of Iran'. :lol:
@New @S00R3NA @rahi2357


View attachment 105347
In a liberal economy those pics are the result of proper functioning of the system,
But in a closed, state owned monoculture economy like Iran, those kinda pic's mean corruption, inefficiency and social gap.
Keep this thread out of it please.

Guys, look at these pics, apparently they are the 'rich kids of Tehran' as the name suggests. lol

Welcome to the other side of 'Islamic Republic of Iran'. :lol:
@New @S00R3NA @rahi2357


View attachment 105347

Hey everyone ,

تو شهری که یه عده باید برای یه لقمه صبح تا شب سگ دو بزنن تا اخر ماه دوزار بندازن جلوشون یه عده داف های میلیونی میزنن زمین و با ماشین های میلیاردی دور دور می کنن .

Tragic but funny .

We could use your excellent information regarding air warfare. My suggestion is that if you have the time, please make more informative threads regarding Iran's air warfare, current and future plans and etc.

Thanks for your contribution. We could use your help much more if you visited here more often.
My atheist nigga, it's about sacrificing a lamb or sheep and feeding the poor. To spread goodwill and food.
Nigga, that better not be a challenge, cuz:

On basic questions of morality and human decency— issues such as governmental use of torture, the death penalty, punitive hitting of children, racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, environmental degradation or human rights — the irreligious tend to be more ethical than their religious peers, particularly compared with those who describe themselves as very religious.

Atheists and agnostics are more driven by compassion to help others than are highly religious people, a new study finds.

Denmark, which is among the least religious countries in the history of the world, consistently rates as the happiest of nations. And studies of apostates — people who were religious but later rejected their religion — report feeling happier, better and liberated in their post-religious lives.
in all economic systems around the world the social gap is exist and it's a bad thing
Of course about Iran ......THE SOCIAL GAP IS HUGE

but let see the other good sight of rich Iranians
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