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Iranian chief of staff Major General Baqeri arrives in Moscow, New military deal on the way

India too skipped SU-35 and upgrading SU-30 instead to SU-35/SU-57 standard as part of Super Sukhoi upgrade program.

Iran should consider S-350 instead of S-300
S-350 is not what you think,it is medium range air defence..not class of S-300....it will replace early version of S-300 P and PT variant..those are with max range 75 and 120km in Russia ,it is intended to make integration easier with less cost

Here is how it goes S-300 has two lines...P family developed for air defence and V for army,S-300V was intended to protect army large units close to battlefield,outside IADS..so it was developed on tracked high mobile TEls with ABM added to the system,that is why V has dedicated giant missiles(TEL with 2 larger lunchers)for ABM and also one more batalion level high altitude engagment radar,something no P family has,including S-400...from P version PT,PM,PMU1,PMU2 and PMU3 was developed ,latter they renamed PMU3 to S-400 for marketing reasons...while from V VM,antey 2500 and S-500 was developed,S-500 still in development and it will be aero space defense,with ABM included..After S-400 was finished,they redeveloped new PMU2 with same tech as S-400 for easy interconnection and integration,while they stoped production for all other variants..That is version Iran got,and that is why it is only PMU2 with SA-20C designation...it is different and more capable than original PMU2 developed from PMU1. Now,they also developed medium range S-350 to replace their P and PT variants at low cost,they share some components as command and control units,terminals ..etc with S-400 so they can integrate everything ,S-400 can be added at higher level as force multiplier..they did it in Syria..deployed S-300 and other AD with some S-400 at IADS level. In short..best you have below S-400 is PMU2...not S-350..PMU2 is same as S-400 with just two different radars and additional missile
This is best I can explain difference,most confusing is PMU2 version,since one is developed from PMU1 and latter they completly redeveloped it backwards from S-400 for integration and compability,and they probably count on export market..since now if you buy PMU2 you can always upgrade whole network...Russian PMU2 counterpart is PM2
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Right now, especially with China's economic issues and energy supply issues,

In what planet do you live on that China has significant economic issues compared to the bloated Evil Empire or any major G-10 economy?

China is literally setting the world record for most amount of ships being built in their shipyards for its navy. No offense....but China wipes it’s a$$ with 2B dollars...go look at it’s defense budget.

So if you think China is desperate to seal a paltry arms deal with Iran you are not living in reality. China would rather set 2B of its own money on fire, then ruin its geopolitical agenda to sell Iran arms. And this imaginary energy crisis? Non existent...it has access to energy from many markets including Iran’s Arab rivals like Saudi Arabia and has since increased its imports from Russia a key anti West world order firewall.


Iran is not so critical and important to China like you guys to believe. They are mostly an “added bonus” to China’s energy demands. If they can buy great, if they can’t oh well. If they can take advantage of Iran’s desperate situation and get heavily discounted oil....I mean what country doesn’t like a bargain? But If tommorrow Iran’s oil production was zero. China would continue humming along.

So no, there isn’t this desperate need for an arms based on some perceived economic and socioeconomic weakness in China. They are the emerging number 1 superpower both economically and militarily by end of this decade.
Not true. KSA has the most modern air force in the muslim world.
Well it is better to say.
KSA doesnt have combat capable air force at all..they have a lot of new fighter jets...but without foreign contractors they are capable maybe to wash and clean those aircrafts..and that is not air force...it is giant car wash enterprise. I watched some video clips recently published by some foreign contractors ,they show training in KSA for different units...I did not expected to see some good capabilities since i know their military is not something....but what I saw was completely unexpected to me,it show paratroopers where more than half unit was afraid to jump from aircraft..many fall while simple walking in line...shooting practice ...whele everyone there probably was forced to sign non liability statement,it was disaster..There are still some of these clips online at YT...I suggest everyone watch before mention KSA and military capabilities in same sentence.
Well it is better to say.
KSA doesnt have combat capable air force at all..they have a lot of new fighter jets...but without foreign contractors they are capable maybe to wash and clean those aircrafts..and that is not air force...it is giant car wash enterprise. I watched some video clips recently published by some foreign contractors ,they show training in KSA for different units...I did not expected to see some good capabilities since i know their military is not something....but what I saw was completely unexpected to me,it show paratroopers where more than half unit was afraid to jump from aircraft..many fall while simple walking in line...shooting practice ...whele everyone there probably was forced to sign non liability statement,it was disaster..There are still some of these clips online at YT...I suggest everyone watch before mention KSA and military capabilities in same sentence.
Worthless personnel or not, it doesn't stop KSA from simply using contractors as you say.

