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Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

No casualties is different from no damage. The damage is likely in the hundreds of millions of dollars if Pentagon said 10 made direct hits. Planes/buildings/etc.

That base cost billions to build.

US is not interested to stay in Iraq. They already scaled down their military presence in the last 2 years or so. All US wants is to punish Iran thru cruise misisles, drone strikes and air attacks.
People who are saying USA is hiding casualties are idiots and delusional

USA can hide one or two casualties but it is impossible that they can hide dozens of casualties

Don't be a BJP and modi supporter
Are you on crack? 2 US bases are being vaporized as I write this comment. Lay off drugs for a while.

Chill dude, and stop your exaggeration and BS. No one is vapourizing anyone. You will hear in due time what the REAL situation is.
If there are US casualties the US will deny it and claim none. This is part of the response to prevent publicizing an an enemy attack and giving the enemy battle damage assessment results.
Mullah Azam Tariq from the Sectarian Sipah e Sahaba in Pakistan once said

*You're free to piss on my grave if Iran ever hits at the US*

Time to drink some water ahmm..
How on earth Iran hits a base still fails to kill American Soldiers. Because USA isn't admitting any loss as of now.

The US would be unlikely to admit any losses anyway. To do so would cause them to force their own hand. But, most likely, any casualties will be small in number. They already started evacuating some of their forces. They prepared for this attack and they knew it was coming.

Right now, this looks just like what Iran said it was going to do. They will have inflicted significant damage to at least one base. Early signs signal that the US looks like it is going to accept the response (or perform small cyber-attack) and the situation will de-escalate. Iran will continue to push towards securing strategic gains. That means pushing the US out of Iraq and Syria.
All my feelings say that this is a plan to destroy Iraq's territorial integrity rather than an Iranian-US conflict.
are we sure these were missiles of just flares or left over new year fire work ?? doesnt make sense, no casualities ?

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