Before the U.S. soured on the yemen conflict, the U.S. was sending contractors to fly the F-15s.
Worthless personnel or not, it doesn't stop KSA from simply using contractors as you say.

Before the U.S. soured on the yemen conflict, the U.S. was sending contractors to fly the F-15s.
Yes till you follow their orders...as soon you start on you own...they start withraw air defence assets...than if you dont became nice doggy they will remove support and sanction you....No country can be considered military worthy if it doesnt have at minimum capabilities to train personel on its own,operate all its assets without external support,do small maintenance on its own and can support military operations at minimum inside sovereign teritory it claim...Now,you can hire contractors,send personel to train in other countries for sake of boosting capabilities but at minimum you must maintain capabilities I mention on your own because no can guarantee you will have support tomorrow...and as you can see in Yemen,KSA now must negotiate from very weak position just because US President publicly said US will not support KSA in Yemen...So US can send pilots to fly in Yemen but in what if they go to war with country that can punch KSA but also those that support it??You think US will send pilots if KSA engage Israel(well this will never happen but just for sake of making point) or Iran,it is just stupid to relay so much on foreign assistance when they can build own capabilities...but it is country without constitution, without institutions, named by ruling family...I always recall Syran FM speach in UN...quote "Can you imagine country named Asadia.."
Yes till you follow their orders...as soon you start on you own...they start withraw air defence assets...than if you dont became nice doggy they will remove support and sanction you....No country can be considered military worthy if it doesnt have at minimum capabilities to train personel on its own,operate all its assets without external support,do small maintenance on its own and can support military operations at minimum inside sovereign teritory it claim...Now,you can hire contractors,send personel to train in other countries for sake of boosting capabilities but at minimum you must maintain capabilities I mention on your own because no can guarantee you will have support tomorrow...and as you can see in Yemen,KSA now must negotiate from very weak position just because US President publicly said US will not support KSA in Yemen...So US can send pilots to fly in Yemen but in what if they go to war with country that can punch KSA but also those that support it??You think US will send pilots if KSA engage Israel(well this will never happen but just for sake of making point) or Iran,it is just stupid to relay so much on foreign assistance when they can build own capabilities...but it is country without constitution, without institutions, named by ruling family...I always recall Syran FM speach in UN...quote "Can you imagine country named Asadia.."
If Iran's strategy is always hoping KSA is incompetent consistently and forever, they are simply gambling.

If U.S. drops support of KSA, I'm sure KSA can find contractors from other countries.

Plenty of people want to be fighter pilots but there are very few positions to be one.

I'm sure KSA can hire russians to man S400s if necessary.
In middle East,most powerful military is possessed by Egypt.Seeing that Egyptian whole military buildup is focused more on Israel so I still have hope that Egypt can take on Israel or at least can stop them to make Greater Israel.Regarding Hammas,they are just guerilla fighters with some rockets and fighting a guerrilla war is a shame in itself.

Egypt has the most modern air force in Muslim world even more advance than Turkey.so i think at the end of day,its only Arabs who will stop Israel.
Yes you provided them rockets but not confronted Israel directly.So its only Egyptian state military which will confront Israel in war.

As persians are usually anti Arabs and vice versa so your perception is only based on emotions.I will repeat its Arabs war and at the end of day Arabs will actually confront Israel not Iran.When war will be inevitable,Arabs will certainly fight and their historical fighting track record suggests that they can and will fight.

Arab states are either uninvolved, have concluded peace treaties with or are de facto allied to the zionist entity. They have capitulated in this regard.

Even the Muslim Brotherhood's Muhammad Morsi, during the short period in which he was in charge in Cairo, did not really reverse this policy. Instead, he even sent a cordial letter to Shimon Peres:

Israel has no real conflict with Iran so Iran will not fight Israel directly.
Again you have no real issue with Israel, imagine tomorrow Israel brings some good deal for you certainly you will happily accept it if it benefits you then Hammas or other such insurgencies will not get help from Iran and its Arabs who will fight.

Isra"el"'s conflict with Iran is of an outright existential nature, it's among the most intense types of antagonism conceivable. Tel Aviv's aim is not just "regime change" in Iran, but to bring about the disintegration of the Iranian nation-state and civilization and to relegate them to history books for all eternity.

Major zionist think tanks counseling the regime are open about it, as seen for instance in the following paper from the Begin-Sadat Center:

As for trying to defeat the zionist regime in a head on conventional war, this would be a short sighted, counter-productive endeavour. The Arab-Isra"el"i wars of the 1960's and 1970's prove why. The same countries which supply Arab states including Egypt with their military arsenals have a guiding principle: to make sure that no matter what they sell to these Arab regimes, Isra"el" will maintain its so-called "strategic edge". But nowadays this is secondary anyway, given how Arab states with a few token exceptions have given up on Palestine and on confronting the zionist regime.

The only way to defeat this regime, which represents in fact the most powerful entity on the planet - if we include international zionism and its multiple networks and linkages to other infrastructural global power centers, is through asymmetrical strategies and tactics.

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The variant of S-300 Iran purchased from Russia is the most advanced export variant, comparable to the S-400 export variant but the difference is that Iran has the codes and does not need to rely on Russia in the slightest.

As far as I know, the S-300 variant Iran received is not an export model but was sourced directly from the Russian armed forces' own stock. It's not downgraded in any way and is 100% the real thing.

Yes Iran would be happy if Israel concluded a reasonable peace deal with the Palestinians.

I doubt it. Unless that peace deal institutes a single democratic Palestinian state and allows refugees to return. Iran, at least the revolutionary core of the establishment ie Supreme Leader, IRGC and arzeshi factions (not western-apologetic liberals), is in line with seyyed Hassan Nasrallah's declaration that Hezbollah will never recognize the zionist regime, even if the Palestinian Resistance chooses to.
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Arab states are either uninvolved, have concluded peace treaties with or are de facto allied to the zionist entity. They have capitulated in this regard.

Even the Muslim Brotherhood's Muhammad Morsi, during the short period in which he was in charge in Cairo, did not really reverse this policy. Instead, he even sent a cordial letter to Shimon Peres:

By this video's reference I want to make some points (derived from above Video (Pakistani top history narrator and analyst))
1-Arabs of this age are extremely different from Arabs of 60s.why?
Mainly due to reason that their main strength was oil but now major superpower of World USA is self relient in oil production (also exports oil).In past wars,Arabs screwed US up by Oil embargo but now that's not the case.so Arabs can't really take back their land back from Israel when USA is also supporting Israel.so Arabs have no choice but to make peace treaty with Israel.Arabs can't match Israel and US in technology.so what they are doing is that make peace treaty with Israel so that it can't expand more.

2- Second reason is economy.as oil was their main strength but now their hegemony in oil export seems ending so they want some alternatives for which they require huge investments.Andguess what Jews are historically famous for making huge investments in countries.So to support their 2030 vision project they need world trade organization in which Israel is major player.so they need Israel.

3- Third reason is Iran.In 60s ,Arabs considered Israel their worst enemy but after regime change in iran,their worst enemy is Iran (according to modern day Arabs). As Iran can block their oil trade through Hormus, they want some partner.Asyou know enemies enemy is friend so Arabs think they can take technological and strategic help from Israel which is supperior to its enemies in technology.So to make its trade routes safe,they need Israel.

These are the reasons why Arabs need Israel.But considering Iran's technological power ,their rockets (provided to Hammas insurgency) are not going to take on Israel so Arabs have another alternative also that is Egypt.They are helping to arm Egyptian forces .

As i earlier said whenever war will happen ,it will be Arabs who will fight not Iran.Israeli enemity with Iran is just to show that they are very aggressive towards their enemy.Israel also can't take on Arabs because just see their weapons they can stop Israel from advancing but no one can take land back from them.well after all they are a nuclear power.These few jews can completely demolish Arabs and Iranians from Erath so peace treaty is the only way for Arabs for a foreseeable future.

By this video's reference I want to make some points (derived from above Video (Pakistani top history narrator and analyst))
1-Arabs of this age are extremely different from Arabs of 60s.why?
Mainly due to reason that their main strength was oil but now major superpower of World USA is self relient in oil production (also exports oil).In past wars,Arabs screwed US up by Oil embargo but now that's not the case.so Arabs can't really take back their land back from Israel when USA is also supporting Israel.so Arabs have no choice but to make peace treaty with Israel.Arabs can't match Israel and US in technology.so what they are doing is that make peace treaty with Israel so that it can't expand more.

2- Second reason is economy.as oil was their main strength but now their hegemony in oil export seems ending so they want some alternatives for which they require huge investments.Andguess what Jews are historically famous for making huge investments in countries.So to support their 2030 vision project they need world trade organization in which Israel is major player.so they need Israel.

The main protagonists of the Arab-Isra"el"i wars of the 1960's and 1970's ie Egypt and Syria have had no considerable oil incomes. But at any rate this all points to the fact that Arab states are unlikely to reverse their appeasement and capitulation policy vis a vis Isra"el".

3- Third reason is Iran.In 60s ,Arabs considered Israel their worst enemy but after regime change in iran,their worst enemy is Iran (according to modern day Arabs). As Iran can block their oil trade through Hormus, they want some partner.Asyou know enemies enemy is friend so Arabs think they can take technological and strategic help from Israel which is supperior to its enemies in technology.So to make its trade routes safe,they need Israel.

And this is their biggest mistake. Then again, they are in a really hard place, given that they are essentially US client regimes and that Washington wouldn't take it lightly if they tried to join Iran.

As i earlier said whenever war will happen ,it will be Arabs who will fight not Iran.

Iran's already fighting Isra"el" militarily through local allies. And on every other level (diplomatic, intell, economic, soft war etc) conflict is raging between Iran and the zionist regime.

Why should a war break out between Isra"el" and the Arab states? For this to happen the entire geopolitical order in the region would have to turn upside down. But there's no indication for the possibility of such an event.

Israeli enemity with Iran is just to show that they are very aggressive towards their enemy.

Arab states are no longer enemies or even adversaries to Isra"el", with the exception of Syria and far away Algeria. They are either uninvolved with the Palestinian cause on the military level, or have signed peace treaties with Tel Aviv. It's Iran that the zionist regime considers its enemy.

Israel also can't take on Arabs because just see their weapons they can stop Israel from advancing but no one can take land back from them.well after all they are a nuclear power.These few jews can completely demolish Arabs and Iranians from Erath so peace treaty is the only way for Arabs for a foreseeable future.

But why would the zionists want to attack Arab states which are already within their orbit and have capitulated to them? When it comes to weapons, as said the suppliers of Arab regimes always have Tel Aviv's so-called "strategic edge" in mind. Secondly, there's on-paper weapons capability, and then there's the question how well an army can use them, how sound its doctrine and strategy are. In all these fields, Arab states aren't a match for the zionist entity.

Iran is resisting the zionists in spite of their nuclear weapons. Arab states can't cite this as a valid reason to capitulate the way they have.
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